forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas 871cdb6ef9 # SwEng (reduce full recompiles by splitting up master error header)
- error codes now accessed as ERR::NO_MEM, INFO::OK etc.
- no more X-macros => the above are now recognized by visual assist
- error codes are defined by the module originating them (lib_errors has
some generic ones)
  => no full rebuild when adding some
- error descriptions are now in C++ files => can be changed without full

added AT_STARTUP in lib.h.

This was SVN commit r4374.
2006-09-22 13:19:40 +00:00

216 lines
6.4 KiB

#include "lib/lib.h"
#include "lib/self_test.h"
#include "lib/path_util.h"
class TestPathUtil : public CxxTest::TestSuite
void TEST_APPEND(const char* path1, const char* path2, uint flags, const char* correct_result)
char dst[PATH_MAX] = {0};
TS_ASSERT_OK(path_append(dst, path1, path2, flags));
TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(dst, correct_result);
// if correct_ret is ERR::FAIL, ignore correct_result.
void TEST_REPLACE(const char* src, const char* remove, const char* replace,
LibError correct_ret, const char* correct_result)
char dst[PATH_MAX] = {0};
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(path_replace(dst, src, remove, replace), correct_ret);
if(correct_ret != ERR::FAIL)
TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(dst, correct_result);
void TEST_NAME_ONLY(const char* path, const char* correct_result)
const char* result = path_name_only(path);
TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(result, correct_result);
void TEST_LAST_COMPONENT(const char* path, const char* correct_result)
const char* result = path_last_component(path);
TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(result, correct_result);
void TEST_STRIP_FN(const char* path_readonly, const char* correct_result)
char path[PATH_MAX];
path_copy(path, path_readonly);
TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(path, correct_result);
void TEST_PATH_EXT(const char* path, const char* correct_result)
const char* result = path_extension(path);
TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(result, correct_result);
void TEST_PATH_PACKAGE(const char* path, const char* fn,
const char* correct_result)
PathPackage pp;
TS_ASSERT_OK(path_package_set_dir(&pp, path));
TS_ASSERT_OK(path_package_append_file(&pp, fn));
TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(pp.path, correct_result);
void test_subpath()
// obvious true
TS_ASSERT(path_is_subpath("abc/def/", "abc/def/") == true); // same
TS_ASSERT(path_is_subpath("abc/def/", "abc/") == true); // 2 is subpath
TS_ASSERT(path_is_subpath("abc/", "abc/def/") == true); // 1 is subpath
// nonobvious true
TS_ASSERT(path_is_subpath("", "") == true);
TS_ASSERT(path_is_subpath("abc/def/", "abc/def") == true); // no '/' !
// obvious false
TS_ASSERT(path_is_subpath("abc", "def") == false); // different, no path
// nonobvious false
TS_ASSERT(path_is_subpath("abc", "") == false); // empty comparand
// .. different but followed by common subdir
TS_ASSERT(path_is_subpath("abc/def/", "ghi/def/") == false);
TS_ASSERT(path_is_subpath("abc/def/", "abc/ghi") == false);
// TODO: can't test path validate yet without suppress-error-dialog
void test_append()
// simplest case
TEST_APPEND("abc", "def", 0, "abc/def");
// trailing slash
TEST_APPEND("abc", "def", PATH_APPEND_SLASH, "abc/def/");
