forked from 0ad/0ad
Yves e818b08344 Better support for SpiderMonkey rooted types in the ScriptInterface.
* Adds additional overloads/specializations which are required when
passing JS::Handle<T>/JS::MutableHandle<T> types to different functions.
* Replaces GetPropertyJS with a GetProperty specialization.
* Allows us to avoid the implementation of ToJSVal specializations for
JS::Value and JS::HandleValue. Such conversions should only happen if
there's no way around it and if you are aware of it.
* Adds test to make sure that all potentially required specializations
with custom implementations are instantiated. This should help prevent
introducing bugs in temporarily unused code.

Refs #2415

This was SVN commit r15567.
2014-07-26 20:31:29 +00:00

1496 lines
41 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2014 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "ScriptInterface.h"
// #include "DebuggingServer.h" // JS debugger temporarily disabled during the SpiderMonkey upgrade (check trac ticket #2348 for details)
#include "ScriptStats.h"
#include "AutoRooters.h"
#include "lib/debug.h"
#include "lib/utf8.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "ps/utf16string.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <map>
#include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/comma_if.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp>
#include <boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp>
#include <boost/flyweight.hpp>
#include <boost/flyweight/key_value.hpp>
#include <boost/flyweight/no_locking.hpp>
#include <boost/flyweight/no_tracking.hpp>
#include "valgrind.h"
#define STACK_CHUNK_SIZE 8192
#include "scriptinterface/ScriptExtraHeaders.h"
* @file
* Abstractions of various SpiderMonkey features.
* Engine code should be using functions of these interfaces rather than
* directly accessing the underlying JS api.
* Abstraction around a SpiderMonkey JSRuntime.
* Each ScriptRuntime can be used to initialize several ScriptInterface
* contexts which can then share data, but a single ScriptRuntime should
* only be used on a single thread.
* (One means to share data between threads and runtimes is to create
* a ScriptInterface::StructuredClone.)
void GCSliceCallbackHook(JSRuntime* UNUSED(rt), JS::GCProgress progress, const JS::GCDescription& UNUSED(desc))
* During non-incremental GC, the GC is bracketed by JSGC_CYCLE_BEGIN/END
* callbacks. During an incremental GC, the sequence of callbacks is as
* follows:
* ...
if (progress == JS::GC_SLICE_BEGIN)
if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && ThreadUtil::IsMainThread())
else if (progress == JS::GC_SLICE_END)
if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && ThreadUtil::IsMainThread())
else if (progress == JS::GC_CYCLE_BEGIN)
if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && ThreadUtil::IsMainThread())
else if (progress == JS::GC_CYCLE_END)
if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && ThreadUtil::IsMainThread())
// The following code can be used to print some information aobut garbage collection
// Search for "Nonincremental reason" if there are problems running GC incrementally.
#if 0
if (progress == JS::GCProgress::GC_CYCLE_BEGIN)
printf("starting cycle ===========================================\n");
const jschar* str = desc.formatMessage(rt);
int len = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
wchar_t outstring[len];
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
outstring[i] = (wchar_t)str[i];
printf("---------------------------------------\n: %ls \n---------------------------------------\n", outstring);
class ScriptRuntime
ScriptRuntime(int runtimeSize):
m_rt = JS_NewRuntime(runtimeSize, JS_USE_HELPER_THREADS);
ENSURE(m_rt); // TODO: error handling
JS_SetNativeStackQuota(m_rt, 128 * sizeof(size_t) * 1024);
if (g_ScriptProfilingEnabled)
// Profiler isn't thread-safe, so only enable this on the main thread
if (ThreadUtil::IsMainThread())
if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised())
JS_SetExecuteHook(m_rt, jshook_script, this);
JS_SetCallHook(m_rt, jshook_function, this);
JS::SetGCSliceCallback(m_rt, GCSliceCallbackHook);
JS_SetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_MAX_MALLOC_BYTES, 384 * 1024 * 1024);
JS_SetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_MAX_BYTES, 384 * 1024 * 1024);
//JS_SetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_SLICE_TIME_BUDGET, 5);
// The whole heap-growth mechanism seems to work only for non-incremental GCs.
// We disable it to make it more clear if full GCs happen triggered by this JSAPI internal mechanism.
JS_SetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_DYNAMIC_HEAP_GROWTH, false);
JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer(m_rt, jshook_trace, this);
m_dummyContext = JS_NewContext(m_rt, STACK_CHUNK_SIZE);
void MaybeIncrementalGC()
if (JS::IsIncrementalGCEnabled(m_rt))
// The idea is to get the heap size after a completed GC and trigger the next GC when the heap size has
// reached m_LastGCBytes + X.
// In practice it doesn't quite work like that. When the incremental marking is completed, the sweeping kicks in.
