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updating the tips file to some latin

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Wijitmaker 2006-01-23 03:38:45 +00:00
parent 16341dd834
commit cdd432ba46

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@ -1,209 +1,417 @@
"It is easier to train one dog than it is to train a hundred sheep."
"Just because someone is foreign that doesn't give them the right not to speak English!"
"I'd make a wonderful new man if I wasn't such a lying cheating bastard..."
"When people start referring to you as sheep, you have to start worrying about their intentions."
"Sheep don't write essays saying why they shouldn't be herded into buildings and turned into lamb chops, do they."
"Wise man say, when setting out on the path of revenge, always dig two graves... You may be lucky and get one of your enemies' mates too."
"No matter how advanced a civilisation is, they will never invent something that means they don't have to chase baddies through corridors."
"Laziness is a good quality, laziness is the mother of genius, invention and ingenuity."
"There is an esoteric aspect here that our gardener hasn't quite sussed".
"Context is for the weak"
"Not enough people in the world believe in fairys."
"Can I torture them 'till they bleed?"
"I like shiny things, even if they don't physically shine. It takes a shiny thing collector to understand that concept."
"Wise man once say, when branching out from building hotels to building cruise liners, it is a good idea to seek advice from sailors."
"See, once more, Asphalt saves the day."
"The best measurement unit of bandwidth? ... Dollars I suspect."
"Mind you, I have taken so many opposing stances to stupid ideas, I can't actually remember what I really do believe any more."
"Of course it's tacky! Do you know how much extra you have to pay for something that will appeal to the modern Internet user?"
"If you nag me on this, I just minimise the little window and you go into the flashing psycho bar. No real skin off my nose!"
"The north has a lot to answer for in terms of music. It's all so grey and lacking in contrast. Dreay musicians with no character in their voices singing at the same monotonous dirge tone as their boringly played instruments. It's about as interesting as listening to a power supply."
"I like to think of myself as one of the New Age lords of Karma. I figure all the old ones have died so someone needs to keep up the traditions."
"It's a real shame that old people smell so much and break so easily. They would probably be great fun to hang around with otherwise."
"Do really cool websites have "fucking A" records?"
"I don't think they would know investigative journalism if it came with a huge sign and verbal announcements."
"You can garauntee that if I have pictures of naked women on my screen then I am working."
"I am going to convert all my Canadian Dollars to Turkish Lira. I can be an international money trader and make millions!"
"I like Canada, it's a shame about Canadians. They are just like Germans only they speak worse English."
"I don't play any game I can't cheat at, and if I can cheat there's no point in playing."
"Rabbits are not sentient... Rabbits are pies waiting to happen."
"I am more than happy to accept that people know more than me, most people know more than me, my main skill is just in knowing who they are."
"Why do people want to talk to me about security? They never actually want to listen to what I have to say."
"The Yahoo Auction site is sweet. It's like what nursery school kids would build if they were asked to create an auction site out of old washing up bottles and cereal boxes."
"Choosing friends is easy... Be a child again. Ask yourself if this person rang your doorbell and said 'Are you coming out to play?', would you go, or would you make an excuse? If you wouldn't want to play with them as a kid then what hope do you have as a grown up!"
"I have knives and guns, you have a teabag ... Let's be sensible!"
"You simply can't increase safety by protecting people more. People use the added protection as performance enhancing devices and the risks always remain constant. Put simply, airbags are the best go-faster stripes you could add to your car."
"The English like dates because dates show that we planted our flag first. If the fuzzy-wuzzies have neither flags nor calendars, then we can always show we planted our flag first, and therefore their land is actually ours!"
Michael's 10 second Steeley Eyed Dealer of Death Course: "Aquire target, take 2 shots, evaluate damage, reaquire target or if it's twitching aquire a new one, take 2 shots and repeat all of that until you, or all of the bad guys are dead."
"The English are not lazy as such, it's just that we just spend all our time learning good manners and other clever stuff rather than filling our heads with such nonesenses as foreign language, vocabulary and the mastery of gutteral contortions!"
"Tea is why the British Empire worked; which scarily is actually true! Before anyone knew what germs were, the British habit of making tea meant that the British pioneers didn't get killed in places like India and Africa, simply because they boiled the water they drank. Also tea is a natural antiseptic, and killed a lot of other weird tropical diseases so the British stayed alive whilst the other Europeans all died... Quite ironic really. It also allowed the slum based workers in the industrial revolution to survive in their terrible circumstances for the same reasons, meaning we developed a better home industrial base than any other country. Gin and Tonic helped too, but the reader is free to work that one out for themselves".
"I think Kids have a wonderful outlook on life and some brilliant ideas. It's when Kids start trying to act like grownups that the shit sets in and they start becoming deranged."
"You know they say that the world is starting to get fucked up because its best rapper is white and it's best golfer is black. How come they haven't noticed that the best tennis players players seem to be black now too...?"
"No wonder Blaire likes the US, it's just another little Britain being nurtured overseas... We never really left there did we? I think really it was a British long term plan to make them British without them realising it, then we could just join up with them a few hundred years later and so far, it's working beautifully."
"And no, I don't agree the lyrics were brilliant. They showed a complete lack of understanding about the word 'ironic' which was somewhat... Ironic. Somewhat akin to somebody writing a song about failed love and writing about a broken kidney." -- On Alanis Morissette's "Jagged Little Pill".
"If you are in a bad mood, for example, then going onto your system and putting everyone else in a foul mood should cheer you up no end. Rather like yoga but without all the stretching." -- Confessions.
"I just realised I was wiping my nose with a kangaroo's bollocks."
"I appear to be fundamentally and somewhat perversely drawn to meals you can eat with a spoon... I figure at the least this will help me in my old age."
"If I could eat my own cheesey goodness, why would I be chatting you up, dearest?"
"Every unsafe old version was a safe new version once."
"I don't read newspapers. I do read the Daily Mail sometimes, but only because they are easy to steal from Little Chefs."
"A glue gun it the answer! Well ... A Glue Gun is the answer to everything."
"If they stopped taking monogamy for granted in Soap Operas, they'd actually have to think up some real plot-lines."
"And not many people have had a Pterodactyl on a stick eaten by a Giant Tiger."
"I fear that was stretching the practical limits of comic-timing to extremes."
"If there is a God then I think it is his biggest joke ever making male and female humans look so similar that one could assume they are nearly the same."
"Never shag someone you wouldn't spend 4 weeks alone in the jungle with."
"I won't try and understand, my brain is small and mushy."
"My cats and I need to have words about how they treat my pornography."
"The US know that North Korea have nuclear weapons, and wants to go to war against them. The US know that Iraq wants to make nuclear weapons, and wants to go to war against them and the US knows that Israel has nuclear weapons and nobody says a thing."
"I guess you could say that some of Bush's speeches sound a bit similar to some of Churchills... The difference is that Churchill wrote his own Speeches whereas Bush probably can't even write his own name."
"If, after so many years, we can't even get anything approaching fair voting in the Eurovision Song Contest... What hope is there for a United European Parliament?"
"I pointed out to him that most of my skills were about 6,000 years to 200 years old anyway, so it didn't really matter; I have seen very little of modern security technology that would be unfamiliar in concept to an iron age hill fort designer."
"Someone accused me of being a tree hugger a few days ago, I pointed out that the last time I even got close to hugging a tree was whilst I was chainsawing down two of them that were in the way of me taking a good photograph."
"Should we visit him in prison and bake him a cake with somebody else's files in it?" -- (On Cliff Stanford being questioned by the police over allegations of reading other people's email)
"Incest may come with really good sex, but some of the other issues can be problematic."
"Being in a night-club also makes people think that they have the "right" to try and make me dance, which is fine, as long as they accept that I have the right to make their joints go in ways that they weren't meant to go thus causing them short term excrutiating pain. Unfortunately, they seem to not accept this balance of rights so it often causes problems."
