forked from 0ad/0ad

536 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "precompiled.h"
# include "sr_tree.h"
# include "se_mesh_import.h"
//# define SR_USE_TRACE1 // basic messages
//# define SR_USE_TRACE2 // more messages
//# define SR_USE_TRACE4 // active contour
//# define SR_USE_TRACE5 // tree
# include "sr_trace.h"
//======================= static data =============================================
// Question: Could I substitute EdgeTree by an EdgeHashTable ...?
class Edge : public SrTreeNode
{ public :
int a, b; // Edge vertices, not oriented
int v; // The other vertex of the adjacent face
int f; // The index of the edge's face
Edge *sym; // The other edge, belonging to the other face sharing this edge
Edge *e2, *e3; // The other two edges of this face
public :
Edge ( int i1=0, int i2=0, int i3=0 ) : f(0), sym(0), e2(0), e3(0) { a=i1; b=i2; v=i3; }
void set_fac_elems ( Edge *b, Edge *c, int fac ) { e2=b; e3=c; f=fac; }
void swap() { int tmp=a; a=b; b=tmp; }
friend SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, const Edge& e )
{ return o<<'['<<e.a<<' '<<e.b<<' '<<e.v<<"]"; }
friend SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& i, Edge& e ) { return i; }
friend int sr_compare ( const Edge* e1, const Edge* e2 );
int sr_compare ( const Edge *e1, const Edge *e2 )
if ( e1->a<e2->a ) return -1;
if ( e1->a>e2->a ) return 1;
if ( e1->b<e2->b ) return -1;
if ( e1->b>e2->b ) return 1;
return 0;
# ifdef SE_USR_TRACE4
struct PFace { SeBase *e; SeMeshBase *m; } PFaceInst;
FgOutput &operator << ( FgOutput &o, PFace &f )
o << '[';
SeBase *e=f.e;
while ( true )
{ o<<(int)f.m->index(e->vtx());
e = e->nxt();
if ( e!=f.e ) o<<' '; else break;
return o<<']';
# define SR_TRACE_CONTOUR(x,s) { PFaceInst.e=x; PFaceInst.m=s; SR_TRACE4 ( "Active Contour = "<< PFaceInst ); }
# else
# define SR_TRACE_CONTOUR(x,s)
# endif
# define SR_TRACE_CONTOUR(x,s)
//=========================== EdgeTree ========================================
class EdgeTree : public SrTree<Edge>
{ public :
// EdgeTree() {}
public :
Edge *insert_edge ( int a, int b, int v );
bool insert_face ( int a, int b, int c, int f );
Edge* search_edge ( int a, int b );
void remove_face ( Edge *e );
Edge *EdgeTree::insert_edge ( int a, int b, int v )
Edge *e = new Edge ( a, b, v );
if ( !insert(e) )
{ Edge *x = cur();
if ( !insert(e) )
{ SR_TRACE2 ( "Could not insert edge ("<<a<<','<<b<<")!!" );
delete e;
return 0;
x->sym = e;
e->sym = x;
else // search if the sym edge is there and set sym pointers
{ // (to try: sort (a,b) to avoid checking if the sym exists...)
