forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas c0ed950657 had to remove uint and ulong from lib/types.h due to conflict with other library.
this snowballed into a massive search+destroy of the hodgepodge of
mostly equivalent types we had in use (int, uint, unsigned, unsigned
int, i32, u32, ulong, uintN).

it is more efficient to use 64-bit types in 64-bit mode, so the
preferred default is size_t (for anything remotely resembling a size or
index). tile coordinates are ssize_t to allow more efficient conversion
to/from floating point. flags are int because we almost never need more
than 15 distinct bits, bit test/set is not slower and int is fastest to
type. finally, some data that is pretty much directly passed to OpenGL
is now typed accordingly.

after several hours, the code now requires fewer casts and less

other changes:
- unit and player IDs now have an "invalid id" constant in the
respective class to avoid casting and -1
- fix some endian/64-bit bugs in the map (un)packing. added a
convenience function to write/read a size_t.
- ia32: change CPUID interface to allow passing in ecx (required for
cache topology detection, which I need at work). remove some unneeded
functions from asm, replace with intrinsics where possible.

This was SVN commit r5942.
2008-05-11 18:48:32 +00:00

1098 lines
29 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : vfs_optimizer.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : automatically bundles files into archives in order of
* : access to optimize I/O.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "precompiled.h"
//#include "vfs_optimizer.h"
#if 0
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
// enough for 64K unique files - ought to suffice.
typedef u16 FileId;
static const FileId NULL_ID = 0;
static const size_t MAX_IDS = 0x10000 -1; // -1 due to NULL_ID
struct FileNode
const char* atom_fn;
FileId prev_id;
FileId next_id;
u32 visited : 1;
u32 output : 1;
FileNode(const char* atom_fn_)
atom_fn = atom_fn_;
prev_id = next_id = NULL_ID;
visited = output = 0;
typedef std::vector<FileNode> FileNodes;
// check if the file is supposed to be added to archive.
// this avoids adding e.g. screenshots (wasteful because they're never used)
// or config (bad because they are written to and that's not supported for
// archived files).
static bool is_archivable(const void* mount)
return mount_is_archivable((Mount*)mount);
class IdMgr
FileId cur;
typedef std::map<const char*, FileId> Map;
Map map;
FileNodes* nodes;
// dummy return value so this can be called via for_each/mem_fun_ref
void associate_node_with_fn(const FileNode& node)
FileId id = id_from_node(&node);
const Map::value_type item = std::make_pair(node.atom_fn, id);
std::pair<Map::iterator, bool> ret = map.insert(item);
debug_warn("atom_fn already associated with node");
FileId id_from_node(const FileNode* node) const
// +1 to skip NULL_ID value
FileId id = node - &((*nodes)[0]) +1;
debug_assert(id <= nodes->size());
return id;
FileNode* node_from_id(FileId id) const
debug_assert(id != NULL_ID);
return &(*nodes)[id-1];
FileId id_from_fn(const char* atom_fn) const
Map::const_iterator cit = map.find(atom_fn);
if(cit == map.end())
debug_warn("id_from_fn: not found");
return NULL_ID;
return cit->second;
void init(FileNodes* nodes_)
cur = NULL_ID+1;
nodes = nodes_;
// can't use for_each (mem_fun requires const function and
// non-reference-type argument)
for(FileNodes::const_iterator cit = nodes->begin(); cit != nodes->end(); ++cit)
const FileNode& node = *cit;
static IdMgr id_mgr;
// build list of FileNode - exactly one per file in VFS.
// time cost: 13ms for 5500 files; we therefore do not bother with
// optimizations like reading from vfs_tree container directly.
class FileGatherer
static void EntCb(const char* path, const FileInfo* ent, uintptr_t cbData)
FileNodes* file_nodes = (FileNodes*)cbData;
// we only want files
const char* atom_fn = path_Pool()->UniqueCopy(path);
FileGatherer(FileNodes& file_nodes)
// jump-start allocation (avoids frequent initial reallocs)
// TODO: only add entries from mount points that have
// VFS_MOUNT_ARCHIVE flag set (avoids adding screenshots etc.)
dir_FilteredForEachEntry("", VFS_DIR_RECURSIVE, 0, EntCb, (uintptr_t)&file_nodes);
// MAX_IDS is a rather large limit on number of files, but must not
// be exceeded (otherwise FileId overflows).
