forked from 0ad/0ad

928 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2016 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @file
* Vertex-based algorithm for CCmpPathfinder.
* Computes paths around the corners of rectangular obstructions.
* Useful search term for this algorithm: "points of visibility".
* Since we sometimes want to use this for avoiding moving units, there is no
* pre-computation - the whole visibility graph is effectively regenerated for
* each path, and it does A* over that graph.
* This scales very poorly in the number of obstructions, so it should be used
* with a limited range and not exceedingly frequently.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "CCmpPathfinder_Common.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpObstructionManager.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/PriorityQueue.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Render.h"
/* Quadrant optimisation:
* (loosely based on GPG2 "Optimizing Points-of-Visibility Pathfinding")
* Consider the vertex ("@") at a corner of an axis-aligned rectangle ("#"):
* TL : TR
* :
* ####@ - - -
* #####
* #####
* BL ## BR
* The area around the vertex is split into TopLeft, BottomRight etc quadrants.
* If the shortest path reaches this vertex, it cannot continue to a vertex in
* the BL quadrant (it would be blocked by the shape).
* Since the shortest path is wrapped tightly around the edges of obstacles,
* if the path approached this vertex from the TL quadrant,
* it cannot continue to the TL or TR quadrants (the path could be shorter if it
* skipped this vertex).
* Therefore it must continue to a vertex in the BR quadrant (so this vertex is in
* *that* vertex's TL quadrant).
* That lets us significantly reduce the search space by quickly discarding vertexes
* from the wrong quadrants.
* (This causes badness if the path starts from inside the shape, so we add some hacks
* for that case.)
* (For non-axis-aligned rectangles it's harder to do this computation, so we'll
* not bother doing any discarding for those.)
static const u8 QUADRANT_NONE = 0;
static const u8 QUADRANT_BL = 1;
static const u8 QUADRANT_TR = 2;
static const u8 QUADRANT_TL = 4;
static const u8 QUADRANT_BR = 8;
// When computing vertexes to insert into the search graph,
// add a small delta so that the vertexes of an edge don't get interpreted
// as crossing the edge (given minor numerical inaccuracies)
static const entity_pos_t EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA = entity_pos_t::FromInt(1)/16;
* Check whether a ray from 'a' to 'b' crosses any of the edges.
* (Edges are one-sided so it's only considered a cross if going from front to back.)
inline static bool CheckVisibility(const CFixedVector2D& a, const CFixedVector2D& b, const std::vector<Edge>& edges)
CFixedVector2D abn = (b - a).Perpendicular();
// Edges of general non-axis-aligned shapes
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
CFixedVector2D p0 = edges[i].p0;
CFixedVector2D p1 = edges[i].p1;
CFixedVector2D d = (p1 - p0).Perpendicular();
// If 'a' is behind the edge, we can't cross
fixed q = (a - p0).Dot(d);
if (q < fixed::Zero())
// If 'b' is in front of the edge, we can't cross
fixed r = (b - p0).Dot(d);
if (r > fixed::Zero())
// The ray is crossing the infinitely-extended edge from in front to behind.
// Check the finite edge is crossing the infinitely-extended ray too.
// (Given the previous tests, it can only be crossing in one direction.)
fixed s = (p0 - a).Dot(abn);
if (s > fixed::Zero())
fixed t = (p1 - a).Dot(abn);
if (t < fixed::Zero())
return false;
return true;
// Handle the axis-aligned shape edges separately (for performance):
// (These are specialised versions of the general unaligned edge code.
// They assume the caller has already excluded edges for which 'a' is
// on the wrong side.)
