forked from 0ad/0ad

1150 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2013 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "simulation2/system/Component.h"
#include "ICmpAIManager.h"
#include "simulation2/MessageTypes.h"
#include "graphics/Terrain.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/tex/tex.h"
#include "lib/allocators/shared_ptr.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
#include "ps/Util.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpAIInterface.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpCommandQueue.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpObstructionManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpRangeManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpTemplateManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpTechnologyTemplateManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpTerritoryManager.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Grid.h"
#include "simulation2/serialization/DebugSerializer.h"
#include "simulation2/serialization/StdDeserializer.h"
#include "simulation2/serialization/StdSerializer.h"
#include "simulation2/serialization/SerializeTemplates.h"
* @file
* Player AI interface.
* AI is primarily scripted, and the CCmpAIManager component defined here
* takes care of managing all the scripts.
* To avoid slow AI scripts causing jerky rendering, they are run in a background
* thread (maintained by CAIWorker) so that it's okay if they take a whole simulation
* turn before returning their results (though preferably they shouldn't use nearly
* that much CPU).
* CCmpAIManager grabs the world state after each turn (making use of AIInterface.js
* and AIProxy.js to decide what data to include) then passes it to CAIWorker.
* The AI scripts will then run asynchronously and return a list of commands to execute.
* Any attempts to read the command list (including indirectly via serialization)
* will block until it's actually completed, so the rest of the engine should avoid
* reading it for as long as possible.
* JS values are passed between the game and AI threads using ScriptInterface::StructuredClone.
* TODO: actually the thread isn't implemented yet, because performance hasn't been
* sufficiently problematic to justify the complexity yet, but the CAIWorker interface
* is designed to hopefully support threading when we want it.
* Implements worker thread for CCmpAIManager.
class CAIWorker
class CAIPlayer
CAIPlayer(CAIWorker& worker, const std::wstring& aiName, player_id_t player, uint8_t difficulty,
const shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime>& runtime, boost::rand48& rng) :
m_Worker(worker), m_AIName(aiName), m_Player(player), m_Difficulty(difficulty), m_ScriptInterface("Engine", "AI", runtime)
m_ScriptInterface.SetCallbackData(static_cast<void*> (this));
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, std::wstring, CAIPlayer::IncludeModule>("IncludeModule");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, CAIPlayer::DumpHeap>("DumpHeap");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, CAIPlayer::ForceGC>("ForceGC");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, CScriptValRooted, CAIPlayer::PostCommand>("PostCommand");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, std::wstring, std::vector<u32>, u32, u32, u32, CAIPlayer::DumpImage>("DumpImage");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, std::wstring, CScriptVal, CAIPlayer::RegisterSerializablePrototype>("RegisterSerializablePrototype");
// Clean up rooted objects before destroying their script context
m_Obj = CScriptValRooted();
static void IncludeModule(void* cbdata, std::wstring name)
CAIPlayer* self = static_cast<CAIPlayer*> (cbdata);
static void DumpHeap(void* cbdata)
CAIPlayer* self = static_cast<CAIPlayer*> (cbdata);
//std::cout << JS_GetGCParameter(self->m_ScriptInterface.GetRuntime(), JSGC_BYTES) << std::endl;
static void ForceGC(void* cbdata)
CAIPlayer* self = static_cast<CAIPlayer*> (cbdata);
static void PostCommand(void* cbdata, CScriptValRooted cmd)
CAIPlayer* self = static_cast<CAIPlayer*> (cbdata);
* Debug function for AI scripts to dump 2D array data (e.g. terrain tile weights).
* TODO: check if this needs to be here too.
static void DumpImage(void* UNUSED(cbdata), std::wstring name, std::vector<u32> data, u32 w, u32 h, u32 max)
// TODO: this is totally not threadsafe.