// The sweeping actually frees memory and it does this in a background thread (if JS_USE_HELPER_THREADS is set).
// While the sweeping is happening we already run scripts again and produce new garbage.
int gcBytes = JS_GetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_BYTES);
//printf("gcBytes: %d \n", gcBytes);
if (m_LastGCBytes > gcBytes || m_LastGCBytes == 0)
//printf("Setting m_LastGCBytes: %d \n", gcBytes); // debugging
m_LastGCBytes = gcBytes;
// Run an additional incremental GC slice if the currently running incremental GC isn't over yet
// ... or
// start a new incremental GC if the JS heap size has grown enough for a GC to make sense
if (JS::IsIncrementalGCInProgress(m_rt) || (gcBytes - m_LastGCBytes > 20 * 1024 * 1024))
/* Use for debugging
if (JS::IsIncrementalGCInProgress(m_rt))
printf("Running incremental garbage collection because an incremental cycle is in progress. \n");
printf("Running incremental garbage collection because JSGC_BYTES - m_LastGCBytes > X ---- JSGC_BYTES: %d m_LastGCBytes: %d", gcBytes, m_LastGCBytes);
JS::IncrementalGC(m_rt, JS::gcreason::REFRESH_FRAME, 10);
m_LastGCBytes = gcBytes;
void RegisterContext(JSContext* cx)
void UnRegisterContext(JSContext* cx)
JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(m_rt, jshook_trace, this);
JSRuntime* m_rt;
AutoGCRooter* m_rooter;
// Workaround for: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=890243
JSContext* m_dummyContext;
int m_LastGCBytes;
void PrepareContextsForIncrementalGC()
for (std::list<JSContext*>::iterator itr = m_Contexts.begin(); itr != m_Contexts.end(); itr++)
std::list<JSContext*> m_Contexts;
static void* jshook_script(JSContext* UNUSED(cx), JSAbstractFramePtr UNUSED(fp), bool UNUSED(isConstructing), JSBool before, JSBool* UNUSED(ok), void* closure)
if (before)
g_Profiler.StartScript("script invocation");
return closure;
// To profile scripts usefully, we use a call hook that's called on every enter/exit,
// and need to find the function name. But most functions are anonymous so we make do
// with filename plus line number instead.
// Computing the names is fairly expensive, and we need to return an interned char*
// for the profiler to hold a copy of, so we use boost::flyweight to construct interned
// strings per call location.
// Identifies a location in a script
struct ScriptLocation
JSContext* cx;
JSScript* script;
jsbytecode* pc;
bool operator==(const ScriptLocation& b) const
return cx == b.cx && script == b.script && pc == b.pc;
friend std::size_t hash_value(const ScriptLocation& loc)
std::size_t seed = 0;
boost::hash_combine(seed, loc.cx);
boost::hash_combine(seed, loc.script);
boost::hash_combine(seed, loc.pc);
return seed;
// Computes and stores the name of a location in a script
struct ScriptLocationName
ScriptLocationName(const ScriptLocation& loc)
JSContext* cx = loc.cx;
JSScript* script = loc.script;
jsbytecode* pc = loc.pc;
std::string filename = JS_GetScriptFilename(cx, script);
size_t slash = filename.rfind('/');
if (slash != filename.npos)
filename = filename.substr(slash+1);
uint line = JS_PCToLineNumber(cx, script, pc);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "(" << filename << ":" << line << ")";
name = ss.str();
std::string name;
// Flyweight types (with no_locking because the call hooks are only used in the
// main thread, and no_tracking because we mustn't delete values the profiler is
// using and it's not going to waste much memory)
typedef boost::flyweight<
> StringFlyweight;
typedef boost::flyweight<
boost::flyweights::key_value<ScriptLocation, ScriptLocationName>,
> LocFlyweight;
static void* jshook_function(JSContext* cx, JSAbstractFramePtr fp, bool UNUSED(isConstructing), JSBool before, JSBool* UNUSED(ok), void* closure)
if (!before)
return closure;
JSFunction* fn = fp.maybeFun();
if (!fn)
return closure;
// Try to get the name of non-anonymous functions
JSString* name = JS_GetFunctionId(fn);
if (name)
char* chars = JS_EncodeString(cx, name);
if (chars)
JS_free(cx, chars);
return closure;
// No name - compute from the location instead
JSScript* script;
uint lineno;
JS_DescribeScriptedCaller(cx, &script, &lineno);
ENSURE(script == fp.script());
ScriptLocation loc = { cx, fp.script(), JS_LineNumberToPC(cx, script, lineno) };
return closure;
static void jshook_trace(JSTracer* trc, void* data)
ScriptRuntime* m = static_cast<ScriptRuntime*>(data);
if (m->m_rooter)
shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime> ScriptInterface::CreateRuntime(int runtimeSize)
return shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime>(new ScriptRuntime(runtimeSize));
struct ScriptInterface_impl
ScriptInterface_impl(const char* nativeScopeName, const shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime>& runtime);
void Register(const char* name, JSNative fptr, uint nargs);
shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime> m_runtime;
JSContext* m_cx;
JSObject* m_glob; // global scope object
JSCompartment* m_comp;
boost::rand48* m_rng;
JSObject* m_nativeScope; // native function scope object
typedef std::map<ScriptInterface::CACHED_VAL, CScriptValRooted> ScriptValCache;
ScriptValCache m_ScriptValCache;
JSClass global_class = {
JS_PropertyStub, JS_DeletePropertyStub,
JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub,
JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub,
JS_ConvertStub, NULL,
void ErrorReporter(JSContext* cx, const char* message, JSErrorReport* report)
std::stringstream msg;
bool isWarning = JSREPORT_IS_WARNING(report->flags);
msg << (isWarning ? "JavaScript warning: " : "JavaScript error: ");
if (report->filename)
msg << report->filename;
msg << " line " << report->lineno << "\n";
msg << message;
// If there is an exception, then print its stack trace
JS::RootedValue excn(cx);
if (JS_GetPendingException(cx, excn.address()) && excn.isObject())
JS::RootedObject excnObj(cx, &excn.toObject());
// TODO: this violates the docs ("The error reporter callback must not reenter the JSAPI.")