inline static bool CheckVisibilityLeft(const CFixedVector2D& a, const CFixedVector2D& b, const std::vector<EdgeAA>& edges)
if (a.X >= b.X)
return true;
CFixedVector2D abn = (b - a).Perpendicular();
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
if (b.X < edges[i].p0.X)
CFixedVector2D p0 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].c1);
fixed s = (p0 - a).Dot(abn);
if (s > fixed::Zero())
CFixedVector2D p1 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed t = (p1 - a).Dot(abn);
if (t < fixed::Zero())
return false;
return true;
inline static bool CheckVisibilityRight(const CFixedVector2D& a, const CFixedVector2D& b, const std::vector<EdgeAA>& edges)
if (a.X <= b.X)
return true;
CFixedVector2D abn = (b - a).Perpendicular();
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
if (b.X > edges[i].p0.X)
CFixedVector2D p0 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].c1);
fixed s = (p0 - a).Dot(abn);
if (s > fixed::Zero())
CFixedVector2D p1 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed t = (p1 - a).Dot(abn);
if (t < fixed::Zero())
return false;
return true;
inline static bool CheckVisibilityBottom(const CFixedVector2D& a, const CFixedVector2D& b, const std::vector<EdgeAA>& edges)
if (a.Y >= b.Y)
return true;
CFixedVector2D abn = (b - a).Perpendicular();
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
if (b.Y < edges[i].p0.Y)
CFixedVector2D p0 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed s = (p0 - a).Dot(abn);
if (s > fixed::Zero())
CFixedVector2D p1 (edges[i].c1, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed t = (p1 - a).Dot(abn);
if (t < fixed::Zero())
return false;
return true;
inline static bool CheckVisibilityTop(const CFixedVector2D& a, const CFixedVector2D& b, const std::vector<EdgeAA>& edges)
if (a.Y <= b.Y)
return true;
CFixedVector2D abn = (b - a).Perpendicular();
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
if (b.Y > edges[i].p0.Y)
CFixedVector2D p0 (edges[i].p0.X, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed s = (p0 - a).Dot(abn);
if (s > fixed::Zero())
CFixedVector2D p1 (edges[i].c1, edges[i].p0.Y);
fixed t = (p1 - a).Dot(abn);
if (t < fixed::Zero())
return false;
return true;
typedef PriorityQueueHeap<u16, fixed, fixed> VertexPriorityQueue;
* Add edges and vertexes to represent the boundaries between passable and impassable
* navcells (for impassable terrain).
* Navcells i0 <= i <= i1, j0 <= j <= j1 will be considered.
static void AddTerrainEdges(std::vector<Edge>& edges, std::vector<Vertex>& vertexes,
int i0, int j0, int i1, int j1,
pass_class_t passClass, const Grid<NavcellData>& grid)
// Clamp the coordinates so we won't attempt to sample outside of the grid.
// (This assumes the outermost ring of navcells (which are always impassable)
// won't have a boundary with any passable navcells. TODO: is that definitely
// safe enough?)
i0 = clamp(i0, 1, grid.m_W-2);
j0 = clamp(j0, 1, grid.m_H-2);
i1 = clamp(i1, 1, grid.m_W-2);
j1 = clamp(j1, 1, grid.m_H-2);
for (int j = j0; j <= j1; ++j)
for (int i = i0; i <= i1; ++i)
if (IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j), passClass))
if (IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1, j), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j+1), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1, j+1), passClass))
Vertex vert;
vert.status = Vertex::UNEXPLORED;
vert.quadOutward = QUADRANT_ALL;
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_BL;
vert.p = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1)+EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, fixed::FromInt(j+1)+EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
if (IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i-1, j), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j+1), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i-1, j+1), passClass))
Vertex vert;
vert.status = Vertex::UNEXPLORED;
vert.quadOutward = QUADRANT_ALL;
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_BR;
vert.p = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i)-EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, fixed::FromInt(j+1)+EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
if (IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1, j), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j-1), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1, j-1), passClass))
Vertex vert;
vert.status = Vertex::UNEXPLORED;
vert.quadOutward = QUADRANT_ALL;
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_TL;
vert.p = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1)+EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, fixed::FromInt(j)-EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
