forked from 0ad/0ad
Acumen 268584d177 Initial commit of GUI changes. You're not liable to see much difference (in fact, there's probably less functionality than there used to be).
This is mostly to commit the new icon sheets so Jason can commit changes
directly if he prefers, and because I'm about to get back onto fixing
the command lists (not necessarily ones that actually do things when you
click them, but at least get them updating properly on the screen for
Matei), and want to commit a semi-usable update before I potentially
break it all again.

This was SVN commit r3571.
2006-02-27 23:37:43 +00:00

269 lines
9.6 KiB

DESCRIPTION : Functions for manipulating players and their properties (eg resources).
// ====================================================================
function createResources()
// Defines all resource types for future use.
// Assigns the value of game setup resource values as starting values.
// Numbers for resource modes Low/Normal/High - tweak as needed for balancing
var resLowValue = Array(100,50,0,0);
var resNormalValue = Array(200,200,100,100);
var resHighValue = Array(1000,1000,1000,1000);
if (getCurrItemValue ("pgSessionSetupResources") == "Low") {
// Give low resources
var resValue = resLowValue;
} else if (getCurrItemValue("pgSessionSetupResources") == "Normal") {
// Give normal resources
var resValue = resNormalValue;
} else if (getCurrItemValue ("pgSessionSetupResources") == "High") {
// Give high resources
var resValue = resHighValue;
} else {
// Do not give any resources
var resValue = Array(0,0,0,0);
addResource ("Food", Number(resValue[0]));
addResource ("Wood", Number(resValue[1]));
addResource ("Stone", Number(resValue[2]));
addResource ("Ore", Number(resValue[3]));
addResource ("Population", 0);
addResource ("Housing", 0);
// ====================================================================
function addResource (resourceName, resourceQty)
// Creates a resource type.
// Ensure resource name is title-case.
resourceName = toTitleCase (resourceName);
if (!localPlayer.resource)
// Define the base resource group if it does not exist.
localPlayer.resource = new Array();
// Set the length of the array.
localPlayer.resource.length = 0;
// Create the UI resource array container if it does not exist.
resourceUIArray = new Array;
// Store resource's name and starting value.
localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] = resourceQty;
// The array is now one index longer.
// We maintain a sorted array of the resource indexes so that the UI counters can be refreshed in centered order.
// (We don't include Housing in the list, though, as it does not have its own resource counter.)
if (resourceName != "Housing")
// If it's an even index,
if ((localPlayer.resource.length-1) % 2 == 0)
// Add it to the end of the UI array.
resourceUIArray.push ((localPlayer.resource.length-1));
// Add it to the beginning of the UI array,
resourceUIArray.unshift ((localPlayer.resource.length-1));
// Dynamically adjust width of resource counter based on caption length.
console.write( "Added " + resourceName + " (" + resourceQty + ")" );
// ====================================================================
function setResources (resourceName, resourceQty)
// Generic function to set the value of a resource in the player's pool.
// Ensure resource name is title-case.
resourceName = toTitleCase (resourceName);
// if ( localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] )
// {
// Set resource value.
localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] = resourceQty;
// Dynamically adjust width of resource counter based on caption length.
console.write ("Resource set to " + resourceQty + " " + resourceName + ".");
return ( true );
// }
// If the resource wasn't in the list, report an error.
// console.write ("Failed to set resource " + resourceName + " to " + resourceQty);
// return ( false ) ;
// ====================================================================
function giveResources (resourceName, resourceQty)
// Generic function to add resources to the player's Pool.
// Ensure resource name is title-case.
resourceName = toTitleCase (resourceName);
// if ( localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] )
// {
// Set resource value.
localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] += resourceQty;
// Dynamically adjust width of resource counter based on caption length.
if (resourceName != "Housing" && resourceName != "Population")
console.write ("Earned " + resourceQty + " " + resourceName + ".");
return ( true );
// }
// // If the resource wasn't in the list, report an error.
// console.write ("Failed to add " + resourceQty + " to resource " + resourceName);
// return ( false );
// ====================================================================
function deductResources (resourceName, resourceQty)
