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// file layer on top of POSIX.
// provides streaming support and caching.
// Copyright (c) 2004 Jan Wassenberg
// This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "h_mgr.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "detect.h"
#include "adts.h"
#include "sysdep/sysdep.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
// block := power-of-two sized chunk of a file.
// all transfers are expanded to naturally aligned, whole blocks
// (this makes caching parts of files feasible; it is also much faster
// for some aio implementations, e.g. wposix).
const size_t BLOCK_SIZE_LOG2 = 16; // 2**16 = 64 KB
const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 1ul << BLOCK_SIZE_LOG2;
const size_t SECTOR_SIZE = 4096;
// reasonable guess. if too small, aio will do alignment.
// rationale for aio, instead of only using mmap:
// - parallelism: instead of just waiting for the transfer to complete,
// other work can be done in the meantime.
// example: decompressing from a Zip archive is practically free,
// because we inflate one block while reading the next.
// - throughput: with aio, the drive always has something to do, as opposed
// to read requests triggered by the OS for mapped files, which come
// in smaller chunks. this leads to much higher transfer rates.
// - memory: when used with VFS, aio makes better use of a file cache.
// data is generally compressed in an archive. a cache should store the
// decompressed and decoded (e.g. TGA color swapping) data; mmap would
// keep the original, compressed data in memory, which doesn't help.
// we bypass the OS file cache via aio, and store partial blocks here (*);
// higher level routines will cache the actual useful data.
// * requests for part of a block are usually followed by another.
enum Conversion
static int convert_path(char* dst, const char* src, Conversion conv = TO_NATIVE)
// if there's a platform with multiple-character DIR_SEP,
// scan through the path and add space for each separator found.
const size_t len = strlen(p_path);
n_path = (const char*)malloc(len * sizeof(char));
return ERR_NO_MEM;
const char* s = src;
char* d = dst;
char from = DIR_SEP, to = '/';
if(conv == TO_NATIVE)
from = '/', to = DIR_SEP;
size_t len = 0;
if(len >= PATH_MAX)
return -1;
char c = *s++;
if(c == from)
c = to;
*d++ = c;
// end of string - done
if(c == '\0')
return 0;
// set by file_rel_chdir
static char n_root_dir[PATH_MAX];
static size_t n_root_dir_len;
// return the native equivalent of the given portable path
// (i.e. convert all '/' to the platform's directory separator)
// makes sure length < PATH_MAX.
int file_make_native_path(const char* const path, char* const n_path)
strcpy(n_path, n_root_dir);
return convert_path(n_path+n_root_dir_len, path, TO_NATIVE);
int file_make_portable_path(const char* const n_path, char* const path)
if(strncmp(n_path, n_root_dir, n_root_dir_len) != 0)
return -1;
return convert_path(path, n_path+n_root_dir_len, TO_PORTABLE);
// set current directory to rel_path, relative to the path to the executable,
// which is taken from argv0.
// example: executable in "$install_dir/system"; desired root dir is
// "$install_dir/data" => rel_path = "../data".
// this is necessary because the current directory is unknown at startup
// (e.g. it isn't set when invoked via batch file), and this is the
// easiest portable way to find our install directory.
// can only be called once, by design (see below). rel_path is trusted.
int file_rel_chdir(const char* argv0, const char* const rel_path)
const char* msg = 0;
// security check: only allow attempting to chdir once, so that malicious
// code cannot circumvent the VFS checks that disallow access to anything
// above the current directory (set here).
// this routine is called early at startup, so any subsequent attempts
// are likely bogus.
static bool already_attempted;
msg = "called more than once";
goto fail;
already_attempted = true;
// get full path to executable
char n_path[PATH_MAX];
// .. first try safe, but system-dependent version
if(get_executable_name(n_path, PATH_MAX) < 0)
// .. failed; use argv[0]
if(!realpath(argv0, n_path))
goto fail;
// make sure it's valid
if(access(argv0, X_OK) < 0)
goto fail;
// strip executable name and append rel_path
char* fn = strrchr(n_path, DIR_SEP);
msg = "realpath returned an invalid path?";
goto fail;
CHECK_ERR(convert_path(fn+1, rel_path));
if(chdir(n_path) < 0)
goto fail;
// get actual root dir - previous n_path may include ..