if (IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i-1, j), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j-1), passClass) && IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i-1, j-1), passClass))
Vertex vert;
vert.status = Vertex::UNEXPLORED;
vert.quadOutward = QUADRANT_ALL;
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_TR;
vert.p = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i)-EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, fixed::FromInt(j)-EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
// XXX rewrite this stuff
std::vector<u16> segmentsR;
std::vector<u16> segmentsL;
for (int j = j0; j < j1; ++j)
for (int i = i0; i <= i1; ++i)
bool a = IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j+1), passClass);
bool b = IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j), passClass);
if (a && !b)
if (b && !a)
if (!segmentsR.empty())
segmentsR.push_back(0); // sentinel value to simplify the loop
u16 ia = segmentsR[0];
u16 ib = ia + 1;
for (size_t n = 1; n < segmentsR.size(); ++n)
if (segmentsR[n] == ib)
CFixedVector2D v0 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(ia), fixed::FromInt(j+1)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
CFixedVector2D v1 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(ib), fixed::FromInt(j+1)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ v0, v1 });
ia = segmentsR[n];
ib = ia + 1;
if (!segmentsL.empty())
segmentsL.push_back(0); // sentinel value to simplify the loop
u16 ia = segmentsL[0];
u16 ib = ia + 1;
for (size_t n = 1; n < segmentsL.size(); ++n)
if (segmentsL[n] == ib)
CFixedVector2D v0 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(ib), fixed::FromInt(j+1)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
CFixedVector2D v1 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(ia), fixed::FromInt(j+1)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ v0, v1 });
ia = segmentsL[n];
ib = ia + 1;
std::vector<u16> segmentsU;
std::vector<u16> segmentsD;
for (int i = i0; i < i1; ++i)
for (int j = j0; j <= j1; ++j)
bool a = IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1, j), passClass);
bool b = IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j), passClass);
if (a && !b)
if (b && !a)
if (!segmentsU.empty())
segmentsU.push_back(0); // sentinel value to simplify the loop
u16 ja = segmentsU[0];
u16 jb = ja + 1;
for (size_t n = 1; n < segmentsU.size(); ++n)
if (segmentsU[n] == jb)
CFixedVector2D v0 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1), fixed::FromInt(ja)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
CFixedVector2D v1 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1), fixed::FromInt(jb)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ v0, v1 });
ja = segmentsU[n];
jb = ja + 1;
if (!segmentsD.empty())
segmentsD.push_back(0); // sentinel value to simplify the loop
u16 ja = segmentsD[0];
u16 jb = ja + 1;
for (size_t n = 1; n < segmentsD.size(); ++n)
if (segmentsD[n] == jb)
CFixedVector2D v0 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1), fixed::FromInt(jb)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
CFixedVector2D v1 = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(i+1), fixed::FromInt(ja)).Multiply(Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ v0, v1 });
ja = segmentsD[n];
jb = ja + 1;
static void SplitAAEdges(const CFixedVector2D& a,
const std::vector<Edge>& edges,
const std::vector<Square>& squares,
std::vector<Edge>& edgesUnaligned,
std::vector<EdgeAA>& edgesLeft, std::vector<EdgeAA>& edgesRight,
std::vector<EdgeAA>& edgesBottom, std::vector<EdgeAA>& edgesTop)
for (const Square& square : squares)
if (a.X <= square.p0.X)
edgesLeft.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ square.p0, square.p1.Y });
if (a.X >= square.p1.X)
edgesRight.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ square.p1, square.p0.Y });
if (a.Y <= square.p0.Y)
edgesBottom.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ square.p0, square.p1.X });
if (a.Y >= square.p1.Y)
edgesTop.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ square.p1, square.p0.X });
for (const Edge& edge : edges)
if (edge.p0.X == edge.p1.X)
if (edge.p1.Y < edge.p0.Y)
if (!(a.X <= edge.p0.X))
edgesLeft.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ edge.p1, edge.p0.Y });
if (!(a.X >= edge.p0.X))
edgesRight.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ edge.p1, edge.p0.Y });
else if (edge.p0.Y == edge.p1.Y)
if (edge.p0.X < edge.p1.X)
if (!(a.Y <= edge.p0.Y))
edgesBottom.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ edge.p0, edge.p1.X });
if (!(a.Y >= edge.p0.Y))
edgesTop.emplace_back(EdgeAA{ edge.p0, edge.p1.X });
* Functor for sorting edge-squares by approximate proximity to a fixed point.