VfsPath filename = L"screenshots/aidump/" + name;
if (data.size() != w*h)
debug_warn(L"DumpImage: data size doesn't match w*h");
if (max == 0)
debug_warn(L"DumpImage: max must not be 0");
const size_t bpp = 8;
const size_t img_size = w * h * bpp/8;
const size_t hdr_size = tex_hdr_size(filename);
shared_ptr<u8> buf;
AllocateAligned(buf, hdr_size+img_size, maxSectorSize);
Tex t;
if (tex_wrap(w, h, bpp, flags, buf, hdr_size, &t) < 0)
u8* img = buf.get() + hdr_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
img[i] = (u8)((data[i] * 255) / max);
tex_write(&t, filename);
static void RegisterSerializablePrototype(void* cbdata, std::wstring name, CScriptVal proto)
CAIPlayer* self = static_cast<CAIPlayer*> (cbdata);
// Add our player number to avoid name conflicts with other prototypes
// TODO: it would be better if serializable prototypes were stored in ScriptInterfaces
// and then each serializer would access those matching its own context, but that's
// not possible with AIs sharing data across contexts
std::wstringstream protoID;
protoID << self->m_Player << L"." << name.c_str();
self->m_Worker.RegisterSerializablePrototype(protoID.str(), proto);
bool LoadScripts(const std::wstring& moduleName)
// Ignore modules that are already loaded
if (m_LoadedModules.find(moduleName) != m_LoadedModules.end())
return true;
// Mark this as loaded, to prevent it recursively loading itself
// Load and execute *.js
VfsPaths pathnames;
vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, L"simulation/ai/" + moduleName + L"/", L"*.js", pathnames);
for (VfsPaths::iterator it = pathnames.begin(); it != pathnames.end(); ++it)
if (!m_ScriptInterface.LoadGlobalScriptFile(*it))
LOGERROR(L"Failed to load script %ls", it->string().c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool Initialise(bool callConstructor)
if (!LoadScripts(m_AIName))
return false;
OsPath path = L"simulation/ai/" + m_AIName + L"/data.json";
CScriptValRooted metadata = m_Worker.LoadMetadata(path);
if (metadata.uninitialised())
LOGERROR(L"Failed to create AI player: can't find %ls", path.string().c_str());
return false;
// Get the constructor name from the metadata
std::string constructor;
if (!m_ScriptInterface.GetProperty(metadata.get(), "constructor", constructor))
LOGERROR(L"Failed to create AI player: %ls: missing 'constructor'", path.string().c_str());
return false;
// Get the constructor function from the loaded scripts
CScriptVal ctor;
if (!m_ScriptInterface.GetProperty(m_ScriptInterface.GetGlobalObject(), constructor.c_str(), ctor)
|| ctor.undefined())
LOGERROR(L"Failed to create AI player: %ls: can't find constructor '%hs'", path.string().c_str(), constructor.c_str());
return false;
m_ScriptInterface.GetProperty(metadata.get(), "useShared", m_UseSharedComponent);
CScriptVal obj;
if (callConstructor)
// Set up the data to pass as the constructor argument
CScriptVal settings;
m_ScriptInterface.Eval(L"({})", settings);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "player", m_Player, false);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "difficulty", m_Difficulty, false);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "templates", m_Worker.m_EntityTemplates, false);
obj = m_ScriptInterface.CallConstructor(ctor.get(), settings.get());
// For deserialization, we want to create the object with the correct prototype
// but don't want to actually run the constructor again
// XXX: actually we don't currently use this path for deserialization - maybe delete it?
obj = m_ScriptInterface.NewObjectFromConstructor(ctor.get());
if (obj.undefined())
LOGERROR(L"Failed to create AI player: %ls: error calling constructor '%hs'", path.string().c_str(), constructor.c_str());
return false;
m_Obj = CScriptValRooted(m_ScriptInterface.GetContext(), obj);
return true;
void Run(CScriptVal state)
m_ScriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(m_Obj.get(), "HandleMessage", state);
// overloaded with a sharedAI part.
// javascript can handle both natively on the same function.
void Run(CScriptVal state, CScriptValRooted SharedAI)
m_ScriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(m_Obj.get(), "HandleMessage", state, SharedAI);
void InitWithSharedScript(CScriptVal state, CScriptValRooted SharedAI)
m_ScriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(m_Obj.get(), "InitWithSharedScript", state, SharedAI);
CAIWorker& m_Worker;
std::wstring m_AIName;
player_id_t m_Player;
uint8_t m_Difficulty;
bool m_UseSharedComponent;
ScriptInterface m_ScriptInterface;
CScriptValRooted m_Obj;
std::vector<shared_ptr<ScriptInterface::StructuredClone> > m_Commands;
std::set<std::wstring> m_LoadedModules;
struct SCommandSets
player_id_t player;
std::vector<shared_ptr<ScriptInterface::StructuredClone> > commands;
CAIWorker() :
// TODO: Passing a 32 MB argument to CreateRuntime() is a temporary fix
// to prevent frequent AI out-of-memory crashes. The argument should be
// removed as soon whenever the new pathfinder is committed
// And the AIs can stop relying on their own little hands.
m_ScriptInterface("Engine", "AI", m_ScriptRuntime),
// TODO: ought to seed the RNG (in a network-synchronised way) before we use it
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, CScriptValRooted, CAIWorker::PostCommand>("PostCommand");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, CAIWorker::DumpHeap>("DumpHeap");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, CAIWorker::ForceGC>("ForceGC");
m_ScriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, std::wstring, std::vector<u32>, u32, u32, u32, CAIWorker::DumpImage>("DumpImage");
// Clear rooted script values before destructing the script interface
m_EntityTemplates = CScriptValRooted();
m_PassabilityMapVal = CScriptValRooted();
m_TerritoryMapVal = CScriptValRooted();
// This is called by AIs if they use the v3 API.