Edge eba ( b, a, v );
Edge *esym = search ( &eba );
if ( esym )
{ esym->sym = e;
e->sym = esym;
return e;
bool EdgeTree::insert_face ( int a, int b, int c, int f )
Edge *e1 = insert_edge ( a, b, c );
Edge *e2 = insert_edge ( b, c, a );
Edge *e3 = insert_edge ( c, a, b );
if (e1) e1->set_fac_elems ( e2, e3, f );
if (e2) e2->set_fac_elems ( e1, e3, f );
if (e3) e3->set_fac_elems ( e1, e2, f );
return e1&&e2&&e3? true:false;
Edge* EdgeTree::search_edge ( int a, int b )
Edge key(a,b,0);
Edge *e = search(&key);
if ( !e )
{ key.swap();
return e;
void EdgeTree::remove_face ( Edge *e )
if (!e) return;
// e2 and/or e3 can be null in case non-manifold edges were found during the
// construction of the edge tree with start()
Edge *e2 = e->e2;
Edge *e3 = e->e3;
extract ( e );
if ( e->sym ) e->sym->sym=0;
if (e2)
{ if ( e2->sym ) e2->sym->sym=0;
remove ( e2 );
if (e3)
{ if ( e3->sym ) e3->sym->sym=0;
remove ( e3 );
//======================= internal data ==================================
static SeBase* init ( SeMeshImport *self, SeMeshBase* m, int a, int b )
SeBase *s = m->init ();
self->attach_vtx_info ( s->vtx(), b );
self->attach_vtx_info ( s->nxt()->vtx(), a );
self->attach_edg_info ( s->edg(), b, a );
return s;
static SeBase* mev ( SeMeshImport *self, SeMeshBase* m, SeBase* s, int ev, int v )
s = m->mev ( s );
self->attach_edg_info ( s->edg(), ev, v );
self->attach_vtx_info ( s->vtx(), v );
m->index ( s->vtx(), (semeshindex)v );
return s;
static SeBase* mef ( SeMeshImport *self, SeMeshBase* m, SeBase* s1, SeBase* s2, int a, int b, int f )
s2 = m->mef ( s1, s2 );
self->attach_edg_info ( s2->edg(), a, b );
self->attach_fac_info ( s2->fac(), f );
return s2;
class SeMeshImport::Data
{ public :
SeMeshImport *self;
EdgeTree tree;
SrArray<SeBase*> active_contours; // stack of contours
SrArray<SeBase*> contours_to_solve; // keep contours that will result in genus or holes
SrArray<SeBase*> vtxsymedges; // keep pointer for vertices already inserted
public :
Data ( SeMeshImport *x );
SeMeshBase *init_shell ();
int start ( const int *triangles, int numtris, int numvtx );
void solve_lasting_contours ( SeMeshBase *m );
void glue_face_on_one_edge ( SeMeshBase *m, SeBase *&s, Edge *e );
void glue_face_on_two_edges ( SeMeshBase *m, SeBase *&s, Edge *e );
void glue_face_on_three_edges ( SeMeshBase *m, SeBase *s, Edge *e );
SeMeshImport::Data::Data ( SeMeshImport *x )
self = x;
SeMeshBase *SeMeshImport::Data::init_shell ()
SR_TRACE1 ( "Getting new shell..." );
SeMeshBase *m = self->get_new_shell ();
if ( !m ) return 0;
SR_TRACE1 ( "Getting seed face from the root of the tree..." );
Edge *e = tree.root();
int a=e->a; int b=e->b; int c=e->v; // the order of the vertices is random
int f=e->f;
tree.remove_face ( e );
delete e;
SR_TRACE1 ( "Creating seed face = ["<<a<<" "<<b<<" "<<c<<"]" );
m->begin_indexing ();
SeBase *s;
s = init ( self, m, a, b );
s = mev ( self, m, s, b, c );
mef ( self, m, s, s->nxt()->nxt(), a, c, f );
vtxsymedges[c] = s;
vtxsymedges[b] = s->nxt();
vtxsymedges[a] = s->nxt()->nxt();
active_contours.push() = s;
SR_TRACE2 ("seed face info: "<<(int)s->sym()->fac()<<", active face info: "<<(int)s->fac() );
return m;
int SeMeshImport::Data::start ( const int *triangles, int numtris, int numvtx )
int i;
SR_TRACE1 ( "Initializing vertices table with size "<<numvtx<<"..." );
for ( i=0; i<vtxsymedges.size(); i++ ) vtxsymedges[i]=0;
SR_TRACE1 ( "Creating edge tree..." );
const int *tri=triangles;
int faces_with_edges_not_inserted=0;
for ( i=0; i<numtris; i++ )
{ if ( !tree.insert_face(tri[0],tri[1],tri[2],i) )
tri += 3;
return faces_with_edges_not_inserted;
static SeBase* coincident_contour ( SeBase *s1, SeBase *s2 )
SeBase *x = s2;
while ( s1->vtx() != x->nxt()->vtx() )
{ x = x->nxt();
if ( x==s2 ) return 0; // not coincident
// a common starting vertex was found, so that the contours will be coincident
// or we'll have non-manifold vertices. Let's verify :
s2 = x;
do { if ( s1->vtx() != s2->nxt()->vtx() )