struct SquareSort
CFixedVector2D src;
SquareSort(CFixedVector2D src) : src(src) { }
bool operator()(const Square& a, const Square& b)
if ((a.p0 - src).CompareLength(b.p0 - src) < 0)
return true;
return false;
void CCmpPathfinder::ComputeShortPath(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter,
entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t clearance,
entity_pos_t range, const PathGoal& goal, pass_class_t passClass, WaypointPath& path)
if (m_DebugOverlay)
// Render the goal shape
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = CColor(1, 0, 0, 1);
switch (goal.type)
case PathGoal::POINT:
SimRender::ConstructCircleOnGround(GetSimContext(), goal.x.ToFloat(), goal.z.ToFloat(), 0.2f, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
case PathGoal::CIRCLE:
SimRender::ConstructCircleOnGround(GetSimContext(), goal.x.ToFloat(), goal.z.ToFloat(), goal.hw.ToFloat(), m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
case PathGoal::SQUARE:
float a = atan2f(goal.v.X.ToFloat(), goal.v.Y.ToFloat());
SimRender::ConstructSquareOnGround(GetSimContext(), goal.x.ToFloat(), goal.z.ToFloat(), goal.hw.ToFloat()*2, goal.hh.ToFloat()*2, a, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
// List of collision edges - paths must never cross these.
// (Edges are one-sided so intersections are fine in one direction, but not the other direction.)
edgeSquares.clear(); // axis-aligned squares; equivalent to 4 edges
// Create impassable edges at the max-range boundary, so we can't escape the region
// where we're meant to be searching
fixed rangeXMin = x0 - range;
fixed rangeXMax = x0 + range;
fixed rangeZMin = z0 - range;
fixed rangeZMax = z0 + range;
// we don't actually add the "search space" edges as edges, since we may want to cross them
// in some cases (such as if we need to go around an obstruction that's partly out of the search range)
// List of obstruction vertexes (plus start/end points); we'll try to find paths through
// the graph defined by these vertexes
// Add the start point to the graph
CFixedVector2D posStart(x0, z0);
fixed hStart = (posStart - goal.NearestPointOnGoal(posStart)).Length();
Vertex start = { posStart, fixed::Zero(), hStart, 0, Vertex::OPEN, QUADRANT_NONE, QUADRANT_ALL };
const size_t START_VERTEX_ID = 0;
// Add the goal vertex to the graph.
// Since the goal isn't always a point, this a special magic virtual vertex which moves around - whenever
// we look at it from another vertex, it is moved to be the closest point on the goal shape to that vertex.
Vertex end = { CFixedVector2D(goal.x, goal.z), fixed::Zero(), fixed::Zero(), 0, Vertex::UNEXPLORED, QUADRANT_NONE, QUADRANT_ALL };
const size_t GOAL_VERTEX_ID = 1;
// Add terrain obstructions
u16 i0, j0, i1, j1;
Pathfinding::NearestNavcell(rangeXMin, rangeZMin, i0, j0, m_MapSize*Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE, m_MapSize*Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE);
Pathfinding::NearestNavcell(rangeXMax, rangeZMax, i1, j1, m_MapSize*Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE, m_MapSize*Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE);
AddTerrainEdges(edges, vertexes, i0, j0, i1, j1, passClass, *m_TerrainOnlyGrid);
// Find all the obstruction squares that might affect us
CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
std::vector<ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare> squares;
size_t staticShapesNb = 0;
cmpObstructionManager->GetStaticObstructionsInRange(filter, rangeXMin - clearance, rangeZMin - clearance, rangeXMax + clearance, rangeZMax + clearance, squares);
staticShapesNb = squares.size();
cmpObstructionManager->GetUnitObstructionsInRange(filter, rangeXMin - clearance, rangeZMin - clearance, rangeXMax + clearance, rangeZMax + clearance, squares);
// Change array capacities to reduce reallocations
vertexes.reserve(vertexes.size() + squares.size()*4);