// (slight optimization, speeds up path lookup)
if(getcwd(n_root_dir, sizeof(n_root_dir)) < 0)
goto fail;
n_root_dir_len = strlen(n_root_dir)+1; // +1 for trailing DIR_SEP
n_root_dir[n_root_dir_len-1] = DIR_SEP;
// append to simplify code that uses n_root_dir
// already 0-terminated, since it's static
return 0;
debug_warn("file_rel_chdir failed");
debug_out("file_rel_chdir: %s\n", msg);
return -1;
return -errno;
// need to store entries returned by readdir so they can be sorted.
struct DirEnt
const std::string name;
const off_t size;
DirEnt(const char* const _name, const off_t _size)
: name(_name), size(_size) {}
DirEnt& operator=(const DirEnt&);
// pointer to DirEnt: faster sorting, but more allocs.
typedef std::vector<const DirEnt*> DirEnts;
typedef DirEnts::const_iterator DirEntIt;
static bool dirent_less(const DirEnt* const d1, const DirEnt* const d2)
{ return d1->name.compare(d2->name) < 0; }
// for all files and dirs in <dir> (but not its subdirs!):
// call <cb>, passing <user> and the entries's name (not path!)
// rationale:
// this makes file_enum and zip_enum slightly incompatible, since zip_enum
// returns the full path. that's necessary because VFS add_dirent_cb
// has no other way of determining what VFS dir a Zip file is in,
// since zip_enum enumerates all files in the archive (not only those
// in a given dir). no big deal though, since add_dirent_cb has to
// special-case Zip files anyway.
// the advantage here is simplicity, and sparing callbacks the trouble
// of converting from/to native path (we just give 'em the dirent name).
int file_enum(const char* const dir, const FileCB cb, const uintptr_t user)
// full path for stat
char n_path[PATH_MAX];
n_path[PATH_MAX-1] = '\0';
// will append filename to this, hence "path".
// 0-terminate simplifies filename strncpy below.
CHECK_ERR(convert_path(n_path, dir));
// all entries are enumerated (adding to this container),
// std::sort-ed, then all passed to cb.
DirEnts dirents;
int stat_err = 0;
int cb_err = 0;
int ret;
DIR* const os_dir = opendir(n_path);
return -1;
// will append file names here
const size_t n_path_len = strlen(n_path);
char* fn_start = n_path + n_path_len;
*fn_start++ = DIR_SEP;
struct dirent* os_ent;
while((os_ent = readdir(os_dir)))
const char* fn = os_ent->d_name;
strncpy(fn_start, fn, PATH_MAX-n_path_len-1);
// stat needs the full path. this is easier than changing
// directory every time, and should be fast enough.
// BTW, direct strcpy is faster than path_append -
// we save a strlen every iteration.
// no need to go through file_stat -
// we already have the native path.
struct stat s;
ret = stat(n_path, &s);
if(ret < 0)
if(stat_err == 0)
stat_err = ret;
off_t size = s.st_size;
// dir
// skip . and ..
if(fn[0] == '.' && (fn[1] == '\0' || (fn[1] == '.' && fn[2] == '\0')))
size = -1;
// skip if neither dir nor file
else if(!S_ISREG(s.st_mode))
const DirEnt* const ent = new DirEnt(fn, size);
std::sort(dirents.begin(), dirents.end(), dirent_less);
DirEntIt it;
for(it = dirents.begin(); it != dirents.end(); ++it)
const DirEnt* const ent = *it;
const char* name_c = ent->name.c_str();
const ssize_t size = ent->size;
ret = cb(name_c, size, user);
if(ret < 0)
if(cb_err == 0)
cb_err = ret;
delete ent;
if(cb_err < 0)
return cb_err;
return stat_err;
int file_stat(const char* const path, struct stat* const s)
char n_path[PATH_MAX+1];
CHECK_ERR(convert_path(n_path, path));
return stat(n_path, s);
// file open/close
// stores information about file (e.g. size) in File struct
// interface rationale:
// - this module depends on the handle manager for IO management,
// but should be useable without the VFS (even if they are designed
// to work together).
