forked from 0ad/0ad

297 lines
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#include "precompiled.h"
#include "TerritoryManager.h"
#include "ps/Game.h"
#include "ps/Player.h"
#include "graphics/Terrain.h"
#include "graphics/GameView.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "graphics/Unit.h"
#include "maths/Bound.h"
#include "graphics/Model.h"
#include "lib/allocators.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/ogl.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "EntityTemplate.h"
m_TerritoryMatrix = 0;
m_DelayedRecalculate = false;
matrix_free( (void**) m_TerritoryMatrix );
m_TerritoryMatrix = 0;
for( size_t i=0; i<m_Territories.size(); i++)
delete m_Territories[i];
void CTerritoryManager::Initialize()
CTerrain* terrain = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain();
m_TilesPerSide = terrain->GetVerticesPerSide() - 1;
m_TerritoryMatrix = (CTerritory***) matrix_alloc( m_TilesPerSide, m_TilesPerSide, sizeof(CTerritory*) );
void CTerritoryManager::Recalculate()
// Delete any territories created last time we called Recalculate()
for( size_t i=0; i<m_Territories.size(); i++)
if( m_Territories[i]->centre )
m_Territories[i]->centre->m_associatedTerritory = 0;
delete m_Territories[i];
// First, find all the units that are territory centres
std::vector<CEntity*> centres;
std::vector<CEntity*> entities;
for( size_t i=0; i<entities.size(); i++ )
if( !entities[i]->entf_get(ENTF_DESTROYED) && entities[i]->m_base->m_isTerritoryCentre )
int mapSize = m_TilesPerSide * CELL_SIZE;
// If there aren't any centre objects, create one big Gaia territory which spans the whole map
if( centres.empty() )
std::vector<CVector2D> boundary;
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(0, 0) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(0, mapSize) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(mapSize, mapSize) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(mapSize, 0) );
CTerritory* ter = new CTerritory( g_Game->GetPlayer(0), HEntity(), boundary );
for( uint x=0; x<m_TilesPerSide; x++ )
for( uint z=0; z<m_TilesPerSide; z++ )
m_TerritoryMatrix[x][z] = ter;
// For each centre object, create a territory
for( size_t i=0; i<centres.size(); i++ )
std::vector<CVector2D> boundary;
CalculateBoundary( centres, i, boundary );
CTerritory* ter = new CTerritory( centres[i]->GetPlayer(), centres[i]->me, boundary );
centres[i]->m_associatedTerritory = ter;
// For each tile, match it to the closest centre object to it.
// TODO: Optimize this, for example by intersecting scanlines with the Voronoi polygons.
for( uint x=0; x<m_TilesPerSide; x++ )
for( uint z=0; z<m_TilesPerSide; z++ )
CVector2D tileLoc( (x+0.5f) * CELL_SIZE, (z+0.5f) * CELL_SIZE );
float bestSquareDist = 1e20f;
for( size_t i=0; i<centres.size(); i++ )
CVector2D centreLoc( centres[i]->m_position.X, centres[i]->m_position.Z );
float squareDist = (centreLoc - tileLoc).length2();
if( squareDist < bestSquareDist )
bestSquareDist = squareDist;
m_TerritoryMatrix[x][z] = m_Territories[i];
void CTerritoryManager::DelayedRecalculate()
// This is useful particularly for Atlas, which wants to recalculate
// the boundaries as you move an object around but which doesn't want
// to waste time recalculating multiple times per frame
m_DelayedRecalculate = true;
CTerritory* CTerritoryManager::GetTerritory(int x, int z)
debug_assert( (uint) x < m_TilesPerSide && (uint) z < m_TilesPerSide );
return m_TerritoryMatrix[x][z];
CTerritory* CTerritoryManager::GetTerritory(float x, float z)
int ix, iz;
CTerrain::CalcFromPosition(x, z, ix, iz);
return GetTerritory(ix, iz);
// Calculate the boundary points of a given territory into the given vector
void CTerritoryManager::CalculateBoundary( std::vector<CEntity*>& centres, size_t myIndex, std::vector<CVector2D>& boundary )
// Start with a boundary equal to the whole map
int mapSize = m_TilesPerSide * CELL_SIZE;
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(0, 0) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(0, mapSize) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(mapSize, mapSize) );
boundary.push_back( CVector2D(mapSize, 0) );
// Clip this polygon against the perpendicular bisector between this centre and each other territory centre
CVector2D myPos( centres[myIndex]->m_position.X, centres[myIndex]->m_position.Z );
for( size_t i=0; i<centres.size(); i++ )
if( i != myIndex )
CVector2D itsPos( centres[i]->m_position.X, centres[i]->m_position.Z );
CVector2D midpoint = (myPos + itsPos) / 2.0f;
CVector2D normal = itsPos - myPos;
// Clip our polygon to the negative side of the half-space with normal "normal"
// containing point "midpoint", i.e. the side of the perpendicular bisector
// between myPos and itsPos that contains myPos. We do this by tracing around
// the polygon looking at each vertex to decide which ones to add as follows:
// - If a vertex is inside the half-space, take it.