edgeSquares.reserve(edgeSquares.size() + squares.size()); // (assume most squares are AA)
entity_pos_t pathfindClearance = clearance;
// Convert each obstruction square into collision edges and search graph vertexes
for (size_t i = 0; i < squares.size(); ++i)
CFixedVector2D center(squares[i].x, squares[i].z);
CFixedVector2D u = squares[i].u;
CFixedVector2D v = squares[i].v;
if (i >= staticShapesNb)
pathfindClearance = clearance - entity_pos_t::FromInt(1)/2;
// Expand the vertexes by the moving unit's collision radius, to find the
// closest we can get to it
CFixedVector2D hd0(squares[i].hw + pathfindClearance + EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, squares[i].hh + pathfindClearance + EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA);
CFixedVector2D hd1(squares[i].hw + pathfindClearance + EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA, -(squares[i].hh + pathfindClearance + EDGE_EXPAND_DELTA));
// Check whether this is an axis-aligned square
bool aa = (u.X == fixed::FromInt(1) && u.Y == fixed::Zero() && v.X == fixed::Zero() && v.Y == fixed::FromInt(1));
Vertex vert;
vert.status = Vertex::UNEXPLORED;
vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_NONE;
vert.quadOutward = QUADRANT_ALL;
vert.p.X = center.X - hd0.Dot(u); vert.p.Y = center.Y + hd0.Dot(v); if (aa) vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_BR; vertexes.push_back(vert);
vert.p.X = center.X - hd1.Dot(u); vert.p.Y = center.Y + hd1.Dot(v); if (aa) vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_TR; vertexes.push_back(vert);
vert.p.X = center.X + hd0.Dot(u); vert.p.Y = center.Y - hd0.Dot(v); if (aa) vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_TL; vertexes.push_back(vert);
vert.p.X = center.X + hd1.Dot(u); vert.p.Y = center.Y - hd1.Dot(v); if (aa) vert.quadInward = QUADRANT_BL; vertexes.push_back(vert);
// Add the edges:
CFixedVector2D h0(squares[i].hw + pathfindClearance, squares[i].hh + pathfindClearance);
CFixedVector2D h1(squares[i].hw + pathfindClearance, -(squares[i].hh + pathfindClearance));
CFixedVector2D ev0(center.X - h0.Dot(u), center.Y + h0.Dot(v));
CFixedVector2D ev1(center.X - h1.Dot(u), center.Y + h1.Dot(v));
CFixedVector2D ev2(center.X + h0.Dot(u), center.Y - h0.Dot(v));
CFixedVector2D ev3(center.X + h1.Dot(u), center.Y - h1.Dot(v));
if (aa)
edgeSquares.emplace_back(Square{ ev1, ev3 });
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ ev0, ev1 });
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ ev1, ev2 });
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ ev2, ev3 });
edges.emplace_back(Edge{ ev3, ev0 });
// TODO: should clip out vertexes and edges that are outside the range,
// to reduce the search space
// Clip out vertices that are inside an edgeSquare (i.e. trivially unreachable)
for (size_t i = 0; i < edgeSquares.size(); ++i)
// If the start point is inside the square, ignore it
if (start.p.X >= edgeSquares[i].p0.X &&
start.p.Y >= edgeSquares[i].p0.Y &&
start.p.X <= edgeSquares[i].p1.X &&
start.p.Y <= edgeSquares[i].p1.Y)
// Remove every non-start/goal vertex that is inside an edgeSquare;
// since remove() would be inefficient, just mark it as closed instead.
for (size_t j = 2; j < vertexes.size(); ++j)
if (vertexes[j].p.X >= edgeSquares[i].p0.X &&
vertexes[j].p.Y >= edgeSquares[i].p0.Y &&
vertexes[j].p.X <= edgeSquares[i].p1.X &&
vertexes[j].p.Y <= edgeSquares[i].p1.Y)
vertexes[j].status = Vertex::CLOSED;
ENSURE(vertexes.size() < 65536); // we store array indexes as u16
// Render the debug overlay
if (m_DebugOverlay)
#define PUSH_POINT(p) STMT(xz.push_back(p.X.ToFloat()); xz.push_back(p.Y.ToFloat()))
// Render the vertexes as little Pac-Man shapes to indicate quadrant direction
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertexes.size(); ++i)
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = CColor(1, 1, 0, 1);
float x = vertexes[i].p.X.ToFloat();
