janwas c0ed950657 had to remove uint and ulong from lib/types.h due to conflict with other library.
this snowballed into a massive search+destroy of the hodgepodge of
mostly equivalent types we had in use (int, uint, unsigned, unsigned
int, i32, u32, ulong, uintN).

it is more efficient to use 64-bit types in 64-bit mode, so the
preferred default is size_t (for anything remotely resembling a size or
index). tile coordinates are ssize_t to allow more efficient conversion
to/from floating point. flags are int because we almost never need more
than 15 distinct bits, bit test/set is not slower and int is fastest to
type. finally, some data that is pretty much directly passed to OpenGL
is now typed accordingly.

after several hours, the code now requires fewer casts and less

other changes:
- unit and player IDs now have an "invalid id" constant in the
respective class to avoid casting and -1
- fix some endian/64-bit bugs in the map (un)packing. added a
convenience function to write/read a size_t.
- ia32: change CPUID interface to allow passing in ecx (required for
cache topology detection, which I need at work). remove some unneeded
functions from asm, replace with intrinsics where possible.

This was SVN commit r5942.
2008-05-11 18:48:32 +00:00

487 lines
14 KiB

// Includes / Compiler directives
#include "lib/posix/posix_sock.h"
#include "ps/Pyrogenesis.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "ps/CStr.h"
// Error Codes
// Declarations
class CSocketInternal;
* An enumeration of all supported protocols, and the special value UNSPEC,
* which represents an invalid address.
// Modifiers Note: Each value in the enum should correspond to a sockaddr_*
// struct and a PF_* value
enum ESocketProtocol
// This should be a value that's invalid for most socket functions, so that
// you don't accidentally use an UNSPEC SocketAddress
// PF_UNSPEC does not work, since it is accepted by many implementations as
// a "default" protocol family - whatever that may be
/* More protocols */
* A protocol-independent representation of a socket address. All protocols
* in the ESocketProtocol enum should have a corresponding member in this union.
// Modifiers Note: Each member must contain a first field, compatible with the
// sin_family field of sockaddr_in. The field contains the ESocketProtocol value
// for the address, and it is returned by GetProtocol()
struct CSocketAddress
sa_family_t m_Family;
sockaddr_in m_IPv4;
sockaddr_in6 m_IPv6;
} m_Union;
inline ESocketProtocol GetProtocol() const
return (ESocketProtocol)m_Union.m_Family;
inline CSocketAddress()
memset(&m_Union, 0, sizeof(m_Union));
* Create a wildcard address for the specified protocol with a specified
* port.
* @param port The port number, in local byte order
* @param proto The protocol to use; default IPv4
explicit CSocketAddress(int port, ESocketProtocol proto=IPv4);
* Create an address from a numerical IPv4 address and port, port in local
* byte order, IPv4 address as a byte array in written order. The Protocol
* of the resulting SocketAddress will be IPv4
* @param address An IPv4 address as a byte array (in written order)
* @param port A port number (0-65535) in local byte order.
CSocketAddress(u8 address[4], int port);
* Resolve the name using the system name resolution service (i.e. DNS) and
* store the resulting address. When multiple addresses are found, the
* first result is returned.
* Note that this call will block until the name resolution attempt is
* either completed successfully or timed out.
* @param name The name to resolve
* @param addr A reference to the variable to hold the address
* @return The result of the operation
* @retval PS_OK The hostname was successfully retrieved
* @retval NO_SUCH_HOST The hostname was not found
static PS_RESULT Resolve(const char *name, int port, CSocketAddress &addr);
* Returns the string representation of the address, i.e. the IP (v4 or v6)
* address. Note that the port is not included in the string (mostly due to
* the fact that the port representation differs wildly between address
* families, and that Resolve does not take port as part of the hostname)
CStr GetString() const;
* Returns the port number part of the address
int GetPort() const;
Create an address pointing to the loopback, with the specified port and
protocol. Use this with Bind to only listen on the loopback interface.
static CSocketAddress Loopback(int port, ESocketProtocol proto=IPv4);
* An enumeration of socket states