// - If a vertex is inside but the next one is outside, also take the
// intersection of that edge with the perpendicular bisector.
// - If a vertex is outside but the next one is inside, take the
// intersection of that edge with the perpendicular bisector.
std::vector<CVector2D> newBoundary;
for( size_t j=0; j<boundary.size(); j++ )
CVector2D& pos = boundary[j];
float dot = (pos - midpoint).dot(normal);
bool inside = dot < 0.0f;
size_t nextJ = (j+1) % boundary.size(); // index of next point
CVector2D& nextPos = boundary[nextJ];
float nextDot = (nextPos - midpoint).dot(normal);
bool nextInside = nextDot < 0.0f;
if( inside )
newBoundary.push_back( pos );
if( !nextInside )
// Also add intersection of this line segment and the bisector
float t = nextDot / (-dot + nextDot);
newBoundary.push_back( pos * t + nextPos * (1.0f - t) );
else if( nextInside )
// Add intersection of this line segment and the bisector
float t = nextDot / (-dot + nextDot);
newBoundary.push_back( pos * t + nextPos * (1.0f - t) );
boundary = newBoundary;
void CTerritoryManager::renderTerritories()
if (m_DelayedRecalculate)
m_DelayedRecalculate = false;
const CTerrain* pTerrain = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain();
CFrustum frustum = g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera()->GetFrustum();
std::vector<CTerritory*>::iterator terr=m_Territories.begin();
for ( ; terr != m_Territories.end(); ++terr )
if ((*terr)->boundary.empty())
// Tweak the boundary to shift all edges "inwards" by 0.3 units towards the territory's centre,
// so that boundaries for adjacent territories don't overlap
std::vector<CVector2D> boundary = (*terr)->boundary;
CVector2D centre((*terr)->centre->m_position.X, (*terr)->centre->m_position.Z);
for ( size_t i=0; i<boundary.size(); i++ )
size_t prevI = (i+boundary.size()-1) % boundary.size();
size_t nextI = (i+1) % boundary.size();
// Figure out the direction perpendicular to each of the two edges that meet at this point.
CVector2D dir1 = ((*terr)->boundary[i]-(*terr)->boundary[prevI]).beta().normalize();
CVector2D dir2 = ((*terr)->boundary[nextI]-(*terr)->boundary[i]).beta().normalize();
// If you draw a picture of what our point looks like and what the two lines 0.3 units
// away from it look like, and draw a line between our point and that one as well as
// drop perpendicular lines from it to the original edges, you get this formula for the
// length and direction we have to be moved.
float angle = acosf(dir1.dot(dir2));
boundary[i] += (dir1 + dir2).normalize() * 0.3f / cosf(angle/2);
if ( (*terr)->owner->GetPlayerID() == 0 )
// Use a dark gray for Gaia territories since white looks a bit weird
glColor3f( 0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f );
// Use the player's colour
const SPlayerColour& col = (*terr)->owner->GetColour();
glColor3f(col.r, col.g, col.b);
for ( std::vector<CVector2D>::iterator it = boundary.begin(); it != boundary.end(); it++ )
std::vector<CVector2D>::iterator it2 = it + 1;
if( it2 == boundary.end() ) // loop around if we are at the last vertex
it2 = boundary.begin();
CVector3D start(it->x, pTerrain->getExactGroundLevel(it->x, it->y), it->y);
CVector3D end(it2->x, pTerrain->getExactGroundLevel(it2->x, it2->y), it2->y);
if ( !frustum.DoesSegmentIntersect(start, end) )
float iterf = (end - start).GetLength() / TERRITORY_PRECISION_STEP;
for ( float i=0; i < iterf; i += TERRITORY_PRECISION_STEP )
CVector2D pos( Interpolate(start, end, i/iterf) );
glVertex3f(pos.x, pTerrain->getExactGroundLevel(pos)+.25f, pos.y);
glVertex3f(end.X, pTerrain->getExactGroundLevel(end.X, end.Z)+.25f, end.Z);