// Hide the exception from EvaluateScript
JSExceptionState* excnState = JS_SaveExceptionState(cx);
JS::RootedValue rval(cx);
const char dumpStack[] = "this.stack.trimRight().replace(/^/mg, ' ')"; // indent each line
if (JS_EvaluateScript(cx, excnObj, dumpStack, ARRAY_SIZE(dumpStack)-1, "(eval)", 1, rval.address()))
std::string stackTrace;
if (ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, rval, stackTrace))
msg << "\n" << stackTrace;
JS_RestoreExceptionState(cx, excnState);
// Error got replaced by new exception from EvaluateScript
JS_DropExceptionState(cx, excnState);
if (isWarning)
LOGWARNING(L"%hs", msg.str().c_str());
LOGERROR(L"%hs", msg.str().c_str());
// When running under Valgrind, print more information in the error message
// Functions in the global namespace:
JSBool print(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
for (uint i = 0; i < args.length(); ++i)
std::wstring str;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, args.handleAt(i), str))
return JS_FALSE;
debug_printf(L"%ls", str.c_str());
return JS_TRUE;
JSBool logmsg(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (args.length() < 1)
return JS_TRUE;
std::wstring str;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, args.handleAt(0), str))
return JS_FALSE;
LOGMESSAGE(L"%ls", str.c_str());
return JS_TRUE;
JSBool warn(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (args.length() < 1)
return JS_TRUE;
std::wstring str;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, args.handleAt(0), str))
return JS_FALSE;
LOGWARNING(L"%ls", str.c_str());
return JS_TRUE;
JSBool error(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (args.length() < 1)
return JS_TRUE;
std::wstring str;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, args.handleAt(0), str))
return JS_FALSE;
LOGERROR(L"%ls", str.c_str());
return JS_TRUE;
JSBool deepcopy(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (args.length() < 1)
return JS_TRUE;
if (!JS_StructuredClone(cx, args[0], args.rval().address(), NULL, NULL))
return JS_FALSE;
return JS_TRUE;
JSBool ProfileStart(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp)
const char* name = "(ProfileStart)";
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (args.length() >= 1)
std::string str;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, args.handleAt(0), str))
return JS_FALSE;
typedef boost::flyweight<
> StringFlyweight;
name = StringFlyweight(str).get().c_str();
if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && ThreadUtil::IsMainThread())
return JS_TRUE;
JSBool ProfileStop(JSContext* UNUSED(cx), uint UNUSED(argc), jsval* vp)
JS::CallReceiver rec = JS::CallReceiverFromVp(vp);
if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && ThreadUtil::IsMainThread())
return JS_TRUE;
// Math override functions:
// boost::uniform_real is apparently buggy in Boost pre-1.47 - for integer generators
// it returns [min,max], not [min,max). The bug was fixed in 1.47.