// - allocating a Handle for the file info would solve several problems
// (see below), but we don't want to allocate 2..3 (VFS, file, Zip file)
// for every file opened - that'd add up quickly.
// the Files are always freed at exit though, since they're part of
// VFile handles in the VFS.
// - we want the VFS open logic to be triggered on file invalidate
// (if the dev. file is deleted, we should use what's in the archives).
// we don't want to make this module depend on VFS, so we don't
// have access to the file location DB; VFS needs to allocate the handle.
// - no problem exposing our internals via File struct -
// we're only used by the VFS and Zip modules. don't bother making
// an opaque struct - that'd have to be kept in sync with the real thing.
// - when Zip opens its archives via file_open, a handle isn't needed -
// the Zip module hides its File struct (required to close the file),
// and the Handle approach doesn't guard against some idiot calling
// close(our_fd_value) directly, either.
// marker for File struct, to make sure it's valid
static const u32 FILE_MAGIC = FOURCC('F','I','L','E');
static int file_validate(const uint line, File* const f)
const char* msg = "";
int err = -1;
msg = "File* parameter = 0";
else if(f->magic != FILE_MAGIC)
msg = "File corrupted (magic field incorrect)";
else if(f->fd < 0)
msg = "File fd invalid (< 0)";
else if((f->mapping != 0) ^ (f->map_refs != 0))
msg = "File mapping without refs";
#ifndef NDEBUG
else if(!f->fn_hash)
msg = "File fn_hash not set";
// everything is OK
return 0;
// failed somewhere - err is the error code,
// or -1 if not set specifically above.
debug_out("file_validate at line %d failed: %s\n", line, msg);
debug_warn("file_validate failed");
return err;
#define CHECK_FILE(f)\
int err = file_validate(__LINE__, f);\
if(err < 0)\
return err;\
int file_open(const char* const p_fn, const uint flags, File* const f)
memset(f, 0, sizeof(File));
char n_fn[PATH_MAX];
CHECK_ERR(convert_path(n_fn, p_fn));
goto invalid_f;
// jump to CHECK_FILE post-check, which will handle this.
// don't stat if opening for writing - the file may not exist yet
off_t size = 0;
int oflag = O_RDONLY;
if(flags & FILE_WRITE)
oflag = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT;
struct stat s;
if(stat(n_fn, &s) < 0)
return -1;
return -1;
size = s.st_size;
#ifdef _WIN32
oflag |= O_BINARY;
int fd = open(n_fn, oflag, S_IRWXO|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG);
if(fd < 0)
return -1;
f->magic = FILE_MAGIC;
f->flags = flags;
f->size = size;
f->fn_hash = fnv_hash(n_fn); // copy filename instead?
f->mapping = 0;
f->map_refs = 0;
f->fd = fd;
return 0;
int file_close(File* const f)
// make sure the mapping is actually freed,
// regardless of how many references remain.
if(f->map_refs > 1)
f->map_refs = 1;
if(f->mapping) // only free if necessary (unmap complains if not mapped)
// (check fd to avoid BoundsChecker warning about invalid close() param)
if(f->fd != -1)
f->fd = -1;
f->size = 0;
return 0;
// async I/O
struct IO
aiocb* cb;
// large (144 bytes) on Linux; cannot store here.
// allocated in IO_init.
size_t padding;
size_t user_size;
int our_buf : 1;
// don't support forcibly closing files => don't need to keep track of
// all IOs pending for each file. too much work, little benefit.
static void IO_init(IO* io, va_list)
io->cb = (aiocb*)mem_alloc(sizeof(aiocb), 32, MEM_ZERO);
static void IO_dtor(IO* io)
// we don't support transparent read resume after file invalidation.
// if the file has changed, we'd risk returning inconsistent data.
// doesn't look possible without controlling the AIO implementation:
// when we cancel, we can't prevent the app from calling
// aio_result, which would terminate the read.
static int IO_reload(IO* io, const char*, Handle)
// failed to allocate in init
return -1;
// IO was pending - see above.
return -1;
// ok
return 0;
// pads the request up to BLOCK_SIZE, and stores the original parameters in IO.
// transfers of more than 1 block (including padding) are allowed, but do not
// go through the cache. don't see any case where that's necessary, though.
