forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas c0ed950657 had to remove uint and ulong from lib/types.h due to conflict with other library.
this snowballed into a massive search+destroy of the hodgepodge of
mostly equivalent types we had in use (int, uint, unsigned, unsigned
int, i32, u32, ulong, uintN).

it is more efficient to use 64-bit types in 64-bit mode, so the
preferred default is size_t (for anything remotely resembling a size or
index). tile coordinates are ssize_t to allow more efficient conversion
to/from floating point. flags are int because we almost never need more
than 15 distinct bits, bit test/set is not slower and int is fastest to
type. finally, some data that is pretty much directly passed to OpenGL
is now typed accordingly.

after several hours, the code now requires fewer casts and less

other changes:
- unit and player IDs now have an "invalid id" constant in the
respective class to avoid casting and -1
- fix some endian/64-bit bugs in the map (un)packing. added a
convenience function to write/read a size_t.
- ia32: change CPUID interface to allow passing in ecx (required for
cache topology detection, which I need at work). remove some unneeded
functions from asm, replace with intrinsics where possible.

This was SVN commit r5942.
2008-05-11 18:48:32 +00:00

841 lines
22 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : h_mgr.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : handle manager for resources.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "h_mgr.h"
#include <limits.h> // CHAR_BIT
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <new> // std::bad_alloc
#include "lib/fnv_hash.h"
#include "lib/allocators/allocators.h" // OverrunProtector
#include "lib/module_init.h"
static const size_t MAX_EXTANT_HANDLES = 10000;
// rationale
// why fixed size control blocks, instead of just allocating dynamically?
// it is expected that resources be created and freed often. this way is
// much nicer to the memory manager. defining control blocks larger than
// the allotted space is caught by h_alloc (made possible by the vtbl builder
// storing control block size). it is also efficient to have all CBs in an
// more or less contiguous array (see below).
// why a manager, instead of a simple pool allocator?
// we need a central list of resources for freeing at exit, checking if a
// resource has already been loaded (for caching), and when reloading.
// may as well keep them in an array, rather than add a list and index.
// handle
// 0 = invalid handle value
// < 0 is an error code (we assume < 0 <==> MSB is set -
// true for 1s and 2s complement and sign-magnitude systems)
// fields:
// (shift value = # bits between LSB and field LSB.
// may be larger than the field type - only shift Handle vars!)
// - tag (1-based) ensures the handle references a certain resource instance.
// (field width determines maximum unambiguous resource allocs)
#define TAG_BITS 32
const size_t TAG_SHIFT = 0;
const u32 TAG_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF; // safer than (1 << 32) - 1
// - index (0-based) of control block in our array.
// (field width determines maximum currently open handles)
#define IDX_BITS 16
const size_t IDX_SHIFT = 32;
const u32 IDX_MASK = (1l << IDX_BITS) - 1;
// make sure both fields fit within a Handle variable
cassert(IDX_BITS + TAG_BITS <= sizeof(Handle)*CHAR_BIT);
// return the handle's index field (always non-negative).
// no error checking!
static inline u32 h_idx(const Handle h)
return (u32)((h >> IDX_SHIFT) & IDX_MASK) - 1;
// return the handle's tag field.
// no error checking!
static inline u32 h_tag(const Handle h)
return (u32)((h >> TAG_SHIFT) & TAG_MASK);
// build a handle from index and tag.
// can't fail.
static inline Handle handle(const u32 _idx, const u32 tag)
const u32 idx = _idx+1;
debug_assert(idx <= IDX_MASK && tag <= TAG_MASK && "handle: idx or tag too big");
// somewhat clunky, but be careful with the shift:
// *_SHIFT may be larger than its field's type.
Handle h_idx = idx & IDX_MASK; h_idx <<= IDX_SHIFT;
Handle h_tag = tag & TAG_MASK; h_tag <<= TAG_SHIFT;
Handle h = h_idx | h_tag;
debug_assert(h > 0);
return h;
// internal per-resource-instance data
// determines maximum number of references to a resource.
static const size_t REF_BITS = 16;
static const u32 REF_MAX = (1ul << REF_BITS)-1;
static const size_t TYPE_BITS = 8;
// chosen so that all current resource structs are covered,
// and so sizeof(HDATA) is a power of 2 (for more efficient array access
// and array page usage).
static const size_t HDATA_USER_SIZE = 44+64;
struct HDATA
uintptr_t key;
u32 tag : TAG_BITS;
// smaller bitfields combined into 1
u32 refs : REF_BITS;
u32 type_idx : TYPE_BITS;
// .. if set, do not actually release the resource (i.e. call dtor)
// when the handle is h_free-d, regardless of the refcount.