// We need consistent behaviour, so manually implement the correct version:
static double generate_uniform_real(boost::rand48& rng, double min, double max)
while (true)
double n = (double)(rng() - rng.min());
double d = (double)(rng.max() - rng.min()) + 1.0;
ENSURE(d > 0 && n >= 0 && n <= d);
double r = n / d * (max - min) + min;
if (r < max)
return r;
JSBool Math_random(JSContext* cx, uint UNUSED(argc), jsval* vp)
JS::CallReceiver rec = JS::CallReceiverFromVp(vp);
double r;
return JS_FALSE;
return JS_TRUE;
} // anonymous namespace
bool ScriptInterface::MathRandom(double& nbr)
if (m->m_rng == NULL)
return false;
nbr = generate_uniform_real(*(m->m_rng), 0.0, 1.0);
return true;
ScriptInterface_impl::ScriptInterface_impl(const char* nativeScopeName, const shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime>& runtime) :
bool ok;
m_cx = JS_NewContext(m_runtime->m_rt, STACK_CHUNK_SIZE);
JS_SetParallelCompilationEnabled(m_cx, true);
// For GC debugging:
// JS_SetGCZeal(m_cx, 2);
JS_SetContextPrivate(m_cx, NULL);
JS_SetErrorReporter(m_cx, ErrorReporter);
u32 options = 0;
options |= JSOPTION_EXTRA_WARNINGS; // "warn on dubious practice"
// We use strict mode to encourage better coding practices and
// to get code that can be optimized better by Spidermonkey's JIT compiler.
options |= JSOPTION_VAROBJFIX; // "recommended" (fixes variable scoping)
// Enable method JIT, unless script profiling/debugging is enabled (since profiling/debugging
// hooks are incompatible with the JIT)
// TODO: Verify what exactly is incompatible
if (!g_ScriptProfilingEnabled && !g_JSDebuggerEnabled)
options |= JSOPTION_ION;
// Some other JIT flags to experiment with:
JS_SetOptions(m_cx, options);
JSAutoRequest rq(m_cx);
JS::CompartmentOptions opt;
m_glob = JS_NewGlobalObject(m_cx, &global_class, NULL, opt);
m_comp = JS_EnterCompartment(m_cx, m_glob);
JS_SetGlobalObject(m_cx, m_glob);
ok = JS_InitStandardClasses(m_cx, m_glob);
JS_DefineProperty(m_cx, m_glob, "global", JS::ObjectValue(*m_glob), NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY
m_nativeScope = JS_DefineObject(m_cx, m_glob, nativeScopeName, NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_glob, "print", ::print, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_glob, "log", ::logmsg, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_glob, "warn", ::warn, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_glob, "error", ::error, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_glob, "deepcopy", ::deepcopy, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
Register("ProfileStart", ::ProfileStart, 1);
Register("ProfileStop", ::ProfileStop, 0);
// Important: this must come before JS_DestroyContext because CScriptValRooted needs the context to unroot the values!
JSAutoRequest rq(m_cx);
JS_LeaveCompartment(m_cx, m_comp);
void ScriptInterface_impl::Register(const char* name, JSNative fptr, uint nargs)
JSAutoRequest rq(m_cx);
JSFunction* func = JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_nativeScope, name, fptr, nargs, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
if (!func)
if (g_ScriptProfilingEnabled)
// Store the function name in a slot, so we can pass it to the profiler.
// Use a flyweight std::string because we can't assume the caller has
// a correctly-aligned string and that its lifetime is long enough
typedef boost::flyweight<
// can't use no_locking; Register might be called in threads
> LockedStringFlyweight;
LockedStringFlyweight fw(name);
JS_SetReservedSlot(JS_GetFunctionObject(func), 0, PRIVATE_TO_JSVAL((void*)fw.get().c_str()));
ScriptInterface::ScriptInterface(const char* nativeScopeName, const char* debugName, const shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime>& runtime) :
m(new ScriptInterface_impl(nativeScopeName, runtime))
// Profiler stats table isn't thread-safe, so only enable this on the main thread
if (ThreadUtil::IsMainThread())
if (g_ScriptStatsTable)
g_ScriptStatsTable->Add(this, debugName);
// JS debugger temporarily disabled during the SpiderMonkey upgrade (check trac ticket #2348 for details)
if (g_JSDebuggerEnabled && g_DebuggingServer != NULL)
if(!JS_SetDebugMode(GetContext(), true))
LOGERROR(L"Failed to set Spidermonkey to debug mode!");
g_DebuggingServer->RegisterScriptinterface(debugName, this);
} */
m_CxPrivate.pScriptInterface = this;
JS_SetContextPrivate(m->m_cx, (void*)&m_CxPrivate);
if (ThreadUtil::IsMainThread())
if (g_ScriptStatsTable)
// Unregister from the Debugger class
// JS debugger temporarily disabled during the SpiderMonkey upgrade (check trac ticket #2348 for details)
//if (g_JSDebuggerEnabled && g_DebuggingServer != NULL)
// g_DebuggingServer->UnRegisterScriptinterface(this);
void ScriptInterface::ShutDown()