Handle file_start_io(File* const f, const off_t user_ofs, size_t user_size, void* const user_p)
int err;
const bool is_write = (f->flags & FILE_WRITE) != 0;
if(user_size == 0)
debug_warn("file_start_io: user_size = 0 - why?");
// cut off at EOF.
// avoid min() due to type conversion warnings.
const off_t bytes_left = f->size - user_ofs;
if(bytes_left < 0)
return ERR_EOF;
if((off_t)user_size > bytes_left)
user_size = (size_t)bytes_left;
// guaranteed to fit, since size was > bytes_left
debug_out("file_start_io hio=%I64x ofs=%d size=%d\n", hio, user_ofs, user_size);
size_t padding = 0;
size_t size = user_size;
void* buf = user_p;
off_t ofs = user_ofs;
// we're supposed to allocate the buffer
debug_warn("file_start_io: writing but buffer = 0");
// optimization: pad to eliminate a memcpy if unaligned
ofs = user_ofs;
padding = ofs % SECTOR_SIZE;
ofs -= (off_t)padding;
size = round_up(padding + user_size, SECTOR_SIZE);
buf = mem_alloc(size, SECTOR_SIZE);
return ERR_NO_MEM;
// allocate IO slot
Handle hio = h_alloc(H_IO, 0);
H_DEREF(hio, IO, io);
io->padding = padding;
io->user_size = user_size;
io->our_buf = (user_p == 0);
// note: cb will hold the actual IO request
// (possibly aligned offset and size).
const int op = (f->flags & FILE_WRITE)? LIO_WRITE : LIO_READ;
// send off async read/write request
aiocb* cb = io->cb;
cb->aio_lio_opcode = op;
cb->aio_buf = buf;
cb->aio_fildes = f->fd;
cb->aio_offset = ofs;
cb->aio_nbytes = size;
err = lio_listio(LIO_NOWAIT, &cb, 1, (struct sigevent*)0);
// this just issues the I/O - doesn't wait until complete.
if(err < 0)
return err;
return hio;
// indicates if the IO referenced by <hio> has completed.
// return value: 0 if pending, 1 if complete, < 0 on error.
int file_io_complete(const Handle hio)
H_DEREF(hio, IO, io);
int ret = aio_error(io->cb);
if(ret == EINPROGRESS)
return 0;
if(ret == 0)
return 1;
debug_warn("file_io_complete: unexpected aio_error return");
return -1;
int file_wait_io(const Handle hio, void*& p, size_t& size)
debug_out("file_wait_io: hio=%I64x\n", hio);
// zero output params in case something (e.g. H_DEREF) fails.
p = 0;
size = 0;
H_DEREF(hio, IO, io);
aiocb* cb = io->cb;
// wait for transfer to complete.
const aiocb** cbs = (const aiocb**)&cb; // pass in an "array"
while(aio_error(cb) == EINPROGRESS)
aio_suspend(cbs, 1, NULL);
// query number of bytes transferred (-1 if the transfer failed)
const ssize_t bytes_transferred = aio_return(cb);
if(bytes_transferred < (ssize_t)io->user_size)
return -1;
p = (void*)cb->aio_buf; // cast from volatile void*
size = io->user_size;
// padding optimization: we rounded the start offset down
// to avoid a buffer memcpy in waio. skip past that
(char*&)p += io->padding;
return 0;
int file_discard_io(Handle& hio)
H_DEREF(hio, IO, io);
aiocb* cb = io->cb;
h_free(hio, H_IO);
return 0;
// transfer modes:
// *p != 0: *p is the source/destination address for the transfer.
// *p == 0: allocate a buffer, read into it, and return it in *p.
// when no longer needed, it must be freed via file_free_buf.
// p == 0: read raw_size bytes from file, starting at offset raw_ofs,
// into temp buffers; each block read is passed to cb, which is
// expected to write actual_size bytes total to its output buffer
// (for which it is responsible).
// useful for reading compressed data.
// return (positive) number of raw bytes transferred if successful;
// otherwise, an error code.
// the underlying aio implementation likes buffer and offset to be
// sector-aligned; if not, the transfer goes through an align buffer,
// and requires an extra memcpy.
// if the user specifies an unaligned buffer, there's not much we can
// do - we can't assume the buffer contains padding. therefore,
// callers should let us allocate the buffer if possible.
