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/* Copyright (C) 2013 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Texture.h"
#include "lib/ogl.h"
#include "lib/file/vfs/vfs.h"
#include "lib/res/handle.h"
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
class CTextureProperties;
class CTextureManagerImpl;
* Texture manager with asynchronous loading and automatic DDS conversion/compression.
* Input textures can be any format. They will be converted to DDS using settings defined
* in files named "texture.xml", in the same directory as the texture and in its parent
* directories. See CTextureConverter for the XML syntax. The DDS file will be cached
* for faster loading in the future.
* Typically the graphics code will initialise many textures at the start of the game,
* mostly for off-screen objects, by calling CreateTexture().
* Loading texture data may be very slow (especially if it needs to be converted
* to DDS), and we don't want the game to become unresponsive.
* CreateTexture therefore returns an object immediately, without loading the
* texture. If the object is never used then the data will never be loaded.
* Typically, the renderer will call CTexture::Bind() when it wants to use the
* texture. This will trigger the loading of the texture data. If it can be loaded
* quickly (i.e. there is already a cached DDS version), then it will be loaded before
* the function returns, and the texture can be rendered as normal.
* If loading will take a long time, then Bind() binds a default placeholder texture
* and starts loading the texture in the background. It will use the correct texture
* when the renderer next calls Bind() after the load has finished.
* It is also possible to prefetch textures which are not being rendered yet, but
* are expected to be rendered soon (e.g. for off-screen terrain tiles).
* These will be loaded in the background, when there are no higher-priority textures
* to load.
* The same texture file can be safely loaded multiple times with different GL parameters
* (but this should be avoided whenever possible, as it wastes VRAM).
* For release packages, DDS files can be precached by appending ".dds" to their name,
* which will be used instead of doing runtime conversion. This means most players should
* never experience the slow asynchronous conversion behaviour.
* These cache files will typically be packed into an archive for faster loading;
* if no archive cache is available then the source file will be converted and stored
* as a loose cache file on the user's disk.
class CTextureManager
* Construct texture manager. vfs must be the VFS instance used for all textures
* loaded from this object.
* highQuality is slower and intended for batch-conversion modes.
* disableGL is intended for tests, and will disable all GL uploads.
CTextureManager(PIVFS vfs, bool highQuality, bool disableGL);
* Create a texture with the given GL properties.
* The texture data will not be loaded immediately.
CTexturePtr CreateTexture(const CTextureProperties& props);
* Returns a magenta texture. Use this for highlighting errors
* (e.g. missing terrain textures).
CTexturePtr GetErrorTexture();
* Work on asynchronous texture loading operations, if any.
* Returns true if it did any work.
* The caller should typically loop this per frame until it returns
* false or exceeds the allocated time for this frame.
bool MakeProgress();
* Synchronously converts and compresses and saves the texture,
* and returns the output path (minus a "cache/" prefix). This
* is intended for pre-caching textures in release archives.
* @return true on success
bool GenerateCachedTexture(const VfsPath& path, VfsPath& outputPath);
CTextureManagerImpl* m;
* Represents the filename and GL parameters of a texture,
* for passing to CTextureManager::CreateTexture.
class CTextureProperties
friend class CTextureManagerImpl;
friend struct TextureCacheCmp;
friend struct TPequal_to;
friend struct TPhash;
* Use the given texture name, and default GL parameters.
explicit CTextureProperties(const VfsPath& path) :
m_Path(path), m_Filter(GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR),
m_WrapS(GL_REPEAT), m_WrapT(GL_REPEAT), m_Aniso(1.0f)
* Set min/mag filter mode (typically GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_NEAREST, etc).
void SetFilter(GLint filter) { m_Filter = filter; }
* Set wrapping mode (typically GL_REPEAT, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, etc).
void SetWrap(GLint wrap) { m_WrapS = wrap; m_WrapT = wrap; }
* Set wrapping mode (typically GL_REPEAT, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, etc),
* separately for S and T.
void SetWrap(GLint wrap_s, GLint wrap_t) { m_WrapS = wrap_s; m_WrapT = wrap_t; }
* Set maximum anisotropy value. Must be >= 1.0. Should be a power of 2.
void SetMaxAnisotropy(float aniso) { m_Aniso = aniso; }
// TODO: rather than this static definition of texture properties
// (especially anisotropy), maybe we want something that can be more
// easily tweaked in an Options menu? e.g. the caller just specifies
// "terrain texture mode" and we combine it with the user's options.
// That'd let us dynamically change texture properties easily.
// enum EQualityMode
// {
// NONE,
// GUI
// }
// void SetQuality(EQualityMode mode, float anisotropy, float lodbias, int reducemipmaps, ...);
// or something a bit like that.
VfsPath m_Path;
GLint m_Filter;
GLint m_WrapS;
GLint m_WrapT;
float m_Aniso;
* Represents a texture object.
* The texture data may or may not have been loaded yet.
* Before it has been loaded, all operations will act on a default
* 1x1-pixel grey texture instead.
class CTexture
friend class CTextureManagerImpl;
friend struct TextureCacheCmp;
friend struct TPequal_to;
friend struct TPhash;
// Only the texture manager can create these
explicit CTexture(Handle handle, const CTextureProperties& props, CTextureManagerImpl* textureManager);
* Returns the width (in pixels) of the current texture.
size_t GetWidth() const;
* Returns the height (in pixels) of the current texture.
size_t GetHeight() const;
* Returns whether the current texture has an alpha channel.
bool HasAlpha() const;
* Returns the ARGB value of the lowest mipmap level (i.e. the
* average of the whole texture).
* Returns 0 if the texture has no mipmaps.
u32 GetBaseColour() const;
* Bind the texture to the given GL texture unit.
* If the texture data hasn't been loaded yet, this may wait a short while to
* load it. If loading takes too long then it will return sooner and the data will
* be loaded in a background thread, so this does not guarantee the texture really
* will be loaded.
void Bind(size_t unit = 0);
* Returns a ogl_tex handle, for later binding. See comments from Bind().
Handle GetHandle();
* Attempt to load the texture data quickly, as with Bind().
* Returns whether the texture data is currently loaded.
bool TryLoad();
* Returns whether the texture data is currently loaded.
bool IsLoaded();
* Activate the prefetching optimisation for this texture.
* Use this if it is likely the texture will be needed in the near future.
* It will be loaded in the background so that it is likely to be ready when
* it is used by Bind().
void Prefetch();
* Replace the Handle stored by this object.
* If takeOwnership is true, it will not increment the Handle's reference count.
void SetHandle(Handle handle, bool takeOwnership = false);
const CTextureProperties m_Properties;
Handle m_Handle;
u32 m_BaseColour;
enum {
UNLOADED, // loading has not started
PREFETCH_NEEDS_LOADING, // was prefetched; currently waiting to try loading from cache
PREFETCH_NEEDS_CONVERTING, // was prefetched; currently waiting to be sent to the texture converter
PREFETCH_IS_CONVERTING, // was prefetched; currently being processed by the texture converter
HIGH_NEEDS_CONVERTING, // high-priority; currently waiting to be sent to the texture converter
HIGH_IS_CONVERTING, // high-priority; currently being processed by the texture converter
LOADED // loading has completed (successfully or not)
} m_State;
CTextureManagerImpl* m_TextureManager;
// Self-reference to let us recover the CTexturePtr for this object.
// (weak pointer to avoid cycles)
boost::weak_ptr<CTexture> m_Self;