forked from 0ad/0ad
wraitii cdd75deafb XMB Improvements, parse JS into XMB, make strings more efficient.
XMB format is bumped to 4, invalidating all cached files. The
differences are:
 - element/attribute names are stored after the elements themselves, and
not before. This allows writing XMB data in one pass instead of two.
 - names themselves becomes offsets (instead of arbitrary integers),
making getting the string from the int name much more efficient.

XMBFile is renamed to XMBData to clarify that it does not, in fact,
refer to a file on disk.

XMBData::GetElementString is also changed to return a const char*, thus
not creating an std::string. A string_view version is added where

The XML->XMB and JS->XMB conversion functions and the corresponding
storage are moved to `ps/XMB`, since that format doesn't particularly
relate to XML. CXeromyces becomes lighter and more focused as a result.
The XML->XMB conversion also benefits from the above streamlining.

Note that in a few cases, string_view gets printed to CLogger via
data(), which is generally not legal, but we know that the strings are
null-terminated here. Our libfmt (version 4) doesn't support
string_view, that would be v5.

Differential Revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3909
This was SVN commit r25375.
2021-05-04 13:02:34 +00:00

600 lines
16 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "TextureConverter.h"
#include "lib/regex.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/allocators/shared_ptr.h"
#include "lib/tex/tex.h"
#include "maths/MD5.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/CStr.h"
#include "ps/Profiler2.h"
#include "ps/Threading.h"
#include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h"
#include "nvtt/nvtt.h"
// We assume NVTT is recent enough to support the alpha flag in the DXT1a format. If users try to use an
// old version of NVTT, the game will crash when trying to decode dds files generated by NVTT.
// The support was added upstream in https://github.com/castano/nvidia-texture-tools/commit/782a127071895f538c1ae49925a6e15687e3c966
// so, in theory, 2.0.7 and newer should be enough, but all 2.0.x releases define NVTT_VERSION as 200, so
// we can't distinguish them. NVTT_VERSION is 201 in all development versions of the 2.0.x era, so we also
// have to exclude that value.
#if !defined NVTT_VERSION || NVTT_VERSION == 200 || NVTT_VERSION == 201
#error Please use NVTT 2.1.0 or newer. \
If your system does not provide it, you should use the bundled version by NOT passing --with-system-nvtt to premake.
* Output handler to collect NVTT's output into a simplistic buffer.
* WARNING: Used in the worker thread - must be thread-safe.
struct BufferOutputHandler : public nvtt::OutputHandler
std::vector<u8> buffer;
virtual void beginImage(int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(width), int UNUSED(height), int UNUSED(depth), int UNUSED(face), int UNUSED(miplevel))
virtual bool writeData(const void* data, int size)
size_t off = buffer.size();
buffer.resize(off + size);
memcpy(&buffer[off], data, size);
return true;
virtual void endImage()
* Request for worker thread to process.
struct CTextureConverter::ConversionRequest
VfsPath dest;
CTexturePtr texture;
nvtt::InputOptions inputOptions;
nvtt::CompressionOptions compressionOptions;
nvtt::OutputOptions outputOptions;
* Result from worker thread.
