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2004-07-17 08:14:23 +02:00
AUTHOR: John M. Mena
EMAIL: JohnMMena@hotmail.com
FILE: CConsole.h
CREATED: 12/3/03
DESCRIPTION: The class CConsole provides an interface to the
scripting abilities of an engine.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include "lib/res/graphics/unifont.h"
#include "ogl.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "sdl.h"
#include "CStr.h"
// note: cannot forward declare SDL_Event since it is a nameless union
// in the standard SDL library and a nameless struct in wsdl, so
// include the full SDL header instead.
#include "lib/sdl.h"
#ifndef CCONSOLE_H
#define CCONSOLE_H
#define CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 // for text being typed into the console
#define CONSOLE_MESSAGE_SIZE 1024 // for messages being printed into the console
typedef void(*fptr)(void);
class CConsole
float m_fX;
float m_fY;
float m_fHeight;
float m_fWidth;
// "position" in show/hide animation, how visible the console is (0..1).
// allows implementing other animations than sliding, e.g. fading in/out.
float m_fVisibleFrac;
std::map<std::wstring, fptr> m_mapFuncList;
std::deque<std::wstring> m_deqMsgHistory;
std::deque<std::wstring> m_deqBufHistory;
int m_iMsgHistPos;
wchar_t* m_szBuffer;
int m_iBufferPos;
int m_iBufferLength;
CStr m_sHistoryFile;
int m_MaxHistoryLines;
bool m_bFocus;
bool m_bVisible; // console is to be drawn
bool m_bToggle; // show/hide animation is currently active
void ToLower(wchar_t* szMessage, uint iSize = 0);
void Trim(wchar_t* szMessage, const wchar_t cChar = 32, uint iSize = 0);
void DrawHistory(void);
void DrawWindow(void);
void DrawBuffer(void);
void DrawCursor(void);
bool IsEOB(void) {return (m_iBufferPos == m_iBufferLength);}; //Is end of Buffer?
bool IsBOB(void) {return (m_iBufferPos == 0);}; //Is beginning of Buffer?
bool IsFull(void) {return (m_iBufferLength == CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE);};
bool IsEmpty(void) {return (m_iBufferLength == 0);};
void InsertBuffer(void){InsertMessage(L"%ls", m_szBuffer);};
void ProcessBuffer(const wchar_t* szLine);
void LoadHistory();
void SaveHistory();
void SetSize(float X = 300, float Y = 0, float W = 800, float H = 600);
void UpdateScreenSize(int w, int h);
void ToggleVisible();
void SetVisible( bool visible );
void Update(float DeltaTime);
void Render();
void InsertMessage(const wchar_t* szMessage, ...);
void InsertChar(const int szChar, const wchar_t cooked);
void SendChatMessage(const wchar_t *szMessage);
void ReceivedChatMessage(const wchar_t *pSender, const wchar_t *szMessage);
void SetBuffer(const wchar_t* szMessage, ...);
void UseHistoryFile( CStr filename, int historysize );
// Only returns a pointer to the buffer; copy out of here if you want to keep it.
const wchar_t* GetBuffer();
void FlushBuffer();
void RegisterFunc(fptr F, const wchar_t* szName);
bool IsActive() { return m_bVisible; }
int m_iFontHeight;
int m_iFontOffset; // distance to move up before drawing
extern CConsole* g_Console;
extern int conInputHandler(const SDL_Event* ev);