// set by h_alloc; reset on exit and by housekeeping.
u32 keep_open : 1;
// .. HACK: prevent adding to h_find lookup index if flags & RES_UNIQUE
// (because those handles might have several instances open,
// which the index can't currently handle)
u32 unique : 1;
u32 disallow_reload : 1;
H_Type type;
// for statistics
size_t num_derefs;
VfsPath pathname;
// max data array entries. compared to last_in_use => signed.
static const ssize_t hdata_cap = 1ul << IDX_BITS;
// allocate entries as needed so as not to waste memory
// (hdata_cap may be large). deque-style array of pages
// to balance locality, fragmentation, and waste.
static const size_t PAGE_SIZE = 4096;
static const size_t hdata_per_page = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(HDATA);
static const size_t num_pages = hdata_cap / hdata_per_page;
static HDATA* pages[num_pages];
// these must be signed, because there won't always be a valid
// first or last element.
static ssize_t first_free = -1; // don't want to scan array every h_alloc
static ssize_t last_in_use = -1; // don't search unused entries
// error checking strategy:
// all handles passed in go through h_data(Handle, Type)
// get a (possibly new) array entry; array is non-contiguous.
// fails (returns 0) if idx is out of bounds, or if accessing a new page
// for the first time, and there's not enough memory to allocate it.
// also used by h_data, and alloc_idx to find a free entry.
static HDATA* h_data_from_idx(const ssize_t idx)
// don't compare against last_in_use - this is called before allocating
// new entries, and to check if the next (but possibly not yet valid)
// entry is free. tag check protects against using unallocated entries.
if(idx < 0 || idx >= hdata_cap)
return 0;
HDATA*& page = pages[idx / hdata_per_page];
page = (HDATA*)calloc(1, PAGE_SIZE);
return 0;
// Initialise all the VfsPath members
for(size_t i = 0; i < hdata_per_page; ++i)
new (&page[i].pathname) VfsPath;
// note: VC7.1 optimizes the divides to shift and mask.
HDATA* hd = &page[idx % hdata_per_page];
return hd;
// get HDATA for the given handle.
// only uses (and checks) the index field.
// used by h_force_close (which must work regardless of tag).
static inline HDATA* h_data_no_tag(const Handle h)
ssize_t idx = (ssize_t)h_idx(h);
// need to verify it's in range - h_data_from_idx can only verify that
// it's < maximum allowable index.
if(0 > idx || idx > last_in_use)
return 0;
return h_data_from_idx(idx);
// get HDATA for the given handle.
// also verifies the tag field.
// used by functions callable for any handle type, e.g. h_filename.
static inline HDATA* h_data_tag(const Handle h)
HDATA* hd = h_data_no_tag(h);
return 0;
// note: tag = 0 marks unused entries => is invalid
u32 tag = h_tag(h);
if(tag == 0 || tag != hd->tag)
return 0;
return hd;
// get HDATA for the given handle.
// also verifies the type.
// used by most functions accessing handle data.
static HDATA* h_data_tag_type(const Handle h, const H_Type type)
HDATA* hd = h_data_tag(h);
return 0;
// h_alloc makes sure type isn't 0, so no need to check that here.
if(hd->type != type)
return 0;
return hd;
// idx and hd are undefined if we fail.
// called by h_alloc only.
static LibError alloc_idx(ssize_t& idx, HDATA*& hd)
// we already know the first free entry
if(first_free != -1)
idx = first_free;
hd = h_data_from_idx(idx);
// need to look for a free entry, or alloc another
// look for an unused entry
for(idx = 0; idx <= last_in_use; idx++)
hd = h_data_from_idx(idx);
debug_assert(hd); // can't fail - idx is valid
// found one - done
goto have_idx;
// add another
// .. too many already: IDX_BITS must be increased.
if(last_in_use >= hdata_cap)
idx = last_in_use+1; // just incrementing idx would start it at 1
hd = h_data_from_idx(idx);
// can't fail for any other reason - idx is checked above.
