var PETRA = function(m) { /** * Manage the research */ m.ResearchManager = function(Config) { this.Config = Config; }; /** * Check if we can go to the next phase */ m.ResearchManager.prototype.checkPhase = function(gameState, queues) { if (queues.majorTech.length() !== 0) return; var townPhase = gameState.townPhase(); var cityPhase = gameState.cityPhase(); if (gameState.canResearch(townPhase,true) && gameState.getPopulation() >= this.Config.Economy.popForTown - 10 && gameState.findResearchers(townPhase,true).length != 0) { var plan = new m.ResearchPlan(gameState, townPhase, true); plan.lastIsGo = false; plan.onStart = function (gameState) { = "growth"; }; plan.isGo = function (gameState) { var ret = gameState.getPopulation() >= gameState.Config.Economy.popForTown; if (ret && !this.lastIsGo) this.onGo(gameState); else if (!ret && this.lastIsGo) this.onNotGo(gameState); this.lastIsGo = ret; return ret; }; plan.onGo = function (gameState) { = "townPhasing"; }; plan.onNotGo = function (gameState) { = "growth"; }; queues.majorTech.addItem(plan); } else if (gameState.canResearch(cityPhase,true) && gameState.getTimeElapsed() > (this.Config.Economy.cityPhase*1000) && gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker", true).length > 85 && gameState.findResearchers(cityPhase, true).length != 0 && queues.civilCentre.length() === 0) { var plan = new m.ResearchPlan(gameState, cityPhase, true); plan.onStart = function (gameState) { }; queues.majorTech.addItem(plan); } }; m.ResearchManager.prototype.researchPopulationBonus = function(gameState, queues) { if (queues.minorTech.length() !== 0) return; var techs = gameState.findAvailableTech(); for (var tech of techs) { if (!tech[1]._template.modifications) continue; // TODO may-be loop on all modifs and check if the effect if positive ? if (tech[1]._template.modifications[0].value !== "Cost/PopulationBonus") continue; if (this.Config.debug > 0) warn(" ... ok we've found the " + tech[0] + " tech"); queues.minorTech.addItem(new m.ResearchPlan(gameState, tech[0])); break; } }; m.ResearchManager.prototype.researchTradeBonus = function(gameState, queues) { if (queues.minorTech.length() !== 0) return; var techs = gameState.findAvailableTech(); for (var tech of techs) { if (!tech[1]._template.modifications || !tech[1]._template.affects) continue; if (tech[1]._template.affects.indexOf("Trader") === -1) continue; // TODO may-be loop on all modifs and check if the effect if positive ? if (tech[1]._template.modifications[0].value !== "UnitMotion/WalkSpeed") continue; if (this.Config.debug > 0) warn(" ... ok we've found the " + tech[0] + " tech"); queues.minorTech.addItem(new m.ResearchPlan(gameState, tech[0])); break; } }; // Techs to be searched for as soon as they are available m.ResearchManager.prototype.researchWantedTechs = function(gameState, queues) { var techs = gameState.findAvailableTech(); var techName = undefined; for (var tech of techs) { if (!tech[1]._template.modifications) continue; var template = tech[1]._template; if (template.modifications[0].value.indexOf("ResourceGatherer/Capacities") !== -1) { techName = tech[0]; break; } else if (template.modifications[0].value === "ResourceGatherer/Rates/food.grain") { techName = tech[0]; break; } else if (template.modifications[0].value === "Health/RegenRate") { techName = tech[0]; break; } else if (template.modifications[0].value === "BuildingAI/DefaultArrowCount" && template.affects.indexOf("Tower")) { techName = tech[0]; break; } } if (!techName) return; if (this.Config.debug > 0) warn(" ... ok we've found the " + techName + " tech"); queues.minorTech.addItem(new m.ResearchPlan(gameState, techName)); }; m.ResearchManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, queues) { this.checkPhase(gameState, queues); if (queues.minorTech.length() !== 0 || % 4 !== 0) return; this.researchWantedTechs(gameState, queues); if (gameState.currentPhase() < 2) return; var techs = gameState.findAvailableTech(); for (var tech of techs) { var techName = tech[0]; if (techName.indexOf("gather_mining_servants") !== -1 || techName.indexOf("gather_mining_shaftmining") !== -1) { queues.minorTech.addItem(new m.ResearchPlan(gameState, techName)); return; } } if (gameState.currentPhase() < 3) return; // remove some tech not yet used by this AI for (var i = 0; i < techs.length; ++i) { var techName = techs[i][0]; if (techName.indexOf("heal_rate") !== -1 || techName.indexOf("heal_range") !== -1 || techName.indexOf("heal_temple") !== -1 || techName.indexOf("unlock_females_house") !== -1) techs.splice(i--, 1); } if (techs.length === 0) return; // randomly pick one. No worries about pairs in that case. var p = Math.floor((Math.random()*techs.length)); queues.minorTech.addItem(new m.ResearchPlan(gameState, techs[p][0])); }; return m; }(PETRA);