* @see CSocketBase::GetState()
enum ESocketState
* The socket is unconnected. Use GetError() to see if it is due to a
* failure, a clean close, or it was never connected.
* @see CSocketBase::GetError()
* A connect attempt has started on a non-blocking socket. The error state
* @see CSocketBase::OnWrite()
* The socket is connected. The error state will be set to PS_OK.
* The connection has been closed on this end, but the other end might have
* sent data that we haven't received yet. The error state will be set to
* PS_OK.
* Contains the basic socket I/O abstraction and event callback methods.
* A CSocketBase can only be instantiated as a subclass, none of the functions
* are meant to exist as anything other than helper functions for socket
* classes
* Any CSocket subclass that can be Accept:ed by a CServerSocket should
* provide a constructor that takes a CSocketInternal pointer, and hands it to
* the base class constructor.
class CSocketBase
CSocketInternal *m_pInternal;
ESocketState m_State;
PS_RESULT m_Error;
ESocketProtocol m_Proto;
bool m_NonBlocking;
* Loop forever, waiting for events and calling the callbacks on sockets,
* according to their Op mask. This loop may be aborted by calling
* AbortWaitLoop.
* The global lock must be held when calling this function, and will be held
* upon return from it.
static void RunWaitLoop();
* The network thread entry point. Simply locks the global lock and calls
* RunWaitLoop.
friend void *WaitLoopThreadMain(void *);
#if OS_WIN
* Used by the winsock AsyncSelect windowproc
friend void WaitLoop_SocketUpdateProc(int fd, int error, int eventmask);
// These are utility functions for the unix select loop. Dox can be found in
// the source file.
static bool ConnectError(CSocketBase *);
static void SocketWritable(CSocketBase *);
static void SocketReadable(CSocketBase *);
* Abort the call to RunWaitLoop(), if one is currently running.
static void AbortWaitLoop();
* Tell the running wait loop to abort. This is the platform-dependent
* implementation of AbortWaitLoop()
static void SendWaitLoopAbort();
void SendWaitLoopUpdate();
* Initialize a CSocketBase from a CSocketInternal pointer. Use in OnAccept
* callbacks to create an object of your subclass. This constructor should
* be overloaded by any subclass that may be Accept:ed.
CSocketBase(CSocketInternal *pInt);
virtual ~CSocketBase();
* Get the op mask for the socket.
int GetOpMask();
* Set the op mask for the socket, specifying which callbacks should be
* called by the WaitLoop. The initial op mask is zero, which means that
* this method must be called explicitly for any callbacks to be called.
* Note that before the call to BeginConnect or Bind, any call to this
* method is a no-op.
* It is safe to call this function while a RunWaitLoop is running.
* The wait loop guarantees that the callbacks specified in ops will be
* called when appropriate, but does not make the opposite guarantee for
* unset bits; i.e. any callback may be called even with a zero op mask.
void SetOpMask(int ops);
* These values are bitwise or-ed to produce op masks
enum Ops
* Call OnRead() on a stream socket when there is data to read from the
* socket, or OnAccept() on a server socket when there are incoming
* connections pending
// Call OnWrite() when there is space available in the socket's output
// buffer. Has no effect on server sockets.
* Constructs a CSocketBase. The OS socket object is not created by the
* constructor, but by the protected Initialize method, which is called by
* Connect and Bind.
* @see Connect
* @see Bind
* Forcibly shuts down the network wait loop. This should happen
* automatically as soon as all sockets are closed.
static void Shutdown();
* Returns the protocol set by Initialize. All SocketAddresses used with
* the socket must have the same SocketProtocol
inline ESocketProtocol GetProtocol() const
{ return m_Proto; }
* Destroy the OS socket. If the socket is not cleanly closed before, it
* will be forcefully closed by calling this method.
void Destroy();
* Close the socket. No more data can be sent over the socket, but any data
* pending from the remote host will still be received, and the OnRead
* callback called (if the socket's op mask has the READ bit set). Note
* that the socket isn't actually closed until the remote end calls
* Close on the corresponding remote socket, upon which the OnClose
* callback is called with a status code of PS_OK.
void Close();
