forked from 0ad/0ad

heavily revised.

ReadXML is now a closure that interrupts itself periodically (so
progress is updated). also split that monster into several sub-functions
and gave better variable names

This was SVN commit r2235.
This commit is contained in:
janwas 2005-05-03 21:42:09 +00:00
parent 05a2ec78d3
commit e2791463a1
2 changed files with 287 additions and 149 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "lib/types.h"
#include "MapReader.h"
#include "lib/types.h"
#include "UnitManager.h"
#include "Unit.h"
#include "Game.h"
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
#define LOG_CATEGORY "graphics"
// CMapReader constructor: nothing to do at the minute
: xml_reader(0)
@ -44,23 +44,23 @@ void CMapReader::LoadMap(const char* filename, CTerrain *pTerrain_, CUnitManager
// unpack the data
RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::UnpackMap, L"CMapReader::UnpackMap", 691);
RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::UnpackMap, L"CMapReader::UnpackMap", 1900);
// apply data to the world
RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::ApplyData, L"CMapReader::ApplyData", 415);
RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::ApplyData, L"CMapReader::ApplyData", 20);
if (unpacker.GetVersion()>=3) {
// read the corresponding XML file
filename_xml = filename;
filename_xml = filename_xml.Left(filename_xml.Length()-4) + ".xml";
RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::ReadXML, L"CMapReader::ReadXML", 1320);
RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::ReadXML, L"CMapReader::ReadXML", 1300);
RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::DelayLoadFinished, L"CMapReader::DelayLoadFinished", 3);
RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::DelayLoadFinished, L"CMapReader::DelayLoadFinished", 5);
// UnpackMap: unpack the given data from the raw data stream into local variables
void CMapReader::UnpackMap()
int CMapReader::UnpackMap()
// now unpack everything into local data
@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ void CMapReader::UnpackMap()
if (unpacker.GetVersion()>=2) {
return 0;
// UnpackLightEnv: unpack lighting parameters from input stream
@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ void CMapReader::UnpackTerrain()
// ApplyData: take all the input data, and rebuild the scene from it
void CMapReader::ApplyData()
int CMapReader::ApplyData()
// initialise the terrain
@ -211,27 +213,74 @@ void CMapReader::ApplyData()
// copy over the lighting parameters
return 0;
void CMapReader::ReadXML()
class CXMLReader
CXMLReader(const CStr& xml_filename)
// return semantics: see Loader.cpp!LoadFunc.
int ProgressiveRead();
CXeromyces xmb_file;
int el_scenario, el_entities, el_entity;
int el_template, el_player;
int el_position, el_orientation;
int el_nonentities, el_nonentity;
int el_actor;
int at_x, at_y, at_z;
int at_angle;
XMBElement root;
XMBElementList nodes; // children of root
XMBElement node; // a child of nodes
XMBElementList entities, nonentities; // children of node
// loop counters
int node_idx;
int entity_idx, nonentity_idx;
// # entities+nonentities processed and total (for progress calc)
int completed_jobs, total_jobs;
void Init(const CStr& xml_filename);
int ReadEntities(XMBElement& parent, double end_time);
int ReadNonEntities(XMBElement& parent, double end_time);
void CXMLReader::Init(const CStr& xml_filename)
// must only assign once, so do it here
node_idx = entity_idx = nonentity_idx = 0;
#ifdef SCED
// HACK: ScEd uses absolute filenames, not VFS paths. I can't be bothered
// to make Xeromyces work with non-VFS, so just cheat:
CStr filename_vfs (filename_xml);
filename_vfs = filename_vfs.substr(filename_vfs.ReverseFind("\\mods\\official\\") + 15);
filename_vfs.Replace("\\", "/");
filename_xml = filename_vfs;
CStr vfs_filename(xml_filename);
vfs_filename = vfs_filename.substr(vfs_filename.ReverseFind("\\mods\\official\\") + 15);
vfs_filename.Replace("\\", "/");
xml_filename = vfs_filename;
CXeromyces XeroFile;
if (XeroFile.Load(filename_xml) != PSRETURN_OK)
if (xmb_file.Load(xml_filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
throw CFileUnpacker::CFileReadError();
// Define all the elements and attributes used in the XML file
#define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.getElementID(#x)
#define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.getAttributeID(#x)
// define all the elements and attributes used in the XML file.