"The one thing Americans should never, ever do is try and pass an opinion on Northern Ireland, not if they want to keep friends in either country anyway."
"On the subject of Irony and Americans: Unless it is them quoting somebody else or it comes with a canned laughter track; how on earth are we meant to spot it? It's like expecting quantum theory to come from the paws of squirrels."
"Drugs aside, there are two nearly sure-fire ways to get a woman into bed... A home cooked meal, preferably with an obscure home baked bread on the menu or alternatively, just buy her some wind-chimes."
"I am a crap photographer. I just happen to be in the right place occasionally when a good photograph appears."
"As far as their beligerancy towards humanity goes, goats and donkeys must be the most deadly animals on earth."
"There's nothing much new in the world... There just aren't many people with a decent knowledge of history."
"For the modern geek, Mac is the new black."
"It worries me that most of the quotes I collect are mine... One day I may have to start agreeing with people that I am egotistical and arrogant. Or maybe... I am just lazy?"
And quotes from other people, to prove I am not completely egotistical.
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned. And hell no fury like a woman scorned." (William Congreve)
"To summon the demons of darkness, there is a price."
"If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?"
"Games are critical to a warlike society." Film: New Eden
"You must be careful what you pretend to be because, in the end, you are what you pretend to be" Film: Mother Night. (Kurt Vonnegut)
"Beware, toes you are stepping on today may be connected to the arse you are kissing tomorrow" Film: Body Count.
"Poor Crusty, he's like a black velvet sheet come to life" - Lisa Simpson
"But you got fired, and you still hang around like a big loser so why can't he?" - some witchy woman in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the series.
"Aren't we forgetting the true meaning of this day? The birth of Santa." - Bart - Simpsons.
"What is your fascination with my forbidden closet of mystery?" - Chief Wigham - Simpsons.
"If you love something set it free if it comes back, it was and always will be yours. If it never returns, it was never yours to begin with"
"Then Fred said "let's have a cup of tea" and I said "Right oh!"".
"Officially, I am here quite unofficially". - Troughton, The two doctors.
"You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once and then move on!" Homer Simpson.
"The first time you buy a shed is undoubtedly a weird experience but after the next time it'll be a lot easier." - Some email that Amy got.
"Spock knew nothing of children except that he had been one, had managed to get over it, and saw no need to dwell upon things that could not be helped."
"If you don't want children get a cat, they can be just as much trouble but at least you get the pleasure of outliving them." - Tim the Goth.
"My kids use the Internet far too much anyway. The only useful it has ever taught them is how to use the mouse with their left hands." - Radio 4.
"I am a psychopath so I guess the difference is I have to think about not hurting people, as opposed to just knowing what is bad. Personally, I can't see that as a bad thing because all I see with you normal people is y'all hurting one another all the time because you don't think." -- A sane loonie.
"Oh, no, my dear; I'm really a very good man, but I'm a very bad Wizard, I must admit." - Oz, The Wizard of Oz.
"Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?" Pinhead - Hellraiser.
"That ideas should freely spread from one to another over the globe for the moral and mutual instruction of man, and improvement of his condition, seems to have been pecuiliarly and benevolently designed by nature, when she made them, like fire, expansible over all space, without lessening their density at any point, and like the air in which we breathe, move and have our physical being, incapable of confinement or exclusive appropriation. Inventions then cannot, in nature, be a subject of property." - Thomas Jefferson
"It's better to have people think you a fool, than to open your mouth, and remove all doubt." - Samuel Clemens / Mark Twain
"The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from. Furthermore, if you do not like any of them, you can just wait for next year's model." - Andrew Tanenbaum
"Mr Secretary, you are paying me a lot of money to do what I do. Go home and let me earn it." - Michael Ironside, Seaquest 2032.
"I've really got to learn to do the damage and get out of town. It's the stay and gloat that gets me every time." - Ethan Hawke(?), Buffy.
"Everybody who I know is right always agrees with me." - Unknown.
"I see no more than you, but I have trained myself to notice what I see" - Sherlock Holmes.
"Sometimes when live in cage too long, whole world seems like very big place." - Mr Miyage, Karate Kid 4.
"He's a Lawyer, a sense of humour would only get in the way." -- Mr Roarke, Fantasy Island.
"In real life... there is no backspace key" -- Ayla
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989
"Besides being an infallible cure for enemy constipation, the canister fire does much to alter the geography of the place." -- From the Commander of B Squadron, 1st Armoured Regiment, Royal Australian Armoured Corps, re the use of the 20 pounder gun of the long gone, but, never to be forgotten Centurian Tank, on active service in the Republic of South Viet Nam 1970.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter." -- Ernest Hemingway, April 1936 issue of Esquire. It was the first line of an article titled "On The Blue Water: A Gulf Stream Letter."
"The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made." -- Jean Gieraudoux
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." -- Joseph Stalin.
"The plate in front of us is placed over an extra-wide letter box. So that even the largest cheques can get through. LAW OFFICE, it says." -- Peter Hoeg: Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow.
"When you can't change the direction of the wind; adjust your sails" -- Max Depree.
Daniel: "Can you break a log like that?" Miyage: "Don't know, never been attacked by tree." -- Karate Kid II.
"I like babies and old people... What you see is what you get." -- Elly in Neighbours.
"Ritzys: London, Paris, New York, Accrington" -- Sign outside a Night Club in Accrington somewhere around 1985.
"This ain't a bridge... It's termites holding hands." -- Removal Van Driver in Chevy Chase's Funny Farm.
"But if you trusted me, you never would have known I was lying to you!" -- Susan in Diagnosis Murder.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." -- Albert Einstein.
"I hate everybody equally! I'm an equal opportunity hater." -- Jerry ex-sas.
"Don't try to teach a pig to sing; it will waste your time and will only annoy the pig." -- old Yiddish saying.
"A fool cannot be protected from his folly. If you attempt to do so, you will not only arouse his animosity but also you will be attempting to deprive him of whatever benefit he is capable of deriving from experience. Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig." -- Lazarus Long - Time Enough for Love (though the pig quote is more than likely borrowed from an old Yiddish saying above).
"But the polysemic champion must be 'set'. Superficially it looks like a wholly unassuming monosyllable, the verbal equivalent of the single-celled organism. Yet it has 58 uses as a noun, 126 as a verb, and 10 as a participal adjective. Its meanings are so various and scattered that it takes the OED 60,000 words - the length of a short novel - to discuss them all. A foreigner could be excused for thinking that to know 'set' is to know English." -- Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue.
"Hah! I remember when the police officers used to tell me, 'Slow down'. Now, it's the fucking doctors!" -- Ralph.
"I've got nothing against poofters... but I was bought up to believe that dicky up the chuffter is abnormal, and vile" -- Oz, Auf Wiedersehen Pet.
"[Apartheid] began before I was born and will probably be resolved long after I die. In the meantime I want to run." -- Zola Budd.
"Never wear your best pants when you go to fight for freedom." -- Fortune cookie - http://home.nc.rr.com/rellis/fortunes/best_pants.htm
"You are going to ruin my reputation long before you get to ruin me." -- Unknown.
"In the end, it all comes down to dancing in silly hats." -- Terry Wogan, Eurovision 2002.
"If God didn't mean for us to eat this animal, why did he make it out of turkey?" -- Clueless.
"Yea, it was cute! Like a puppy with a glock." -- Sofie.
"Girls are like internet domain names, the ones I like are already taken."
"Your Hobbies and Interests cannot exceed 255 characters." -- msn.com
"You can always rely on the Americans to do the right thing... After they've tried everything else" -- Winston Churchill
"That money talks, I'll not deny. I heard it once. It said, 'Goodbye.'" -- Richard Armour
".. No one who has something original or important to say will willingly run the risk of being misunderstood; people who write obscurely are either unskilled in writing or up to mischief." -- Peter Medawar
"More information about asparagus can be found at http://www.asparagus.org/" -- From http://www.studentbmj.com/back_issues/0800/education/277.html
"Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand." -- Mark Twain
""There's nothing wrong with having nothing in common, otherwise there'd be no point in having two of us" -- Ben in My Family.
