forked from 0ad/0ad

345 lines
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#include "precompiled.h"
#include <queue>
#include "PathfindEngine.h"
//#include "PathfindSparse.h"
#include "ConfigDB.h"
#include "Terrain.h"
#include "Collision.h"
#include "ps/Game.h"
#include "ps/World.h"
#define MAXSLOPE 3000
#define INITNODES 1000
void processPath(HEntity, AStarNode*, bool);
class AStarNode
float f, g, h;
AStarNode* parent;
CVector2D coord;
bool operator <(const AStarNode& rhs) const { return f<rhs.f; }
bool equals(const AStarNode& rhs) const
return ( coord.x==rhs.coord.x ) && ( coord.y==rhs.coord.y );
struct AStarNodeComp
bool operator()(const AStarNode* n1, const AStarNode* n2) const
return (*n2) < (*n1);
CVector2D TilespaceToWorldspace( const CVector2D &ts )
return CVector2D(ts.x*CELL_SIZE+CELL_SIZE/2, ts.y*CELL_SIZE+CELL_SIZE/2);
CVector2D WorldspaceToTilespace( const CVector2D &ws )
return CVector2D(floor(ws.x/CELL_SIZE), floor(ws.y/CELL_SIZE));
bool isPassable( const CVector2D &wc )
CTerrain* pTerrain = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain();
float slope = pTerrain->getSlope(wc.x, wc.y);
if ( slope < MAXSLOPE )
// If no entity blocking, return true
CBoundingBox bounds(wc.x, wc.y, 0, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, 3);
if ( getCollisionObject(&bounds) == NULL )
return true;
return false;
class PriQueue
: public std::priority_queue<AStarNode*, std::vector<AStarNode*>, AStarNodeComp>
// Promote a node in the PQ, or if it doesn't exist, add it
void promote(AStarNode* node)
if (node == NULL)
std::vector<AStarNode*>::iterator ind, first;
for( ind = c.begin(); ind!=c.end() && !((*ind)->equals(*node)); ind++ );
if (ind == c.end())
if( (*ind)->f <= node->f ) return;
first = c.begin();
int index = ind-first;
int parent = (index - 1)/2;
while ( index>0 && (*(first+parent))->f > node->f )
*(first+index) = *(first+parent);
index = parent;
parent = (parent - 1)/2;
*(first+index) = node;
bool CPathfindEngine::isVisited( const CVector2D& coord )
ASNodeHashMap::iterator it = visited.find(coord);
return ( it != visited.end() );
std::vector<AStarNode*> CPathfindEngine::getNeighbors( AStarNode* node )
std::vector<AStarNode*> vec;
for( int xdiff = -1; xdiff <= 1; xdiff++ )
for( int ydiff = -1; ydiff <= 1; ydiff++ )
if ( xdiff!=0 || ydiff!=0 )
CVector2D coord = node->coord;
coord.x += xdiff; coord.y += ydiff;
if ( isVisited(coord) || isPassable(TilespaceToWorldspace(coord)) )
AStarNode* n = getFreeASNode();
n->coord = coord;
n->f = n->g = n->h = 0;
n->parent = 0;
return vec;
/* CConfigValue* sparseDepth = g_ConfigDB.GetValue( CFG_USER, "pathfind.sparse.recursiondepth" );
if( sparseDepth )
sparseDepth->GetInt( SPF_RECURSION_DEPTH ); */
for(int i=0; i<INITNODES; i++)
freeNodes.push_back(new AStarNode);
std::vector<AStarNode*>::iterator it;
for( it = usedNodes.begin(); it != usedNodes.end(); it++)
delete (*it);
for( it = freeNodes.begin(); it != freeNodes.end(); it++)
delete (*it);
void CPathfindEngine::requestPath( HEntity entity, const CVector2D& destination )
/* TODO: Add code to generate high level path
For now, just the one high level waypoint to the final
destination is added
CEntityOrder waypoint;
waypoint.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_WAYPOINT;
waypoint.m_data[0].location = destination;
entity->m_orderQueue.push_front( waypoint );
void CPathfindEngine::requestLowLevelPath( HEntity entity, const CVector2D& destination, bool contact )
/* TODO: Pull out code into AStarEngine */
/* TODO: Put a limit on the search space to prevent unreachable destinations from
eating the CPU */
CVector2D source( entity->m_position.X, entity->m_position.Z );
// If the goal is unreachable, move it towards the start until it is reachable