// check for this here and not in EntCb because it's not
// expected to happen.
if(file_nodes.size() > MAX_IDS)
// note: use this instead of resize because FileNode doesn't have
// a default ctor. NB: this is how resize is implemented anyway.
file_nodes.erase(file_nodes.begin() + MAX_IDS, file_nodes.end());
typedef u32 ConnectionId;
cassert(sizeof(FileId)*2 <= sizeof(ConnectionId));
static ConnectionId cid_make(FileId first, FileId second)
return u32_from_u16(first, second);
static FileId cid_first(ConnectionId id)
return u32_hi(id);
static FileId cid_second(ConnectionId id)
return u32_lo(id);
struct Connection
ConnectionId id;
// repeated edges ("connections") are reflected in
// the 'occurrences' count; we optimize the ordering so that
// files with frequent connections are nearby.
size_t occurrences;
Connection(ConnectionId id_)
: id(id_), occurrences(1) {}
typedef std::vector<Connection> Connections;
// builds a list of Connection-s (basically edges in the FileNode graph)
// defined by the trace.
// time cost: 70ms for 1000 trace entries. this is rather heavy;
// the main culprit is simulating file_cache to see if an IO would result.
class ConnectionBuilder
// functor: on every call except the first, adds a connection between
// the previous file (remembered here) and the current file.
// if the connection already exists, its occurrence count is incremented.
class ConnectionAdder
// speeds up "already exists" overhead from n*n to n*log(n).
typedef std::map<ConnectionId, Connection*> Map;
typedef std::pair<ConnectionId, Connection*> MapItem;
typedef Map::const_iterator MapCIt;
Map map;
FileId prev_id;
ConnectionAdder() : prev_id(NULL_ID) {}
void operator()(Connections& connections, const char* new_fn)
const bool was_first_call = (prev_id == NULL_ID);
FileId id = id_mgr.id_from_fn(new_fn);
const ConnectionId c_id = cid_make(prev_id, id);
prev_id = id;
return; // bail after setting prev_id
// note: always insert-ing and checking return value would be
// more efficient (saves 1 iteration over map), but would not
// be safe: VC8's STL disallows &vector[0] if empty
// (even though memory has been reserved).
// it doesn't matter much anyway (decently fast and offline task).
MapCIt it = map.find(c_id);
const bool already_exists = (it != map.end());
Connection* c = it->second; // Map "payload"
// seen this connection for the first time: add to map and list.
const MapItem item = std::make_pair(c_id, &connections.back());
void add_connections_from_runs(const Trace& t, Connections& connections)
// (note: lifetime = entire connection build process; if re-created
// in between, entries in Connections will no longer be unique,
// which may break TourBuilder)
ConnectionAdder add_connection;
// extract accesses from each run (starting with most recent
// first. this isn't critical, but may help a bit since
// files that are equally strongly 'connected' are ordered
// according to position in file_nodes. that means files from
// more recent traces tend to go first, which is good.)
for(size_t r = 0; r < t.num_runs; r++)
const TraceRun& run = t.runs[r];
for(size_t i = 0; i < run.num_ents; i++)
const TraceEntry* te = &run.ents[i];
// improvement: postprocess the trace and remove all IOs that would be
// satisfied by our cache. often repeated IOs would otherwise potentially
// be arranged badly.
// only add connection if this file exists and is in
// file_nodes list. otherwise, ConnectionAdder's
// id_from_fn call will fail.
// note: this happens when trace contains by now
// deleted or unarchivable files.
TFile* tf;
if(tree_lookup(te->atom_fn, &tf) == INFO::OK)
add_connection(connections, te->atom_fn);
LibError run(const char* trace_filename, Connections& connections)
Trace t;
RETURN_ERR(trace_read_from_file(trace_filename, &t));
// reserve memory for worst-case amount of connections (happens if
// all accesses are unique). this is necessary because we store
// pointers to Connection in the map, which would be invalidated if
// connections[] ever expands.
// may waste up to ~3x the memory (about 1mb) for a short time,
// which is ok.
add_connections_from_runs(t, connections);
return INFO::OK;
// given graph and known edges, stitch together FileNodes so that
// Hamilton tour (TSP solution) length of the graph is minimized.
