forked from 0ad/0ad

massive cleanup together with philip (collaborating in real-time :D)

- restructure+cleanup; move copy-pasted code into common functions.
- split project up into subpackages
- documented build system and rationale

This was SVN commit r3932.
This commit is contained in:
janwas 2006-06-02 04:07:18 +00:00
parent 5814e10126
commit 41e9830504

View File

@ -14,110 +14,57 @@ end
project.path = options["outpath"]
project.configs = { "Debug", "Release", "Testing" }
if (OS == "windows") then
if OS == "windows" then
project.nasmpath = "../../build/bin/nasm.exe"
function create_package()
-- note: Whenever "extern_libs" are specified, they are a table ("array") of
-- library names, which are assumed to be subdirectories of this path.
-- They must each contain an "include" [on Windows: also "lib"] subdirectory.
-- When adding new ones, make sure to also add them in the main_exe link step
-- (it'd be nice to automate this, but lib names and debug suffixes differ wildly).
libraries_dir = "../../../libraries/"
source_root = "../../../source/" -- default for most projects - overridden by local in others
-- Rationale: packages should not have any additional include paths except for
-- those required by external libraries. Instead, we should always write the
-- full relative path, e.g. #include "maths/Vector3d.h". This avoids confusion
-- ("which file is meant?") and avoids enormous include path lists.
-- packages: engine static libs, main exe, atlas, atlas frontends
-- the engine libs are necessary because they are referenced by the separate
-- test workspace.
-- create a package and set the attributes that are common to all packages.
function create_package_with_cflags (package_name, target_type)
-- Note: don't store in local variable. A global variable needs to
-- be set for Premake's use; it is implicitly used in e.g. matchfiles()
package = newpackage()
package.path = project.path
package.language = "c++"
package.buildflags = { "with-symbols", "no-edit-and-continue" }
return package
---------------- Main game package (pyrogenesis) ----------------
function setuppackage_engine (projectname)
-- Start the package part
package = create_package()
package.name = "pyrogenesis"
exename = "ps"
objdirprefix = "obj/"
-- Windowed executable on windows, "exe" on all other platforms
package.kind = "winexe"
-- Package target for debug and release build
-- On Windows, ".exe" is added on the end, on unices the name is used directly
package.config["Debug"].target = exename.."_dbg"
package.config["Release"].target = exename
package.config["Testing"].target = exename.."_test"
package.config["Debug"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Debug"
package.config["Release"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Release"
package.config["Testing"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Testing"
package.name = package_name
package.kind = target_type
sourceroot = "../../../source/"
librariesroot = "../../../libraries/"
------------- target --------------
source_dirs = {
-- Note: On Windows, ".exe" is added on the end, on unices the name is used directly
package.config["Debug" ].target = package_name.."_dbg"
package.config["Testing"].target = package_name.."_test"
package.config["Release"].target = package_name
local obj_dir_prefix = "obj/"..package_name.."_"
package.config["Debug" ].objdir = obj_dir_prefix.."Debug"
package.config["Testing"].objdir = obj_dir_prefix.."Test"
package.config["Release"].objdir = obj_dir_prefix.."Release"
------------- build flags --------------
package.files = sourcesfromdirs(sourceroot, source_dirs)
table.insert(package.files, sourceroot.."main.cpp")
package.trimprefix = sourceroot
include_dirs = {
package.includepaths = {}
for i,v in include_dirs do
table.insert(package.includepaths, sourceroot .. v)
package.libpaths = {}
table.insert(package.buildflags, "extra-warnings")
if (OS == "windows") then
table.insert(package.buildflags, "no-rtti")
package.buildflags = { "with-symbols", "no-edit-and-continue", "extra-warnings" }
-- PremakeWiki says with-symbols and optimize are automatically set for
-- Debug and Release builds, respectively. doesn't happen though, so do it manually.
@ -128,11 +75,244 @@ function setuppackage_engine (projectname)
package.config["Release"].buildflags = { "no-runtime-checks", "optimize" }
package.config["Release"].defines = { "NDEBUG" }
-- Platform Specifics
if (OS == "windows") then
-- various platform-specific build flags
if OS == "windows" then
table.insert(package.buildflags, "no-rtti")
-- Directories under 'libraries', each containing 'lib' and 'include':
external_libraries = {
-- use native wchar_t type (not typedef to unsigned short)
table.insert(package.buildflags, { "native-wchar_t" })
else -- *nix
package.buildoptions = {
"-Wunused-parameter", -- needs to be enabled explicitly
"-Wno-switch", -- enumeration value not handled in switch
"-Wno-reorder", -- order of initialization list in constructors
-- speed up math functions by inlining. warning: this may result in
-- non-IEEE-conformant results, but haven't noticed any trouble so far.