void ScriptInterface::SetCallbackData(void* pCBData)
m_CxPrivate.pCBData = pCBData;
ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* ScriptInterface::GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(JSContext* cx)
CxPrivate* pCxPrivate = (CxPrivate*)JS_GetContextPrivate(cx);
return pCxPrivate;
CScriptValRooted ScriptInterface::GetCachedValue(CACHED_VAL valueIdentifier)
return m->m_ScriptValCache[valueIdentifier];
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScripts()
// Ignore this failure in tests
if (!g_VFS)
return false;
// Load and execute *.js in the global scripts directory
VfsPaths pathnames;
vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, L"globalscripts/", L"*.js", pathnames);
for (VfsPaths::iterator it = pathnames.begin(); it != pathnames.end(); ++it)
if (!LoadGlobalScriptFile(*it))
LOGERROR(L"LoadGlobalScripts: Failed to load script %ls", it->string().c_str());
return false;
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
jsval proto;
if (JS_GetProperty(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, "Vector2Dprototype", &proto))
m->m_ScriptValCache[CACHE_VECTOR2DPROTO] = CScriptValRooted(m->m_cx, proto);
if (JS_GetProperty(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, "Vector3Dprototype", &proto))
m->m_ScriptValCache[CACHE_VECTOR3DPROTO] = CScriptValRooted(m->m_cx, proto);
return true;
bool ScriptInterface::ReplaceNondeterministicRNG(boost::rand48& rng)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
JS::RootedValue math(m->m_cx);
if (JS_GetProperty(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, "Math", math.address()) && math.isObject())
JSFunction* random = JS_DefineFunction(m->m_cx, &math.toObject(), "random", Math_random, 0,
if (random)
m->m_rng = &rng;
return true;
LOGERROR(L"ReplaceNondeterministicRNG: failed to replace Math.random");
return false;
void ScriptInterface::Register(const char* name, JSNative fptr, size_t nargs)
m->Register(name, fptr, (uint)nargs);
JSContext* ScriptInterface::GetContext() const
return m->m_cx;
JSRuntime* ScriptInterface::GetJSRuntime() const
return m->m_runtime->m_rt;
shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime> ScriptInterface::GetRuntime() const
return m->m_runtime;
AutoGCRooter* ScriptInterface::ReplaceAutoGCRooter(AutoGCRooter* rooter)
AutoGCRooter* ret = m->m_runtime->m_rooter;
m->m_runtime->m_rooter = rooter;
return ret;
jsval ScriptInterface::CallConstructor(jsval ctor, uint argc, jsval argv)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (!ctor.isObject())
LOGERROR(L"CallConstructor: ctor is not an object");
return JS::UndefinedValue();
// Passing argc 0 and argv JSVAL_VOID causes a crash in mozjs24
if (argc == 0)
return JS::ObjectValue(*JS_New(m->m_cx, &ctor.toObject(), 0, NULL));
return JS::ObjectValue(*JS_New(m->m_cx, &ctor.toObject(), argc, &argv));
jsval ScriptInterface::NewObjectFromConstructor(jsval ctor)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (!ctor.isObject())
LOGERROR(L"NewObjectFromConstructor: ctor is not an object");
return JS::UndefinedValue();
// Get the constructor's prototype
// (Can't use JS_GetPrototype, since we want .prototype not .__proto__)
JS::RootedValue protoVal(m->m_cx);
if (!JS_GetProperty(m->m_cx, &ctor.toObject(), "prototype", protoVal.address()))
LOGERROR(L"NewObjectFromConstructor: can't get prototype");
return JS::UndefinedValue();
if (!protoVal.isObject())
LOGERROR(L"NewObjectFromConstructor: prototype is not an object");
return JS::UndefinedValue();
JSObject* proto = &protoVal.toObject();
JSObject* parent = JS_GetParent(&ctor.toObject());
if (!proto || !parent)
LOGERROR(L"NewObjectFromConstructor: null proto/parent");
return JS::UndefinedValue();
JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(m->m_cx, NULL, proto, parent);
if (!obj)
LOGERROR(L"NewObjectFromConstructor: object creation failed");
return JS::UndefinedValue();
return JS::ObjectValue(*obj);
void ScriptInterface::DefineCustomObjectType(JSClass *clasp, JSNative constructor, uint minArgs, JSPropertySpec *ps, JSFunctionSpec *fs, JSPropertySpec *static_ps, JSFunctionSpec *static_fs)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
std::string typeName = clasp->name;
if (m_CustomObjectTypes.find(typeName) != m_CustomObjectTypes.end())
// This type already exists
throw PSERROR_Scripting_DefineType_AlreadyExists();
JSObject * obj = JS_InitClass( m->m_cx, &GetGlobalObject().toObject(), 0,
constructor, minArgs, // Constructor, min args
ps, fs, // Properties, methods
static_ps, static_fs); // Constructor properties, methods
if (obj == NULL)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_DefineType_CreationFailed();
CustomType type;
type.m_Prototype = obj;
type.m_Class = clasp;
type.m_Constructor = constructor;
