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# ifndef SR_ARRAY_H
# define SR_ARRAY_H
/** \file sr_array.h
* fast resizeable array template */
# include "sr.h"
# include "sr_input.h"
# include "sr_output.h"
/*! \class SrArrayBase sr_array.h
\brief Fast resizeable array base class
This class is to be derived, and not to be directly used. See SrArray for
a user-ready class. All memory management functions of SrArrayBase were
written using quick memory block functions. In this way, malloc() and free()
functions are used. So that void pointers are used to refer to user's data.
Most methods need to know the size of each element that is the parameter
sizeofx appearing several times. */
class SrArrayBase
{ protected :
void* _data; //!< Array pointer used for storage
int _size; //!< Number of elements being used in array
int _capacity; //!< Number of allocated elements (>=size)
protected :
/*! Init with the sizeof of each element, size, and capacity. If the given
capacity is smaller than the size, capacity is set to be equal to size */
SrArrayBase ( sruint sizeofx, int s, int c );
/*! Copy constructor. Allocates and copies size elements. */
SrArrayBase ( sruint sizeofx, const SrArrayBase& a );
/*! Constructor from a given buffer. No checkings are done,
its the user responsability to give consistent parameters. */
SrArrayBase ( void* pt, int s, int c );
/*! Will free the internal buffer if needed. The internal size and capacity
are not adjusted, so that this method should be called only by the
destructor of the derived class, as SrArrayBase has not a destructor. */
void free_data ();
/*! Changes the size of the array. Reallocation is done only when the size
requested is greater than the current capacity, and in this case,
capacity becomes equal to the size. */
void size ( unsigned sizeofx, int ns );
/*! Changes the capacity of the array. Reallocation is done whenever a new
capacity is requested. Internal memory is freed in case of 0 capacity.
The size is always kept inside [0,nc]. Parameter nc is considered 0
if it is negative. */
void capacity ( unsigned sizeofx, int nc );
/*! Returns a valid index as if the given index references a circular
array, ie, it returns index%size() for positive numbers. Negative
numbers are also correctly mapped. */
int validate ( int index ) const;
/*! Makes size==capacity, freeing all extra capacity if any. */
void compress ( sruint sizeofx );
/*! Removes positions starting with pos i, and length n, moving all data
correctly. The parameters must be valid, no checkings are done. No
reallocation is done. */
void remove ( sruint sizeofx, int i, int n );
/*! Inserts dp positions, starting at pos i, moving all data correctly.
Parameter i can be between 0 and size(), if i==size(), n positions
are appended. If reallocation is needed, the array capacity is
reallocated to contain two times the new size (after insertion). */
void insert ( sruint sizeofx, int i, int n );
/*! Copies n entries from src position to dest position. Regions are
allowed to overlap. Uses the C function memmove. */
void move ( sruint sizeofx, int dest, int src, int n );
/*! Sorts the array, with the compare function cmp, by calling the
system function qsort(). */
void sort ( sruint sizeofx, srcompare cmp );
/*! Linear search, returns index of the element found, or -1 if not found */
int lsearch ( sruint sizeofx, const void *x, srcompare cmp ) const;
/*! Binary search for sorted arrays. Returns index of the element found,
or -1 if not found. If not found and pos is not null, pos will have
the position to insert the element keeping the array sorted. Faster
than the standard C library function bsearch() for large arrays. */
int bsearch ( sruint sizeofx, const void *x, srcompare cmp, int *pos ) const;
/*! Returns the position of the insertion, or -1 if not inserted. The
space of sizeofx is created and the index of the position is returned,
but get attention to the fact that the contents of x are not moved to
the inserted position. In this way, x can be only a key to the data
stored in the array. In case of duplication, the insertion is not done
if parameter allowdup is given as false. To insert the element position,
insert() method is called. */
int insort ( sruint sizeofx, const void *x, srcompare cmp, bool allowdup );
/*! Copy from another array. SrArrayBase will be an exact copy of the given array,
allocating the same capacity, but copying only size elements. */
void copy ( sruint sizeofx, const SrArrayBase& a );
/*! Returns the internal buffer pointer that will be null or contain the address of
the memory used and that was allocated with malloc(). The user will then be
responsible to free this allocated memory with free(). After this call, the
array becomes an empty valid array. */
void* leave_data ();
/*! Takes the data of the given array a, that will become an empty array.
SrArrayBase will have the same data that a had before. This is done
without reallocation. */
void take_data ( SrArrayBase& a );
/*! Frees the current data of SrArrayBase, and then makes SrArrayBase to control
the given buffer pt, with size and capacity as given. */
void take_data ( void* pt, int s, int c );
/*! \class SrArray sr_array.h
\brief Fast resizeable dynamic array
All memory management functions of SrArray use quick memory block functions
and so be aware that constructors and destructors of class X are not called.
