
140 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2017, elexis
# All rights reserved.
import supybot.conf as conf
import supybot.registry as registry
from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization
_ = PluginInternationalization('Phabricator')
# Placeholder that allows to run the plugin on a bot
# without the i18n module
_ = lambda x: x
# Let the user answer questions to configure the registered options
def configure(advanced):
from supybot.questions import expect, anything, something, yn
conf.registerPlugin('Phabricator', True)
something("Specify the URL of the Phabricator location.", default=""))
something("Specify the token to access the Phabricator conduit API.", default=""))
something("Accept invalid SSL certificates?", default=False))
something("HTTP timeout", default=40))
anything("On which irc channels the bot should post Phabricator updates. If empty, prints on each joined channel.", default="", acceptEmpty=True))
something("Number of stories to pull at most per HTTP request", default=5))
yn("Traverse history chronologically forwards (or backwards)?", default=True))
anything("To ignore messages after this date, type a timestamp", default=0))
anything("To ignore messages before this date, type a timestamp", default=0))
something("Number of seconds between consecutive HTTP request for phabricator stories", default=30))
anything("Enter string to be preceeeded with Phabricator updates"), default="News from the project:")
yn("Whether to print a human readable timestamp in front of each update notification"), default=False)
something("Filename to store the most recently processed chronological key", default="chronokey.txt"))
anything("Updates of these usernames will remain hidden.", default="Harbormaster Vulcan", acceptEmpty=True))
anything("Only updates of these usernames will be shown.", default="Harbormaster Vulcan", acceptEmpty=True))
yn("Notify if differentials are retitled?", default=True))
yn("Notify if a developer committed a patch?", default=True))
yn("Prevent the bot from pinging irc users in updates by inserting invisible whitespace in the username?", default=True))
yn("Display spammy, verbose debug output?", default=False))
# Register valid options
Phabricator = conf.registerPlugin('Phabricator')
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'phabricatorURL',
registry.String("", _("URL of a Phabricator instance.")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'phabricatorToken',
registry.String("", _("Token to access Phabricators conduit API.")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'acceptInvalidSSLCert',
registry.Boolean(False, _("Whether to accept invalid SSL certificates.")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'httpTimeout',
registry.PositiveInteger(40, _("How long to wait for HTTP(S) responses until aborting the request.")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'channels',
registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings("", _("List of channels on which the bot posts Phabricator updates. If empty, prints on each joined channel.")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'storyLimit',
registry.PositiveInteger(5, _("Limit of phabricator updates to pull information about in one request.")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'historyForwards',
registry.Boolean(True, _("Whether to traverse in history chronologically forwards or backwards.")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'timestampAfter',
registry.NonNegativeInteger(0, _("If given, ignore messages after this timestamp")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'timestampBefore',
registry.NonNegativeInteger(0, _("If given, ignore messages before this timestamp")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'sleepTime',
registry.NonNegativeInteger(30, _("Notify IRC users about phabricator updates of all users, excluding these (for example bots)")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'newsPrefix',
registry.String("News from the project:", _("A string to be shown in front of every Phabricator update notification")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'printDate',
registry.Boolean(False, _("Whether to print a human readable formatted date in front of each update notification")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'chronokeyFile',
registry.String("chronokey.txt", _("Filename containing the chronological key of the most recently parsed phabricator update.")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'ignoredUsers',
registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings("", _("Notify IRC users about phabricator updates of all users, excluding these (for example bots)")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'filteredUsers',
registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings("", _("Only notify IRC users about phabricator updates of these users)")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'notifyCommit',
registry.Boolean(True, _("Whether to post a notification if a patch was committed")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'notifyRetitle',
registry.Boolean(True, _("Whether to post a notification if a differential was renamed")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'obscureUsernames',
registry.Boolean(True, _("Inserts invisible whitespace in the username, so that the bot doesn't ping irc users if they update something")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(Phabricator, 'verbose',
registry.Boolean(False, _("Whether to display verbose and potentially spammy debug output")))