#define EL(x) el_##x = xmb_file.getElementID(#x)
#define AT(x) at_##x = xmb_file.getAttributeID(#x)
@ -249,136 +298,220 @@ void CMapReader::ReadXML()
#undef AT
#undef EL
XMBElement root = XeroFile.getRoot();
root = xmb_file.getRoot();
assert(root.getNodeName() == el_scenario);
nodes = root.getChildNodes();
// <scenario>
XMBElementList children = root.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i)
// find out total number of entities+nonentities
// (used when calculating progress)
completed_jobs = 0;
total_jobs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
XMBElement child = children.item(i);
if (child.getNodeName() == el_entities)
// <entities>
XMBElementList children = child.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i)
XMBElement child = children.item(i);
assert(child.getNodeName() == el_entity);
// <entity>
CStrW TemplateName;
int PlayerID;
CVector3D Position;
float Orientation;
XMBElementList children = child.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i)
XMBElement child = children.item(i);
int element_name = child.getNodeName();
if (element_name == el_template)
{ // <template>
TemplateName = child.getText();
else if (element_name == el_player)
{ // <player>
PlayerID = CStr(child.getText()).ToInt();
else if (element_name == el_position)
{ // <position>
XMBAttributeList attrs = child.getAttributes();
Position = CVector3D(CStr(attrs.getNamedItem(at_x)).ToFloat(),
else if (element_name == el_orientation)
{ // <orientation>
XMBAttributeList attrs = child.getAttributes();
Orientation = CStr(attrs.getNamedItem(at_angle)).ToFloat();
debug_warn("Invalid XML data - DTD shouldn't allow this");
HEntity ent = g_EntityManager.create(g_EntityTemplateCollection.getTemplate(TemplateName), Position, Orientation);
if (! ent)
LOG(ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "Failed to create entity '%ls'", TemplateName.c_str());
else if (child.getNodeName() == el_nonentities)
// <nonentities>
XMBElementList children = child.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i)
XMBElement child = children.item(i);
assert(child.getNodeName() == el_nonentity);
// <nonentity>
CStr ActorName;
CVector3D Position;
float Orientation;
XMBElementList children = child.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i)
XMBElement child = children.item(i);
int element_name = child.getNodeName();
if (element_name == el_actor)
{ // <actor>
ActorName = child.getText();
else if (element_name == el_position)
{ // <position>
XMBAttributeList attrs = child.getAttributes();
Position = CVector3D(CStr(attrs.getNamedItem(at_x)).ToFloat(),
else if (element_name == el_orientation)
{ // <orientation>
XMBAttributeList attrs = child.getAttributes();
Orientation = CStr(attrs.getNamedItem(at_angle)).ToFloat();
debug_warn("Invalid XML data - DTD shouldn't allow this");
CUnit* unit = g_UnitMan.CreateUnit(ActorName, NULL);
if (unit && unit->GetModel())
// Copied from CEntity::updateActorTransforms():
float s = sin( Orientation );
float c = cos( Orientation );
CMatrix3D m;
m._11 = -c; m._12 = 0.0f; m._13 = -s; m._14 = Position.X;
m._21 = 0.0f; m._22 = 1.0f; m._23 = 0.0f; m._24 = Position.Y;
m._31 = s; m._32 = 0.0f; m._33 = -c; m._34 = Position.Z;
m._41 = 0.0f; m._42 = 0.0f; m._43 = 0.0f; m._44 = 1.0f;
debug_warn("Invalid XML data - DTD shouldn't allow this");
node = nodes.item(i);
entities = node.getChildNodes();
total_jobs += entities.Count;
void CMapReader::DelayLoadFinished()
// code shared by Read*Entities
#define CHECK_TIMEOUT()\
if(get_time() > end_time)\
int progress_percent = (completed_jobs*100 / total_jobs);\
/* 0 means "finished", so don't return that! */\
if(progress_percent == 0)\
progress_percent = 1;\
assert2(0 < progress_percent && progress_percent <= 100);\
return progress_percent;\
int CXMLReader::ReadEntities(XMBElement& parent, double end_time)
entities = parent.getChildNodes(); // ok to set more than once
while(entity_idx < entities.Count)
// all new state at this scope and below doesn't need to be
// wrapped, since we only yield after a complete iteration.
XMBElement entity = entities.item(entity_idx++);
assert(entity.getNodeName() == el_entity);
CStrW TemplateName;
int PlayerID;
CVector3D Position;
float Orientation;
XMBElementList children3 = entity.getChildNodes();
for (int k = 0; k < children3.Count; k++)
XMBElement child3 = children3.item(k);
int element_name = child3.getNodeName();
// <template>
if (element_name == el_template)
TemplateName = child3.getText();
// <player>
else if (element_name == el_player)
PlayerID = CStr(child3.getText()).ToInt();
// <position>
else if (element_name == el_position)
XMBAttributeList attrs = child3.getAttributes();
Position = CVector3D(CStr(attrs.getNamedItem(at_x)).ToFloat(),
// <orientation>
else if (element_name == el_orientation)
XMBAttributeList attrs = child3.getAttributes();
Orientation = CStr(attrs.getNamedItem(at_angle)).ToFloat();
debug_warn("Invalid XML data - DTD shouldn't allow this");
HEntity ent = g_EntityManager.create(g_EntityTemplateCollection.getTemplate(TemplateName), Position, Orientation);
if (! ent)
LOG(ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "Failed to create entity '%ls'", TemplateName.c_str());
return 0;
int CXMLReader::ReadNonEntities(XMBElement& parent, double end_time)
nonentities = parent.getChildNodes(); // ok to set more than once
while(nonentity_idx < nonentities.Count)
// all new state at this scope and below doesn't need to be
// wrapped, since we only yield after a complete iteration.
