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DESCRIPTION : Functions for manipulating players and their properties (eg resources).
// ====================================================================
function createResources()
// Defines all resource types for future use.
// Assigns the value of game setup resource values as starting values.
// Numbers for resource modes Low/Normal/High - tweak as needed for balancing
var resLowValue = Array(100,50,0,0);
var resNormalValue = Array(200,200,100,100);
var resHighValue = Array(1000,1000,1000,1000);
if (getCurrItemValue ("pgSessionSetupResources") == "Low") {
// Give low resources
var resValue = resLowValue;
} else if (getCurrItemValue("pgSessionSetupResources") == "Normal") {
// Give normal resources
var resValue = resNormalValue;
} else if (getCurrItemValue ("pgSessionSetupResources") == "High") {
// Give high resources
var resValue = resHighValue;
} else {
// Do not give any resources
var resValue = Array(0,0,0,0);
addResource ("Food", Number(resValue[0]));
addResource ("Wood", Number(resValue[1]));
addResource ("Stone", Number(resValue[2]));
addResource ("Ore", Number(resValue[3]));
addResource ("Population", 0);
addResource ("Housing", 0);
// ====================================================================
function addResource (resourceName, resourceQty)
// Creates a resource type.
// Ensure resource name is title-case.
resourceName = toTitleCase (resourceName);
if (!localPlayer.resource)
// Define the base resource group if it does not exist.
localPlayer.resource = new Array();
// Set the length of the array.
localPlayer.resource.length = 0;
// Create the UI resource array container if it does not exist.
resourceUIArray = new Array;
// Store resource's name and starting value.
localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] = resourceQty;
// The array is now one index longer.
// We maintain a sorted array of the resource indexes so that the UI counters can be refreshed in centered order.
// (We don't include Housing in the list, though, as it does not have its own resource counter.)
if (resourceName != "Housing")
// If it's an even index,
if ((localPlayer.resource.length-1) % 2 == 0)
// Add it to the end of the UI array.
resourceUIArray.push ((localPlayer.resource.length-1));
// Add it to the beginning of the UI array,
resourceUIArray.unshift ((localPlayer.resource.length-1));
// Dynamically adjust width of resource counter based on caption length.
console.write( "Added " + resourceName + " (" + resourceQty + ")" );
// ====================================================================
function setResources (resourceName, resourceQty)
// Generic function to set the value of a resource in the player's pool.
// Ensure resource name is title-case.
resourceName = toTitleCase (resourceName);
// if ( localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] )
// {
// Set resource value.
localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] = resourceQty;
// Dynamically adjust width of resource counter based on caption length.
console.write ("Resource set to " + resourceQty + " " + resourceName + ".");
return ( true );
// }
// If the resource wasn't in the list, report an error.
// console.write ("Failed to set resource " + resourceName + " to " + resourceQty);
// return ( false ) ;
// ====================================================================
function giveResources (resourceName, resourceQty)
// Generic function to add resources to the player's Pool.
// Ensure resource name is title-case.
resourceName = toTitleCase (resourceName);
// if ( localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] )
// {
// Set resource value.
localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] += resourceQty;
// Dynamically adjust width of resource counter based on caption length.
if (resourceName != "Housing" && resourceName != "Population")
console.write ("Earned " + resourceQty + " " + resourceName + ".");
return ( true );
// }
// // If the resource wasn't in the list, report an error.
// console.write ("Failed to add " + resourceQty + " to resource " + resourceName);
// return ( false );
// ====================================================================
function deductResources (resourceName, resourceQty)
// Generic function to remove resources from the player's Pool.
// Ensure resource name is title-case.
resourceName = toTitleCase (resourceName);
// if( localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] )
// {
// Set resource value.
localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] -= resourceQty;
// Dynamically adjust width of resource counter based on caption length.
if (resourceName != "Housing" && resourceName != "Population")
console.write("Deducted " + resourceQty + " " + resourceName + ".");
return( true );
// }
// // If the resource wasn't in the list, report an error.
// console.write ("Failed to deduct " + resourceQty + " from resource " + resourceName);
// return false;
// ====================================================================
function refreshResources ()
// Refreshes all resource counters after update.
resourcePool = localPlayer.resource;
resourceCount = 0;
for (currResource in resourcePool)
// Pass the array index of the resource as the second parameter (as we'll need that to determine the centered screen position of each counter).
refreshResource (toTitleCase(currResource), resourceUIArray[resourceCount]);
// ====================================================================
function refreshResource (resourceName, resourceIndex)
// Refresh the onscreen counter for a given resource (called to recalculate the size of the coordinates, as these dynamically adjust depending on character length).
// Ensure resource name is title-case.
resourceName = toTitleCase (resourceName);
// Ignore the "Housing" resource ... It doesn't work like normal resources and doesn't have a counter to resize.
if (resourceName == "Housing")
// Get resource readout object.
resourceObject = getGUIObjectByName ("snResourceCounter_" + (resourceIndex + 1));
// Update counter caption (since we need to have up-to-date text to determine the length of the counter).
= "[icon=iconResource" + resourceName + " displace=\"0 0\"] "
+ localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName];
// The Population counter also lists the amount of available housing.
if (resourceName == "Population")
+= "/" + localPlayer.resource.valueOf()["Housing"];
resourceObject.caption = caption;
// Update caption tooltip.
resourceObject.tooltip = resourceName + ": " + resourceObject.caption;
// Get the index of the resource readout to be resized.
crdResult = getCrd (resourceObject.name, true);
// For each coordinate group stored for this control,
for (coordGroup in Crd[crdResult].coord)
// Set width of readout based on length of caption.
Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].width = snConst.MiniIcon.Width+5 + resourceObject.caption.length * 10;
// Set X and Y position and height so that resources always are immediately besides each other. (Except for the first resource (usually Food), which has the initial starting position)
// Determine starting position for the first resource (so that the resources wind up being centered across the screen).
if (resourceIndex == 0)
// The first coordinate is in the exact centre of the screen.
Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].x = -Crd[crdResult-2].coord[coordGroup].width - 5;
{ // Resources other than the first one get stacked in sequence to the sides of it.
// If we're dealing with an "even" resource index,
if (resourceIndex % 2 == 0)
// Put the counter to the right of the previous odd counter.
= Crd[crdResult-2].coord[coordGroup].x + Crd[crdResult-2].coord[coordGroup].width + 5;
else // We're dealing with an "odd" resource index.
// Put the counter to the left of the previous odd counter.
if (resourceIndex == 1)
= Crd[crdResult-1].coord[coordGroup].x - Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].width - 5;
= Crd[crdResult-2].coord[coordGroup].x - Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].width - 5;
// Set Y position to the same as the previous counter.
= Crd[crdResult-1].coord[coordGroup].y;
// Set height of readout to the same as the previous counter.
= Crd[crdResult-1].coord[coordGroup].height;
// Recalculate readout's size coordinates.
Crd[crdResult].size[coordGroup] = calcCrdArray (Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].rx, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].ry, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].x, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].y, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].width, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].height, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].rx2, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].ry2);
// If this coordinate is part of the currently active set, update the control onscreen too.
if (coordGroup == GUIType)
// Update counter size.
resourceObject.size = Crd[getCrd(resourceObject.name, true)].size[GUIType];
// ====================================================================