// Generic function to remove resources from the player's Pool.
// Ensure resource name is title-case.
resourceName = toTitleCase (resourceName);
// if( localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] )
// {
// Set resource value.
localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName] -= resourceQty;
// Dynamically adjust width of resource counter based on caption length.
if (resourceName != "Housing" && resourceName != "Population")
console.write("Deducted " + resourceQty + " " + resourceName + ".");
return( true );
// }
// // If the resource wasn't in the list, report an error.
// console.write ("Failed to deduct " + resourceQty + " from resource " + resourceName);
// return false;
// ====================================================================
function refreshResources ()
// Refreshes all resource counters after update.
resourcePool = localPlayer.resource;
resourceCount = 0;
for (currResource in resourcePool)
// Pass the array index of the resource as the second parameter (as we'll need that to determine the centered screen position of each counter).
refreshResource (toTitleCase(currResource), resourceUIArray[resourceCount]);
// ====================================================================
function refreshResource (resourceName, resourceIndex)
// Refresh the onscreen counter for a given resource (called to recalculate the size of the coordinates, as these dynamically adjust depending on character length).
// Ensure resource name is title-case.
resourceName = toTitleCase (resourceName);
// Ignore the "Housing" resource ... It doesn't work like normal resources and doesn't have a counter to resize.
if (resourceName == "Housing")
// Get resource readout object.
resourceObject = getGUIObjectByName ("snResourceCounter_" + (resourceIndex + 1));
// Update counter caption (since we need to have up-to-date text to determine the length of the counter).
= "[icon=iconResource" + resourceName + " displace=\"0 0\"] "
+ localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceName];
// The Population counter also lists the amount of available housing.
if (resourceName == "Population")
+= "/" + localPlayer.resource.valueOf()["Housing"];
resourceObject.caption = caption;
// Update caption tooltip.
resourceObject.tooltip = resourceName + ": " + resourceObject.caption;
// Get the index of the resource readout to be resized.
crdResult = getCrd (resourceObject.name, true);
// For each coordinate group stored for this control,
for (coordGroup in Crd[crdResult].coord)
// Set width of readout based on length of caption.
Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].width = snConst.MiniIcon.Width+5 + resourceObject.caption.length * 10;
// Set X and Y position and height so that resources always are immediately besides each other. (Except for the first resource (usually Food), which has the initial starting position)
// Determine starting position for the first resource (so that the resources wind up being centered across the screen).
if (resourceIndex == 0)
// The first coordinate is in the exact centre of the screen.
Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].x = -Crd[crdResult-2].coord[coordGroup].width - 5;
{ // Resources other than the first one get stacked in sequence to the sides of it.
// If we're dealing with an "even" resource index,
if (resourceIndex % 2 == 0)
// Put the counter to the right of the previous odd counter.
= Crd[crdResult-2].coord[coordGroup].x + Crd[crdResult-2].coord[coordGroup].width + 5;
else // We're dealing with an "odd" resource index.
// Put the counter to the left of the previous odd counter.
if (resourceIndex == 1)
= Crd[crdResult-1].coord[coordGroup].x - Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].width - 5;
= Crd[crdResult-2].coord[coordGroup].x - Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].width - 5;
// Set Y position to the same as the previous counter.
= Crd[crdResult-1].coord[coordGroup].y;
// Set height of readout to the same as the previous counter.
= Crd[crdResult-1].coord[coordGroup].height;
// Recalculate readout's size coordinates.
Crd[crdResult].size[coordGroup] = calcCrdArray (Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].rx, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].ry, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].x, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].y, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].width, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].height, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].rx2, Crd[crdResult].coord[coordGroup].ry2);
// If this coordinate is part of the currently active set, update the control onscreen too.
if (coordGroup == GUIType)
// Update counter size.
resourceObject.size = Crd[getCrd(resourceObject.name, true)].size[GUIType];
// ====================================================================