var g_CivData = {}; function init(settings) { initCivNameList(); } // Sort by culture, then by code equals culture and then by name ignoring case function sortByCultureAndName(a, b) { if (a.culture < b.culture) return -1; if (a.culture > b.culture) return 1; // Same culture // First code == culture if (a.code == a.culture) return -1; if (b.code == b.culture) return 1; // Then alphabetically by name (ignoring case) return sortNameIgnoreCase(a, b); } // Initialize the dropdown containing all the available civs function initCivNameList() { // Cache map data g_CivData = loadCivData(); var civList = [ { "name": civ.Name, "culture": civ.Culture, "code": civ.Code } for each (civ in g_CivData) ]; // Alphabetically sort the list, ignoring case civList.sort(sortByCultureAndName); // Indent sub-factions var civListNames = [ ((civ.code == civ.culture)?"":" ") for each (civ in civList) ]; var civListCodes = [ civ.code for each (civ in civList) ]; // Set civ control var civSelection = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("civSelection"); civSelection.list = civListNames; civSelection.list_data = civListCodes; civSelection.selected = 0; } // Function to make first char of string big function bigFirstLetter(str, size) { return '[font="sans-bold-'+(size+6)+'"]' + str[0] + '[/font]' + '[font="sans-bold-'+size+'"]' + str.substring(1) + '[/font]'; } // Heading font - bold and mixed caps function heading(string, size) { var textArray = string.split(" "); for(var i = 0; i < textArray.length; ++i) { var word = textArray[i]; var wordCaps = word.toUpperCase(); // Check if word is capitalized, if so assume it needs a big first letter // Check if toLowerCase changes the character to avoid false positives from special signs if (word.length && word[0].toLowerCase() != word[0]) textArray[i] = bigFirstLetter(wordCaps, size); else textArray[i] = '[font="sans-bold-'+size+'"]' + wordCaps + '[/font]'; // TODO: Would not be necessary if we could do nested tags } return textArray.join(" "); } function escapeChars(str) { return str.replace(/"/g, "\\\""); }; function subHeading(obj) { if (!obj.Name) return ""; let string = '[color="white"][font="sans-bold-14"]' + obj.Name + '[/font] '; if (obj.History) string += '[icon="iconInfo" tooltip="' + escapeChars(obj.History) + '" tooltip_style="civInfoTooltip"]'; if (obj.Description) string += '\n ' + obj.Description; string += '\n[/color]'; return string; } // Called when user selects civ from dropdown function selectCiv(code) { var civInfo = g_CivData[code]; if(!civInfo) error(sprintf("Error loading civ data for \"%(code)s\"", { code: code })); // Update civ gameplay display Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("civGameplayHeading").caption = heading(sprintf(translate("%(civilization)s Gameplay"), { civilization: civInfo.Name }), 16); // Bonuses var bonusCaption = heading(translatePlural("Civilization Bonus", "Civilization Bonuses", civInfo.CivBonuses.length), 12) + '\n'; for(var i = 0; i < civInfo.CivBonuses.length; ++i) bonusCaption += subHeading(civInfo.CivBonuses[i]); bonusCaption += heading(translatePlural("Team Bonus", "Team Bonuses", civInfo.TeamBonuses.length), 12) + '\n'; for(var i = 0; i < civInfo.TeamBonuses.length; ++i) bonusCaption += subHeading(civInfo.TeamBonuses[i]); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("civBonuses").caption = bonusCaption; // Special techs / buildings var techCaption = heading(translate("Special Technologies"), 12) + '\n'; for(var i = 0; i < civInfo.Factions.length; ++i) { var faction = civInfo.Factions[i]; for(var j = 0; j < faction.Technologies.length; ++j) techCaption += subHeading(faction.Technologies[j]); } techCaption += heading(translatePlural("Special Building", "Special Buildings", civInfo.Structures.length), 12) + '\n'; for(var i = 0; i < civInfo.Structures.length; ++i) techCaption += subHeading(civInfo.Structures[i]); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("civTechs").caption = techCaption; // Heroes var heroCaption = heading(translate("Heroes"), 12) + '\n'; for(var i = 0; i < civInfo.Factions.length; ++i) { var faction = civInfo.Factions[i]; for(var j = 0; j < faction.Heroes.length; ++j) heroCaption += subHeading(faction.Heroes[j]); heroCaption += '\n'; } Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("civHeroes").caption = heroCaption; // Update civ history display Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("civHistoryHeading").caption = heading(sprintf(translate("History of the %(civilization)s"), { civilization: civInfo.Name }), 16); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("civHistoryText").caption = civInfo.History; }