package.defines = {
return package
function package_add_contents(source_root, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
-- We don't want the VC project to be deeply nested (once for each
-- folder in source_root). Therefore, remove the source_root
-- directory from the filenames (where those
-- names are used by Premake to construct the project tree), but set
-- 'trimprefix' (with Premake altered to recognise that) so the project
-- will still point to the correct filenames.
package.trimprefix = source_root
package.files = sourcesfromdirs(source_root, rel_source_dirs)
if extra_params["extrasource"] then
for i,v in extra_params["extrasource"] do
table.insert(package.files, source_root .. v)
package.includepaths = {
-- Put the project-specific PCH directory at the start of the
-- include path, so '#include "precompiled.h"' will look in
-- there first
source_root .. "pch/" .. package.name,
-- TODO: don't do this for the independent Atlas packages...
-- next is source root dir, for absolute (nonrelative) includes
-- (e.g. "lib/precompiled.h")
for i,v in rel_include_dirs do
table.insert(package.includepaths, source_root .. v)
-- Add '<libraries root>/<libraryname>/lib' and '/include' to the includepaths and libpaths
for i,v in extern_libs do
table.insert(package.includepaths, libraries_dir..v.."/include")
table.insert(package.libpaths, libraries_dir..v.."/lib")
-- engine static libraries
-- the engine is split up into several static libraries. this eases separate
-- distribution of those components, reduces dependencies a bit, and can]
-- also speed up builds.
-- note: rel_source_dirs and rel_include_dirs are relative to global source_root.
function setup_static_lib_package (package_name, rel_source_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
create_package_with_cflags(package_name, "lib")
package_add_contents(source_root, rel_source_dirs, {}, extern_libs, extra_params)
if OS == "windows" then
-- Precompiled Headers
-- rationale: we need one PCH per static lib, since one global header would
-- increase dependencies. To that end, we can either include them as
-- "packagedir/precompiled.h", or add "source/PCH/packagedir" to the
-- include path and put the PCH there. The latter is better because
-- many packages contain several dirs and it's unclear where there the
-- PCH should be stored. This way is also a bit easier to use in that
-- source files always include "precompiled.h".
-- Notes:
-- * Visual Assist manages to use the project include path and can
-- correctly open these files from the IDE.
-- * precompiled.cpp (needed to "Create" the PCH) also goes in
-- the abovementioned dir.
pch_dir = source_root.."pch/"..package_name.."/"
package.pchheader = "precompiled.h"
package.pchsource = "precompiled.cpp"
table.insert(package.files, pch_dir.."precompiled.cpp")
-- this is where the source tree is chopped up into static libs.
-- can be changed fairly easily; just copy+paste here, then add the new
-- library to the setup_main_exe package.links .
function setup_all_libs ()
-- relative to global source_root.
local source_dirs = {}
-- names of external libraries used (see libraries_dir comment)
local extern_libs = {}
source_dirs = {
extern_libs = {
setup_static_lib_package("engine", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
source_dirs = {
extern_libs = {
"misc", -- i.e. OpenGL. our newer version of these headers is required.
"spidermonkey", -- for graphics/scripting
setup_static_lib_package("graphics", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
-- internationalization = i18n
-- note: this package isn't large, but is separate because it may be
-- useful for other projects.
source_dirs = {
extern_libs = {
setup_static_lib_package("i18n", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
source_dirs = {
extern_libs = {
"misc", -- i.e. OpenGL. our newer version of these headers is required.
setup_static_lib_package("atlas", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
source_dirs = {
extern_libs = {
"misc", -- i.e. OpenGL. our newer version of these headers is required.
setup_static_lib_package("gui", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
source_dirs = {
extern_libs = {
"misc", -- i.e. OpenGL. our newer version of these headers is required.
setup_static_lib_package("lowlevel", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
if OS == "windows" then
table.insert(package.files, sourcesfromdirs(source_root, {"lib/sysdep/win"}))
-- note: RC file must be added to main_exe package.
table.insert(package.files, sourcesfromdirs(source_root, {"lib/sysdep/unix"}))
-- (X11 include path isn't standard across distributions)
table.insert(package.includepaths, { "/usr/X11R6/include/X11" } )
table.insert(package.includepaths, { "/usr/include/X11" } )
-- Bundles static libs together with main.cpp and builds game executable.