// heuristic is greedy adding edges sorted by decreasing 'occurrences'.
// time cost: 7ms for 1000 connections; quite fast despite DFS.
// could be improved (if there are lots of files) by storing in each node
// a pointer to end of list; if adding a new edge, check if end.endoflist
// is the start of edge.
class TourBuilder
// sort by decreasing occurrence
struct Occurrence_greater: public std::binary_function<const Connection&, const Connection&, bool>
bool operator()(const Connection& c1, const Connection& c2) const
return (c1.occurrences > c2.occurrences);
bool has_cycle;
void detect_cycleR(FileId id)
FileNode* pnode = id_mgr.node_from_id(id);
pnode->visited = 1;
FileId next_id = pnode->next_id;
if(next_id != NULL_ID)
FileNode* pnext = id_mgr.node_from_id(next_id);
has_cycle = true;
bool is_cycle_at(FileNodes& file_nodes, FileId node)
has_cycle = false;
for(FileNodes::iterator it = file_nodes.begin(); it != file_nodes.end(); ++it)
it->visited = 0;
return has_cycle;
void try_add_edge(FileNodes& file_nodes, const Connection& c)
FileId first_id = cid_first(c.id);
FileId second_id = cid_second(c.id);
FileNode* first = id_mgr.node_from_id(first_id);
FileNode* second = id_mgr.node_from_id(second_id);
// one of them has already been hooked up - bail
if(first->next_id != NULL_ID || second->prev_id != NULL_ID)
first->next_id = second_id;
second->prev_id = first_id;
const bool introduced_cycle = is_cycle_at(file_nodes, second_id);
#ifndef NDEBUG
debug_assert(introduced_cycle == is_cycle_at(file_nodes, first_id));
// undo
first->next_id = second->prev_id = NULL_ID;
void output_chain(FileNode& node, std::vector<const char*>& fn_vector)
// early out: if this access was already visited, so must the entire
// chain of which it is a part. bail to save lots of time.
// follow prev links starting with c until no more are left;
// start ends up the beginning of the chain including <c>.
FileNode* start = &node;
while(start->prev_id != NULL_ID)
start = id_mgr.node_from_id(start->prev_id);
// iterate over the chain - add to Filenames list and mark as visited
FileNode* cur = start;
cur->output = 1;
if(cur->next_id == NULL_ID)
cur = id_mgr.node_from_id(cur->next_id);
TourBuilder(FileNodes& file_nodes, Connections& connections, std::vector<const char*>& fn_vector)
std::stable_sort(connections.begin(), connections.end(), Occurrence_greater());
for(Connections::iterator it = connections.begin(); it != connections.end(); ++it)
try_add_edge(file_nodes, *it);
for(FileNodes::iterator it = file_nodes.begin(); it != file_nodes.end(); ++it)
output_chain(*it, fn_vector);
// autobuild logic: decides when to (re)build an archive.
// for each loose or archived file encountered during mounting: add to a
// std::set; if there are more than *_THRESHOLD non-archived files, rebuild.
// this ends up costing 50ms for 5000 files, so disable it in final release.
// rebuild if the archive is much older than most recent VFS timestamp.
// this makes sense during development: the archive will periodically be
// rebuilt with the newest trace. however, it would be annoying in the
// final release, where users will frequently mod things, which should not
// end up rebuilding the main archive.
static const ssize_t REBUILD_MAIN_ARCHIVE_THRESHOLD = 50;
static const ssize_t BUILD_MINI_ARCHIVE_THRESHOLD = 20;
typedef std::set<const char*> FnSet;
static FnSet loose_files;
static FnSet archived_files;
void vfs_opt_notify_loose_file(const char* atom_fn)
// note: files are added before archives, so we can't stop adding to
// set after one of the above thresholds are reached.
void vfs_opt_notify_archived_file(const char* atom_fn)
static bool should_rebuild_main_archive(const char* trace_filename,
FilesystemEntries& existing_archives)
// if there's no trace file, no point in building a main archive.