float z = vertexes[i].p.Y.ToFloat();
float a0 = 0, a1 = 0;
// Get arc start/end angles depending on quadrant (if any)
if (vertexes[i].quadInward == QUADRANT_BL) { a0 = -0.25f; a1 = 0.50f; }
else if (vertexes[i].quadInward == QUADRANT_TR) { a0 = 0.25f; a1 = 1.00f; }
else if (vertexes[i].quadInward == QUADRANT_TL) { a0 = -0.50f; a1 = 0.25f; }
else if (vertexes[i].quadInward == QUADRANT_BR) { a0 = 0.00f; a1 = 0.75f; }
if (a0 == a1)
SimRender::ConstructCircleOnGround(GetSimContext(), x, z, 0.5f,
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
SimRender::ConstructClosedArcOnGround(GetSimContext(), x, z, 0.5f,
a0 * ((float)M_PI*2.0f), a1 * ((float)M_PI*2.0f),
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
// Render the edges
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = CColor(0, 1, 1, 1);
std::vector<float> xz;
// Add an arrowhead to indicate the direction
CFixedVector2D d = edges[i].p1 - edges[i].p0;
CFixedVector2D p2 = edges[i].p1 - d*2;
CFixedVector2D p3 = p2 + d.Perpendicular();
CFixedVector2D p4 = p2 - d.Perpendicular();
SimRender::ConstructLineOnGround(GetSimContext(), xz, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
// Render the axis-aligned squares
for (size_t i = 0; i < edgeSquares.size(); ++i)
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = CColor(0, 1, 1, 1);
std::vector<float> xz;
Square s = edgeSquares[i];
SimRender::ConstructLineOnGround(GetSimContext(), xz, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), true);
// Do an A* search over the vertex/visibility graph:
// Since we are just measuring Euclidean distance the heuristic is admissible,
// so we never have to re-examine a node once it's been moved to the closed set.
// To save time in common cases, we don't precompute a graph of valid edges between vertexes;
// we do it lazily instead. When the search algorithm reaches a vertex, we examine every other
// vertex and see if we can reach it without hitting any collision edges, and ignore the ones
// we can't reach. Since the algorithm can only reach a vertex once (and then it'll be marked
// as closed), we won't be doing any redundant visibility computations.
PROFILE_START("Short pathfinding - A*");
VertexPriorityQueue open;
VertexPriorityQueue::Item qiStart = { START_VERTEX_ID, start.h, start.h };
u16 idBest = START_VERTEX_ID;
fixed hBest = start.h;
while (!open.empty())
// Move best tile from open to closed
VertexPriorityQueue::Item curr = open.pop();
vertexes[curr.id].status = Vertex::CLOSED;
// If we've reached the destination, stop
if (curr.id == GOAL_VERTEX_ID)
idBest = curr.id;
// Sort the edges by distance in order to check those first that have a high probability of blocking a ray.
// The heuristic based on distance is very rough, especially for squares that are further away;
// we're also only really interested in the closest squares since they are the only ones that block a lot of rays.
// Thus we only do a partial sort; the threshold is just a somewhat reasonable value.
if (edgeSquares.size() > 8)
std::partial_sort(edgeSquares.begin(), edgeSquares.begin() + 8, edgeSquares.end(), SquareSort(vertexes[curr.id].p));
SplitAAEdges(vertexes[curr.id].p, edges, edgeSquares, edgesUnaligned, edgesLeft, edgesRight, edgesBottom, edgesTop);
// Check the lines to every other vertex
for (size_t n = 0; n < vertexes.size(); ++n)
if (vertexes[n].status == Vertex::CLOSED)
// If this is the magical goal vertex, move it to near the current vertex
CFixedVector2D npos;
if (n == GOAL_VERTEX_ID)
npos = goal.NearestPointOnGoal(vertexes[curr.id].p);
// To prevent integer overflows later on, we need to ensure all vertexes are
// 'close' to the source. The goal might be far away (not a good idea but
// sometimes it happens), so clamp it to the current search range
npos.X = clamp(npos.X, rangeXMin, rangeXMax);
npos.Y = clamp(npos.Y, rangeZMin, rangeZMax);