function setup_main_exe ()
create_package_with_cflags("pyrogenesis", "winexe")
table.insert(package.files, "../../../source/main.cpp")
package.links = {
package.libpaths = {}
-- Platform Specifics
if OS == "windows" then
-- see libraries_dir comment
local extern_libs = {
@ -143,24 +323,24 @@ function setuppackage_engine (projectname)
-- Add '<libraries root>/<libraryname>/lib' and '/include' to the includepaths and libpaths
for i,v in external_libraries do
table.insert(package.includepaths, librariesroot..v.."/include")
table.insert(package.libpaths, librariesroot..v.."/lib")
for i,v in extern_libs do
table.insert(package.includepaths, libraries_dir..v.."/include")
table.insert(package.libpaths, libraries_dir..v.."/lib")
-- Libraries
package.links = { "opengl32" }
table.insert(package.files, sourcesfromdirs(sourceroot, {"lib/sysdep/win"}))
table.insert(package.files, {sourceroot.."lib/sysdep/win/error_dialog.rc"})
table.insert(package.files, {sourceroot.."lib/sysdep/win/icon.rc"})
table.insert(package.links, { "opengl32" })
table.insert(package.files, {source_root.."lib/sysdep/win/icon.rc"})
-- from lowlevel static lib; must be added here to be linked in
table.insert(package.files, {source_root.."lib/sysdep/win/error_dialog.rc"})
-- VS2005 generates its own manifest, but earlier ones need us to add it manually
if (options["target"] == "vs2002" or options["target"] == "vs2003") then
table.insert(package.files, {sourceroot.."lib/sysdep/win/manifest.rc"})
table.insert(package.files, {source_root.."lib/sysdep/win/manifest.rc"})
package.linkoptions = { "/ENTRY:entry",
@ -201,18 +381,10 @@ function setuppackage_engine (projectname)
-- required to use WinMain() on Windows, otherwise will default to main()
table.insert(package.buildflags, { "no-main" })
-- use native wchar_t type (not typedef to unsigned short)
table.insert(package.buildflags, { "native-wchar_t" })
package.pchheader = "precompiled.h"
package.pchsource = "precompiled.cpp"
else -- Non-Windows, = Unix
table.insert(package.files, sourcesfromdirs(sourceroot, {"lib/sysdep/unix"}))
-- Libraries
package.links = {
table.insert(package.links, {
-- OpenGL and X-Windows
"GL", "GLU", "X11",
"SDL", "png", "jpeg",
@ -223,33 +395,14 @@ function setuppackage_engine (projectname)
"xerces-c", "z", "pthread", "rt", "js",
-- Debugging
"bfd", "iberty"
-- For debug_resolve_symbol
-- package.config["Debug"].links = { "bfd", "iberty" }
-- package.config["Testing"].links = { "bfd", "iberty" }
package.config["Debug"].linkoptions = { "-rdynamic" }
package.config["Testing"].linkoptions = { "-rdynamic" }
package.buildoptions = {
"-Wunused-parameter", -- needs to be enabled explicitly
"-Wno-switch", -- enumeration value not handled in switch
"-Wno-reorder", -- order of initialization list in constructors
table.insert(package.libpaths, { "/usr/X11R6/lib" } )
-- Defines
package.defines = {
-- Includes (X11 include path isn't standard across distributions)
table.insert(package.includepaths, { "/usr/X11R6/include/X11" } )
table.insert(package.includepaths, { "/usr/include/X11" } )
-- speed up math functions by inlining. warning: this may result in
-- non-IEEE-conformant results, but haven't noticed any trouble so far.
table.insert(package.buildoptions, { "-ffast-math" })
@ -257,94 +410,36 @@ end
---------------- Main Atlas package ----------------
function setuppackage_atlas(package_name, target_type, source_dirs, include_dirs, flags)
function setuppackage_atlas(package_name, target_type, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extern_libs, flags)
package = create_package()
package.name = package_name
objdirprefix = "obj/"..package_name.."_"
package.kind = target_type
-- Package target for debug and release build
package.config["Debug"].target = package_name.."_d"
package.config["Release"].target = package_name
package.config["Debug"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Debug"
package.config["Release"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Release"
sourceroot = "../../../source/tools/atlas/" .. package_name
librariesroot = "../../../libraries/"
sources = sourcesfromdirs(sourceroot, source_dirs)
if flags["extrasource"] then
for i,v in flags["extrasource"] do
table.insert(sources, sourceroot .. v)
-- We don't want three pointless levels of directories in each project,
-- so remove the sourceroot directory from the filenames (where those
-- names are used by Premake to construct the project tree), but set
-- 'filesprefix' (with Premake altered to recognise that) so the project
-- will still point to the correct filenames.