m_CustomObjectTypes[typeName] = type;
JSObject* ScriptInterface::CreateCustomObject(const std::string & typeName)
std::map < std::string, CustomType > ::iterator it = m_CustomObjectTypes.find(typeName);
if (it == m_CustomObjectTypes.end())
throw PSERROR_Scripting_TypeDoesNotExist();
JS::RootedObject prototype(m->m_cx, (*it).second.m_Prototype);
return JS_NewObject(m->m_cx, (*it).second.m_Class, prototype, NULL);
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunctionVoid(jsval val, const char* name)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
JS::RootedValue jsRet(m->m_cx);
JS::RootedValue val1(m->m_cx, val);
return CallFunction_(val1, name, 0, NULL, &jsRet);
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunction_(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, uint argc, jsval* argv, JS::MutableHandleValue ret)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
JS::RootedObject obj(m->m_cx);
if (!JS_ValueToObject(m->m_cx, val, obj.address()) || !obj)
return false;
// Check that the named function actually exists, to avoid ugly JS error reports
// when calling an undefined value
JSBool found;
if (!JS_HasProperty(m->m_cx, obj, name, &found) || !found)
return JS_FALSE;
bool ok = JS_CallFunctionName(m->m_cx, obj, name, argc, argv, ret.address());
return ok;
jsval ScriptInterface::GetGlobalObject()
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
return JS::ObjectValue(*JS_GetGlobalForScopeChain(m->m_cx));
JSClass* ScriptInterface::GetGlobalClass()
return &global_class;
bool ScriptInterface::SetGlobal_(const char* name, jsval value, bool replace)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (!replace)
JSBool found;
if (!JS_HasProperty(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, name, &found))
return JS_FALSE;
if (found)
JS_ReportError(m->m_cx, "SetGlobal \"%s\" called multiple times", name);
return JS_FALSE;
bool ok = JS_DefineProperty(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, name, value, NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY
return ok;
bool ScriptInterface::SetProperty_(jsval obj, const char* name, jsval value, bool constant, bool enumerate)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
uint attrs = 0;
if (constant)
if (enumerate)
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(m->m_cx, &obj.toObject());
if (! JS_DefineProperty(m->m_cx, object, name, value, NULL, NULL, attrs))
return false;
return true;
bool ScriptInterface::SetProperty_(jsval obj, const wchar_t* name, jsval value, bool constant, bool enumerate)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
uint attrs = 0;
if (constant)
if (enumerate)
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(m->m_cx, &obj.toObject());
utf16string name16(name, name + wcslen(name));
if (! JS_DefineUCProperty(m->m_cx, object, reinterpret_cast<const jschar*>(name16.c_str()), name16.length(), value, NULL, NULL, attrs))
return false;
return true;
bool ScriptInterface::SetPropertyInt_(jsval obj, int name, jsval value, bool constant, bool enumerate)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
uint attrs = 0;
if (constant)
if (enumerate)
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(m->m_cx, &obj.toObject());
if (! JS_DefinePropertyById(m->m_cx, object, INT_TO_JSID(name), value, NULL, NULL, attrs))
return false;
return true;
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty_(jsval obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandleValue out)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(m->m_cx, &obj.toObject());
if (!JS_GetProperty(m->m_cx, object, name, out.address()))
return false;
return true;
bool ScriptInterface::GetPropertyInt_(jsval obj, int name, JS::MutableHandleValue out)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(m->m_cx, &obj.toObject());
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(m->m_cx, object, INT_TO_JSID(name), out.address()))
return false;
return true;
bool ScriptInterface::HasProperty(jsval obj, const char* name)
// TODO: proper errorhandling
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (!obj.isObject())
return JS_FALSE;
JS::RootedObject object(m->m_cx, &obj.toObject());
JSBool found;
if (!JS_HasProperty(m->m_cx, object, name, &found))
return JS_FALSE;
return found;
bool ScriptInterface::EnumeratePropertyNamesWithPrefix(JS::HandleValue objVal, const char* prefix, std::vector<std::string>& out)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (!objVal.isObjectOrNull())
LOGERROR(L"EnumeratePropertyNamesWithPrefix expected object type!");
return false;
return true; // reached the end of the prototype chain
JS::RootedObject obj(m->m_cx, &objVal.toObject());
JS::RootedObject it(m->m_cx, JS_NewPropertyIterator(m->m_cx, obj));