// (we wouldn't know how to order the files)
return false;
// too many (eligible for archiving!) loose files not in archive: rebuild.
const ssize_t loose_files_only = (ssize_t)loose_files.size() - (ssize_t)archived_files.size();
if(loose_files_only >= REBUILD_MAIN_ARCHIVE_THRESHOLD)
return true;
// scan dir and see what archives are already present..
time_t most_recent_archive_mtime = 0;
// note: a loop is more convenient than std::for_each, which would
// require referencing the returned functor (since param is a copy).
for(FilesystemEntries::const_iterator it = existing_archives.begin(); it != existing_archives.end(); ++it)
most_recent_archive_mtime = std::max(it->mtime, most_recent_archive_mtime);
// .. no archive yet OR 'lots' of them: rebuild so that they'll be
// merged into one archive and the rest deleted.
if(existing_archives.empty() || existing_archives.size() >= 4)
return true;
// .. archive is much older than most recent data: rebuild.
const double max_diff = 14*86400; // 14 days
if(difftime(tree_most_recent_mtime(), most_recent_archive_mtime) > max_diff)
return true;
return false;
static char archive_fn[PATH_MAX];
static ArchiveBuildState ab;
static std::vector<const char*> fn_vector;
static FilesystemEntries existing_archives; // and possibly other entries
class IsArchive
const char* archive_ext;
IsArchive(const char* archive_fn)
archive_ext = path_extension(archive_fn);
bool operator()(FileInfo& ent) const
// remove if not file
return true;
// remove if not same extension
const char* ext = path_extension(ent.name);
if(strcasecmp(archive_ext, ext) != 0)
return true;
// keep
return false;
static LibError vfs_opt_init(const char* trace_filename, const char* archive_fn_fmt, bool force_build)
Filesystem_Posix fsPosix;
// get next not-yet-existing archive filename.
static NextNumberedFilenameState archive_nfi;
dir_NextNumberedFilename(&fsPosix, archive_fn_fmt, &archive_nfi, archive_fn);
// get list of existing archives in root dir.
// note: this is needed by should_rebuild_main_archive and later in
// vfs_opt_continue; must be done here instead of inside the former
// because that is not called when force_build == true.
char dir[PATH_MAX];
path_dir_only(archive_fn_fmt, dir);
RETURN_ERR(dir_GatherSortedEntries(&fsPosix, dir, existing_archives));
DirEntIt new_end = std::remove_if(existing_archives.begin(), existing_archives.end(), IsArchive(archive_fn));
existing_archives.erase(new_end, existing_archives.end());
// bail if we shouldn't rebuild the archive.
if(!force_build && !should_rebuild_main_archive(trace_filename, existing_archives))
// build 'graph' (nodes only) of all files that must be added.
FileNodes file_nodes;
FileGatherer gatherer(file_nodes);
// scan nodes and add them to filename->FileId mapping.
// build list of edges between FileNodes (referenced via FileId) that
// are defined by trace entries.
Connections connections;
ConnectionBuilder cbuilder;
RETURN_ERR(cbuilder.run(trace_filename, connections));
// create output filename list by first adding the above edges (most
// frequent first) and then adding the rest sequentially.
TourBuilder builder(file_nodes, connections, fn_vector);
fn_vector.push_back(0); // 0-terminate for use as Filenames
Filenames V_fns = &fn_vector[0];
RETURN_ERR(archive_build_init(archive_fn, V_fns, &ab));
return INFO::OK;
static int vfs_opt_continue()
int ret = archive_build_continue(&ab);
if(ret == INFO::OK)
// do NOT delete source files! some apps might want to
// keep them (e.g. for source control), or name them differently.
// delete old archives
PathPackage pp; // need path to each existing_archive, not only name
char archive_dir[PATH_MAX];
path_dir_only(archive_fn, archive_dir);
(void)path_package_set_dir(&pp, archive_dir);
for(DirEntCIt it = existing_archives.begin(); it != existing_archives.end(); ++it)
(void)path_package_append_file(&pp, it->name);
// rebuild is required due to mount_release_all_archives.
// the dir watcher may already have rebuilt the VFS once,
// which is a waste of time here.
// it is believed that wiping out the file cache is not necessary.