{ // VC6 goto fix
bool is_unused = !hd->tag;
debug_assert(is_unused && "invalid last_in_use");
// check if next entry is free
HDATA* hd2 = h_data_from_idx(idx+1);
if(hd2 && hd2->tag == 0)
first_free = idx+1;
first_free = -1;
if(idx > last_in_use)
last_in_use = idx;
return INFO::OK;
static LibError free_idx(ssize_t idx)
if(first_free == -1 || idx < first_free)
first_free = idx;
return INFO::OK;
// lookup data structure
// speed up h_find (called every h_alloc)
// multimap, because we want to add handles of differing type but same key
// (e.g. a VFile and Tex object for the same underlying filename hash key)
// store index because it's smaller and Handle can easily be reconstructed
// note: there may be several RES_UNIQUE handles of the same type and key
// (e.g. sound files - several instances of a sound definition file).
// that wasn't forseen here, so we'll just refrain from adding to the index.
// that means they won't be found via h_find - no biggie.
typedef STL_HASH_MULTIMAP<uintptr_t, ssize_t> Key2Idx;
typedef Key2Idx::iterator It;
static OverrunProtector<Key2Idx> key2idx_wrapper;
enum KeyRemoveFlag { KEY_NOREMOVE, KEY_REMOVE };
static Handle key_find(uintptr_t key, H_Type type, KeyRemoveFlag remove_option = KEY_NOREMOVE)
Key2Idx* key2idx = key2idx_wrapper.get();
// initial return value: "not found at all, or it's of the
// wrong type". the latter happens when called by h_alloc to
// check if e.g. a Tex object already exists; at that time,
// only the corresponding VFile exists.
Handle ret = -1;
std::pair<It, It> range = key2idx->equal_range(key);
for(It it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it)
ssize_t idx = it->second;
HDATA* hd = h_data_from_idx(idx);
// found match
if(hd && hd->type == type && hd->key == key)
if(remove_option == KEY_REMOVE)
ret = handle(idx, hd->tag);
return ret;
static void key_add(uintptr_t key, Handle h)
Key2Idx* key2idx = key2idx_wrapper.get();
const ssize_t idx = h_idx(h);
// note: MSDN documentation of stdext::hash_multimap is incorrect;
// there is no overload of insert() that returns pair<iterator, bool>.
(void)key2idx->insert(std::make_pair(key, idx));
static void key_remove(uintptr_t key, H_Type type)
Handle ret = key_find(key, type, KEY_REMOVE);
debug_assert(ret > 0);
// h_alloc
static void warn_if_invalid(HDATA* hd)
#ifndef NDEBUG
H_VTbl* vtbl = hd->type;
// validate HDATA
// currently nothing to do; <type> is checked by h_alloc and
// the others have no invariants we could check.
// have the resource validate its user_data
LibError err = vtbl->validate(hd->user);
debug_assert(err == INFO::OK);
// make sure empty space in control block isn't touched
// .. but only if we're not storing a filename there
const u8* start = hd->user + vtbl->user_size;
const u8* end = hd->user + HDATA_USER_SIZE;
for(const u8* p = start; p < end; p++)
debug_assert(*p == 0); // else: handle user data was overrun!
static LibError type_validate(H_Type type)
if(type->user_size > HDATA_USER_SIZE)
if(type->name == 0)
return INFO::OK;
static u32 gen_tag()
static u32 tag;
if(++tag >= TAG_MASK)
debug_warn("h_mgr: tag overflow - allocations are no longer unique."\
"may not notice stale handle reuse. increase TAG_BITS.");
tag = 1;
return tag;
static Handle reuse_existing_handle(uintptr_t key, H_Type type, int flags)
if(flags & RES_NO_CACHE)
return 0;
// object of specified key and type doesn't exist yet
Handle h = h_find(type, key);
if(h <= 0)
return 0;
HDATA* hd = h_data_tag_type(h, type);
// too many references - increase REF_BITS
if(hd->refs == REF_MAX)
// we are reactivating a closed but cached handle.
// need to generate a new tag so that copies of the
// previous handle can no longer access the resource.