"Hey Mr Burns, can I go with you to get the treasure? I won't eat much and I don't know the difference between right and wrong." -- Bart Simpson.
"When one burns one's bridges, what a very nice fire it makes." -- Dylan Thomas.
"Charlotte Church: Voice of an Angel, brain of a Goldfish." -- RI:SE Newsreader.
"In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed; they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock!" -- Orson Welles in The Third Man (1949).
"I believe what I said yesterday I don't know what I said but I know what I think and I assume its what I said."
"I am shocked - sort of"
"You know I'm not a lawyer - I don't do that"
"If I know the answer I'll tell you the answer and if I don't I'll just respond cleverly"
"Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them."
"You're acting like you think the world doesn't need a 170 MPH SUV. Are you some sort of tree-hugging commie?" -- Steve Gombosi.
"O what a tangled web we weave When first we practise to deceive! But when we've practised quite a while How vastly we improve our style!" -- A Word Of Encouragement by J. R. Pope
"They are basically witless midgets who spend most of their time trying to kill themselves" -- Dylan Moran on children.
"I just don't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die." -- Mr Garrison, Southpark.
"Lisa: Let's put it on the Internet! Bart: No. We have to reach people who's opinions actually matter." -- Simpsons.
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. A little knowledge of Psychology is downright lethal." -- Amy in Judging Amy.
"I think I have monogamy, I must have caught it from you people!" -- Samantha in Sex and the City.
"Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." -- Sir Winston Churchill.
"Don't forget what happened to the man who got everything he ever wanted... He lived happily ever after." -- Charlie, in his Chocolate Factory.
"I should have known, no human being is that humane." -- Ripley, Alien 4.
"If you hang out with me for long enough, you will find out I am not a man with whom to fuck" -- A rather incongruous quote from a bad pirate guy on Alien 4.
"Vampires are bloodsuckers to whom the concept of honour is meaningless" -- Vampire Hunter D.
"Lorry is the mental equivalent of a Dark Alley" -- Alan Cox.
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero" ("Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow") -- Horace.
"The sociopath, lacking the restraints that hold a normal character together can become anything. Ammorality frees her to be universally perfect. A charming chameleon with a scorpion's tail."
"A sociopath with no restraints can become anything... Ammorality frees her to be universally perfect, a charming chameleon with a scorpion's tail..." -- Color of Night
"I don't want to spoil Lawrie's fun or reputation here, but I feel duty bound to point out that you're writing to someone about an article they wrote that may be true or may be ironic, and in either case you can't be sure whether their reply is true or ironic. There are few Englishmen who, faced with questions from an earnest, truth-seeking American, would be able to resist exploiting their gullability and winding them up something rotten." -- Richard Bartle on "Confessions of an Arch-Wizard".
"I was a Wiccan for a few months, but then I realised it was like being a Brownie and I gave up." -- Gemma.
"... He speaks English like he hates it." -- some film called "Never So Few".
"You know what four dollars buys today? It doesn't even buy three dollars." -- Tony's dad in Saturday Night Fever.
"(It's so easy interrogating a German because they are so scared.) You send in a naked woman and a bottle of whisky and they'll tell you anything" -- John Le Carre's daughter quoting him.
Zorro: "Do you know how to use that thing?" (pointing at a sword) Alejandro: "Yes, the pointy end goes into the other man." -- Mask of Zorro.
[On the subject of Britain outsourcing call-centre jobs to other countries] "... When you call British Rail now to find the next train to London you get put through to Bangladesh and when you call Number 10 [Downing Street] you get through to The Whitehouse." -- Tony Benn.
"So, do you cook a lot of kosher food at home?" -- Ainsley Harriet to a conformant Jew.
"You're off the edge of the map mate; here there be monsters." -- Pirates of the Caribbean.
"You know, London! Cup o' tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fucking Poppins... London!" -- Snatch
"For I am a bear of very little brain, and long words bother me." -- Pooh.
"God created a bard, and from the waste left over, three critics." -- Unknown.
"To wives and sweet hearts - And may the two never meet." -- Old Sailors' Toast.
"This made the tea undrinkable... Even for Americans" -- From Mary Poppins on the subject of the Boston Tea Party.
"Sanity is not statistical." -- Orwell's 1984.
"Printing is ruining bookselling. The end of the world is upon us." -- Victor Hugo, Hunchback of Notre-Dame.
"Largely because Murdoch told him to. That's democray, one man one vote." -- Ian Pissflaps on "Have I got news for you" on the subject of Blair changing his mind on the EU constitution.
"Flight controller zero looking very carefully at the situation. Obviously a major malfunction" -- NASA's live commentry on the Challenger Shuttle blowing up.
"I am not even allowed a key; you swallow the thing one time and all of a sudden you are the weird key swallower who can't be trusted." -- Lab Technician in Legally Blonde 2.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -- Sir Edmund Burke
"If someone tries to kill you you try to kill 'em right back!" -- Firefly.
"Those that knew him best deplored him most" -- Epitath.
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." -- Henry Thoreau
"The wicked are always suprised to find that the good can be clever." -- Marquis de Vauvenargues.
"Most of the evils of life arise from man's being unable to sit still in a room." -- Blaise Pascal.
"If you forget yourself you become the universe" --Hkuin Ortegama.
"You must learn some of my philosophy. Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure." -- Lizzie in Pride and Prejudice.
"Every accused is presumed innocent unless proved guilty, and a hundred guilty persons may go free, so that not a single innocent person be declared guilty." -- Not quite a formal quote, but Thomas Jefferson is meant to have summed up this definition of the British Justice system with "better one hundred guilty men go free than one innocent man be condemned."
"The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes (I think).
"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time." -- Tolstoy.
"A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." -- Gloria Steinem.
"Thanksgiving: The only time the British were glad to have Indian neighbours." -- Anon.
"Nobody can ever make you feel inferior without your consent." -- Eleanor Roosevelt
".. And relations between America and England are better than ever... You're like Mini Me to our Doctor Evil, helping out in our Zany Schemes in taking over the world." -- Marge Simpson's Christmas message to England (2004).
"Wow! I've never been called an adult before... I've been tried as one but..." -- Otto from the Simpsons.
"It's a global village, but most of the people in that village are idiots". -- Somebody on telly babbling about the Internet.
"Rome.com wasn't built in a day..." -- Karl to Lou on Neighbours (probably nicked though)
"Love is a funny thing to describe. It's so easy to feel and yet so slippery to talk about. It's like a bar of soap in the bathtub - you have it in your hand until you hold on too tight." - MJJ
"... The first Church of the Obese Polygamist - Now known as the Church of England" -- Jonathan Meades
"I wouldn't piss in his mouth if his teeth were on fire." -- Anon.
"You sleep safe in your beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who do you harm" -- George Orwell
"... The weight of the new radios also led to Land Rovers breaking axles during trials." -- http://tinyurl.com/4srnb
"As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles." -- Emerald Tablet of Hermes (2) From Fulcanelli trans.
"I came to apologize, and make out with tongues." -- Bobby to Connie, King of the Hill.
"If you are an alien, how come you sound like you are from the North?" "Lots of planets have a North!" -- (well, the new "Dr Who" had to have *one* good quote ...)
"The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary." -- James D Nicoll
A bene placito -- "At your pleasure."
A fortiori -- "From the stronger" - loosely, "even more so" or "with even stronger reason." Often used to lead from a less certain proposition to a more evident corollary. e.g. "It is unwise to invest in pyramid schemes, and, a fortiori, in e-mail pyramid schemes."
A pedibus usque ad caput -- "From feet to head."
A posteriori -- "From the latter" - based on observation, the reverse of a priori.
A priori -- "From the former" - presupposed, the reverse of a posteriori.
A priori assumption -- "An assumption that is true without."
