Improve and fix, add a readme for usage, add mod support, add command line arguments.

Reviewed by: @Itms
Comments by: @elexis
Differential Revision:
This was SVN commit r22096.
This commit is contained in:
Stan 2019-02-24 21:19:20 +00:00
parent 9f2b761478
commit 0cc034fa6f
5 changed files with 229 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ my $vfsroot = '../../../binaries/data/mods';
sub get_filename
my ($vfspath) = @_;
my $fn = "$vfsroot/public/simulation/templates/$vfspath.xml";
my ($vfspath, $mod) = @_;
my $fn = "$vfsroot/$mod/simulation/templates/$vfspath.xml";
return $fn;
sub get_file
my ($vfspath) = @_;
my $fn = get_filename($vfspath);
my ($vfspath, $mod) = @_;
my $fn = get_filename($vfspath, $mod);
open my $f, $fn or die "Error loading $fn: $!";
local $/;
return <$f>;
@ -113,13 +113,35 @@ sub apply_layer
sub get_main_mod
my ($vfspath, $mods) = @_;
my @mods_list = split(/\|/, $mods);
my $main_mod = $mods_list[0];
my $fn = "$vfsroot/$main_mod/simulation/templates/$vfspath.xml";
if (not -e $fn)
for my $dep (@mods_list)
$fn = "$vfsroot/$dep/simulation/templates/$vfspath.xml";
if (-e $fn)
$main_mod = $dep;
return $main_mod;
sub load_inherited
my ($vfspath) = @_;
my $layer = load_xml($vfspath, get_file($vfspath));
my ($vfspath, $mods) = @_;
my $main_mod = get_main_mod($vfspath, $mods);
my $layer = load_xml($vfspath, get_file($vfspath, $main_mod));
if ($layer->{Entity}{'@parent'}) {
my $parent = load_inherited($layer->{Entity}{'@parent'}{' content'});
my $parent = load_inherited($layer->{Entity}{'@parent'}{' content'}, $mods);
apply_layer($parent->{Entity}, $layer->{Entity});
return $parent;
} else {
@ -129,17 +151,18 @@ sub load_inherited
sub find_entities
my ($modName) = @_;
my @files;
my $find_process = sub {
return $File::Find::prune = 1 if $_ eq '.svn';
my $n = $File::Find::name;
return if /~$/;
return unless -f $_;
$n =~ s~\Q$vfsroot\E/public/simulation/templates/~~;
$n =~ s~\Q$vfsroot\E/$modName/simulation/templates/~~;
$n =~ s/\.xml$//;
push @files, $n;
find({ wanted => $find_process }, "$vfsroot/public/simulation/templates");
find({ wanted => $find_process }, "$vfsroot/$modName/simulation/templates");
return @files;

View File

@ -4,39 +4,85 @@ use Data::Dumper;
use File::Find;
use XML::Simple;
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use lib ".";
use Entity;
use constant CHECK_MAPS_XML => 0;
use constant ROOT_ACTORS => 1;
GetOptions (
'--check-unused' => \(my $checkUnused = 0),
'--check-map-xml' => \(my $checkMapXml = 0),
'--validate-templates' => \(my $validateTemplates = 0),
'--mod-to-check=s' => \(my $modToCheck = "public")
my @files;
my @roots;
my @deps;
# Force and checkMapXml if checkUnused is enabled to avoid false positives.
$checkMapXml |= $checkUnused;
my $vfsroot = '../../../binaries/data/mods';
my $supportedTextureFormats = 'dds|png';
my $mods = get_mod_dependencies_string($modToCheck);
my $mod_list_string = $modToCheck;
if ($mods ne "")
$mod_list_string = $mod_list_string."|$mods";
$mod_list_string = $mod_list_string."|mod";
print("Checking $modToCheck\'s integrity. \n");
print("The following mod(s) will be loaded: $mod_list_string. \n");
my @mods_list = split(/\|/, "$mod_list_string");
sub get_mod_dependencies
my ($mod) = @_;
my $modjson = parse_json_file_full_path("$vfsroot/$mod/mod.json");
my $modjsondeps = $modjson->{'dependencies'};
for my $dep (@{$modjsondeps})