npos = vertexes[n].p;
// Work out which quadrant(s) we're approaching the new vertex from
u8 quad = 0;
if (vertexes[curr.id].p.X <= npos.X && vertexes[curr.id].p.Y <= npos.Y) quad |= QUADRANT_BL;
if (vertexes[curr.id].p.X >= npos.X && vertexes[curr.id].p.Y >= npos.Y) quad |= QUADRANT_TR;
if (vertexes[curr.id].p.X <= npos.X && vertexes[curr.id].p.Y >= npos.Y) quad |= QUADRANT_TL;
if (vertexes[curr.id].p.X >= npos.X && vertexes[curr.id].p.Y <= npos.Y) quad |= QUADRANT_BR;
// Check that the new vertex is in the right quadrant for the old vertex
if (!(vertexes[curr.id].quadOutward & quad))
// Hack: Always head towards the goal if possible, to avoid missing it if it's
// inside another unit
if (n != GOAL_VERTEX_ID)
bool visible = true;
u16 i, j;
Pathfinding::NearestNavcell(vertexes[curr.id].p.X, vertexes[curr.id].p.Y, i, j, m_Grid->m_W, m_Grid->m_H);
if (!IS_PASSABLE(m_Grid->get(i, j), passClass))
Pathfinding::NearestNavcell(npos.X, npos.Y, i, j, m_Grid->m_W, m_Grid->m_H);
// Do not allow path between two impassable vertexes to prevent cases
// where a path along an obstruction will end up in an impassable region
if (!IS_PASSABLE(m_Grid->get(i, j), passClass))
visible = false;
visible = visible &&
CheckVisibilityLeft(vertexes[curr.id].p, npos, edgesLeft) &&
CheckVisibilityRight(vertexes[curr.id].p, npos, edgesRight) &&
CheckVisibilityBottom(vertexes[curr.id].p, npos, edgesBottom) &&
CheckVisibilityTop(vertexes[curr.id].p, npos, edgesTop) &&
CheckVisibility(vertexes[curr.id].p, npos, edgesUnaligned);
// Render the edges that we examine
m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back().m_Color = visible ? CColor(0, 1, 0, 0.5) : CColor(1, 0, 0, 0.5);
std::vector<float> xz;
SimRender::ConstructLineOnGround(GetSimContext(), xz, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.back(), false);
if (visible)
fixed g = vertexes[curr.id].g + (vertexes[curr.id].p - npos).Length();
// If this is a new tile, compute the heuristic distance
if (vertexes[n].status == Vertex::UNEXPLORED)
// Add it to the open list:
vertexes[n].status = Vertex::OPEN;
vertexes[n].g = g;
vertexes[n].h = goal.DistanceToPoint(npos);
vertexes[n].pred = curr.id;
// If this is an axis-aligned shape, the path must continue in the same quadrant
// direction (but not go into the inside of the shape).
// Hack: If we started *inside* a shape then perhaps headed to its corner (e.g. the unit
// was very near another unit), don't restrict further pathing.
if (vertexes[n].quadInward && !(curr.id == START_VERTEX_ID && g < fixed::FromInt(8)))
vertexes[n].quadOutward = ((~vertexes[n].quadInward) & quad) & 0xF;
if (n == GOAL_VERTEX_ID)
vertexes[n].p = npos; // remember the new best goal position
VertexPriorityQueue::Item t = { (u16)n, g + vertexes[n].h, vertexes[n].h };
// Remember the heuristically best vertex we've seen so far, in case we never actually reach the target
if (vertexes[n].h < hBest)
idBest = (u16)n;
hBest = vertexes[n].h;
else // must be OPEN
// If we've already seen this tile, and the new path to this tile does not have a
// better cost, then stop now
if (g >= vertexes[n].g)
// Otherwise, we have a better path, so replace the old one with the new cost/parent
fixed gprev = vertexes[n].g;
vertexes[n].g = g;
vertexes[n].pred = curr.id;
// If this is an axis-aligned shape, the path must continue in the same quadrant
// direction (but not go into the inside of the shape).
if (vertexes[n].quadInward)
vertexes[n].quadOutward = ((~vertexes[n].quadInward) & quad) & 0xF;
if (n == GOAL_VERTEX_ID)
vertexes[n].p = npos; // remember the new best goal position
open.promote((u16)n, gprev + vertexes[n].h, g + vertexes[n].h, vertexes[n].h);
// Reconstruct the path (in reverse)
for (u16 id = idBest; id != START_VERTEX_ID; id = vertexes[id].pred)
path.m_Waypoints.emplace_back(Waypoint{ vertexes[id].p.X, vertexes[id].p.Y });
PROFILE_END("Short pathfinding - A*");