// if ofs misalign = buffer, only the first and last blocks will need
// to be copied by aio, since we read up to the next block boundary.
// otherwise, everything will have to be copied; at least we split
// the read into blocks, so aio's buffer won't have to cover the
// whole file.
ssize_t file_io(File* const f, const off_t data_ofs, size_t data_size, void** const p,
const FILE_IO_CB cb, const uintptr_t ctx) // optional
debug_out("file_io fd=%d size=%d ofs=%d\n", f->fd, data_size, data_ofs);
const bool is_write = !!(f->flags & FILE_WRITE);
const bool no_aio = !!(f->flags & FILE_NO_AIO);
void* data_buf = 0; // I/O source or sink buffer
// when reading:
// cut data_size off at EOF
const ssize_t bytes_left = f->size - data_ofs;
if(bytes_left < 0)
return -1;
data_size = MIN(data_size, (size_t)bytes_left);
// set buffer options
bool do_align = true; // => alloc_buf OR (NOT use_buf)
bool alloc_buf = false; // <==> (use_buf AND do_align)
bool use_buf = true;
// .. temp buffer: do_align
use_buf = false;
// .. user-specified buffer: use_buf
else if(*p)
data_buf = *p;
do_align = false;
// .. we allocate the buffer: do_align, alloc_buf, use_buf
alloc_buf = true;
// data_buf will be set from actual_buf
// writes use_buf AND (NOT alloc_buf); otherwise, p is invalid.
if(is_write && (!use_buf || alloc_buf))
debug_warn("file_io: write to file from 0 buffer");
// calculate aligned transfer size (no change if !do_align)
off_t actual_ofs = data_ofs;
size_t actual_size = data_size;
void* actual_buf = data_buf;
// note: we go to the trouble of aligning the first block (instead of
// just reading up to the next block and letting aio realign it),
// so that it can be taken from the cache.
// this is not possible if !do_align, since we have to allocate
// extra buffer space for the padding.
const size_t ofs_misalign = data_ofs % BLOCK_SIZE;
const size_t lead_padding = do_align? ofs_misalign : 0;
// for convenience; used below.
actual_ofs -= (off_t)ofs_misalign;
actual_size = round_up(ofs_misalign + data_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
actual_buf = mem_alloc(actual_size, BLOCK_SIZE);
return ERR_NO_MEM;
data_buf = (char*)actual_buf + lead_padding;
// warn in debug build if buffer and offset don't match
// (=> aio would have to realign every block).
#ifndef NDEBUG
size_t buf_misalign = ((uintptr_t)actual_buf) % BLOCK_SIZE;
if(actual_buf && actual_ofs % BLOCK_SIZE != buf_misalign)
debug_out("file_io: warning: buffer %p and offset %x are misaligned", actual_buf, data_ofs);
// FIXME: currently doesn't handle caller requesting we alloc buffer
lseek(f->fd, data_ofs, SEEK_SET);
return is_write? write(f->fd, *p, data_size) : read(f->fd, *p, data_size);
// now we read the file in 64 KB chunks, N-buffered.
// if reading from Zip, inflate while reading the next block.
const int MAX_IOS = 2;
Handle ios[MAX_IOS] = { 0 };
int head = 0;
int tail = 0;
int pending_ios = 0;
bool all_issued = false;
// (useful, raw data: possibly compressed, but doesn't count padding)
size_t raw_transferred_cnt = 0;
size_t issue_cnt = 0;
// if callback, what it reports; otherwise, = raw_transferred_cnt
// this is what we'll return
size_t actual_transferred_cnt = 0;
ssize_t err = +1; // loop terminates if <= 0
// queue not full, data remaining to transfer, and no error:
// start transferring next block.
if(pending_ios < MAX_IOS && !all_issued && err > 0)
// calculate issue_size:
// at most, transfer up to the next block boundary.