// (we don't need to reset the tag in h_free, because
// use before this fails due to refs > 0 check in h_user_data).
if(hd->refs == 1)
const u32 tag = gen_tag();
hd->tag = tag;
h = handle(h_idx(h), tag); // can't fail
return h;
static LibError call_init_and_reload(Handle h, H_Type type, HDATA* hd, const VfsPath& pathname, va_list* init_args)
LibError err = INFO::OK;
H_VTbl* vtbl = type; // exact same thing but for clarity
// init
vtbl->init(hd->user, *init_args);
// reload
// catch exception to simplify reload funcs - let them use new()
err = vtbl->reload(hd->user, pathname, h);
if(err == INFO::OK)
err = ERR::NO_MEM;
return err;
static Handle alloc_new_handle(H_Type type, const VfsPath& pathname, uintptr_t key, int flags, va_list* init_args)
ssize_t idx;
HDATA* hd;
RETURN_ERR(alloc_idx(idx, hd));
// (don't want to do this before the add-reference exit,
// so as not to waste tags for often allocated handles.)
const u32 tag = gen_tag();
Handle h = handle(idx, tag); // can't fail.
hd->tag = tag;
hd->key = key;
hd->type = type;
hd->refs = 1;
if(!(flags & RES_NO_CACHE))
hd->keep_open = 1;
hd->disallow_reload = 1;
hd->unique = (flags & RES_UNIQUE) != 0;
hd->pathname = pathname;
if(key && !hd->unique)
key_add(key, h);
LibError err = call_init_and_reload(h, type, hd, pathname, init_args);
if(err < 0)
goto fail;
return h;
// reload failed; free the handle
hd->keep_open = 0; // disallow caching (since contents are invalid)
(void)h_free(h, type); // (h_free already does WARN_ERR)
// note: since some uses will always fail (e.g. loading sounds if
// g_Quickstart), do not complain here.
return (Handle)err;
// any further params are passed to type's init routine
Handle h_alloc(H_Type type, const VfsPath& pathname, int flags, ...)
const uintptr_t key = fnv_hash(pathname.string().c_str(), pathname.string().length());
//debug_printf("alloc %s %s\n", type->name, fn);
// see if we can reuse an existing handle
Handle h = reuse_existing_handle(key, type, flags);
// .. successfully reused the handle; refcount increased
if(h > 0)
return h;
// .. need to allocate a new one:
va_list args;
va_start(args, flags);
h = alloc_new_handle(type, pathname, key, flags, &args);
return h; // alloc_new_handle already does CHECK_ERR
// currently cannot fail.
static LibError h_free_idx(ssize_t idx, HDATA* hd)
// debug_printf("free %s %s\n", type->name, hd->fn);
// only decrement if refcount not already 0.
if(hd->refs > 0)
// still references open or caching requests it stays - do not release.
if(hd->refs > 0 || hd->keep_open)
return INFO::OK;
// actually release the resource (call dtor, free control block).
// h_alloc makes sure type != 0; if we get here, it still is
H_VTbl* vtbl = hd->type;
// call its destructor
// note: H_TYPE_DEFINE currently always defines a dtor, but play it safe
if(hd->key && !hd->unique)
key_remove(hd->key, hd->type);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// to_string is slow for some handles, so avoid calling it if unnecessary
char buf[H_STRING_LEN];
if(vtbl->to_string(hd->user, buf) < 0)
strcpy(buf, "(error)"); // safe
debug_printf("H_MGR| free %s %s accesses=%d %s\n", hd->type->name, hd->pathname.string().c_str(), hd->num_derefs, buf);
hd->pathname.~VfsPath(); // FIXME: ugly hack, but necessary to reclaim std::string memory
memset(hd, 0, sizeof(*hd));
new (&hd->pathname) VfsPath; // FIXME too: necessary because otherwise it'll break if we reuse this page
return INFO::OK;
LibError h_free(Handle& h, H_Type type)
ssize_t idx = h_idx(h);
HDATA* hd = h_data_tag_type(h, type);
// wipe out the handle to prevent reuse but keep a copy for below.
const Handle h_copy = h;
h = 0;
// h was invalid
// 0-initialized or an error code; don't complain because this
// happens often and is harmless.
if(h_copy <= 0)
return INFO::OK;
// this was a valid handle but was probably freed in the meantime.
