Ykkrosh 994ebd9836 Add a list of statically-constructed CStrIntern strings
Switch all the constant strings in graphics code to use the new
This avoids the cost of instantiating CStrInterns at runtime every

This was SVN commit r13906.
2013-09-29 13:19:52 +00:00

453 lines
14 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2013 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "GUIRenderer.h"
#include "graphics/ShaderManager.h"
#include "graphics/TextureManager.h"
#include "gui/GUIutil.h"
#include "lib/ogl.h"
#include "lib/utf8.h"
#include "lib/res/h_mgr.h"
#include "lib/tex/tex.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
#include "renderer/Renderer.h"
using namespace GUIRenderer;
// DrawCalls needs to be copyable, so it can be used in other copyable types.
// But actually copying data is hard, since we'd need to avoid losing track of
// who owns various pointers, so instead we just return an empty list.
// The list should get filled in again (by GUIRenderer::UpdateDrawCallCache)
// before it's used for rendering. (TODO: Is this class actually used safely
// in practice?)
DrawCalls::DrawCalls(const DrawCalls&)
: std::vector<SDrawCall>()
DrawCalls& DrawCalls::operator=(const DrawCalls&)
return *this;
void GUIRenderer::UpdateDrawCallCache(DrawCalls &Calls, const CStr& SpriteName, const CRect &Size, int CellID, std::map<CStr, CGUISprite> &Sprites)
// This is called only when something has changed (like the size of the
// sprite), so it doesn't need to be particularly efficient.
// Clean up the old data
// If this object has zero size, there's nothing to render. (This happens
// with e.g. tooltips that have zero size before they're first drawn, so
// it isn't necessarily an error.)
if (Size.left == Size.right && Size.top == Size.bottom)
std::map<CStr, CGUISprite>::iterator it (Sprites.find(SpriteName));
if (it == Sprites.end())
// Sprite not found. Check whether this a special sprite:
// "stretched:filename.ext" - stretched image
// "stretched:grayscale:filename.ext" - stretched grayscale image
// "cropped:(0.5, 0.25)" - stretch this ratio (x,y) of the top left of the image
// "colour:r g b a" - solid colour
// and if so, try to create it as a new sprite.
if (SpriteName.substr(0, 10) == "stretched:")
// TODO: Should check (nicely) that this is a valid file?
SGUIImage Image;
// Allow grayscale images for disabled portraits
if (SpriteName.substr(10, 10) == "grayscale:")
Image.m_TextureName = VfsPath("art/textures/ui") / wstring_from_utf8(SpriteName.substr(20));
Image.m_Effects = new SGUIImageEffects;
Image.m_Effects->m_Greyscale = true;
Image.m_TextureName = VfsPath("art/textures/ui") / wstring_from_utf8(SpriteName.substr(10));
CClientArea ca(CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), CRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
Image.m_Size = ca;
Image.m_TextureSize = ca;
CGUISprite Sprite;
Sprites[SpriteName] = Sprite;
it = Sprites.find(SpriteName);
ENSURE(it != Sprites.end()); // The insertion above shouldn't fail
else if (SpriteName.substr(0, 8) == "cropped:")
// TODO: Should check (nicely) that this is a valid file?
SGUIImage Image;
double xRatio = SpriteName.BeforeFirst(",").AfterLast("(").ToDouble();
double yRatio = SpriteName.BeforeFirst(")").AfterLast(",").ToDouble();
int PathStart = SpriteName.Find(")") + 1;
Image.m_TextureName = VfsPath("art/textures/ui") / wstring_from_utf8(SpriteName.substr(PathStart));
CClientArea ca(CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), CRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
CClientArea cb(CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), CRect(0, 0, 100/xRatio, 100/yRatio));
Image.m_Size = ca;
Image.m_TextureSize = cb;
CGUISprite Sprite;
Sprites[SpriteName] = Sprite;
it = Sprites.find(SpriteName);
ENSURE(it != Sprites.end()); // The insertion above shouldn't fail
else if (SpriteName.substr(0, 7) == "colour:")
CStrW value = wstring_from_utf8(SpriteName.substr(7));
CColor color;
// Check colour is valid
if (!GUI<CColor>::ParseString(value, color))
LOGERROR(L"GUI: Error parsing sprite 'colour' (\"%ls\")", value.c_str());
SGUIImage image;
image.m_BackColor = color;
CClientArea ca(CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), CRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
image.m_Size = ca;
image.m_TextureSize = ca;
CGUISprite Sprite;
Sprites[SpriteName] = Sprite;
it = Sprites.find(SpriteName);
ENSURE(it != Sprites.end()); // The insertion above shouldn't fail
// Otherwise, just complain and give up:
LOGERROR(L"Trying to use a sprite that doesn't exist (\"%hs\").", SpriteName.c_str());
// Iterate through all the sprite's images, loading the texture and
// calculating the texture coordinates
std::vector<SGUIImage>::const_iterator cit;
for (cit = it->second.m_Images.begin(); cit != it->second.m_Images.end(); ++cit)
SDrawCall Call(&*cit); // pointers are safe since we never modify sprites/images after startup
CRect ObjectSize = cit->m_Size.GetClientArea(Size);
if (ObjectSize.GetWidth() == 0.0 || ObjectSize.GetHeight() == 0.0)
// Zero sized object. Don't report as an error, since it's common for e.g. hitpoint bars.