{ printf("Non-manifold vertex detected!\n"); return 0; }
s1 = s1->nxt();
s2 = s2->pri();
} while ( s2!=x );
return x;
// should finished the contours by detecting loops to join or holes info to attach
void SeMeshImport::Data::solve_lasting_contours ( SeMeshBase *m )
int i;
bool genus_increased;
SeBase *s, *c;
while ( !contours_to_solve.empty() )
{ genus_increased = false;
s = contours_to_solve.pop();
for ( i=0; i<contours_to_solve.size(); i++ )
{ c = coincident_contour(s,contours_to_solve[i]);
if ( c )
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Making one genus..." );
genus_increased = true;
m->mg ( s, c );
if ( !genus_increased )
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Closing last contour as a hole..." );
self->attach_hole_info ( s->fac() );
void SeMeshImport::Data::glue_face_on_one_edge ( SeMeshBase *m, SeBase *&s, Edge *e )
tree.remove_face ( e );
SeBase *snxt = s->nxt();
s = mev ( self, m, s, e->a, e->v );
s = mef ( self, m, snxt, s, e->b, e->v, e->f );
vtxsymedges[e->a] = s->nxt()->sym();
vtxsymedges[e->b] = snxt;
vtxsymedges[e->v] = snxt->pri();
s = snxt;
delete e;
void SeMeshImport::Data::glue_face_on_two_edges ( SeMeshBase* m, SeBase*& s, Edge* e )
tree.remove_face ( e );
SeElement *ve = vtxsymedges[e->v]->vtx();
SeBase *s1, *s2;
if ( s->pri()->vtx()==ve )
{ s1=s->nxt(); s2=s->pri(); }
{ s1=s->nxt()->nxt(); s2=s; }
mef ( self, m, s1, s2, m->index(s1->vtx()), m->index(s2->vtx()), e->f );
s = s1->pri();
vtxsymedges[(int)m->index(s->vtx())] = s;
vtxsymedges[(int)m->index(s1->vtx())] = s1;
delete e;
void SeMeshImport::Data::glue_face_on_three_edges ( SeMeshBase* /*m*/, SeBase* s, Edge* e )
tree.remove_face ( e );
self->attach_fac_info ( s->fac(), e->f );
delete e;
//======================== SeMeshImport ========================================
SeMeshImport::SeMeshImport ()
_data = new Data ( this );
SeMeshImport::~SeMeshImport ()
for ( int i=0; i<shells.size(); i++ ) delete shells[i];
delete _data;
void SeMeshImport::compress_buffers ()
SeMeshImport::Msg SeMeshImport::start ( const int *triangles, int numtris, int numvtxs )
SR_TRACE1 ( "Start :" );
int not_inserted = _data->start ( triangles, numtris, numvtxs );
SeMeshBase *m = _data->init_shell (); // will push something in active_contours
if ( !m ) return MsgNullShell;
SR_TRACE4 ( "Face info of active contour = " << (int)(_data->active_contours.top()->fac()) );
SR_TRACE5 ( "Tree = "<<_data->tree );
SR_TRACE1 ( "Start finished !" );
SR_TRACE1 ( "Faces Lost: "<<not_inserted );
return not_inserted>0? MsgNonManifoldFacesLost : MsgOk;
static SeBase* in_same_face ( SeBase *e, SeElement *v )
SeBase *x = e;
do { if ( x->vtx()==v ) return x;
x = x->nxt();
} while ( x!=e );
return 0;
SeMeshImport::Msg SeMeshImport::next_step ()
int a, b;
Edge *e;
SeBase *ini, *s, *sv;
int edges_found = 0;
SR_TRACE2 ( " " );
SR_TRACE2 ( "Next step :" );
EdgeTree &tree = _data->tree;
SrArray<SeBase*> &active_contours = _data->active_contours;
SrArray<SeBase*> &contours_to_solve = _data->contours_to_solve;
SrArray<SeBase*> &vtxsymedges = _data->vtxsymedges;
SR_TRACE2 ( "Active contours : "<<active_contours.size() );
if ( tree.empty() )
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Empty tree: no more faces to glue." );
if ( !active_contours.empty() )
{ while ( !active_contours.empty() ) contours_to_solve.push()=active_contours.pop();
SR_TRACE1 ( "Solving "<<contours_to_solve.size()<<" open contour(s)..." );
_data->solve_lasting_contours ( shells.top() );
for ( int i=0; i<shells.size(); i++ ) shells[i]->end_indexing();
SR_TRACE1 ( "Finished : "<<shells.size()<<" shell(s), last shell V-E+F="<<shells.top()->euler() );
return MsgFinished;
else if ( active_contours.empty() )
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Starting new shell "<<shells.size()<<"... " );
shells.push() = _data->init_shell();
return MsgOk; // return now to cope with degenerated data (a shell with a single triangle).