// building archive doesn't change the game data files, and any
// cached contents of the previous archives are irrelevant.
return ret;
static bool should_build_mini_archive(const char* UNUSED(mini_archive_fn_fmt))
// too many (eligible for archiving!) loose files not in archive
const ssize_t loose_files_only = (ssize_t)loose_files.size() - (ssize_t)archived_files.size();
if(loose_files_only >= BUILD_MINI_ARCHIVE_THRESHOLD)
return true;
return false;
static LibError build_mini_archive(const char* mini_archive_fn_fmt)
Filenames V_fns = new const char*[loose_files.size()+1];
std::copy(loose_files.begin(), loose_files.end(), &V_fns[0]);
V_fns[loose_files.size()] = 0; // terminator
// get new unused mini archive name at P_dst_path
char mini_archive_fn[PATH_MAX];
static NextNumberedFilenameState nfi;
Filesystem_Posix fsPosix;
dir_NextNumberedFilename(&fsPosix, mini_archive_fn_fmt, &nfi, mini_archive_fn);
RETURN_ERR(archive_build(mini_archive_fn, V_fns));
delete[] V_fns;
return INFO::OK;
// array of pointers to VFS filenames (including path), terminated by a
// NULL entry.
typedef const char** Filenames;
struct IArchiveWriter;
struct ICodec;
// rationale: this is fairly lightweight and simple, so we don't bother
// making it opaque.
struct ArchiveBuildState
IArchiveWriter* archiveBuilder;
ICodec* codec;
Filenames V_fns;
size_t num_files; // number of filenames in V_fns (excluding final 0)
size_t i;
// create an archive (overwriting previous file) and fill it with the given
// files. compression method is chosen based on extension.
LibError archive_build_init(const char* P_archive_filename, Filenames V_fns, ArchiveBuildState* ab)
ab->archiveBuilder = CreateArchiveBuilder_Zip(P_archive_filename);
ab->codec = ab->archiveBuilder->CreateCompressor();
ab->V_fns = V_fns;
// count number of files (needed to estimate progress)
for(ab->num_files = 0; ab->V_fns[ab->num_files]; ab->num_files++) {}
ab->i = 0;
return INFO::OK;
int archive_build_continue(ArchiveBuildState* ab)
const double end_time = timer_Time() + 200e-3;
const char* V_fn = ab->V_fns[ab->i];
IArchiveFile ent; const u8* file_contents; IoBuf buf;
if(read_and_compress_file(V_fn, ab->codec, ent, file_contents, buf) == INFO::OK)
(void)ab->archiveBuilder->AddFile(&ent, file_contents);
if(timer_Time() > end_time)
int progress_percent = (ab->i*100 / ab->num_files);
// 0 means "finished", so don't return that!
if(progress_percent == 0)
progress_percent = 1;
debug_assert(0 < progress_percent && progress_percent <= 100);
return progress_percent;
// note: this is currently known to fail if there are no files in the list
// - zlib.h says: Z_DATA_ERROR is returned if freed prematurely.
// safe to ignore.
return INFO::OK;
void archive_build_cancel(ArchiveBuildState* ab)
// note: the GUI may call us even though no build was ever in progress.
// be sure to make all steps no-op if <ab> is zeroed (initial state) or
// no build is in progress.
LibError archive_build(const char* P_archive_filename, Filenames V_fns)
ArchiveBuildState ab;
RETURN_ERR(archive_build_init(P_archive_filename, V_fns, &ab));
int ret = archive_build_continue(&ab);
if(ret == INFO::OK)
return INFO::OK;
static enum
void vfs_opt_auto_build_cancel()
state = NOP;
int vfs_opt_auto_build(const char* trace_filename,
const char* archive_fn_fmt, const char* mini_archive_fn_fmt, bool force_build)
if(state == NOP)
if(state == DECIDE_IF_BUILD)
if(vfs_opt_init(trace_filename, archive_fn_fmt, force_build) != INFO::SKIPPED)
state = IN_PROGRESS;
// create mini-archive (if needed)
state = NOP;
return INFO::OK; // "finished"
if(state == IN_PROGRESS)
int ret = vfs_opt_continue();
// just finished
if(ret == INFO::OK)
state = NOP;
return ret;
LibError vfs_opt_rebuild_main_archive(const char* trace_filename, const char* archive_fn_fmt)
int ret = vfs_opt_auto_build(trace_filename, archive_fn_fmt, 0, true);
if(ret == INFO::OK)
return INFO::OK;
class TraceRun
TraceRun(const TraceEntry* entries, size_t numEntries)
: m_entries(entries), m_numEntries(numEntries)
const TraceEntry* Entries() const
return m_entries;
size_t NumEntries() const
return m_numEntries;
const TraceEntry* m_entries;
size_t m_numEntries;
struct Trace
// most recent first! (see rationale in source)
std::vector<TraceRun> runs;
size_t total_ents;
extern void trace_get(Trace* t);
extern LibError trace_write_to_file(const char* trace_filename);
extern LibError trace_read_from_file(const char* trace_filename, Trace* t);
// simulate carrying out the entry's TraceOp to determine
// whether this IO would be satisfied by the file_buf cache.