* Create the OS socket for the specified protocol type.
PS_RESULT Initialize(ESocketProtocol proto=IPv4);
* Connect the socket to the specified address. The socket must be
* initialized for the protocol of the address.
* @param addr The address to connect to
* @see SocketAddress::Resolve
PS_RESULT Connect(const CSocketAddress &addr);
/** @name Functions for Server Sockets */
* Bind the socket to the specified address and start listening for
* incoming connections. You must initialize the socket for the correct
* SocketProtocol before calling Bind.
* @param addr The address to bind to
* @see SocketAddress::SocketAddress(int,SocketProtocol)
PS_RESULT Bind(const CSocketAddress &addr);
* Store the address of the next incoming connection in the SocketAddress
* pointed to by addr. You must then choose whether to accept or reject the
* connection by calling Accept or Reject
* @param addr A pointer to a SocketAddress
* @return PS_OK or an error code
* @see Accept(SocketAddress&)
* @see Reject()
PS_RESULT PreAccept(CSocketAddress &addr);
* Accept the next incoming connection. You must construct a suitable
* CSocketBase subclass using the passed CSocketInternal.
* May only be called after a successful PreAccept call
CSocketInternal *Accept();
* Reject the next incoming connection.
* May only be called after a successful PreAccept call
void Reject();
/** @name Status and Options */
* Set or reset non-blocking operation. When non-blocking, all socket
* operations will return immediately, having done none or parts of
* the operation. The default state for a socket is non-blocking
* @see CSocketBase::Read
* @see CSocketBase::Write
* @see CSocketBase::Connect
void SetNonBlocking(bool nonBlocking=true);
* Return the current non-blocking state of the socket.
* @see SetNonBlocking(bool)
inline bool IsNonBlocking() const
{ return m_NonBlocking; }
* Return the error state of the socket. This will be the same value that
* was returned by the IO function that failed.
* @see GetState()
inline PS_RESULT GetErrorState() const
{ return m_Error; }
* Return the connection state of the socket. If the connection status is
* "unconnected", use GetError() to see if it was disconnected due to an
* error, or cleanly closed.
* @see SocketState
* @see GetError()
inline ESocketState GetState() const
{ return m_State; }
* Disable Nagle's algorithm (enable no-delay working mode)
void SetTcpNoDelay(bool tcpNoDelay=true);
* Get the address of the remote end to which the socket is connected.
* @return A reference to the socket address
const CSocketAddress &GetRemoteAddress();
/** @name Stream I/O */
* Attempt to read data from the socket. Any data available without blocking
* will be returned. Note that a successful return does not mean that the
* whole buffer was filled.
* @param buf A pointer to the buffer where the data should be written
* @param len The amount of data that should be read.
* @param bytesRead The number of bytes read will be stored in the variable
* pointed to by bytesRead
* @retval PS_OK Some or all data was successfully read.
* @retval CONNECTION_BROKEN The socket is not connected or a server socket
PS_RESULT Read(void *buf, size_t len, size_t *bytesRead);
* Attempt to write data to the socket. All data that can be sent without
* blocking will be buffered.
* @param buf A pointer to the data that should be written
* @param len The length of the buffer.
* @param bytesWritten The number of bytes written will be stored in the
* variable pointed to by bytesWritten
* @retval PS_OK Some or all data was successfully read.
* @retval CONNECTION_BROKEN The socket is not connected or a server socket
PS_RESULT Write(void *buf, size_t len, size_t *bytesWritten);
/** @name Callbacks */
* Called by the Network Thread when data is available for reading. Use
* SetOpMask with the READ bit set to enable calling of this function.
* For server sockets, "data is available for reading" means "incoming
* connections are pending".
virtual void OnRead()=0;
* Called by the Network Thread when data can be written to the socket.
* Will only be called when the WRITE bit is set in the Op Mask of the
* socket.
virtual void OnWrite()=0;
* The socket has been closed. It is not certain that the error code
* provides meaningful diagnostics. CONNECTION_BROKEN is the generic catch-
* all for erroneous closures, PS_OK for clean closures.
* @param errorCode A result code describing the reason why the socket was
* closed
virtual void OnClose(PS_RESULT errorCode)=0;