CVector2D goalLoc = destination;
CVector2D unitVec = (entity->m_position - goalLoc);
unitVec= unitVec.normalize() * CELL_SIZE / 2;
while( !isPassable(goalLoc) )
goalLoc += unitVec;
// Initialize priority queue (PQ) and visited list (V)
PriQueue priQ;
// Construct a dummy node for the goal
AStarNode* goal = getFreeASNode();
goal->coord = WorldspaceToTilespace(goalLoc);
goal->parent = NULL;
goal->f = goal->g = goal->h = 0;
// Assign f,g,h to start location, add to PQ
AStarNode* start = getFreeASNode();
start->coord = WorldspaceToTilespace(source);
start->g = 0;
start->f = start->h = (goal->coord-start->coord).length();
start->parent = NULL;
visited[start->coord] = start;
// Loop until PQ is empty
// Select best cost node, B, from PQ
AStarNode* best = priQ.top();
// If B is the goal, we are done, and found a path
if ( best->equals( *goal ) )
goal->parent = best;
goal->g = goal->f = best->g + 1;
std::vector<AStarNode*> neighbors = getNeighbors(best);
// For each neighbor, C, of B
std::vector<AStarNode*>::iterator it;
for( it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); it++ )
AStarNode* C = *it;
// Assign f,g,h to C
C->g = best->g + 1;
// Penalize for non-straight paths
if ( best->parent )
int dx1 = C->coord.x - best->coord.x;
int dy1 = C->coord.y - best->coord.y;
int dx2 = best->coord.x - best->parent->coord.x;
int dy2 = best->coord.y - best->parent->coord.y;
if ( ((dx1 - dx2) + (dy1 - dy2)) != 0 )
C->g += 0.1f;
C->h = ((goal->coord) - (C->coord)).length();
C->f = C->g + C->h;
C->parent = best;
// If C not in V, add C to V and PQ
// If the f of C is less than the f of C in the PQ, promote C in PQ and update V
ASNodeHashMap::iterator it2 = visited.find(C->coord);
if ( it2 != visited.end() && (C->f < it2->second->f) )
it2->second = C;
else if ( it2 == visited.end() )
visited[C->coord] = C;
if ( goal->parent )
processPath(entity, goal, contact);
// If no path was found, then unsolvable
// TODO: Figure out what to do in this case
void CPathfindEngine::requestContactPath( HEntity entity, CEntityOrder* current )
/* TODO: Same as non-contact: need high-level planner */
CEntityOrder waypoint;
waypoint.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_WAYPOINT_CONTACT;
waypoint.m_data[0].location = current->m_data[0].entity->m_position;
entity->m_orderQueue.push_front( waypoint );
//pathSparse( entity, current->m_data[0].entity->m_position );
//// For attack orders, do some additional postprocessing (replace goto/nopathing
//// with attack/nopathing, up until the attack order marker)
//std::deque<CEntityOrder>::iterator it;
//for( it = entity->m_orderQueue.begin(); it != entity->m_orderQueue.end(); it++ )
// if( it->m_type == CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATH_END_MARKER )
// break;
// if( it->m_type == CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING )
// {
// *it = *current;
// }
AStarNode* CPathfindEngine::getFreeASNode()
AStarNode* ret;
if (!freeNodes.empty())
ret = freeNodes.back();
ret = new AStarNode;
return ret;
void CPathfindEngine::cleanup()
std::vector<AStarNode*>::iterator it;
for( it = usedNodes.begin(); it != usedNodes.end(); it++)
void processPath(HEntity entity, AStarNode* goal, bool contact)
AStarNode* current = goal;
CEntityOrder node;
node.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATH_END_MARKER;
entity->m_orderQueue.push_front( node );
/* TODO: Smoothing for units with a turning radius */
while( current != NULL && current->g != 0 )
if ( !contact )
node.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING;
// TODO: Is this right?
node.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING;
node.m_data[0].location = TilespaceToWorldspace(current->coord);
entity->m_orderQueue.push_front( node );
current = current->parent;