s = ini = active_contours.top();
while ( true )
a = (int) shells.top()->index(s->vtx());
b = (int) shells.top()->index(s->nxt()->vtx());
SR_TRACE2 ( "Searching edge "<<a<<" "<<b<<"... " );
e = tree.search_edge ( a, b ); // will search {a,b} or {b,a}
if ( e )
{ edges_found++;
sv = 0;
if ( vtxsymedges[e->v] ) // the other vertex is already in the mesh
sv = in_same_face ( s, vtxsymedges[e->v]->vtx() );
if ( !vtxsymedges[e->v] || !sv ) // if the other vertex is free or is in another contour
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Gluing face "<<a<<" "<<b<<" "<<e->v<<" on one edge... " );
_data->glue_face_on_one_edge ( shells.top(), s, e );
active_contours.top() = s;
SR_TRACE5 ( "Tree = "<<tree );
return MsgOk;
else if ( s->nxt()->nxt()->nxt()==s ) // trying to close the active contour that is a triangle
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Gluing last face "<<a<<" "<<b<<" "<<e->v<<" of current active contour..." );
_data->glue_face_on_three_edges ( shells.top(), s, e );
SR_TRACE1 ( "Active contour popped... " );
SR_TRACE5 ( "Tree = "<<tree );
return MsgOk;
else if ( s->nxt()->nxt()->vtx()==vtxsymedges[e->v]->vtx() ||
s->pri()->vtx()==vtxsymedges[e->v]->vtx() )
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Gluing face "<<a<<" "<<b<<" "<<e->v<<" on two edges... " );
_data->glue_face_on_two_edges ( shells.top(), s, e );
active_contours.top() = s;
SR_TRACE5 ( "Tree = "<<tree );
return MsgOk;
else if ( sv )
{ SR_TRACE1 ( "Connecting one edge, and pushing one active contour... " );
shells.top()->mef ( s, sv );
attach_edg_info ( s->edg(), shells.top()->index(s->vtx()), shells.top()->index(sv->vtx()) );
return MsgOk;
SR_TRACE1 ( "s = ["<<a<<","<<b<<"] v="<<e->v);
SR_TRACE1 ( "s.fac="<<(int)s->fac()<<", vfac="<<(int)vtxsymedges[e->v]->fac() );
{ // e not in the edge tree: input data is not fully connected!
s = s->nxt();
if ( s==ini ) break;// already passed all edges of the active contour
// At this point we looked into all edges of the active_contour,
// but no faces were glued and the tree is not empty.
SR_TRACE1 ( "No more faces could be glued to the actual contour!" );
contours_to_solve.push() = active_contours.pop();
return MsgOk;
//============================== virtuals ==================================
void SeMeshImport::attach_vtx_info ( SeVertex* /*v*/, int /*vi*/ )
void SeMeshImport::attach_edg_info ( SeEdge* /*e*/, int /*a*/, int /*b*/ )
void SeMeshImport::attach_fac_info ( SeFace* /*f*/, int /*fi*/ )
void SeMeshImport::attach_hole_info ( SeFace* /*f*/ )
//============================== end of file ===============================