Ab hinc -- "From here on."
Ab imo pectore -- "From the depths of (my) chest" - i.e. "from my heart". Attributed to Julius Caesar.
Ab initio -- "From the beginning" or "from the start" - compare in media res; see also List of legal terms
Ab origine -- "From the origin."
Ab ovo usque ad mala -- "From the eggs to the apples," i.e., from beginning to end (the Roman main meal traditionally began with an egg dish and ended with fruit)
Ab urbe condita (A.U.C.) -- "From the founding of the city (of Rome)" - i.e. from 753 B.C., according to Livy's count; used as a reference point by the Romans for establishing dates, as we use A.D. today.
Absit omen -- "May the presentiment not be realized."
Acta est fabula, plaudite! -- "The play is over, applaud!" common ending phrase of ancient Roman comedies
Ad captandum vulgus -- "To appeal to the crowd" - often used of politicians who make false or insincere promises appealing to popular interest.
Ad fontes -- "To the sources" - a motto of Renaissance humanism.
Ad fundum -- "To the bottom" or "To the end" - said during a generic toast, like "bottoms up!"
Ad hoc -- "For this" - i.e. improvised, made up on the spot.
Ad hominem -- "To the man" - usually, an argument criticizing the opponent's person rather than his ideas; or also an argument designed to appeal to personal interest rather than objective fact.
Ad infinitum -- "To infinity" - going on forever.
Ad interim -- "In the meantime" - as in the term "chargé d'affaires ad interim" for a diplomatic officer who acts in place of an ambassador.
Ad kalendas graecas -- "To the Greek Kalends" - said by Emperor Augustus, in Suetonius, with the sense of "never". Kalends were part of the Roman calendar, not of the Greek, so the "Greek kalends" are "a date that will never happen".
Ad libitum (ad lib) -- "At ease" - means "do as you please", "improvise", "just ramble on"; esp. in music partitures, theatrical scripts, etc..
Ad lucem -- "Towards the light" - the motto of the University of Lisbon.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam (A.M.D.G.) -- "To the greater glory of God" - motto of the Jesuits.
Ad multos annos -- "To many years!" - i.e. "Many happy returns!"
Ad nauseam -- "To the point of nausea".
Ad pedem litterae -- "At the foot of the letter" - i.e. "exactly as it is written".
Ad perpetuam memoriam -- "To the eternal memory [of]"
Ad usum Delphini -- "For usage of the Dauphin" - said of a work that has been expurgated of offensive or improper parts. The phrase originates from editions of Greek and Roman classics which Louis XIV had printed for his heir apparent, the Dauphin.
Ad usum proprium (ad us. propr.) -- "For own usage"
Ad valorem -- "By the value" - e.g. ad valorem tax.
Advocatus Diaboli -- "The Devil's Advocate" - said about someone who defends an unpopular view for the sake of discussion (without really meaning it).
Aegri somnia -- "Troubled dreams."
Alea iacta est -- "The die is cast" - said by Julius Caesar, in Suetonius, after his decision to defy Roman law by crossing the Rubicon with his troops. (Suetonius actually uses it in the future imperative "Alea iacta esto": "Be sure to cast the dice").
Alis volat propiis -- "She flies with her own wings" - the Oregon state motto.
Alma mater -- "Nourishing mother" - term used for the university one attends/has attended. The word "matriculation" is derived from "mater". The term suggests that the students are "fed" knowledge and taken care of by the university.
Alter ego -- "Another I" - a pseudonym or a close associate who always acts on one's behalf.
Amicus curiae -- "Friend of the court" - an adviser, or a person who can obtain or grant access to the favour of powerful people (like Romana curia). In current U.S. legal usage, a third party allowed to submit a brief (an amicus brief) to the court.
Amor vincit omnia - -- "love conquers all"
Anno Domini (A.D.) -- "In the year of the lord" - indicates a year counted from the traditional date birth of Jesus Christ; also called the Common Era (C.E.).
Anno urbis conditae (A.U.C.) -- "In the year from the founding of the city (Rome)" - see Ab urbe condita.
Annuit Cœptis -- "He [God] has approved our undertaking" - motto of the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and on the back of the US one dollar bill
Annus horribilis -- "A horrible year" - used memorably by Queen Elizabeth II to describe what a bad year 1992 had been for her.
Ante cibum (doctor's shorthand: a.c.) -- "Before meals"
Ante litteram -- "Before the letter" - said after an expression that described something that existed before the expression itself was introduced or became common. For example, one could say that Alan Turing was a computer scientist ante litteram, since the profession of "computer scientist" was not recognised in Turing's day.
Ante meridiem (a.m.) -- "Before noon" - in the period from midnight to noon.
Ante prandium (a.p.) -- "Before lunch" - i.e. before a meal. Used on pharmaceutical prescriptions.
Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum. -- "The jackass of jackasses in the centuries of centuries" - i.e. "The greatest jackass in eternity."
Aurea mediocritas -- "Golden Mean" - in Horace's Odes, an ethical goal.
Auri sacra fames -- "Accursed hunger for gold" - from Vergil, Aeneis 3,57; later quoted by Seneca: quod non mortalia pectora coges, auri sacra fames ("What aren't you able to bring men to do, miserable hunger for gold!")
Aut Caesar aut nihil -- "Caesar or nothing" - i.e., all or nothing. (Caesar is here used in the meaning emperor.)
Aut vincere aut mori -- "Either conquer or die".
Ave atque vale -- "Hail and farewell!"
Beati possidentes -- "The happy who possess", translation of a quote from Euripides
Bis in die (doctor's shorthand: bid) -- "Twice a day"
Bona fide -- "In good faith."
Bona officia -- "Good services", a nation's offer to mediate in disputes between two other nations
Bonum commune communitatis -- "General welfare."
Bonum commune hominis -- "Common good of man."
Busillis -- Pseudo-Latin meaning "baffling puzzle" or "difficult point". John of Cornwall (ca. 1170) was once asked by a scribe what the word meant. It turns out that the original text said in diebus illis magnis plenæ ("in those days plenty of great things"), which the scribe misread as indie busillis magnis plenæ ("in India there were plenty of large busillis")... [1] (http://digilander.libero.it/summagallicana/Volume1/A.VIIII.8.01.htm).
Cacoethes scribendi -- "Bad habit of writing" - i.e. an insatiable urge to write. From Juvenal.
Casus belli -- "Event (that is cause or justification) for war."
Cave canem -- "Beware of the dog" - found written on a floor mosaic depicting a dog, at the entrance of a Roman house excavated at Pompei [2] (http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/pompeii/imagesHTM/Canem.html).
Caveat emptor -- "Let the buyer beware" - i.e. the purchaser of the goods is responsible for checking whether they suit his need.
Caveat lector -- "Let the reader beware" - i.e. the writer does not vouch for the accuracy of a text. Probably a recent calque on caveat emptor.
Caveat venditor -- "Let the seller beware" - the seller of goods is responsible for providing information about the goods to the purchaser.
Cetera desunt -- "The rest is missing."
Ceteris paribus -- "All other things being equal."
Ceterum censeo -- "In conclusion, I think that..." - Cato the Elder used to conclude his speeches, on any topic whatsoever, with Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam ("In conclusion, I think that Carthage must be destroyed").
Christus Rex -- "Christ the King."
Citius altius fortius -- "Faster, higher, stronger" - Motto of the modern Olympics.
Circa (ca.) -- "Around" - in the sense of "approximately, about"; usually of a date, e.g. "Jesus was actually born circa 6 BC"
Claves Sancti Petri -- "The keys of St. Peter" - symbol of the Papacy.
Compos mentis -- "Of sound mind" - sometimes used rather humorously.
Conditio sine qua non -- "Condition without which not" - i.e. "indispensable".
Confer (cf.) -- "Compare" - used as an abbreviation in text to recommend a comparison with another thing.