struct CTextureConverter::ConversionResult
VfsPath dest;
CTexturePtr texture;
BufferOutputHandler output;
bool ret; // true if the conversion succeeded
#endif // CONFIG2_NVTT
void CTextureConverter::Settings::Hash(MD5& hash)
hash.Update((const u8*)&format, sizeof(format));
hash.Update((const u8*)&mipmap, sizeof(mipmap));
hash.Update((const u8*)&normal, sizeof(normal));
hash.Update((const u8*)&alpha, sizeof(alpha));
hash.Update((const u8*)&filter, sizeof(filter));
hash.Update((const u8*)&kaiserWidth, sizeof(kaiserWidth));
hash.Update((const u8*)&kaiserAlpha, sizeof(kaiserAlpha));
hash.Update((const u8*)&kaiserStretch, sizeof(kaiserStretch));
CTextureConverter::SettingsFile* CTextureConverter::LoadSettings(const VfsPath& path) const
CXeromyces XeroFile;
if (XeroFile.Load(m_VFS, path, "texture") != PSRETURN_OK)
return NULL;
// Define all the elements used in the XML file
#define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.GetElementID(#x)
#define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.GetAttributeID(#x)
#undef AT
#undef EL
XMBElement root = XeroFile.GetRoot();
if (root.GetNodeName() != el_textures)
LOGERROR("Invalid texture settings file \"%s\" (unrecognised root element)", path.string8());
return NULL;
std::unique_ptr<SettingsFile> settings = std::make_unique<SettingsFile>();
XERO_ITER_EL(root, child)
if (child.GetNodeName() == el_file)
Match p;
XERO_ITER_ATTR(child, attr)
if (attr.Name == at_pattern)
p.pattern = attr.Value.FromUTF8();
else if (attr.Name == at_format)
CStr v(attr.Value);
if (v == "dxt1")
p.settings.format = FMT_DXT1;
else if (v == "dxt3")
p.settings.format = FMT_DXT3;
else if (v == "dxt5")
p.settings.format = FMT_DXT5;
else if (v == "rgba")
p.settings.format = FMT_RGBA;
else if (v == "alpha")
p.settings.format = FMT_ALPHA;
LOGERROR("Invalid attribute value <file format='%s'>", v.c_str());
else if (attr.Name == at_mipmap)
CStr v(attr.Value);
if (v == "true")
p.settings.mipmap = MIP_TRUE;
else if (v == "false")
p.settings.mipmap = MIP_FALSE;
LOGERROR("Invalid attribute value <file mipmap='%s'>", v.c_str());
else if (attr.Name == at_normal)
CStr v(attr.Value);
if (v == "true")
p.settings.normal = NORMAL_TRUE;
else if (v == "false")
p.settings.normal = NORMAL_FALSE;
LOGERROR("Invalid attribute value <file normal='%s'>", v.c_str());
else if (attr.Name == at_alpha)
CStr v(attr.Value);
if (v == "none")
p.settings.alpha = ALPHA_NONE;
else if (v == "player")
p.settings.alpha = ALPHA_PLAYER;
else if (v == "transparency")
p.settings.alpha = ALPHA_TRANSPARENCY;
LOGERROR("Invalid attribute value <file alpha='%s'>", v.c_str());
else if (attr.Name == at_filter)
CStr v(attr.Value);
if (v == "box")
p.settings.filter = FILTER_BOX;
else if (v == "triangle")
p.settings.filter = FILTER_TRIANGLE;
else if (v == "kaiser")
p.settings.filter = FILTER_KAISER;
LOGERROR("Invalid attribute value <file filter='%s'>", v.c_str());
else if (attr.Name == at_kaiserwidth)
p.settings.kaiserWidth = CStr(attr.Value).ToFloat();
else if (attr.Name == at_kaiseralpha)
p.settings.kaiserAlpha = CStr(attr.Value).ToFloat();
else if (attr.Name == at_kaiserstretch)
p.settings.kaiserStretch = CStr(attr.Value).ToFloat();
LOGERROR("Invalid attribute name <file %s='...'>", XeroFile.GetAttributeString(attr.Name));
return settings.release();
CTextureConverter::Settings CTextureConverter::ComputeSettings(const std::wstring& filename, const std::vector<SettingsFile*>& settingsFiles) const
// Set sensible defaults
Settings settings;
settings.format = FMT_DXT1;
settings.mipmap = MIP_TRUE;
settings.normal = NORMAL_FALSE;
settings.alpha = ALPHA_NONE;
settings.filter = FILTER_BOX;
settings.kaiserWidth = 3.f;
settings.kaiserAlpha = 4.f;
settings.kaiserStretch = 1.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < settingsFiles.size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < settingsFiles[i]->patterns.size(); ++j)
Match p = settingsFiles[i]->patterns[j];
// Check that the pattern matches the texture file
if (!match_wildcard(filename.c_str(), p.pattern.c_str()))
if (p.settings.format != FMT_UNSPECIFIED)