if (!it)
return false;
while (true)
JS::RootedId idp(m->m_cx);
JS::RootedValue val(m->m_cx);
if (! JS_NextProperty(m->m_cx, it, idp.address()) || ! JS_IdToValue(m->m_cx, idp, val.address()))
return false;
if (val.isUndefined())
break; // end of iteration
if (!val.isString())
continue; // ignore integer properties
JS::RootedString name(m->m_cx, val.toString());
size_t len = strlen(prefix)+1;
std::vector<char> buf(len);
size_t prefixLen = strlen(prefix) * sizeof(char);
JS_EncodeStringToBuffer(m->m_cx, name, &buf[0], prefixLen);
buf[len-1]= '\0';
if(0 == strcmp(&buf[0], prefix))
size_t len;
const jschar* chars = JS_GetStringCharsAndLength(m->m_cx, name, &len);
out.push_back(std::string(chars, chars+len));
// Recurse up the prototype chain
JS::RootedObject prototype(m->m_cx);
if (JS_GetPrototype(m->m_cx, obj, prototype.address()))
JS::RootedValue prototypeVal(m->m_cx, JS::ObjectOrNullValue(prototype));
if (! EnumeratePropertyNamesWithPrefix(prototypeVal, prefix, out))
return false;
return true;
bool ScriptInterface::SetPrototype(JS::HandleValue obj, JS::HandleValue proto)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (!obj.isObject() || !proto.isObject())
return false;
return JS_SetPrototype(m->m_cx, &obj.toObject(), &proto.toObject());
bool ScriptInterface::FreezeObject(jsval obj, bool deep)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
if (deep)
return JS_DeepFreezeObject(m->m_cx, &obj.toObject());
return JS_FreezeObject(m->m_cx, &obj.toObject());
bool ScriptInterface::LoadScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::string& code)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
utf16string codeUtf16(code.begin(), code.end());
uint lineNo = 1;
JS::RootedFunction func(m->m_cx,
JS_CompileUCFunction(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, NULL, 0, NULL,
reinterpret_cast<const jschar*> (codeUtf16.c_str()), (uint)(codeUtf16.length()),
utf8_from_wstring(filename.string()).c_str(), lineNo)
if (!func)
return false;
JS::RootedValue val(m->m_cx);
bool ok = JS_CallFunction(m->m_cx, NULL, func, 0, NULL, val.address());
return ok;
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::wstring& code)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
utf16string codeUtf16(code.begin(), code.end());
uint lineNo = 1;
jsval rval;
bool ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(m->m_cx, m->m_glob,
reinterpret_cast<const jschar*> (codeUtf16.c_str()), (uint)(codeUtf16.length()),
utf8_from_wstring(filename.string()).c_str(), lineNo, &rval);
return ok;
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (!VfsFileExists(path))
LOGERROR(L"File '%ls' does not exist", path.string().c_str());
return false;
CVFSFile file;
PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);
if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
LOGERROR(L"Failed to load file '%ls': %hs", path.string().c_str(), GetErrorString(ret));
return false;
std::wstring code = wstring_from_utf8(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8
utf16string codeUtf16(code.begin(), code.end());
uint lineNo = 1;
jsval rval;
bool ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(m->m_cx, m->m_glob,
reinterpret_cast<const jschar*> (codeUtf16.c_str()), (uint)(codeUtf16.length()),
utf8_from_wstring(path.string()).c_str(), lineNo, &rval);
return ok;
bool ScriptInterface::Eval(const char* code)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
JS::RootedValue rval(m->m_cx);
return Eval_(code, &rval);
bool ScriptInterface::Eval_(const char* code, JS::MutableHandleValue rval)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
utf16string codeUtf16(code, code+strlen(code));
bool ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, (const jschar*)codeUtf16.c_str(), (uint)codeUtf16.length(), "(eval)", 1, rval.address());
return ok;
bool ScriptInterface::Eval_(const wchar_t* code, JS::MutableHandleValue rval)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
utf16string codeUtf16(code, code+wcslen(code));
bool ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, (const jschar*)codeUtf16.c_str(), (uint)codeUtf16.length(), "(eval)", 1, rval.address());
return ok;
CScriptValRooted ScriptInterface::ParseJSON(const std::string& string_utf8)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
std::wstring attrsW = wstring_from_utf8(string_utf8);
utf16string string(attrsW.begin(), attrsW.end());
JS::RootedValue vp(m->m_cx);
if (!JS_ParseJSON(m->m_cx, reinterpret_cast<const jschar*>(string.c_str()), (u32)string.size(), &vp))
LOGERROR(L"JS_ParseJSON failed!");
return CScriptValRooted(m->m_cx, vp);
CScriptValRooted ScriptInterface::ReadJSONFile(const VfsPath& path)
if (!VfsFileExists(path))
LOGERROR(L"File '%ls' does not exist", path.string().c_str());