Confoederatio Helvetica (C.H.) -- "Helvetian Confederation" - the official name of Switzerland, which explains the use of "ch" for its ISO country code and Internet domain.
Consummatum est -- "It is completed" - In the Latin translation of John 19:30, the last words of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Contemptus saeculi -- "Contempt of the secular (world)" - the monk's or philosopher's rejection of mundane life and values.
Corpus Christi -- "Body of Christ."
Corpus delicti -- "Body of the crime" - the body of facts that prove a crime.
Corpus vile -- "Vile body" - a person or thing fit only to be the object of an experiment.
Cui bono -- "Good for whom?" - a maxim sometimes used in the detection of crime.
Cui prodest -- "Whom does it benefit?" - short form for cui prodest scelus, is fecit in Seneca's Medea; the murderer is the one who gains by the murder.
cum gladius et fustibus or cum gladiis et fustibus -- "With sword and staff" - from the Bible.
cum gladio et sale. -- "With sword and salt." Motto of a well-paid soldier.
cum grano salis -- "With a grain of salt" - i.e. not to be taken too seriously.
cum laude -- "With honors."
Curæ pii Diis sunt -- "The pious are [in] the care of the gods."
Curriculum vitae -- "Course of life" - a résumé.
De facto -- "In fact" - Said of something that actually is the case. Often the implication is that it isn't the case of necessity (de jure) or that it is supposed not to be the case; e.g. "The Shogun was the de facto ruler of Japan."
De jure -- "By law."
De novo -- "Anew."
Deus ex machina -- "A god from a machine" - a contrived or artificial solution, usually to a literary plot. Refers to the practice in Greek drama of lowering by machine an actor playing Zeus onto the stage - as though he were descending from Olympus - to resolve an awkward plot.
Dictum sapienti sat est -- "The said is enough for the wise" - understandable for a wise one without the need for explanations (Plautus), also as: sat sapienti and sapienti sat.
Dis aliter visum -- "The gods decided differently."
Dies irae -- "Day of wrath."
Disjecti membra poetae -- "Members of a dismembered poet" i.e. "the scattered remnants of the poet" (Horace, Satires, I, 4, 62), battered poetry.
Dominus Vobiscum -- "God be with you" - phrase used during and at the end of catholic sermons; greeting form among and towards members of catholic organizations (i.e. priests, nuns etc.)
Dramatis personae -- "People of the play" - the characters represented in a dramatic work; cast.
Duces Tecum -- "Bring with You" - see subpoena duces tecum.
Dulce et Utile -- "Sweet and useful."
E pluribus unum -- "From many, one" - the motto of the USA.
Ecce homo -- "Behold the man!" - in the Latin translation of the Gospel of John these words are spoken by Pilate as he presents Jesus Christ crowned with thorns to the crowd.
Editio princeps -- "First edition."
Emeritus -- "From merit" - often used to refer to a retired professor.
Esse quam videri -- "To be, rather than to seem" - motto of the U.S. state of North Carolina.
Esto perpetua -- "Let it be everlasting" - used by the historian Fra Paolo Sarpi of his native Venice.
Et alii (et al.) -- "And others" - used to abbreviate a list of names (Alii is actually masculine, so it can be used for men, or groups of men and women; the feminine et aliae is appropriate when the "others" are all female.)
Et cetera (etc. or &c.) -- "And the rest" - nowadays also "and others", "and so on", "and more".
Et in Arcadia ego -- "I, also, am in Arcadia" - see memento mori.
Et tu, Brute -- "And thou, Brutus?" - literal quotation from William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. He renders as Latin in an English play what was originally quoted as Greek supposedly spoken by a Roman. But Plutarch quotes Caesar as saying, Kai su, teknon? - Greek for "You too, my child?" (Greek would have been the language of Rome's elite at the time.) However it is unlikely that Caesar actually said these words.
Ex animo -- "From the heart" - i.e. "sincerely".
Ex ante -- "From before" - "beforehand", "before the event", i.e. based on prior assumptions.
Ex Cathedra -- "From the Chair" - a phrase applied to the Pope when he is speaking infallibly and, by extension, to others who speak with supreme authority or arrogance.
Ex Deo -- "From God."
Ex hypothesi -- "From the hypothesis" - i.e. by hypothesis.
Ex libris... -- "From the books (library) of..."
Ex nihilo -- "From nothing" - Some Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions hold that God created the universe from nothing.
Ex officio -- "From the office" - when someone holds one position by virtue of holding another, e.g. the U.S. vice president is ex officio president of the Senate.
Ex parte -- "By (or for) one party" - a legal term.
Ex post facto -- "From after the fact" - of a law with retroactive effect.
Ex tempore -- "This instance" or "Right away" or "Immediately"
Ex vi termini -- "By definition."
Excelsior -- "Higher" - i.e. "ever upward!"
Exempli gratia (e.g.) -- "For the sake of example", "for example."
Exeunt -- "They leave" - see exit.
Exeunt omnes -- "They all leave" - see exit.
Exit -- "He/she leaves" - used e.g. in theatrical stage directions.
Exitus acta probat -- "The results justify the deed", or "The ends justify the means".
Experimentum crucis -- "Critical experiment" - a decisive test of a scientific theory.
Fiat lux (et facta est lux) -- "Let there be light (and there was light)" - from Genesis.
Fidei Defensor (Fid Def or fd) -- "Defender of the Faith" - a title given to Henry VIII of England by Pope Leo X on October 17, 1521 before Henry became an heresiarch. Appears on all British coins, usually abbreviated.
Fons et origo -- "The wellspring and origin."
Genius loci -- "The spirit of the place."
Gloria in excelsis Deo -- "Glory to God in the highest."
Habeas corpus -- "You must have the body" - i.e. you must justify an imprisonment. First two words of the Writ to bring a prisoner to court (Charles II of England, Habeas Corpus Act - 1679) and commonly used as the general term for a prisoner's legal right to have the charge against specifically identified.
Habemus papam -- "We have a pope" - used in a Catholic Church conclave to announce a successful ballot to elect a new pope.
Hic jacet... -- "Here lies..." - written on gravestones or tombs.
Hic sepultus... -- "Here is buried..."
Honoris causa -- "For the sake of honor" - said of an honorary title, e.g., Doctor of Science honoris causa.
Horas non numero nisi serenas -- "I only count the sunny hours" - common inscription on sundials.
Hora somni (doctor's shorthand: h.s.) -- "At bedtime"
Horribile dictu -- "Horrible to say" - i.e. "a horrible thing to relate."
Ibidem (ibid.) -- "In the same place" - usually in bibliographic citations.
Id est (i.e.) -- "That is (to say)", abbreviated as "i.e." - sometimes "in this case," depending on the context. When celebrating this holiday (i.e. Christmas), hang a wreath on your door. It is never equivalent to "e.g.".
Igni ferroque -- "By fire and iron" - a phrase describing scorched earth tactics. Also seen as igne atque ferro, ferro ignique, and other variations.
Imago dei -- "In the image of God" - a religious concept.
Imitatio dei -- "In imitation of God" - a principle, held by several religions, that believers should strive to resemble their god(s).
Imperium in imperio -- "An empire within an empire" - i.e. a fifth column, a group of people within an nation's territory who owe allegiance to some other leader.
Imprimatur -- "(It) may be printed" - an authorization to publish, granted by some censoring authority (originally a Catholic Bishop).
In absentia -- "In the absence" - e.g. of a trial carried out in the absence of the accused.
In camera -- "In secret" (literally "in the chamber")
In duplo -- "In two (copies)"
In effigie -- "In (the form of) an image" - as opposed to "in the flesh" or "in person".
In extenso -- "In long (form)" - i.e. "in full", "completely", "unabridged."
In fidem -- "To faith" - to the verification of
In fine (i.f.) -- "Finally."
In flagrante delicto -- "In flaming crime" - i.e. "caught red-handed."
In flore -- "In bloom."
In foro -- "In forum" - in court.