SrArray can be used only with classes or structs that do not have any internal
allocated data, as SrArray will not respect them when resizing. Internally,
malloc(), realloc() and free() functions are used throught SrArrayBase methods.
Note that the array size is automatically reallocated when needed (with a double
size strategey), and so take care to not reference internal memory of SrArray
that can be reallocated. For example, the following code is wrong: a.push()=a[x],
because a[x] referentiates a memory space that can be reallocated by push() */
template <class X>
class SrArray : protected SrArrayBase
{ public:
/*! Constructs with the given size and capacity. If the given capacity
is smaller than the size, capacity is set to be equal to size. */
SrArray ( int s=0, int c=0 ) : SrArrayBase ( sizeof(X), s, c ) {}
/*! For compatibility with prior versions we provide a constructor from
3 ints, the last one is simply not considered. */
SrArray ( int s, int c, int g ) : SrArrayBase ( sizeof(X), s, c ) {}
/*! Copy constructor. SrArray will be an exact copy of the given array,
but allocating as capacity only the size of a.
Attention: the operator= that X might have is not called ! */
SrArray ( const SrArray& a ) : SrArrayBase ( sizeof(X), a ) {}
/*! Constructor from a given buffer. No checkings are done, its the user
responsability to give consistent parameters. */
SrArray ( X* pt, int s, int c ) : SrArrayBase ( (void*)pt, s, c ) {}
/*! Destructor frees the array calling the base class free_data() method.
Attention: elements' destructors are not called ! */
~SrArray () { SrArrayBase::free_data(); }
/*! Returns true if the array has no elements, ie, size()==0; and false otherwise. */
bool empty () const { return _size==0? true:false; }
/*! Returns the capacity of the array. Capacity is used to be able to have a
larger storage buffer than the current size used. The method capacity()
will always return a value not smaller than size(). */
int capacity () const { return _capacity; }
/*! Returns the current size of the array. */
int size () const { return _size; }
/*! Changes the size of the array. Reallocation is done only when the size
requested is greater than the current capacity, and in this case, capacity
becomes equal to the size. */
void size ( int ns ) { SrArrayBase::size(sizeof(X),ns); }
/*! Changes the capacity of the array. Reallocation is done whenever a new
capacity is requested. Internal memory is freed in case of 0 capacity.
The size is always kept inside [0,nc]. Parameter nc is considered 0
if it is negative. */
void capacity ( int nc ) { SrArrayBase::capacity(sizeof(X),nc); }
/*! Defines a minimum capacity to use, ie, sets the capacity to be c
iff the current capacity is lower than c */
void ensure_capacity ( int c ) { if ( capacity()<c ) capacity(c); }
/*! Sets all elements as x, copying each element using operator = */
void setall ( const X& x )
{ int i; for ( i=0; i<_size; i++ ) ((X*)_data)[i]=x; }
/*! Makes capacity to be equal to size, freeing all extra capacity if any. */
void compress () { SrArrayBase::compress ( sizeof(X) ); }
/*! Returns a valid index as if the given index references a circular
array, ie, it returns index%size() for positive numbers. Negative
numbers are also correctly mapped. */
int validate ( int index ) const { return SrArrayBase::validate(index); }
/*! Gets a const reference to the element of index i. Indices start from 0 and must
be smaller than size(). No checkings are done to ensure that i is valid. */
const X& const_get ( int i ) const { return ((X*)_data)[i]; }
/*! Gets a reference to the element of index i. Indices start from 0 and must
be smaller than size(). No checkings are done to ensure that i is valid. */
X& get ( int i ) const { return ((X*)_data)[i]; }
/*! Sets an element. Operator = is used here. Indices start from 0 and must
be smaller than size(). No checkings are done to ensure that i is valid. */
void set ( int i, const X& x ) { ((X*)_data)[i]=x; }
/*! Operator version of X& get(int i), but returning a non const reference.
No checkings are done to ensure that i is valid. */
X& operator[] ( int i ) { return ((X*)_data)[i]; }
/*! Returns a const pointer of the internal buffer. The internal buffer
will always contain a contigous storage space of capacity() elements.
See also take_data() and leave_data() methods. */
operator const X* () const { return (X*)_data; }
/*! Returns a reference to the last element, ie, with index size()-1.
The array must not be empty when calling this method. */
X& top () { return ((X*)_data)[_size-1]; }
/*! Returns a reference to the last element, ie, with index size()-1, and
then reduces the size of the array by one with no reallocation.
The array must not be empty when calling this method. */
X& pop () { return ((X*)_data)[--_size]; }
/*! Method to append positions. If reallocation is needed, capacity is set
to two times the new size. The first new element appended is returned
as a reference. */
X& push () { SrArrayBase::insert(sizeof(X),_size,1); return top(); }
/*! Pushes one position at the end of the array using the insert() method, and
then copies the content of x using operator=(). */
void push ( const X& x ) { SrArrayBase::insert(sizeof(X),_size,1); top()=x; }
/*! Inserts dp positions, starting at pos i, moving all data correctly.