extern bool trace_entry_causes_io(const TraceEntry* ent);
// carry out all operations specified in the trace.
extern LibError trace_run(const char* trace_filename);
// put all entries in one trace file: easier to handle; obviates FS enum code
// rationale: don't go through trace in order; instead, process most recent
// run first, to give more weight to it (TSP code should go with first entry
// when #occurrences are equal)
static const TraceEntry delimiter_entry =
0.0f, // timestamp
0, // size
TO_FREE,// TraceOp (never seen by user; value doesn't matter)
// storage for Trace.runs.
static std::vector<TraceRun> runs;
// note: the last entry may be one past number of actual entries.
// WARNING: due to misfeature in DelimiterAdder, indices are added twice.
// this is fixed in trace_get; just don't rely on run_start_indices.size()!
static std::vector<size_t> run_start_indices;
class DelimiterAdder
enum Consequence
Consequence operator()(size_t i, double timestamp, const char* P_path)
// this entry is a delimiter
if(!strcmp(P_path, delimiter_entry.vfsPathname))
run_start_indices.push_back(i+1); // skip this entry
// note: its timestamp is invalid, so don't set cur_timestamp!
return SKIP_ADD;
const double last_timestamp = cur_timestamp;
cur_timestamp = timestamp;
// first item is always start of a run
if((i == 0) ||
// timestamp started over from 0 (e.g. 29, 30, 1) -> start of new run.
(timestamp < last_timestamp))
return CONTINUE;
double cur_timestamp;
void trace_get(Trace* t)
const TraceEntry* ents; size_t num_ents;
trace_get_raw_ents(ents, num_ents);
// nobody had split ents up into runs; just create one big 'run'.
t->runs = runs;
t->num_runs = 0; // counted up
t->total_ents = num_ents;
size_t last_start_idx = num_ents;
std::vector<size_t>::reverse_iterator it;
for(it = run_start_indices.rbegin(); it != run_start_indices.rend(); ++it)
const size_t start_idx = *it;
// run_start_indices.back() may be = num_ents (could happen if
// a zero-length run gets written out); skip that to avoid
// zero-length run here.
// also fixes DelimiterAdder misbehavior of adding 2 indices per run.
if(last_start_idx == start_idx)
debug_assert(start_idx < t->total_ents);
TraceRun& run = runs[t->num_runs++];
run.num_ents = last_start_idx - start_idx;
run.ents = &ents[start_idx];
last_start_idx = start_idx;
if(t->num_runs == MAX_RUNS)
debug_assert(t->num_runs != 0);
// simulate carrying out the entry's TraceOp to determine
// whether this IO would be satisfied by the file cache.
bool trace_entry_causes_io(FileCache& simulatedCache, const TraceEntry* ent)
FileCacheData buf;
const size_t size = ent->size;
const char* vfsPathname = ent->vfsPathname;
case TO_STORE:
case TO_LOAD:
// cache miss
if(!simulatedCache.Retrieve(vfsPathname, size))
// TODO: simulatedCache never evicts anything..
return true;
case TO_FREE:
debug_warn("unknown TraceOp");
return false;
// one run per file
// enabled by default. by the time we can decide whether a trace needs to
// be generated (see should_rebuild_main_archive), file accesses will
// already have occurred; hence default enabled and disable if not needed.
// carry out this entry's operation
// do not 'run' writes - we'd destroy the existing data.
case TO_STORE:
case TO_LOAD:
IoBuf buf; size_t size;
(void)vfs_load(ent->vfsPathname, buf, size, ent->flags);
case TO_FREE:
debug_warn("unknown TraceOp");
LibError trace_run(const char* osPathname)
Trace trace;
for(size_t i = 0; i < trace.NumEntries(); i++)
return INFO::OK;