In illo tempore -- "At that time", found often in the Gospel lecture during the Mass. It is used to mark a time in an indetermined past.
In loco -- "At the place" - as e.g., "the water samples were analyzed in loco."
In loco parentis -- "In place of the parents" - Legal term, "assuming custodial/parental responsibility and authority".
In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum -- "In your hands I command my spirit", according to Luke 23:46 the last words of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
In media res -- "Into the middle things" - by Horace, refers to the poetic technique of beginning a narrative poem at a late point in the story, after much action has already taken place. Examples include the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Paradise Lost. Compare ab initio.
In memoriam -- "In memory of" - i.e. to remember or honor a deceased person.
In nuce -- "In a nutshell."
In partibus infidelium -- "The land of the infidels" - infidels here refers to non-Catholics. After Islam conquered a big part of the Roman Empire, the corresponding bishoprics didn't disappear, but remained as honorific titles.
In rerum natura -- "In the nature of things."
In salvo -- "In safety."
In silico -- "In silicon", an experiment or process performed as a computer simulation. Compare with in vitro and in vivo.
In statu nascendi -- "At the moment of birth" - just as something is about to begin.
In situ -- "In place" - in the original place, position, or arrangement.
In toto -- "In all" - "totally", "completely".
In triplo -- "In three (copies)."
In vitro -- "In glass" - an experiment or process performed in a non-natural laboratory setting, for example in a test tube.
In vivo -- "In life" - an experiment or process performed in a living specimen, as opposed to in vitro.
Incredibile dictu -- "Incredible to say."
Index librorum prohibitorum -- "List of prohibited books" - a list of books considered heretic by the Catholic Church.
Inter alia -- "Among other things."
Inter caetera -- "Among others". Title of a papal bull.
Inter spem et metum -- "Between hope and fear."
Inter vivos -- "Between the living" - said of property transfers between living persons, as opposed to inheritance; often relevant to tax laws.
Integer vitae scelerisque purus -- "Untouched by life and free of wickedness" - by Horace, used as a funeral hymn.
Intra muros -- "Within the walls" - i.e. "not public".
Intra Vires -- "Within the authority"
In usum Delphini -- "In the manner of the Dauphin" - rare variant of ad usum Delphini.
Ipse dixit -- "He, himself, has spoken" - emphasizes that some assertion comes from some authority. See appeal to authority.
Ipsissima verba -- "The words themselves, verily" - i.e. "strictly word by word."
Ipso facto -- "By the fact itself."
Ita vero -- "Thus (it is) true" - i.e. "thus indeed". A useful phrase, as the Romans had no word for "yes".
Ite, missa est -- "Leave, the mass is finished" - the final words of the Roman Missal.
Iunctis viribus -- "By united efforts."
Ius primae noctis -- "Right of the first night" - the droit de seigneur.
Labor omnia vincit -- "Labor overcomes all things."
Lapsus calami -- "A slip of the pen."
Lapsus linguae -- "A slip of the tongue."
Lapsus memoriae -- "Memory lapse."
Laus deo -- "Praise be to God."
Legitime -- "Forced share" - a legal term describing the portion of a deceased person's estate from which the immediate family cannot be disinherited.
Lex talionis -- "Law of retaliation" - cf. Retributive justice, an eye for an eye.
Locus classicus -- "A classic place" - a quote from a classical text used as an example of something.
Lorem ipsum -- A mangled fragment from Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum ("On the Ends (Limits) of Good and Evil," 45 BC), used as typographer's filler to show fonts (a.k.a greeked text).
Lucus a non lucendo -- "The word for 'grove' is lucus (=light) because it is not light in a grove" - etymology by opposites.
Magna cum laude -- "With great honor."
Magno cum gaudio -- "With great joy."
Magnum opus -- "Great work" - said (sometimes ironically) of someone's masterpiece.
Mala fide -- "In bad faith" - said of an act done with knowledge of its illegality, or with intention to defraud or mislead someone.
Malum discordiae -- "Apple of discord"
Malum in se -- "Wrong in itself" - a crime that is inherently wrong; cf. malum prohibitum.
Malum prohibitum -- "Prohibited wrong" - something that society decided to forbid, but is not inherently evil.
Manu propria (m.p.) -- "Done with one's own hand"
Mea (maxima) culpa -- "By my own (very great) fault" - used in Christian prayers and confession.
Memento mori -- "Remember that you will die!"
Mirabile dictu -- "Wonderful to tell."
Modus operandi (M. O.) -- "Way of working" - usually used to describe a criminal's methods.
Modus ponens -- "Method of adding" - loosely "method of affirming", a logical rule of inference, saying that from proposition P and if P then Q one can conclude Q.
Modus tollens -- "Method of subtracting" - loosely "method of denying", a logical rule of inference, saying that from propositions not Q and if P then Q one can conclude not P.
Modus vivendi -- "Way to life" - i.e. an accommodation between disagreeing parties to allow life to go on.
Multum in parvo -- "Much in little" - e.g. "Latin phrases are often multum in parvo, because they convey much in few words."
Mutatis mutandis -- "Changing what is to be changed" - i.e., "with the appropriate changes".
Ne nuntium necare -- "Don't kill the messenger"
Nemine contradicente (nem. con.) -- "Without contestation" - used especially in committees, where a matter may be passed nem. con..
Nemo dat quod non habet -- "No one can pass better title than they have".
Nihil obstat -- "Nothing prevents" - a notation, usually on a title page, indicating that a Catholic censor has reviewed the book and found nothing objectionable to faith or morals in its content. See also imprimatur.
Nihil per os (doctor's shorthand: n.p.o.) -- "Nothing by mouth"
Nolens (aut) volens -- "Willing or not."
Noli me tangere -- "Touch me not" - according to the Gospel of John, this was said by Christ to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection.
Nolle prosequi -- "Not willing to prosecute" - a legal motion by a prosecutor or other plaintiff to drop legal charges, usually in exchange for a diversion program or out-of-court settlement.
Nomen nescio (N. N.) -- "Name unknown" - i.e. "unknown person."
Non compos mentis or Non compos sui -- "Of unsound mind."
Non mihi solum -- "Not for myself alone"
Non obstante veredicto -- "Notwithstanding the verdict" - a legal motion asking the court to reverse the jury's verdict on the grounds that the jury could not reasonably have reached such a verdict.
Non sequitur -- "It does not follow" - a statement that is the result of faulty logic.
Non serviam -- "I will not serve."
Nota bene (N. B.) -- "Note it well" - i.e. "please note", "important note."
Novus Ordo Seclorum -- "New Order of the Ages" - motto on the Great Seal of the United States; from Vergil.
Nullam rem natam -- "No thing born" - i.e. "nothing". It has been claimed that this expression is the origin of Italian nulla, French rien, and Spanish/Portuguese nada, all with the same meaning.
Numerus clausus -- "Closed number."
O tempora, O mores! -- "Oh the times! Oh the morals!" ( Marcus Tullius Cicero, Catilina I, 1, 2) also translated "Oh the times! Oh the customs!".
Oculus dextrus (ophthalmologist shorthand: O.D.) -- "Right eye"
Oculus sinister (ophthalmologist shorthand: O.S.) -- "Left eye"
Oderint dum metuant -- "Let them hate, so long as they fear" - attributed by Seneca to the playwright Lucius Accius, and said to be a favourite saying of Caligula.
Odi et amo -- "I hate (her), and I love (her)" - from Catullus.
Odium theologicum -- "Theological hatred" - a name for the special hatred generated in theological disputes.
Opera omnia -- "All works" - the collected works of some author.
Opera posthuma -- "Posthumous works" - i.e. published after the author's death.
Opere Citato (op. cit.) -- "In work (already) cited" - used in academic works when referring again to the last source mentioned or used.
Ophidia in herba -- "A snake in the grass" - any hidden danger or unknown risk.
Pace tua -- "With your permission."