# 0ad's folder isn't named like the mod.
if(index($dep, "0ad") != -1)
$dep = "public";
return $modjsondeps;
sub get_mod_dependencies_string
my ($mod) = @_;
return join( '|',@{get_mod_dependencies($mod)});
sub vfs_to_physical
my ($vfspath) = @_;
my $fn = "$vfsroot/public/$vfspath";
if (not -e $fn)
$fn = "$vfsroot/mod/$vfspath";
return $fn;
my ($vfsPath) = @_;
my $fn = vfs_to_relative_to_mods($vfsPath);
return "$vfsroot/$fn";
sub vfs_to_relative_to_mods
my ($vfspath) = @_;
my $fn = "public/$vfspath";
my ($vfsPath) = @_;
for my $dep (@mods_list)
my $fn = "$dep/$vfsPath";
if (-e "$vfsroot/$fn")
return $fn;
sub find_files
my ($vfspath, $extn) = @_;
my ($vfsPath, $extn) = @_;
my @files;
my $find_process = sub {
return $File::Find::prune = 1 if $_ eq '.svn';
@ -44,22 +90,31 @@ sub find_files
return if /~$/;
return unless -f $_;
return unless /\.($extn)$/;
$n =~ s~\Q$vfsroot\E/(public|mod)/~~;
$n =~ s~\Q$vfsroot\E/($mod_list_string)/~~;
push @files, $n;
find({ wanted => $find_process }, "$vfsroot/public/$vfspath");
find({ wanted => $find_process }, "$vfsroot/mod/$vfspath") if -d "$vfsroot/mod/$vfspath";
for my $dep (@mods_list)
find({ wanted => $find_process },"$vfsroot/$dep/$vfsPath") if -d "$vfsroot/$dep/$vfsPath";
return @files;
sub parse_json_file_full_path
my ($vfspath) = @_;
open my $fh, $vfspath or die "Failed to open '$vfspath': $!";
# decode_json expects a UTF-8 string and doesn't handle BOMs, so we strip those
# (see
return decode_json(do { local $/; my $file = <$fh>; $file =~ s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//; $file });
sub parse_json_file
my ($vfspath) = @_;
open my $fh, vfs_to_physical($vfspath) or die "Failed to open '$vfspath': $!";
# decode_json expects a UTF-8 string and doesn't handle BOMs, so we strip those
# (see
return decode_json(do { local $/; my $file = <$fh>; $file =~ s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//; $file });
return parse_json_file_full_path(vfs_to_physical($vfspath))
sub add_entities
@ -73,7 +128,7 @@ sub add_entities
my $path = "simulation/templates/$f.xml";
push @files, $path;
my $ent = Entity::load_inherited($f);
my $ent = Entity::load_inherited($f, "$mod_list_string");
push @deps, [ $path, "simulation/templates/" . $ent->{Entity}{'@parent'}{' content'} . ".xml" ] if $ent->{Entity}{'@parent'};
@ -103,29 +158,21 @@ sub add_entities
if ($ent->{Entity}{Identity})
push @deps, [ $path, "art/textures/ui/session/portraits/" . $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Icon}{' content'} ] if $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Icon};
push @deps, [ $path, "art/textures/ui/session/portraits/" . $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Icon}{' content'} ] if $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Icon} and $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Icon}{' content'} ne '';
if ($ent->{Entity}{Formation})
push @deps, [ $path, "art/textures/ui/session/icons/" . $ent->{Entity}{Formation}{Icon}{' content'} ] if $ent->{Entity}{Formation}{Icon} and $ent->{Entity}{Formation}{Icon}{' content'} ne '';
sub add_actors
print "Loading actors...\n";
my @actorfiles = find_files('art/actors', 'xml');
for my $f (sort @actorfiles)
push @files, $f;
push @roots, $f if ROOT_ACTORS;
my $actor = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(group variant texture prop animation)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!";
for my $group (@{$actor->{group}})
for my $variant (@{$group->{variant}})
sub push_variant_dependencies
my ($variant, $f) = @_;
push @deps, [ $f, "art/variants/$variant->{file}" ] if $variant->{file};
push @deps, [ $f, "art/meshes/$variant->{mesh}" ] if $variant->{mesh};
push @deps, [ $f, "art/particles/$variant->{particles}{file}" ] if $variant->{particles}{file};
for my $tex (@{$variant->{textures}{texture}})
@ -141,18 +188,52 @@ sub add_actors
push @deps, [ $f, "art/animation/$anim->{file}" ] if $anim->{file};
sub add_actors
print "Loading actors...\n";
my @actorfiles = find_files('art/actors', 'xml');
for my $f (sort @actorfiles)
push @files, $f;
push @roots, $f;
my $actor = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(group variant texture prop animation)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!";
for my $group (@{$actor->{group}})
for my $variant (@{$group->{variant}})
push_variant_dependencies($variant, $f);
push @deps, [ $f, "art/materials/$actor->{material}" ] if $actor->{material};
sub add_variants
print "Loading variants...\n";
my @variantfiles = find_files('art/variants', 'xml');
for my $f (sort @variantfiles)
push @files, $f;
push @roots, $f;
my $variant = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(texture prop animation)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!";
push_variant_dependencies($variant, $f);
sub add_art
print "Loading art files...\n";
push @files, find_files('art/textures/particles', 'dds|png|jpg|tga');
push @files, find_files('art/textures/terrain', 'dds|png|jpg|tga');
push @files, find_files('art/textures/skins', 'dds|png|jpg|tga');
push @files, find_files('art/textures/particles', $supportedTextureFormats);
push @files, find_files('art/textures/terrain', $supportedTextureFormats);
push @files, find_files('art/textures/skins', $supportedTextureFormats);
push @files, find_files('art/meshes', 'pmd|dae');
