var AEGIS = function(m) { m.TrainingPlan = function(gameState, type, metadata, number, maxMerge) { if (!, gameState, type, metadata)) return false; this.category = "unit"; this.cost = new API3.Resources(this.template.cost(), this.template._template.Cost.Population); this.number = number !== undefined ? number : 1; this.maxMerge = maxMerge !== undefined ? maxMerge : 5; return true; }; m.TrainingPlan.prototype = Object.create(m.QueuePlan.prototype); m.TrainingPlan.prototype.canStart = function(gameState) { if (this.invalidTemplate) return false; // TODO: we should probably check pop caps var trainers = gameState.findTrainers(this.type); return (trainers.length != 0); }; m.TrainingPlan.prototype.start = function(gameState) { //warn("Executing TrainingPlan " + uneval(this)); var self = this; var trainers = gameState.findTrainers(this.type).toEntityArray(); // Prefer training buildings with short queues // (TODO: this should also account for units added to the queue by // plans that have already been executed this turn) if (trainers.length > 0){ trainers.sort(function(a, b) { var aa = a.trainingQueueTime(); var bb = b.trainingQueueTime(); if (a.hasClass("Civic") && !self.template.hasClass("Support")) aa += 0.9; if (b.hasClass("Civic") && !self.template.hasClass("Support")) bb += 0.9; return (aa - bb); }); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.base !== undefined && this.metadata.base === 0) this.metadata.base = trainers[0].getMetadata(PlayerID,"base"); trainers[0].train(this.type, this.number, this.metadata); } this.onStart(gameState); }; m.TrainingPlan.prototype.addItem = function(amount) { if (amount === undefined) amount = 1; this.number += amount; }; return m; }(AEGIS);