package.trimprefix = sourceroot .. "/"
package.files = sources
package.includepaths = {}
for i,v in include_dirs do
table.insert(package.includepaths, sourceroot .. v)
package.libpaths = {}
if (OS == "windows") then
table.insert(package.buildflags, "no-rtti")
-- PremakeWiki says with-symbols and optimize are automatically set for
-- Debug and Release builds, respectively. doesn't happen though, so do it manually.
package.config["Release"].buildflags = { "no-runtime-checks", "optimize" }
package.config["Release"].defines = { "NDEBUG" }
local source_root = "../../../source/tools/atlas/" .. package_name
create_package_with_cflags(package_name, target_type)
package_add_contents(source_root, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extern_libs, flags)
-- Platform Specifics
if (OS == "windows") then
if OS == "windows" then
table.insert(package.defines, "_UNICODE")
-- Directories under 'libraries', each containing 'lib' and 'include':
external_libraries = {}
if (flags["boost"]) then table.insert(external_libraries, "boost") end
if (flags["devil"]) then table.insert(external_libraries, "devil") end
if (flags["xerces"]) then table.insert(external_libraries, "xerces") end
if (flags["zlib"]) then table.insert(external_libraries, "zlib") end
external_libraries.n = nil; -- remove the array size, else it'll be interpreted as a directory
-- Add '<libraries root>/<libraryname>/lib' and '/include' to the includepaths and libpaths
for i,v in external_libraries do
table.insert(package.includepaths, librariesroot..v.."/include")
table.insert(package.libpaths, librariesroot..v.."/lib")
-- Handle wx specially
if (flags["wx"]) then
table.insert(package.includepaths, librariesroot.."wxwidgets/include/msvc")
table.insert(package.includepaths, librariesroot.."wxwidgets/include")
table.insert(package.libpaths, librariesroot.."wxwidgets/lib/vc_lib")
if flags["wx"] then
table.insert(package.includepaths, libraries_dir.."wxwidgets/include/msvc")
table.insert(package.includepaths, libraries_dir.."wxwidgets/include")
table.insert(package.libpaths, libraries_dir.."wxwidgets/lib/vc_lib")
-- Link to required libraries
package.links = { "winmm", "comctl32", "rpcrt4" }
package.config["Debug"].links = { "wxmsw26ud_gl" }
package.config["Release"].links = { "wxmsw26u_gl" }
if (flags["depends"]) then
if flags["depends"] then
listconcat(package.links, flags["depends"])
-- required to use WinMain() on Windows, otherwise will default to main()
table.insert(package.buildflags, { "no-main" })
if (flags["pch"]) then
if flags["pch"] then
package.pchheader = "stdafx.h"
package.pchsource = "stdafx.cpp"
@ -359,34 +454,18 @@ end
function setuppackage_atlas_frontend (package_name)
package = create_package()
package.name = package_name
objdirprefix = "obj/Frontend/"..package_name.."_"
package.kind = "winexe"
-- Package target for debug and release build
package.config["Debug"].target = package_name.."_d"
package.config["Release"].target = package_name
package.config["Debug"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Debug"
package.config["Release"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Release"
sourceroot = "../../../source/tools/atlas/AtlasFrontends/"
create_package_with_cflags(package_name, "winexe")
local source_root = "../../../source/tools/atlas/AtlasFrontends/"
package.files = {
package.trimprefix = sourceroot
package.includepaths = { sourceroot..".." }
package.config["Release"].buildflags = { "no-runtime-checks", "optimize" }
package.config["Release"].defines = { "NDEBUG" }
package.trimprefix = source_root
package.includepaths = { source_root..".." }
-- Platform Specifics
if (OS == "windows") then
if OS == "windows" then
table.insert(package.defines, "_UNICODE")
table.insert(package.links, "AtlasUI")
@ -397,8 +476,6 @@ function setuppackage_atlas_frontend (package_name)
package.config["Testing"] = package.config["Debug"]
---------------- Atlas packages ----------------
@ -410,7 +487,10 @@ function setuppackages_atlas()
-- include
xerces = 1
-- extern_libs
-- flags
setuppackage_atlas("AtlasUI", "dll", {
@ -442,11 +522,14 @@ function setuppackages_atlas()
-- extern_libs
-- flags
pch = 1,
boost = 1,
devil = 1,
wx = 1,
xerces = 1,
depends = { "AtlasObject", "DatafileIO" },
extrasource = { "/Misc/atlas.rc" }
@ -463,10 +546,13 @@ function setuppackages_atlas()
-- include
-- extern_libs
-- flags
pch = 1,
devil = 1,
xerces = 1,
zlib = 1
@ -478,8 +564,9 @@ end
if (options["atlas"]) then
if options["atlas"] then