push @files, find_files('art/animation', 'psa|dae');
@ -191,12 +272,10 @@ sub add_maps_xml
print "Loading maps XML...\n";
my @mapfiles = find_files('maps/scenarios', 'xml');
push @mapfiles, find_files('maps/skirmishes', 'xml');
push @mapfiles, find_files('maps/tutorials', 'xml');
for my $f (sort @mapfiles)
print " $f\n";
push @files, $f;
push @roots, $f;
my $map = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(Entity)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!";
@ -301,6 +380,7 @@ sub add_soundgroups
for my $f (sort @soundfiles)
push @files, $f;
push @roots, $f;
my $sound = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(Sound)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!";
@ -404,7 +484,8 @@ sub add_gui_data
print "Loading GUI data...\n";
push @files, find_files('gui', 'js');
push @files, find_files('art/textures/ui', 'dds|png|jpg|tga');
push @files, find_files('art/textures/ui', $supportedTextureFormats);
push @files, find_files('art/textures/selection', $supportedTextureFormats);
sub add_civs
@ -420,7 +501,7 @@ sub add_civs
my $civ = parse_json_file($f);
push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/ui/" . $civ->{Emblem} ];
push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/ui/" . $civ->{Emblem} ] if $civ->{Emblem};
push @deps, [ $f, "audio/music/" . $_->{File} ] for @{$civ->{Music}};
@ -435,13 +516,14 @@ sub add_rms
for my $f (sort @rmsdefs)
next if $f =~ /^maps\/random\/rmbiome/;
push @files, $f;
push @roots, $f;
my $rms = parse_json_file($f);
push @deps, [ $f, "maps/random/" . $rms->{settings}{Script} ];
push @deps, [ $f, "maps/random/" . $rms->{settings}{Script} ] if $rms->{settings}{Script};
# Map previews
push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/ui/session/icons/mappreview/" . $rms->{settings}{Preview} ] if $rms->{settings}{Preview};
@ -465,6 +547,28 @@ sub add_techs
sub add_auras
print "Loading auras...\n";
my @aurafiles = find_files('simulation/data/auras', 'json');
for my $f (sort @aurafiles)
push @files, $f;
push @roots, $f;
my $aura = parse_json_file($f);
push @deps, [ $f, $aura->{overlayIcon} ] if $aura->{overlayIcon};
push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/selection/" . $aura->{rangeOverlay}{lineTexture} ] if $aura->{rangeOverlay}{lineTexture};
push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/selection/" . $aura->{rangeOverlay}{lineTextureMask} ] if $aura->{rangeOverlay}{lineTextureMask};
sub add_terrains
print "Loading terrains...\n";
@ -476,6 +580,7 @@ sub add_terrains
if ($f !~ /terrains.xml$/)
push @files, $f;
push @roots, $f;
my $terrain = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(texture)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!";
@ -539,43 +644,34 @@ sub check_unused
for my $f (sort @files)
next if exists $reachable{$f};
next if exists $reachable{$f}
|| index($f, "art/terrains/") != -1
|| index($f, "maps/random/") != -1
|| index($f, "art/materials/") != -1;
warn "Unused file '" . vfs_to_relative_to_mods($f) . "'\n";
add_maps_xml() if CHECK_MAPS_XML;
add_maps_xml() if $checkMapXml;
# TODO: add non-skin textures, and all the references to them
print "\n";
print "\n";
check_unused() if $checkUnused;
print "\n" if $checkUnused;
system("perl ../xmlvalidator/") if $validateTemplates;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib ".";
use Entity;
my @files = Entity::find_entities();
my @files = Entity::find_entities("public");
my %files = map +($_ => 1), @files;
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ print $g "digraph G {\n";
for my $f (sort @files) {
next if $f =~ /^template_/;
print "# $f...\n";
my $ent = Entity::load_inherited($f);
my $ent = Entity::load_inherited($f, "public");
if ($ent->{Entity}{Builder}) {
my $ents = $ent->{Entity}{Builder}{Entities}{' content'};

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ use warnings;
use XML::LibXML;
use lib ".";
use Entity;
my $rngschema = XML::LibXML::RelaxNG->new(location => '../../../binaries/system/entity.rng');
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ sub validate
sub check_all
my @files = Entity::find_entities();
my @files = Entity::find_entities("public");
my $count = 0;
my $failed = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
## Description
This script checks the game files for missing dependencies, unused files, and for file integrity. If mods are specified, all their dependencies are also checked recursively. This script is particularly useful to detect broken actors or templates.
## Requirements
- Perl interpreter installed
- Dependencies:
- XML::Parser
- XML::Simple
- Getopt::Long
- File::Find
- Data::Dumper
## Usage
- cd in source/tools/entity and run the script.
Usage: perl [OPTION]...
Checks the game files for missing dependencies, unused files, and for file integrity.
--check-unused check for all the unused files in the given mods and their dependencies. Implies --check-map-xml. Currently yields a lot of false positives.
--check-map-xml check maps for missing actor and templates.
--validate-templates run the script to check if the xml files match their (.rng) grammar file. This currently only works for the public mod.
--mod-to-check=mods specify which mods to check. 'mods' should be a list of mods separated by '|'. Default value: 'public|mod'.