continue; // i.e. don't continue with this image
Call.m_Vertices = ObjectSize;
if (cit->m_RoundCoordinates)
// Round the vertex coordinates to integers, to avoid ugly filtering artifacts
Call.m_Vertices.left = (int)(Call.m_Vertices.left + 0.5f);
Call.m_Vertices.right = (int)(Call.m_Vertices.right + 0.5f);
Call.m_Vertices.top = (int)(Call.m_Vertices.top + 0.5f);
Call.m_Vertices.bottom = (int)(Call.m_Vertices.bottom + 0.5f);
if (! cit->m_TextureName.empty())
CTextureProperties textureProps(cit->m_TextureName);
CTexturePtr texture = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().CreateTexture(textureProps);
Call.m_HasTexture = true;
Call.m_Texture = texture;
Call.m_EnableBlending = false; // will be overridden if the texture has an alpha channel
Call.m_ObjectSize = ObjectSize;
Call.m_CellID = CellID;
Call.m_HasTexture = false;
// Enable blending if it's transparent (allowing a little error in the calculations)
Call.m_EnableBlending = !(fabs(cit->m_BackColor.a - 1.0f) < 0.0000001f);
Call.m_BackColor = cit->m_BackColor;
Call.m_BorderColor = cit->m_Border ? cit->m_BorderColor : CColor();
Call.m_DeltaZ = cit->m_DeltaZ;
if (!Call.m_HasTexture)
Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_solid);
else if (cit->m_Effects)
if (cit->m_Effects->m_AddColor != CColor())
Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_add);
Call.m_ShaderColorParameter = cit->m_Effects->m_AddColor;
// Always enable blending if something's being subtracted from
// the alpha channel
if (cit->m_Effects->m_AddColor.a < 0.f)
Call.m_EnableBlending = true;
else if (cit->m_Effects->m_Greyscale)
Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_grayscale);
else /* Slight confusion - why no effects? */
Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_basic);
Call.m_Shader = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_basic);
CRect SDrawCall::ComputeTexCoords() const
float TexWidth = m_Texture->GetWidth();
float TexHeight = m_Texture->GetHeight();
if (!TexWidth || !TexHeight)
return CRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
// Textures are positioned by defining a rectangular block of the
// texture (usually the whole texture), and a rectangular block on
// the screen. The texture is positioned to make those blocks line up.
// Get the screen's position/size for the block
CRect BlockScreen = m_Image->m_TextureSize.GetClientArea(m_ObjectSize);
if (m_Image->m_FixedHAspectRatio)
BlockScreen.right = BlockScreen.left + BlockScreen.GetHeight() * m_Image->m_FixedHAspectRatio;
// Get the texture's position/size for the block:
CRect BlockTex;
// "real_texture_placement" overrides everything
if (m_Image->m_TexturePlacementInFile != CRect())
BlockTex = m_Image->m_TexturePlacementInFile;
// Check whether this sprite has "cell_size" set (and non-zero)
else if ((int)m_Image->m_CellSize.cx)
int cols = (int)TexWidth / (int)m_Image->m_CellSize.cx;
if (cols == 0)
cols = 1; // avoid divide-by-zero
int col = m_CellID % cols;
int row = m_CellID / cols;
BlockTex = CRect(m_Image->m_CellSize.cx*col, m_Image->m_CellSize.cy*row,
m_Image->m_CellSize.cx*(col+1), m_Image->m_CellSize.cy*(row+1));
// Use the whole texture
BlockTex = CRect(0, 0, TexWidth, TexHeight);
// When rendering, BlockTex will be transformed onto BlockScreen.