settings.format = p.settings.format;
if (p.settings.mipmap != MIP_UNSPECIFIED)
settings.mipmap = p.settings.mipmap;
if (p.settings.normal != NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED)
settings.normal = p.settings.normal;
if (p.settings.alpha != ALPHA_UNSPECIFIED)
settings.alpha = p.settings.alpha;
if (p.settings.filter != FILTER_UNSPECIFIED)
settings.filter = p.settings.filter;
if (p.settings.kaiserWidth != -1.f)
settings.kaiserWidth = p.settings.kaiserWidth;
if (p.settings.kaiserAlpha != -1.f)
settings.kaiserAlpha = p.settings.kaiserAlpha;
if (p.settings.kaiserStretch != -1.f)
settings.kaiserStretch = p.settings.kaiserStretch;
return settings;
CTextureConverter::CTextureConverter(PIVFS vfs, bool highQuality) :
m_VFS(vfs), m_HighQuality(highQuality), m_Shutdown(false)
// Verify that we are running with at least the version we were compiled with,
// to avoid bugs caused by ABI changes
ENSURE(nvtt::version() >= NVTT_VERSION);
m_WorkerThread = std::thread(Threading::HandleExceptions<RunThread>::Wrapper, this);
// Maybe we should share some centralised pool of worker threads?
// For now we'll just stick with a single thread for this specific use.
// Tell the thread to shut down
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_WorkerMutex);
m_Shutdown = true;
while (true)
// Wake the thread up so that it shutdowns.
// If we send the message once, there is a chance it will be missed,
// so keep sending until shtudown becomes false again, indicating that the thread has shut down.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_WorkerMutex);
if (!m_Shutdown)
// Wait for it to shut down cleanly
bool CTextureConverter::ConvertTexture(const CTexturePtr& texture, const VfsPath& src, const VfsPath& dest, const Settings& settings)
shared_ptr<u8> file;
size_t fileSize;
if (m_VFS->LoadFile(src, file, fileSize) < 0)
LOGERROR("Failed to load texture \"%s\"", src.string8());
return false;
Tex tex;
if (tex.decode(file, fileSize) < 0)
LOGERROR("Failed to decode texture \"%s\"", src.string8());
return false;
// Check whether there's any alpha channel
bool hasAlpha = ((tex.m_Flags & TEX_ALPHA) != 0);
if (settings.format == FMT_ALPHA)
// Convert to uncompressed 8-bit with no mipmaps
if (tex.transform_to((tex.m_Flags | TEX_GREY) & ~(TEX_DXT | TEX_MIPMAPS | TEX_ALPHA)) < 0)
LOGERROR("Failed to transform texture \"%s\"", src.string8());
return false;
// Convert to uncompressed BGRA with no mipmaps
if (tex.transform_to((tex.m_Flags | TEX_BGR | TEX_ALPHA) & ~(TEX_DXT | TEX_MIPMAPS)) < 0)
LOGERROR("Failed to transform texture \"%s\"", src.string8());
return false;
// Check if the texture has all alpha=255, so we can automatically
// switch from DXT3/DXT5 to DXT1 with no loss
if (hasAlpha)
hasAlpha = false;
u8* data = tex.get_data();
for (size_t i = 0; i < tex.m_Width * tex.m_Height; ++i)
if (data[i*4+3] != 0xFF)
hasAlpha = true;
shared_ptr<ConversionRequest> request = std::make_shared<ConversionRequest>();
request->dest = dest;
request->texture = texture;
// Apply the chosen settings:
request->inputOptions.setMipmapGeneration(settings.mipmap == MIP_TRUE);
if (settings.alpha == ALPHA_TRANSPARENCY)
if (settings.format == FMT_RGBA)
// Change the default component order (see tex_dds.cpp decode_pf)
request->compressionOptions.setPixelFormat(32, 0xFF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000, 0xFF000000u);
else if (settings.format == FMT_ALPHA)
request->compressionOptions.setPixelFormat(8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);
else if (!hasAlpha)
// if no alpha channel then there's no point using DXT3 or DXT5
else if (settings.format == FMT_DXT1)
else if (settings.format == FMT_DXT3)
else if (settings.format == FMT_DXT5)
if (settings.filter == FILTER_BOX)
else if (settings.filter == FILTER_TRIANGLE)
else if (settings.filter == FILTER_KAISER)
if (settings.normal == NORMAL_TRUE)
request->inputOptions.setKaiserParameters(settings.kaiserWidth, settings.kaiserAlpha, settings.kaiserStretch);
request->inputOptions.setWrapMode(nvtt::WrapMode_Mirror); // TODO: should this be configurable?
