forked from 0ad/0ad
WhiteTreePaladin 8a01e11db7 Health bar shows average for multiple selections
Center panel texture shrunk and dark tile texture is tiled over the
panels better
Command icons reference new sheet

This was SVN commit r8236.
2010-10-01 22:18:03 +00:00

404 lines
12 KiB

// Panel types
const SELECTION = "Selection";
const QUEUE = "Queue";
const GARRISON = "Garrison";
const FORMATION = "Formation";
const TRAINING = "Training";
const CONSTRUCTION = "Construction";
const COMMAND = "Command";
// Constants used by the Queue or Garrison panel
const UNIT_PANEL_BASE = -52; // The offset above the main panel (will often be negative)
const UNIT_PANEL_HEIGHT = 44; // The height needed for a row of buttons
// The number of currently visible buttons (used to optimise showing/hiding)
var g_unitPanelButtons = {"Selection": 0, "Queue": 0, "Formation": 0, "Garrison": 0, "Training": 0, "Construction": 0, "Command": 0};
// Unit panels are panels with row(s) of buttons
var g_unitPanels = ["Selection", "Queue", "Formation", "Garrison", "Training", "Construction", "Research", "Stance", "Command"];
// Lay out a row of centered buttons (does not work inside a loop like the other function)
function layoutButtonRowCentered(rowNumber, guiName, startIndex, endIndex, width)
var buttonSideLength = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button[0]").size.bottom;
var buttonSpacer = buttonSideLength+1;
var colNumber = 0;
// Collect buttons
var buttons = [];
var icons = [];
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
var button = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]");
var icon = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Icon["+i+"]");
if (button)
// Location of middle button
var middleIndex = Math.ceil(buttons.length/2);
// Determine whether even or odd number of buttons
var center = (buttons.length/2 == Math.ceil(buttons.length/2))? Math.ceil(width/2) : Math.ceil(width/2+buttonSpacer/2);
// Left Side
for (var i = middleIndex-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (buttons[i])
var icon = icons[i];
var size = buttons[i].size;
size.left = center - buttonSpacer*colNumber - buttonSideLength;
size.right = center - buttonSpacer*colNumber;
size.top = buttonSpacer*rowNumber;
size.bottom = buttonSpacer*rowNumber + buttonSideLength;
buttons[i].size = size;
// Right Side
center += 1; // add spacing to center buttons
colNumber = 0; // reset to 0
for (var i = middleIndex; i < buttons.length; i++)
if (buttons[i])
var icon = icons[i];
var size = buttons[i].size;
size.left = center + buttonSpacer*colNumber;
size.right = center + buttonSpacer*colNumber + buttonSideLength;
size.top = buttonSpacer*rowNumber;
size.bottom = buttonSpacer*rowNumber + buttonSideLength;
buttons[i].size = size;
// Lay out button rows
function layoutButtonRow(rowNumber, guiName, buttonSideLength, buttonSpacer, startIndex, endIndex)
var colNumber = 0;
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
var button = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]");
if (button)
var size = button.size;
size.left = buttonSpacer*colNumber;
size.right = buttonSpacer*colNumber + buttonSideLength;
size.top = buttonSpacer*rowNumber;
size.bottom = buttonSpacer*rowNumber + buttonSideLength;
button.size = size;
// Sets up "unit panels" - the panels with rows of icons (Helper function for updateUnitDisplay)
function setupUnitPanel(guiName, usedPanels, unitEntState, items, callback)
usedPanels[guiName] = 1;
var numberOfItems = items.length;
var selection = g_Selection.toList();
var averageHealth = 0;
var maxHealth = 0;
if (guiName == "Selection")
if (numberOfItems > 12)
numberOfItems = 12;
if (guiName == "Formation" || guiName == "Garrison")
if (numberOfItems > 15)
numberOfItems = 15;
else if (guiName == "Queue")
if (numberOfItems > 16)
numberOfItems = 16;
else if ( guiName == "Command")
if (numberOfItems > 4)
numberOfItems = 4;
else if (numberOfItems > 18)
numberOfItems = 18;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
var item = items[i];
var entType = ((guiName == "Queue")? item.template : item);
var template;
if (guiName != "Formation" && guiName != "Command")
template = GetTemplateData(entType);
if (!template)
continue; // ignore attempts to use invalid templates (an error should have been reported already)
switch (guiName)
var tooltip = getEntityName(template);
var count = g_Selection.groups.getCount(item);
getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Count["+i+"]").caption = (count > 1 ? count : "");
var entState = GetEntityState(selection[i])
if (entState)
if (entState.hitpoints)
averageHealth += entState.hitpoints*count;
maxHealth += entState.maxHitpoints*count;
if (i == numberOfItems-1)
var unitHealthBar = getGUIObjectByName("healthBar");
var healthSize = unitHealthBar.size;
healthSize.rtop = 100-100*Math.max(0, Math.min(1, averageHealth / maxHealth));
unitHealthBar.size = healthSize;
var hitpoints = "[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Hitpoints [/font]" + averageHealth + "/" + maxHealth;
getGUIObjectByName("health").tooltip = hitpoints;
case QUEUE:
var tooltip = getEntityName(template);
var progress = Math.round(item.progress*100) + "%";
getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Count["+i+"]").caption = (item.count > 1 ? item.count : "");
if (i == 0)
getGUIObjectByName("queueProgress").caption = (item.progress ? progress : "");
var size = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"ProgressSlider["+i+"]").size;
size.top = Math.round(item.progress*40);
getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"ProgressSlider["+i+"]").size = size;
var tooltip = getEntityName(template);
var count = g_Selection.groups.getCount(item);
getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Count["+i+"]").caption = (count > 1 ? count : "");
var tooltip = toTitleCase(item);
var tooltip = getEntityNameWithGenericType(template);
if (template.tooltip)
tooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-13\"]" + template.tooltip + "[/font]";
tooltip += "\n" + getEntityCost(template);
var [batchSize, batchIncrement] = getTrainingQueueBatchStatus(unitEntState.id, entType);
if (batchSize)
tooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-13\"]Training [font=\"serif-bold-13\"]" + batchSize + "[font=\"serif-13\"] units; " +
"Shift-click to train [font=\"serif-bold-13\"]"+ (batchSize+batchIncrement) + "[font=\"serif-13\"] units[/font]";
var tooltip = getEntityNameWithGenericType(template);
if (template.tooltip)
tooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-13\"]" + template.tooltip + "[/font]";
tooltip += "\n" + getEntityCost(template);
tooltip = toTitleCase(item);
// Button
var button = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]");
var icon = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Icon["+i+"]");
button.hidden = false;
button.tooltip = tooltip;
// Button Function
button.onpress = (function(e) { return function() { callback(e) } })(item); // (need nested functions to get the closure right)
// Get icon image
if (guiName == "Formation")
icon.cell_id = getFormationCellId(item);
icon.enabled = false;
if (!icon.enabled)
icon.sprite = "formation_disabled";
else if (guiName == "Command")
//icon.cell_id = i;
icon.cell_id = getCommandCellId(item);
icon.sprite = template.icon_sheet;
icon.cell_id = ((typeof template.icon_cell == "undefined")? 0 : template.icon_cell);
// Position the visible buttons (TODO: if there's lots, maybe they should be squeezed together to fit)
var numButtons = i;
var rowLength = 8;
if (guiName == "Selection" || guiName == "Formation" || guiName == "Garrison")
rowLength = 4;
else if (guiName == "Command")
rowLength = 4;
var numRows = Math.ceil(numButtons / rowLength);
var buttonSideLength = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button[0]").size.bottom;
var buttonSpacer = buttonSideLength+1;
// Resize Queue panel if needed
if (guiName == "Queue") // or garrison
var panel = getGUIObjectByName("unitQueuePanel");
var size = panel.size;
size.top = (UNIT_PANEL_BASE - ((numRows-1)*UNIT_PANEL_HEIGHT));
panel.size = size;
// Layout buttons
if (guiName == "Command")
layoutButtonRowCentered(0, guiName, 0, numButtons, 228);
for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
layoutButtonRow(i, guiName, buttonSideLength, buttonSpacer, rowLength*i, rowLength*(i+1) );
// Hide any buttons we're no longer using
for (i = numButtons; i < g_unitPanelButtons[guiName]; ++i)
getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]").hidden = true;
g_unitPanelButtons[guiName] = numButtons;
// Updates right Unit Commands Panel - runs in the main session loop via updateSelectionDetails()
function updateUnitCommands(entState, supplementalDetailsPanel, commandsPanel, selection)
var isInvisble = true;
// Panels that are active
var usedPanels = {};
// If the selection is friendly units, add the command panels
var player = Engine.GetPlayerID();
if (entState.player == player || g_DevSettings.controlAll)
if (entState.attack) // TODO - this should be based on some AI properties
//usedPanels["Stance"] = 1;
//usedPanels["Formation"] = 1;
// (These are disabled since they're not implemented yet)
else // TODO - this should be based on various other things
//usedPanels["Research"] = 1;
if (selection.length > 1)
setupUnitPanel("Selection", usedPanels, entState, g_Selection.groups.getTemplateNames(),
function (entType) { changePrimarySelectionGroup(entType); } );
var commands = getEntityCommandsList(entState);
if (commands.length)
setupUnitPanel("Command", usedPanels, entState, commands,
function (item) { performCommand(entState.id, item); } );
if (selection.length > 1)
setupUnitPanel("Garrison", usedPanels, entState, g_Selection.groups.getTemplateNames(),
function (entType) { changePrimarySelectionGroup(entType); } );
var formations = getEntityFormationsList(entState);
if (formations.length)
setupUnitPanel("Formation", usedPanels, entState, formations,
function (item) { performFormation(entState.id, item); } );
if (entState.buildEntities && entState.buildEntities.length)
setupUnitPanel("Construction", usedPanels, entState, entState.buildEntities, startBuildingPlacement);
isInvisble = false;
if (entState.training && entState.training.entities.length)
setupUnitPanel("Training", usedPanels, entState, entState.training.entities,
function (trainEntType) { addToTrainingQueue(entState.id, trainEntType); } );
isInvisble = false;
if (entState.training && entState.training.queue.length)
setupUnitPanel("Queue", usedPanels, entState, entState.training.queue,
function (item) { removeFromTrainingQueue(entState.id, item.id); } );
supplementalDetailsPanel.hidden = false;
commandsPanel.hidden = isInvisble;
getGUIObjectByName("stamina").hidden = true;
supplementalDetailsPanel.hidden = true;
commandsPanel.hidden = true;
// Hides / unhides Unit Panels (panels should be grouped by type, not by order, but we will leave that for another time)
var offset = 0;
for each (var panelName in g_unitPanels)
var panel = getGUIObjectByName("unit" + panelName + "Panel");
if (usedPanels[panelName])
panel.hidden = false;
panel.hidden = true;