// intervening slash
TEST_APPEND("abc/", "def", 0, "abc/def");
// nonportable intervening slash
TEST_APPEND("abc\\", "def", 0, "abc\\def");
// mixed path slashes
TEST_APPEND("abc", "def/ghi\\jkl", 0, "abc/def/ghi\\jkl");
// path1 empty
TEST_APPEND("", "abc/def/", 0, "abc/def/");
// path2 empty, no trailing slash
TEST_APPEND("abc/def", "", 0, "abc/def");
// path2 empty, require trailing slash
TEST_APPEND("abc/def", "", PATH_APPEND_SLASH, "abc/def/");
// require trailing slash, already exists
TEST_APPEND("abc/", "def/", PATH_APPEND_SLASH, "abc/def/");
void test_replace()
// no match
TEST_REPLACE("abc/def", "/def", "xx", ERR::FAIL, 0);
// normal case: match and remove
TEST_REPLACE("abc/def", "abc", "ok", INFO::OK, "ok/def");
// caller also stripping /
TEST_REPLACE("abc/def", "abc/", "ok", INFO::OK, "ok/def");
// empty remove
TEST_REPLACE("abc/def", "", "ok", INFO::OK, "ok/abc/def");
// empty replace
TEST_REPLACE("abc/def", "abc", "", INFO::OK, "def");
// remove entire string
TEST_REPLACE("abc/def", "abc/def", "", INFO::OK, "");
void test_name_only()
// path with filename
TEST_NAME_ONLY("abc/def", "def");
// nonportable path with filename
TEST_NAME_ONLY("abc\\def\\ghi", "ghi");
// mixed path with filename
TEST_NAME_ONLY("abc/def\\ghi", "ghi");
// mixed path with filename (2)
TEST_NAME_ONLY("abc\\def/ghi", "ghi");
// filename only
TEST_NAME_ONLY("abc", "abc");
// empty
void test_last_component()
// path with filename
TEST_LAST_COMPONENT("abc/def", "def");
// nonportable path with filename
TEST_LAST_COMPONENT("abc\\def\\ghi", "ghi");
// mixed path with filename
TEST_LAST_COMPONENT("abc/def\\ghi", "ghi");
// mixed path with filename (2)
TEST_LAST_COMPONENT("abc\\def/ghi", "ghi");
// filename only
TEST_LAST_COMPONENT("abc", "abc");
// empty
// now paths (mostly copied from above test series)
// path
TEST_LAST_COMPONENT("abc/def/", "def/");
// nonportable path
TEST_LAST_COMPONENT("abc\\def\\ghi\\", "ghi\\");
// mixed path
TEST_LAST_COMPONENT("abc/def\\ghi/", "ghi/");
// mixed path (2)
TEST_LAST_COMPONENT("abc\\def/ghi\\", "ghi\\");
void test_strip_fn()
// path with filename
TEST_STRIP_FN("abc/def", "abc/");
// nonportable path with filename
TEST_STRIP_FN("abc\\def\\ghi", "abc\\def\\");
// mixed path with filename
TEST_STRIP_FN("abc/def\\ghi", "abc/def\\");
// mixed path with filename (2)
TEST_STRIP_FN("abc\\def/ghi", "abc\\def/");
// filename only
TEST_STRIP_FN("abc", "");
// empty
TEST_STRIP_FN("", "");
// path
TEST_STRIP_FN("abc/def/", "abc/def/");
// nonportable path
TEST_STRIP_FN("abc\\def\\ghi\\", "abc\\def\\ghi\\");
// note: no need to test path_dir_only - it is implemented exactly as
// done in TEST_STRIP_FN.
void test_path_ext()
TEST_PATH_EXT("a/b/c.bmp", "bmp");
TEST_PATH_EXT("a.BmP", "BmP"); // case sensitive
TEST_PATH_EXT("c", ""); // no extension
TEST_PATH_EXT("", ""); // empty
// testing path_foreach_component is difficult; currently skipped.
void test_path_package()
// normal
TEST_PATH_PACKAGE("a/b", "c", "a/b/c");
// nonportable slash
TEST_PATH_PACKAGE("a\\b", "c", "a\\b/c");
// slash already present
TEST_PATH_PACKAGE("a/b/", "c", "a/b/c");
// nonportable slash already present
TEST_PATH_PACKAGE("a\\b\\", "c", "a\\b\\c");
// mixed slashes
TEST_PATH_PACKAGE("a/b\\c", "d", "a/b\\c/d");
// mixed slashes (2)
TEST_PATH_PACKAGE("a\\b/c", "d", "a\\b/c/d");