// Also, TexCoords will be transformed onto ObjectSize (giving the
// UV coords at each vertex of the object). We know everything
// except for TexCoords, so calculate it:
CPos translation (BlockTex.TopLeft()-BlockScreen.TopLeft());
float ScaleW = BlockTex.GetWidth()/BlockScreen.GetWidth();
float ScaleH = BlockTex.GetHeight()/BlockScreen.GetHeight();
CRect TexCoords (
// Resize (translating to/from the origin, so the
// topleft corner stays in the same place)
.Scale(ScaleW, ScaleH)
+ m_ObjectSize.TopLeft()
// Translate from BlockTex to BlockScreen
+ translation
// The tex coords need to be scaled so that (texwidth,texheight) is
// mapped onto (1,1)
TexCoords.left /= TexWidth;
TexCoords.right /= TexWidth;
TexCoords.top /= TexHeight;
TexCoords.bottom /= TexHeight;
return TexCoords;
void GUIRenderer::Draw(DrawCalls &Calls, float Z)
// Called every frame, to draw the object (based on cached calculations)
// TODO: batching by shader/texture/etc would be nice
CMatrix3D matrix = GetDefaultGuiMatrix();
// Set LOD bias so mipmapped textures are prettier
#warning TODO: implement GUI LOD bias for GLES
// Iterate through each DrawCall, and execute whatever drawing code is being called
for (DrawCalls::const_iterator cit = Calls.begin(); cit != Calls.end(); ++cit)
CShaderProgramPtr shader = cit->m_Shader->GetShader();
shader->Uniform(str_transform, matrix);
if (cit->m_HasTexture)
shader->Uniform(str_color, cit->m_ShaderColorParameter);
shader->BindTexture(str_tex, cit->m_Texture);
if (cit->m_EnableBlending || cit->m_Texture->HasAlpha()) // (shouldn't call HasAlpha before BindTexture)
CRect TexCoords = cit->ComputeTexCoords();
// Ensure the quad has the correct winding order, and update texcoords to match
CRect Verts = cit->m_Vertices;
if (Verts.right < Verts.left)
std::swap(Verts.right, Verts.left);
std::swap(TexCoords.right, TexCoords.left);
if (Verts.bottom < Verts.top)
std::swap(Verts.bottom, Verts.top);
std::swap(TexCoords.bottom, TexCoords.top);
std::vector<float> data;
#define ADD(u, v, x, y, z) STMT(data.push_back(u); data.push_back(v); data.push_back(x); data.push_back(y); data.push_back(z))
ADD(TexCoords.left, TexCoords.bottom, Verts.left, Verts.bottom, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(TexCoords.right, TexCoords.bottom, Verts.right, Verts.bottom, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(TexCoords.right, TexCoords.top, Verts.right, Verts.top, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(TexCoords.right, TexCoords.top, Verts.right, Verts.top, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(TexCoords.left, TexCoords.top, Verts.left, Verts.top, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(TexCoords.left, TexCoords.bottom, Verts.left, Verts.bottom, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
#undef ADD
shader->TexCoordPointer(GL_TEXTURE0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 5*sizeof(float), &data[0]);
shader->VertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 5*sizeof(float), &data[2]);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
shader->Uniform(str_color, cit->m_BackColor);
if (cit->m_EnableBlending)
// Ensure the quad has the correct winding order
CRect Verts = cit->m_Vertices;
if (Verts.right < Verts.left)
std::swap(Verts.right, Verts.left);
if (Verts.bottom < Verts.top)
std::swap(Verts.bottom, Verts.top);
std::vector<float> data;
#define ADD(x, y, z) STMT(data.push_back(x); data.push_back(y); data.push_back(z))
ADD(Verts.left, Verts.bottom, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(Verts.right, Verts.bottom, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(Verts.right, Verts.top, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(Verts.right, Verts.top, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(Verts.left, Verts.top, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(Verts.left, Verts.bottom, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
shader->VertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 3*sizeof(float), &data[0]);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
if (cit->m_BorderColor != CColor())
shader->Uniform(str_color, cit->m_BorderColor);
ADD(Verts.left + 0.5f, Verts.top + 0.5f, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(Verts.right - 0.5f, Verts.top + 0.5f, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(Verts.right - 0.5f, Verts.bottom - 0.5f, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
ADD(Verts.left + 0.5f, Verts.bottom - 0.5f, Z + cit->m_DeltaZ);
shader->VertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 3*sizeof(float), &data[0]);
glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, 4);
#undef ADD
#warning TODO: implement GUI LOD bias for GLES