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149 lines
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Executable File

Contains global GUI functions, which will
later be accessible from every GUI script/file.
So far, only the message box-related functions
are implemented.
File version: 0.1
Edited by: Malte, Nov 14 2004
Further comments:
v0.1: - first version.
// *******************************************
// messageBox
// *******************************************
// @params: int mbWidth, int mbHeight, string mbMessage, string mbTitle, int mbMode, arr mbButtonCaptions
// @return: void
// @desc: Displays a new message box. So far, we can only display one message box at
// a time, since the message box is based on one base-object which is modified
// according to the parameters. Later, we should probably be able to create GUI
// Objects (like the message box) at runtime.
// *******************************************
TODO: Make button code work for any number of buttons without extending the code each time! ((arrays | nested variables) & calculating sizes)
// ====================================================================
function initGlobal()
// Bottom-left product logo; used when taking official screenshots.
GLOBAL_WATERMARK_PRODUCT_LOGO = addArrayElement(Crd, Crd.last);
Crd[Crd.last-1].rleft = left_screen; Crd[Crd.last-1].rtop = bottom_screen;
Crd[Crd.last-1].rright = left_screen; Crd[Crd.last-1].rbottom = bottom_screen;
Crd[Crd.last-1].width = 200;
Crd[Crd.last-1].height = 98;
Crd[Crd.last-1].x = 0;
Crd[Crd.last-1].y = 0;
// Bottom-right company logo; used when taking official screenshots.
GLOBAL_WATERMARK_COMPANY_LOGO = addArrayElement(Crd, Crd.last);
Crd[Crd.last-1].rleft = right_screen; Crd[Crd.last-1].rtop = bottom_screen;
Crd[Crd.last-1].rright = right_screen; Crd[Crd.last-1].rbottom = bottom_screen;
Crd[Crd.last-1].width = 207;
Crd[Crd.last-1].height = 28;
Crd[Crd.last-1].x = 0;
Crd[Crd.last-1].y = 0;
// ====================================================================
function messageBox(mbWidth, mbHeight, mbMessage, mbTitle, mbMode, mbButtonCaptions, mbButtonsCode) {
mbMainObj = getGUIObjectByName("mb_main");
mbTitleObj = getGUIObjectByName("mb_titlebar_text");
mbTextObj = getGUIObjectByName("mb_text");
mbButton1Obj = getGUIObjectByName("mb_button1");
mbButton2Obj = getGUIObjectByName("mb_button2");
mbButton3Obj = getGUIObjectByName("mb_button3");
// Calculate size
mbLRDiff = mbWidth / 2; // Message box left/right difference from 50% of screen
mbUDDiff = mbHeight / 2; // Message box up/down difference from 50% of screen
mbSizeString = "50%-" + mbLRDiff + " 50%-" + mbUDDiff + " 50%+" + mbLRDiff + " 50%+" + mbUDDiff;
mbMainObj.size = mbSizeString;
// Texts
mbTitleObj.caption = mbTitle;
mbTextObj.caption = mbMessage;
// Message box modes
// There is a number of standard modes, and if none of these is used (mbMode == 0), the button captions will be
// taken from the array mbButtonCaptions; there currently is a maximum of three buttons.
switch (mbMode) {
case 1:
// Simple Yes/No question box
mbButtonCaptions = new Array("Yes", "No");
case 2:
// Okay-only box
mbButtonCaptions = new Array("OK");
case 3:
// Retry/Abort/Ignore box (will we ever need this?!)
mbButtonCaptions = new Array("Retry", "Ignore", "Abort");
// Buttons
switch (mbButtonCaptions.length) {
case 1:
// One Button only
mbButton1Obj.caption = mbButtonCaptions[0];
mbButton1Obj.size = "30% 100%-80 70% 100%-50";
mbButton1Obj.hidden = false;
mbButton2Obj.hidden = true;
mbButton3Obj.hidden = true;
case 2:
// Two Buttons
mbButton1Obj.caption = mbButtonCaptions[0];
mbButton2Obj.caption = mbButtonCaptions[1];
mbButton1Obj.size = "10% 100%-80 45% 100%-50";
mbButton2Obj.size = "55% 100%-80 90% 100%-50";
mbButton1Obj.hidden = false;
mbButton2Obj.hidden = false;
mbButton3Obj.hidden = true;
case 3:
// Three Buttons
mbButton1Obj.caption = mbButtonCaptions[0];
mbButton2Obj.caption = mbButtonCaptions[1];
mbButton3Obj.caption = mbButtonCaptions[2];
mbButton1Obj.size = "10% 100%-80 30% 100%-50";
mbButton2Obj.size = "40% 100%-80 60% 100%-50";
mbButton3Obj.size = "70% 100%-80 90% 100%-50";
mbButton1Obj.hidden = false;
mbButton2Obj.hidden = false;
mbButton3Obj.hidden = false;
// Show the message box
// Testing
getGUIGlobal().mbButton1Code = mbButtonsCode[0];
getGUIGlobal().mbButton2Code = mbButtonsCode[1];
getGUIGlobal().mbButton3Code = mbButtonsCode[2];