Parameter i can be between 0 and size(), if i==size(), dp positions are
appended. If reallocation is required, capacity is set to two times the
new size. The first new element inserted (i) is returned as a reference.
The quantity of appended positions (dp) has a default value of 1. */
X& insert ( int i, int dp=1 ) { SrArrayBase::insert(sizeof(X),i,dp); return ((X*)_data)[i]; }
/*! Removes dp positions starting from pos i, moving all data correctly;
dp has a default value of 1. Attention: elements' destructors are not called! */
void remove ( int i, int dp=1 ) { SrArrayBase::remove(sizeof(X),i,dp); }
/*! Copies n entries from src position to dest position. Regions are
allowed to overlap. Uses the C function memmove. */
void move ( int dest, int src, int n ) { SrArrayBase::move(sizeof(X),dest,src,n); }
/*! Copies all internal data of a to SrArray, with fast memcpy() functions,
so that the operator=() that X might have is not used. This method has
no effect if a "self copy" is called. */
void operator = ( const SrArray<X>& a )
{ SrArrayBase::copy ( sizeof(X), a ); }
/*! Revert the order of the elements in the array. Copy operator of X is used. */
void revert ()
{ int i, max=size()-1, mid=size()/2; X tmp;
for ( i=0; i<mid; i++ ) { SR_SWAP(get(i),get(max-i)); }
/*! Inserts the element x in the sorted array, moving all data correctly, and
returning the position of the element inserted. When allowdup is false,
the element will not be inserted in case of duplication, and in this case,
-1 is returned. A compare function int sr_compare(const X*,const X*) is
required as argument. The method insert() is called to open the required
space, but the operator=() of X will be used to copy element contents in
the open position. Parameter allowdup has a default value of true. */
int insort ( const X& x, SR_COMPARE_FUNC, bool allowdup=true )
{ int pos = SrArrayBase::insort ( sizeof(X), (void*)&x, (srcompare)sr_compare_func, allowdup );
if ( pos>=0 ) ((X*)_data)[pos]=x;
return pos;
/*! Standard library qsort() wrapper call. The compare function is required
as argument: int sr_compare(const X*,const X*) */
void sort ( SR_COMPARE_FUNC ) { SrArrayBase::sort ( sizeof(X), (srcompare)sr_compare_func ); }
/*! Linear search, returns the index of the element found, or -1 if not
found. A compare function is required as argument:
int sr_compare(const X*,const X*) */
int lsearch ( const X& x, SR_COMPARE_FUNC ) const { return SrArrayBase::lsearch ( sizeof(X), (void*)&x, (srcompare)sr_compare_func ); }
/*! Binary search for sorted arrays. Returns index of the element found,
or -1 if not found. If not found and pos is not null, pos will have the
position to insert the element keeping the array sorted. Faster than
the standard C library bsearch() for large arrays. A compare function
is required as argument: int sr_compare(const X*,const X*) */
int bsearch ( const X& x, SR_COMPARE_FUNC, int *pos=NULL ) const
{ return SrArrayBase::bsearch ( sizeof(X), (void*)&x, (srcompare)sr_compare_func, pos ); }
/*! Returns the internal buffer pointer that will be null or contain the address of
the memory used and that was allocated with malloc(). The user will then be
responsible to free this allocated memory with free(). After this call, the
array becomes an empty valid array. */
X* leave_data () { return (X*) SrArrayBase::leave_data(); }
/*! Frees the data of SrArray, and then makes SrArray be the given array a.
After this, a is set to be a valid empty array. The data is moved without
reallocation. */
void take_data ( SrArray<X>& a ) { SrArrayBase::take_data ( (SrArrayBase&)a ); }
/*! Frees the data of SrArray, and then makes SrArray to control the given
buffer pt, with size and capacity as given. Its the user reponsibility to
pass correct values. Note also that the memory menagement of SrArray is
done with malloc/realloc/free functions. */
void take_data ( X* pt, int s, int c ) { SrArrayBase::take_data ( pt, s, c ); }
/*! Output all elements of the array. Element type X must have its ouput operator <<
available. The output format is [e0 e1 ... en]. */
friend SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, const SrArray<X>& a )
{ int i;
o << '[';
for ( i=0; i<a.size(); i++ )
{ o << a[i];
if ( i<a.size()-1 ) o<<srspc;
return o << ']';
/*! Input all elements of the array. Element type X must have its input operator <<
available. */
friend SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& in, SrArray<X>& a )
{ a.size(0);
while (true)
{ in.get_token();
if ( in.last_token()[0]==']' ) break;
in >> a.top();
return in;
//============================== end of file ===============================
#endif // SR_ARRAY_H