request->compressionOptions.setQuality(m_HighQuality ? nvtt::Quality_Production : nvtt::Quality_Fastest);
// TODO: normal maps, gamma, etc
// Load the texture data
request->inputOptions.setTextureLayout(nvtt::TextureType_2D, tex.m_Width, tex.m_Height);
if (tex.m_Bpp == 32)
request->inputOptions.setMipmapData(tex.get_data(), tex.m_Width, tex.m_Height);
else // bpp == 8
// NVTT requires 32-bit input data, so convert
const u8* input = tex.get_data();
u8* rgba = new u8[tex.m_Width * tex.m_Height * 4];
u8* p = rgba;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tex.m_Width * tex.m_Height; i++)
p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3] = *input++;
p += 4;
request->inputOptions.setMipmapData(rgba, tex.m_Width, tex.m_Height);
delete[] rgba;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_WorkerMutex);
// Wake up the worker thread
return true;
LOGERROR("Failed to convert texture \"%s\" (NVTT not available)", src.string8());
return false;
bool CTextureConverter::Poll(CTexturePtr& texture, VfsPath& dest, bool& ok)
shared_ptr<ConversionResult> result;
// Grab the first result (if any)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_WorkerMutex);
if (!m_ResultQueue.empty())
result = m_ResultQueue.front();
if (!result)
// no work to do
return false;
if (!result->ret)
// conversion had failed
ok = false;
return true;
// Move output into a correctly-aligned buffer
size_t size = result->output.buffer.size();
shared_ptr<u8> file;
AllocateAligned(file, size, maxSectorSize);
memcpy(file.get(), &result->output.buffer[0], size);
if (m_VFS->CreateFile(result->dest, file, size) < 0)
// error writing file
ok = false;
return true;
// Succeeded in converting texture
texture = result->texture;
dest = result->dest;
ok = true;
return true;
#else // #if CONFIG2_NVTT
return false;
bool CTextureConverter::IsBusy()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_WorkerMutex);
return !m_RequestQueue.empty();
void CTextureConverter::RunThread(CTextureConverter* textureConverter)
// Wait until the main thread wakes us up
while (true)
// We may have several textures in the incoming queue, process them all before going back to sleep.
if (!textureConverter->IsBusy()) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> wait_lock(textureConverter->m_WorkerMutex);
// Use the no-condition variant because spurious wake-ups don't matter that much here.
shared_ptr<ConversionRequest> request;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> wait_lock(textureConverter->m_WorkerMutex);
if (textureConverter->m_Shutdown)
// If we weren't woken up for shutdown, we must have been woken up for
// a new request, so grab it from the queue
request = textureConverter->m_RequestQueue.front();
// Set up the result object
shared_ptr<ConversionResult> result = std::make_shared<ConversionResult>();
result->dest = request->dest;
result->texture = request->texture;
// TIMER(L"TextureConverter compress");
// Perform the compression
nvtt::Compressor compressor;
result->ret = compressor.process(request->inputOptions, request->compressionOptions, request->outputOptions);
// Push the result onto the queue
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> wait_lock(textureConverter->m_WorkerMutex);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> wait_lock(textureConverter->m_WorkerMutex);
textureConverter->m_Shutdown = false;