Panem et circenses -- "Bread and circus plays" - Juvenal, Satires 10, 81, describing all that was needed for the emperors to placate the Roman mob, and today used to describe any public entertainment.
Parens patriae -- "Parent of the country."
Pari passu -- "With equal step" - moving together, simultaneously, etc..
Parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus -- "The mountains are in labour, and a ridiculous mouse shall be born" - i.e. "much ado about nothing"; from Horace.
Passim -- "Throughout", "here and there", "frequently" - of a word that occurs several times in a cited texts; also, in proof reading, of a change that is to be repeated everywhere needed.
Pater familias -- "Father of the family."
Pater peccavi -- "Father, I have sinned" - the traditional beginning of a Catholic confession.
Pax Americana -- "The Peace of America" - a euphemism for the United States of America and its sphere of influence, adapted from Pax Romana (q.v.)
Pax Britannica -- "The Peace of Britain" - a euphemism for the British Empire, adapted from Pax Romana (q.v.)
Pax Dei -- "Peace of God", Peace and Truce of God movement, 10th Century, France.
Pax Romana -- "The Peace of Rome" - the peace forcefully imposed by the Roman Empire.
Pax tecum -- "Peace be with you (singular)."
Pax vobiscum -- "Peace be with you (plural)."
Pendent opera interrupta -- "The work hangs interrupted" - from the Aeneid of Virgil, Book IV
Per annum -- "Per year."
Per aspera ad astra -- "The hard way towards the stars"
Per capsulam -- "By letter."
Per caput or per capita -- "Per head" - i.e. "per person".
per curiam -- "by [the] court."
Per os (doctor's shorthand: p.o.) -- "By mouth"
Per procurationem (p.p.) -- Through the agency (of) - used to indicate that a person is signing a document on behalf of another person (correctly placed before the name of the person signing, but often placed before the name of the person on whose behalf the document is signed, sometimes through incorrect translation of the alternative abbreviation "per pro." as "for and on behalf of").
Per se -- "By itself" or "in itself" - i.e. without referring to anything else, intrinsically, taken without qualifications, etc.; for instance, negligence per se.
Per stirpes -- "Per branch" - used in wills to indicate that each branch of the testator's family should inherit equally; contrast per capita.
Perpetuum mobile -- "Thing in perpetual motion."
Persona non grata -- "Person not wanted" - an unwanted or undesirable person. In diplomatic contexts, a person rejected by the host government. (Unwelcome, banned)
Petitio principii -- "Begging the principle" - i.e. "begging the question"; a logical fallacy.
Pia desideria -- "Pious desires."
Pia fraus -- "Pious betrayal" - expression from Ovid used to describe betrayal which serves Church purposes.
Pontifex Maximus -- "The greatest high priest" - a traditional epithet of the pope.
Posse comitatus -- "Power of the county".
Post cibum (doctor's shorthand: p.c.) -- "After meals"
Post facto -- "After the fact." (see ex post facto)
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc -- "After this, therefore because of this" - a logical fallacy.
Post meridiem (p.m.) -- "After noon" - in the period from noon to midnight.
Post mortem -- "After death."
Post scriptum (p.s.) -- "Post script" used to mark additions to a letter, after the signature.
Prima facie -- "At first sight" - used to designate evidence in a trial which is suggestive, but not conclusive, of something (e.g. a person's guilt).
Primum non nocere -- "First, do no harm." - A medical precept, attributed to Hippocrates.
Primus inter pares -- "First among equals" - a title of the Roman emperors.
Pro bono (publico) -- "For the (public) good" - said of a lawyer's work that is not charged for.
Pro hac vice -- "for this occasion" - request of a state court to allow an out-of-state lawyer to represent a client. (see List of legal terms)
Pro studio et labore -- "For hard work and labor."
Pro rata -- "For the rate" - e.g. per hour.
Pro re nata (doctor's shorthand: prn) -- "As needed"
Pro tempore -- "For the time (being)" - i.e. "temporary."
Profanum vulgus -- "The uninitiated masses" - from Horace.
Propria manu (p.m.) -- "By own hand."
Punctum saliens -- "The outstanding point" - i.e. the essential or most notable point.
Quære -- "(You might) ask..." - used to introduce questions, usually rhetorical or tangential questions.
Qualis artifex pereo! -- "What a great artist dies with me!" - attributed to Nero by Suetonius.
Quaque die (doctor's shorthand: qd) -- "Every day"
Quaque hora (doctor's shorthand: qh) -- "Every hour"
Quarter in die (doctor's shorthand: qid) -- "Four times a day"
Quid novi ex Africa? -- "What's new out of Africa?" - derived from an Aristotle quote.
Quid pro quo -- "A thing for a thing" - i.e. a favor for a favor.
Quidnunc? or Quid nunc? -- "What now?" - as a noun, a quidnunc is a busybody or a gossip.
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes -- "Who watches the watchmen?" -- Juvenal, circa 128 AD
Quo vadis -- "Where are you going?" - according to Christian legend, asked by St. Peter meeting Jesus on the Appian way in Rome.
Quo vide (q.v.) -- "Which see" - used after a term or phrase that should be looked up elsewhere in the current document or book.
Quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D.) -- "That which was to be demonstrated" - often written (abbreviated) at the bottom of a mathematical proof.
Quo errat demonstrator -- "Where the prover errs" - a pun on Quod erat demonstrandum.
Quousque tandem? -- "For how much longer?" - from Cicero's speech to the Roman senate regarding the conspiracy of Catiline: Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? i.e. "For how much longer, Catilina, will you abuse our patience?".
Rara avis -- "A rare bird" - i.e. an extraodinary or unusual thing (from Juvenal's Satires: rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cycno, "a rare bird on the earth, and very like a black swan").
Ratio legis -- "Legal foundation."
Reductio ad absurdum -- "Reduction to absurdity" - a technique of argument that proves the thesis by showing that its opposite is absurd or logically untenable. This is an oft-used method of proof in mathematics and philosophy.
Regnat populus -- "Let the People rule."
Repetitio est mater studiorum -- "Repetition is the mother of study"
Requiescat in pace (R.I.P.) -- "May he rest in peace" - a benediction for the dead. Often inscribed on tombstones or other grave markers.
Res ipsa loquitur -- "The thing speaks for itself" - a phrase from the common law of torts that means negligence can be inferred from the fact that such an accident happened, without proof of exactly how.
Res ipsa loquitur, sed quid in infernos dicet? -- "The thing speaks for itself, but what the hell did it say?" - a sarcastic pseudo-Latin commentary on res ipsa loquitur, reminding the listener that we must still interpret the significance of events that "speak for themselves."
Res judicata -- Literally, "Judged thing" - i.e. matter which has been decided by a court. Commonly, the legal concept that once a matter has been finally decided by the courts it cannot be litigated again. See also Double jeopardy
Res nullius -- "Nobody's thing" - i.e. goods without owner.
Romani ite domum -- "Romans go home" - as written one hundred times over the palace walls by Brian of Nazareth. See Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Rosa rubicundior, lilio candidior, omnibus formosior, semper in te glorior -- "Redder than the rose, whiter than the lilies, fairer than everything, I will always glory in thee."
Saltus in demonstrando -- "Leap in demonstration."
Salva veritate -- "With truth preserved."
Salvo errore et omissione (s.e.e.o.) -- "Except for errors and omissions" - appears on statements of "account currents".
Salvo honoris titulo (SHT) -- "Excluding the title" - used in writings to unfamiliar persons, as an excuse for not using the correct title.
Sancta sedes -- "the Holy Chair" - i.e. the Papacy or the Holy See.
Sedes apostolica -- "the Apostolic Chair" - i.e. the Papacy or the Holy See.
Servus servorum Dei -- "Servant of the servants of God" - a title for the Pope.
Semper fidelis -- "Always faithful" - motto of the United States Marine Corps, often abbreviated Semper Fi.
Semper paratus -- "Always prepared" - the motto of the United States Coast Guard.