// complain because this probably indicates a bug somewhere.
return h_free_idx(idx, hd);
// remaining API
void* h_user_data(const Handle h, const H_Type type)
HDATA* hd = h_data_tag_type(h, type);
return 0;
// note: resetting the tag is not enough (user might pass in its value)
debug_assert(0); // no references to resource (it's cached, but someone is accessing it directly)
return 0;
return hd->user;
VfsPath h_filename(const Handle h)
// don't require type check: should be useable for any handle,
// even if the caller doesn't know its type.
HDATA* hd = h_data_tag(h);
return 0;
return hd->pathname;
// TODO: what if iterating through all handles is too slow?
LibError h_reload(const VfsPath& pathname)
const u32 key = fnv_hash(pathname.string().c_str(), pathname.string().length());
// destroy (note: not free!) all handles backed by this file.
// do this before reloading any of them, because we don't specify reload
// order (the parent resource may be reloaded first, and load the child,
// whose original data would leak).
for(ssize_t i = 0; i <= last_in_use; i++)
HDATA* hd = h_data_from_idx(i);
if(!hd || hd->key != key || hd->disallow_reload)
LibError ret = INFO::OK;
// now reload all affected handles
for(ssize_t i = 0; i <= last_in_use; i++)
HDATA* hd = h_data_from_idx(i);
if(!hd || hd->key != key || hd->disallow_reload)
Handle h = handle(i, hd->tag);
LibError err = hd->type->reload(hd->user, hd->pathname, h);
// don't stop if an error is encountered - try to reload them all.
if(err < 0)
h_free(h, hd->type);
if(ret == 0) // don't overwrite first error
ret = err;
return ret;
Handle h_find(H_Type type, uintptr_t key)
return key_find(key, type);
// force the resource to be freed immediately, even if cached.
// tag is not checked - this allows the first Handle returned
// (whose tag will change after being 'freed', but remaining in memory)
// to later close the object.
// this is used when reinitializing the sound engine -
// at that point, all (cached) OpenAL resources must be freed.
LibError h_force_free(Handle h, H_Type type)
// require valid index; ignore tag; type checked below.
HDATA* hd = h_data_no_tag(h);
if(!hd || hd->type != type)
u32 idx = h_idx(h);
hd->keep_open = 0;
hd->refs = 0;
return h_free_idx(idx, hd);
// increment Handle <h>'s reference count.
// only meant to be used for objects that free a Handle in their dtor,
// so that they are copy-equivalent and can be stored in a STL container.
// do not use this to implement refcounting on top of the Handle scheme,
// e.g. loading a Handle once and then passing it around. instead, have each
// user load the resource; refcounting is done under the hood.
void h_add_ref(Handle h)
HDATA* hd = h_data_tag(h);
debug_assert(0); // invalid handle
debug_assert(hd->refs); // if there are no refs, how did the caller manage to keep a Handle?!
// retrieve the internal reference count or a negative error code.
// background: since h_alloc has no way of indicating whether it
// allocated a new handle or reused an existing one, counting references
// within resource control blocks is impossible. since that is sometimes
// necessary (always wrapping objects in Handles is excessive), we
// provide access to the internal reference count.
int h_get_refcnt(Handle h)
HDATA* hd = h_data_tag(h);
debug_assert(hd->refs); // if there are no refs, how did the caller manage to keep a Handle?!
return hd->refs;
static ModuleInitState initState;
void h_mgr_init()
void h_mgr_shutdown()
debug_printf("H_MGR| shutdown. any handle frees after this are leaks!\n");
// forcibly close all open handles
for(ssize_t i = 0; i <= last_in_use; i++)
HDATA* hd = h_data_from_idx(i);
// can't fail - i is in bounds by definition, and
// each HDATA entry has already been allocated.
debug_assert(0); // h_data_from_idx failed - why?!
// it's already been freed; don't free again so that this
// doesn't look like an error.
// disable caching; we need to release the resource now.
hd->keep_open = 0;
hd->refs = 0;
h_free_idx(i, hd); // currently cannot fail
// free HDATA array
for(size_t j = 0; j < num_pages; j++)
if (pages[j])
for(size_t k = 0; k < hdata_per_page; ++k)
pages[j][k].pathname.~VfsPath(); // FIXME: ugly hack, but necessary to reclaim std::string memory
pages[j] = 0;