2011-12-31 16:34:42 +00:00

81 lines
2.1 KiB

# Tests the characters contained within entity template XML files (most usefully
# their <SpecificName>s) against the characters included in the bitmap font subset,
# and against the glyph data in the fonts themselves.
# When unsupported characters are reported, you should either edit the XML files
# to avoid them (e.g. use a codepoint that better corresponds to the character,
# or use a NFC or NFD version of the character) or add them to charset.txt.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
my $vfsroot = '../../../binaries/data/mods';
sub find_entities
my @files;
my $find_process = sub {
return $File::Find::prune = 1 if $_ eq '.svn';
my $n = $File::Find::name;
return if /~$/;
return unless -f $_;
push @files, $n;
find({ wanted => $find_process }, "$vfsroot/public/simulation/templates");
find({ wanted => $find_process }, "$vfsroot/internal/simulation/templates") if -e "$vfsroot/internal";
return @files;
open my $c, "charset.txt" or die $!;
binmode $c, ":utf8";
my %chars;
@chars{split //, do { local $/; <$c> }} = ();
$chars{"\r"} = undef;
$chars{"\n"} = undef;
$chars{"\t"} = undef;
my %fontchars;
open my $f, 'python dumpfontchars.py|' or die $!;
while (<$f>)
my ($name, @chars) = split;
push @chars, 0x0009, 0x000A, 0x000D;
@{$fontchars{$name}}{map chr($_), @chars} = ();
delete $chars{chr(0x301)};
for my $fn (sort(find_entities()))
open my $f, "<", $fn or die $!;
binmode $f, ":utf8";
my %fchars;
@fchars{split //, do { local $/; <$f> }} = ();
for (sort keys %fchars)
my @missing;
if (not exists $chars{$_})
push @missing, 'charset';
for my $font (sort keys %fontchars)
if (not exists $fontchars{$font}{$_})
push @missing, $font;
if (@missing)
printf "%s\n# Missing char U+%04X from %s\n\n", $fn, ord($_), (join ', ', @missing);
print "Done.\n";