Semper ubi sub ubi -- "Always where under where" - a Latin translation joke. Nonsensical, but the English translation is is a pun of "Always wear underwear"
Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR) -- "The Senate and the People of Rome" - i.e. "The Aristocrats and the Commoners", the official name of the Roman Republic. "SPQR" was carried on battle standards by the Roman Legions.
Sesquipedalia verba -- "Words a foot and a half long" - long and complicated words that are used without necessity.
Sic -- "Thus", "just so" - states that the preceding quoted material appears exactly that way in the source, usually despite errors of spelling, grammar, usage, or fact.
Sic itur ad astra -- "Thus to the stars" - that's how to achieve fame.
Sic passim -- "thus in various places" - used when referencing books; see passim.
Sic semper tyrannis -- "Thus always to tyrants." - state motto of Virginia.
Signetur (doctor's shorthand: sig) -- "Let it be labeled"
Sine anno (s.a.) -- "Without year" - used in bibliographies to indicate that the date of publication of a document is unknown.
Sine die -- "Without a (set) day" - originally from old common law texts, where it indicates that a final, dispositive order has been made in the case: there is nothing left for the court to do, so no date for further proceedings is set.
Sine ira et studio -- "Without anger or bias" - impartially. From Cornelius Tacitus, Annals 1,1.
Sine loco (s.l.) -- "Without place" - used in bibliographies to indicate that the place of publication of a document is unknown.
Sine nomine (s.n.) -- "Without name" - used in bibliographies to indicate that the publisher of a document is unknown.
Sit tibi terra levitas (S.T.T.L.) -- "May the earth rest lightly on you" - a benediction for the dead, often inscribed on tombstones or other gravestones.
Sit venia verbo -- "With apologies for the word" - i.e. "pardon my French."
Stanta pede -- "On standing foot" - immediately.
Statim (doctor's shorthand: stat) -- "Immediately"
Status quo (ante) -- "The state that was (before)" - the status of affairs or situation prior to some upsetting event.
Stet -- "Let it stand" - marginal mark in proofreading to indicate that something previously deleted or marked for deletion should be retained.
Stricto sensu -- "In the strict sense."
Stupor mundi -- "Wonder of the world", the title by which Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, was known.
Sua sponte -- "Of own accord." - motto of the U.S. Army Rangers. Also a legal term
Sub iudice or sub judice -- "Under a judge" - said of a case that cannot be publicly discussed until it is finished.
Sub poena duces tecum -- "Bring with you under penalty" - legal writ requiring appearance with documents, etc..
Sub poena (subpoena) -- "Under penalty" - of a request (usually by a court) that must be complied to on pain of punishment.
Sub rosa -- "Under the rose" - secretly (a rose was placed above a door to indicate that what was said in the room beyond was not to be repeated outside).
Sub specie æternitatis -- "From eternity's point of view." (Spinoza, Ethics)
Sui generis -- Of its (own) kind - in a class of its own.
Sui juris -- Of one's own right - capable of (legal) responsiblity; legal and ecclesiastical use.
Sum quod eris / Fui quod sis -- "I am what you will be / I was what you are" - gravestone incriptions that remind the reader of the inevitability of death. Also see Tu fui, ego eris.
Summa cum laude -- "With the highest honor."
Summum bonum -- "The supreme good."
Summum malum -- "The supreme evil."
Sunt omnes uno -- "They are all one."
Tabula rasa -- "Scraped tablet" - i.e. "a blank slate". Romans used to write on wax-covered wooden tablets, which were erased by scraping with the flat end of the stylus. John Locke used the term to describe the human mind at birth before it had acquired any knowledge.
Tabula gratulatoria -- "List of congratulations."
Talis qualis -- "As such"
Taliter qualiter -- "Somewhat"
Tempora Heroica -- "The Heroic Age."
Ter in die (doctor's shorthand: tid) -- "Thrice a day"
Terra firma -- "Solid ground."
Terra incognita -- "Unknown land."
Terra nullius -- "Empty land."
Tertium non datur -- "No third is given" - logical axiom that a claim is either true or false, with no third option.
Treuga Dei -- "Truce of God" - a decree by the medieval Church that all feuds should be cancelled during the Sabbath (effectively from wednesday or thursday night until monday).
Tu autem -- "You, also" - see memento mori.
Tu fui, ego eris -- "I was you, you will be me" - i.e. "What you are, I was; what I am, you will be."; a gravestone inscription to remind the reader that death is unavoidable.
Tu quoque fili -- "You too, son" - attributed to Julius Caesar; see Et tu, Brute.
Ubi re vera ... or ubi revera ... -- "Where(as), in reality ..."
Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant -- Where they make a wasteland, they call it peace" - Gaius Cornelius Tacitus, Agricola, ch. 30.
Ultima ratio -- "Last argument" - the last resort. Louis XIV, King of France, had Ultima Ratio Regum ("The last resort of kings") engraved on the cannons of his armies.
Ultra vires -- "Without authority"
Unus multorum -- "One of many" - an average person.
Urbi et orbi -- "To the city (of Rome) and to the globe" - standard opening of Roman proclamations; also a traditional blessing by the Pope.
Ut biberent, quando (or quoniam) esse nollent -- "So that they might drink, since they refused to eat" - from a story by Suetonius (Vit. Tib. 2.2) and Cicero (De Natura Deorum, 2.3). The phrase was said by Roman admiral Publius Claudius Pulcher, right before the battle of Drepana, as he threw overboard the sacred chickens which had refused to eat the grain offered them - an unwelcome omen of bad luck. So the sense is "if they do not perform as expected, they must suffer the consequences".
Ut infra -- "As below."
Ut retro -- "As backwards" or "as on the back side" - i.e. "as above" or "as on the previous page".
Ut supra -- "As above."
Vade mecum -- "Go with me" - a vade-mecum or vademecum is an item one carries around, especially a handbook.
Vade retro! -- "Go back!" - i.e. "step back!", "begone!" Publius Terent, Formio I, 4, 203.
Vade retro Satana! -- "Go back, Satan!" or "Go back, Lucifer!"- implied meaning "go away, do not dare to tempt me!". From a popular Medieval Catholic exorcism formula, apparently based on a rebuke by Jesus to Peter in the Vulgate, Mark 8:33: vade retro me, Satana. ("step back from me, Satan!").
Vae victis -- "Woe to the conquered"
Vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas -- "Vanity, vanity, all is vanity" (Bible, Ecclesiastes, 1:2)
Vaticinium ex eventu -- "Prophecy from the event" - prophecy made to look as written before the events it describes, while in fact being written afterwards.
Veni, vidi, vici -- "I came, I saw, I conquered" - the full text of a message sent by Julius Caesar to the Roman Senate, to describe his battle against King Pharnakles of Pontus near Zela in 47 BC.
Vera causa -- "The true cause (of)."
Verbatim et litteratim -- "Word by word and letter by letter."
Verbi divini minister -- "Servant of the word of God" - i.e. a priest.
Versus (vs.) -- "Against" - as in "Good versus Evil."
Via -- "By way (of)."
Via media -- "Middle path" - the Church of England was said to be a via media between the errors of Roman Catholicism and the extremes of Protestantism.
Vice versa -- "With places exchanged" - i.e. "in reverse order", "conversely".
Vide infra (v.i.) -- "See below."
Vide supra (v.s.) -- "See above."
Videre licet (videlicet, viz.) -- "one may see" - used to introduce examples or a listing of something just named. (Videlicet is not Latin, it is an English contraction.)
Vis legis -- "Force of the law"
Visio dei -- "God's vision."
Vite ante acta -- "Life before the events" - i.e. a previous life
Vivat, crescat, floreat! -- "May he/she/it live, grow, and flourish!"
Vivat Regina! -- "Long live the Queen!"
Vivat Rex! -- "Long live the King!"
Vox clamantis in deserto -- "The voice of one shouting in the desert" - thus "unheeded", "in vain."