off_t issue_ofs = (off_t)(actual_ofs + issue_cnt);
size_t issue_size = BLOCK_SIZE;
const size_t left_in_block = BLOCK_SIZE - (issue_ofs % BLOCK_SIZE);
const size_t total_left = data_size - issue_cnt;
issue_size = MIN(left_in_block, total_left);
// if using buffer, set position in it; otherwise, 0 (temp)
void* data = use_buf? (char*)actual_buf + issue_cnt : 0;
Handle hio = file_start_io(f, issue_ofs, issue_size, data);
if(hio <= 0)
err = (ssize_t)hio;
// transfer failed - loop will now terminate after
// waiting for all pending transfers to complete.
issue_cnt += issue_size;
if(issue_cnt >= actual_size)
all_issued = true;
// store IO in ring buffer
ios[head] = hio;
head = (head + 1) % MAX_IOS;
// IO pending: wait for it to complete, and process it.
else if(pending_ios)
Handle& hio = ios[tail];
tail = (tail + 1) % MAX_IOS;
void* block;
size_t size;
int ret = file_wait_io(hio, block, size);
if(ret < 0)
err = (ssize_t)ret;
// first time; skip past padding
void* data = block;
if(raw_transferred_cnt == 0)
(char*&)data += lead_padding;
size -= lead_padding;
// don't include trailing padding
if(raw_transferred_cnt + size > data_size)
size = data_size - raw_transferred_cnt;
//// if size comes out short, we must be at EOF
raw_transferred_cnt += size;
if(cb && !(err <= 0))
ssize_t ret = cb(ctx, data, size);
// if negative: processing failed.
// loop will now terminate after waiting for all
// pending transfers to complete.
// note: don't abort if = 0: zip callback may not actually
// output anything if passed very little data.
if(ret < 0)
err = ret;
actual_transferred_cnt += ret;
// no callback to process data: raw = actual
actual_transferred_cnt += size;
file_discard_io(hio); // zeroes array entry
// (all issued OR error) AND no pending transfers - done.
// failed (0 means callback reports it's finished)
if(err < 0)
// user didn't specify output buffer - free what we allocated,
// and clear p (value-return param)
*p = 0;
// alloc_buf => p != 0
return err;
*p = data_buf;
assert(issue_cnt >= raw_transferred_cnt && raw_transferred_cnt >= data_size);
return (ssize_t)actual_transferred_cnt;
// memory mapping
// no significance aside from preventing uint overflow.
static const uint MAX_MAP_REFS = 255;
// map the entire file <f> into memory. if already currently mapped,
// return the previous mapping (reference-counted).
// output parameters are zeroed on failure.
// the mapping will be removed (if still open) when its file is closed.
// however, map/unmap calls should still be paired so that the mapping
// may be removed when no longer needed.
// rationale: reference counting is required for zip_map: several
// Zip "mappings" each reference one ZArchive's actual file mapping.
// implement it here so that we also get refcounting for normal files.
int file_map(File* const f, void*& p, size_t& size)
p = 0;
size = 0;
const int prot = (f->flags & FILE_WRITE)? PROT_WRITE : PROT_READ;
// already mapped - increase refcount and return previous mapping.
// prevent overflow; if we have this many refs, should find out why.
if(f->map_refs >= MAX_MAP_REFS)
debug_warn("file_map: too many references to mapping");
return -1;
goto have_mapping;
// don't allow mapping zero-length files (doesn't make sense,
// and BoundsChecker warns about wposix mmap failing).
// then again, don't complain, because this might happen when mounting
// a dir containing empty files; each is opened as a Zip file.
if(f->size == 0)
return -1;
f->mapping = mmap((void*)0, f->size, prot, MAP_PRIVATE, f->fd, (off_t)0);
return ERR_NO_MEM;
f->map_refs = 1;
p = f->mapping;
size = f->size;
return 0;
// decrement the reference count for the mapping belonging to file <f>.
// fail if there are no references; remove the mapping if the count reaches 0.
// the mapping will be removed (if still open) when its file is closed.
// however, map/unmap calls should still be paired so that the mapping
// may be removed when no longer needed.
int file_unmap(File* const f)
// file is not currently mapped
if(f->map_refs == 0)
debug_warn("file_unmap: not currently mapped");
return -1;
// still more than one reference remaining - done.
if(--f->map_refs > 0)
return 0;
// no more references: remove the mapping
void* const p = f->mapping;
f->mapping = 0;
// don't clear f->size - the file is still open.
return munmap(p, f->size);