XMBElement nonentity = nonentities.item(nonentity_idx++);
assert(nonentity.getNodeName() == el_nonentity);
CStr ActorName;
CVector3D Position;
float Orientation;
XMBElementList children3 = nonentity.getChildNodes();
for (int k = 0; k < children3.Count; k++)
XMBElement child3 = children3.item(k);
int element_name = child3.getNodeName();
// <actor>
if (element_name == el_actor)
ActorName = child3.getText();
// <position>
else if (element_name == el_position)
XMBAttributeList attrs = child3.getAttributes();
Position = CVector3D(CStr(attrs.getNamedItem(at_x)).ToFloat(),
// <orientation>
else if (element_name == el_orientation)
XMBAttributeList attrs = child3.getAttributes();
Orientation = CStr(attrs.getNamedItem(at_angle)).ToFloat();
debug_warn("Invalid XML data - DTD shouldn't allow this");
CUnit* unit = g_UnitMan.CreateUnit(ActorName, NULL);
if (unit && unit->GetModel())
// Copied from CEntity::updateActorTransforms():
float s = sin( Orientation );
float c = cos( Orientation );
CMatrix3D m;
m._11 = -c; m._12 = 0.0f; m._13 = -s; m._14 = Position.X;
m._21 = 0.0f; m._22 = 1.0f; m._23 = 0.0f; m._24 = Position.Y;
m._31 = s; m._32 = 0.0f; m._33 = -c; m._34 = Position.Z;
m._41 = 0.0f; m._42 = 0.0f; m._43 = 0.0f; m._44 = 1.0f;
return 0;
int CXMLReader::ProgressiveRead()
// yield after this time is reached. balances increased progress bar
// smoothness vs. slowing down loading.
const double end_time = get_time() + 50e-3;
int ret;
while(node_idx < nodes.Count)
node = nodes.item(node_idx);
if (node.getNodeName() == el_entities)
ret = ReadEntities(node, end_time);
if(ret != 0) // error or timed out
return ret;
else if (node.getNodeName() == el_nonentities)
ret = ReadNonEntities(node, end_time);
if(ret != 0) // error or timed out
return ret;
debug_warn("Invalid XML data - DTD shouldn't allow this");
return 0;
// progressive
int CMapReader::ReadXML()
xml_reader = new CXMLReader(filename_xml);
int ret = xml_reader->ProgressiveRead();
// finished
if(ret == 0)
delete xml_reader;
xml_reader = 0;
return ret;
int CMapReader::DelayLoadFinished()
// we were dynamically allocated by CWorld::Initialize
delete this;
return 0;

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ class CTerrain;
class CUnitManager;
class CLightEnv;
class CXMLReader;
class CMapReader : public CMapIO
@ -21,8 +23,6 @@ public:
void LoadMap(const char* filename, CTerrain *pTerrain, CUnitManager *pUnitMan, CLightEnv *pLightEnv);
// UnpackMap: unpack the given data from the raw data stream into local variables
void UnpackMap();
// UnpackTerrain: unpack the terrain from the input stream
void UnpackTerrain();
// UnpackObjects: unpack world objects from the input stream
@ -30,14 +30,17 @@ private:
// UnpackObjects: unpack lighting parameters from the input stream
void UnpackLightEnv();
// UnpackMap: unpack the given data from the raw data stream into local variables
int UnpackMap();
// ApplyData: take all the input data, and rebuild the scene from it
void ApplyData();
int ApplyData();
// ReadXML: read some other data (entities, etc) in XML format
void ReadXML();
int ReadXML();
// clean up everything used during delayed load
void DelayLoadFinished();
int DelayLoadFinished();
// size of map
u32 m_MapSize;
@ -56,10 +59,12 @@ private:
// state latched by LoadMap and held until DelayedLoadFinished
CFileUnpacker unpacker;
CTerrain *pTerrain;
CUnitManager *pUnitMan;
CLightEnv *pLightEnv;
CTerrain* pTerrain;
CUnitManager* pUnitMan;
CLightEnv* pLightEnv;
CStr filename_xml;
CXMLReader* xml_reader;