return CScriptValRooted();
CVFSFile file;
PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);
if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
LOGERROR(L"Failed to load file '%ls': %hs", path.string().c_str(), GetErrorString(ret));
return CScriptValRooted();
std::string content(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8
return ParseJSON(content);
struct Stringifier
static JSBool callback(const jschar* buf, u32 len, void* data)
utf16string str(buf, buf+len);
std::wstring strw(str.begin(), str.end());
Status err; // ignore Unicode errors
static_cast<Stringifier*>(data)->stream << utf8_from_wstring(strw, &err);
return JS_TRUE;
std::stringstream stream;
struct StringifierW
static JSBool callback(const jschar* buf, u32 len, void* data)
utf16string str(buf, buf+len);
static_cast<StringifierW*>(data)->stream << std::wstring(str.begin(), str.end());
return JS_TRUE;
std::wstringstream stream;
std::string ScriptInterface::StringifyJSON(jsval obj, bool indent)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
Stringifier str;
if (!JS_Stringify(m->m_cx, &obj, NULL, indent ? INT_TO_JSVAL(2) : JSVAL_VOID, &Stringifier::callback, &str))
LOGERROR(L"StringifyJSON failed");
return std::string();
return str.stream.str();
std::wstring ScriptInterface::ToString(jsval obj, bool pretty)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(obj))
return L"(void 0)";
// Try to stringify as JSON if possible
// (TODO: this is maybe a bad idea since it'll drop 'undefined' values silently)
if (pretty)
StringifierW str;
// Temporary disable the error reporter, so we don't print complaints about cyclic values
JSErrorReporter er = JS_SetErrorReporter(m->m_cx, NULL);
JSBool ok = JS_Stringify(m->m_cx, &obj, NULL, INT_TO_JSVAL(2), &StringifierW::callback, &str);
// Restore error reporter
JS_SetErrorReporter(m->m_cx, er);
if (ok)
return str.stream.str();
// Clear the exception set when Stringify failed
// Caller didn't want pretty output, or JSON conversion failed (e.g. due to cycles),
// so fall back to obj.toSource()
std::wstring source = L"(error)";
CallFunction(obj, "toSource", source);
return source;
void ScriptInterface::ReportError(const char* msg)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
// JS_ReportError by itself doesn't seem to set a JS-style exception, and so
// script callers will be unable to catch anything. So use JS_SetPendingException
// to make sure there really is a script-level exception. But just set it to undefined
// because there's not much value yet in throwing a real exception object.
JS_SetPendingException(m->m_cx, JSVAL_VOID);
// And report the actual error
JS_ReportError(m->m_cx, "%s", msg);
// TODO: Why doesn't JS_ReportPendingException(m->m_cx); work?
bool ScriptInterface::IsExceptionPending(JSContext* cx)
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
return JS_IsExceptionPending(cx) ? true : false;
JSClass* ScriptInterface::GetClass(JSObject* obj)
return JS_GetClass(obj);
void* ScriptInterface::GetPrivate(JSObject* obj)
// TODO: use JS_GetInstancePrivate
return JS_GetPrivate(obj);
void ScriptInterface::DumpHeap()
JS_DumpHeap(GetJSRuntime(), stderr, NULL, JSTRACE_OBJECT, NULL, (size_t)-1, NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "# Bytes allocated: %u\n", JS_GetGCParameter(GetJSRuntime(), JSGC_BYTES));
fprintf(stderr, "# Bytes allocated after GC: %u\n", JS_GetGCParameter(GetJSRuntime(), JSGC_BYTES));
void ScriptInterface::MaybeIncrementalRuntimeGC()
void ScriptInterface::MaybeGC()
void ScriptInterface::ForceGC()
jsval ScriptInterface::CloneValueFromOtherContext(ScriptInterface& otherContext, jsval val)
shared_ptr<StructuredClone> structuredClone = otherContext.WriteStructuredClone(val);
jsval clone = ReadStructuredClone(structuredClone);
return clone;
ScriptInterface::StructuredClone::StructuredClone() :
m_Data(NULL), m_Size(0)
if (m_Data)
JS_ClearStructuredClone(m_Data, m_Size);
shared_ptr<ScriptInterface::StructuredClone> ScriptInterface::WriteStructuredClone(jsval v)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
u64* data = NULL;
size_t nbytes = 0;
if (!JS_WriteStructuredClone(m->m_cx, v, &data, &nbytes, NULL, NULL, JSVAL_VOID))
debug_warn(L"Writing a structured clone with JS_WriteStructuredClone failed!");
return shared_ptr<StructuredClone>();
shared_ptr<StructuredClone> ret (new StructuredClone);
ret->m_Data = data;
ret->m_Size = nbytes;
return ret;
jsval ScriptInterface::ReadStructuredClone(const shared_ptr<ScriptInterface::StructuredClone>& ptr)
JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
jsval ret = JSVAL_VOID;
JS_ReadStructuredClone(m->m_cx, ptr->m_Data, ptr->m_Size, JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION, &ret, NULL, NULL);
return ret;