// If the AIs originate the call, cbdata is not NULL.
// If the shared component does, it is, so it must not be taken into account.
static void PostCommand(void* cbdata, CScriptValRooted cmd)
if (cbdata == NULL) {
debug_warn(L"Warning: the shared component has tried to push an engine command. Ignoring.");
CAIPlayer* self = static_cast<CAIPlayer*> (cbdata);
// The next two ought to be implmeneted someday but for now as it returns "null" it can't
static void DumpHeap(void* cbdata)
if (cbdata == NULL) {
debug_warn(L"Warning: the shared component has asked for DumpHeap. Ignoring.");
CAIWorker* self = static_cast<CAIWorker*> (cbdata);
static void ForceGC(void* cbdata)
if (cbdata == NULL) {
debug_warn(L"Warning: the shared component has asked for ForceGC. Ignoring.");
CAIWorker* self = static_cast<CAIWorker*> (cbdata);
PROFILE3("AI compute GC");
* Debug function for AI scripts to dump 2D array data (e.g. terrain tile weights).
static void DumpImage(void* UNUSED(cbdata), std::wstring name, std::vector<u32> data, u32 w, u32 h, u32 max)
// TODO: this is totally not threadsafe.
VfsPath filename = L"screenshots/aidump/" + name;
if (data.size() != w*h)
debug_warn(L"DumpImage: data size doesn't match w*h");
if (max == 0)
debug_warn(L"DumpImage: max must not be 0");
const size_t bpp = 8;
const size_t img_size = w * h * bpp/8;
const size_t hdr_size = tex_hdr_size(filename);
shared_ptr<u8> buf;
AllocateAligned(buf, hdr_size+img_size, maxSectorSize);
Tex t;
if (tex_wrap(w, h, bpp, flags, buf, hdr_size, &t) < 0)
u8* img = buf.get() + hdr_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
img[i] = (u8)((data[i] * 255) / max);
tex_write(&t, filename);
bool TryLoadSharedComponent(bool hasTechs)
// we don't need to load it.
if (!m_HasSharedComponent)
return false;
// reset the value so it can be used to determine if we actually initialized it.
m_HasSharedComponent = false;
VfsPaths sharedPathnames;
// Check for "shared" module.
vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, L"simulation/ai/common-api-v3/", L"*.js", sharedPathnames);
for (VfsPaths::iterator it = sharedPathnames.begin(); it != sharedPathnames.end(); ++it)
if (!m_ScriptInterface.LoadGlobalScriptFile(*it))
LOGERROR(L"Failed to load shared script %ls", it->string().c_str());
return false;
m_HasSharedComponent = true;
if (!m_HasSharedComponent)
return false;
// mainly here for the error messages
OsPath path = L"simulation/ai/common-api-v2/";
// Constructor name is SharedScript
CScriptVal ctor;
if (!m_ScriptInterface.GetProperty(m_ScriptInterface.GetGlobalObject(), "SharedScript", ctor)
|| ctor.undefined())
LOGERROR(L"Failed to create shared AI component: %ls: can't find constructor '%hs'", path.string().c_str(), "SharedScript");
return false;
if (hasTechs)
// Set up the data to pass as the constructor argument
CScriptVal settings;
m_ScriptInterface.Eval(L"({})", settings);
CScriptVal playersID;
m_ScriptInterface.Eval(L"({})", playersID);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i)
jsval val = m_ScriptInterface.ToJSVal(m_ScriptInterface.GetContext(), m_Players[i]->m_Player);
m_ScriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playersID.get(), i, CScriptVal(val), true);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "players", playersID);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "templates", m_EntityTemplates, false);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "techTemplates", m_TechTemplates, false);
m_SharedAIObj = CScriptValRooted(m_ScriptInterface.GetContext(),m_ScriptInterface.CallConstructor(ctor.get(), settings.get()));
// won't get the tech templates directly.
// Set up the data to pass as the constructor argument
CScriptVal settings;
m_ScriptInterface.Eval(L"({})", settings);
CScriptVal playersID;
m_ScriptInterface.Eval(L"({})", playersID);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i)
jsval val = m_ScriptInterface.ToJSVal(m_ScriptInterface.GetContext(), m_Players[i]->m_Player);
m_ScriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playersID.get(), i, CScriptVal(val), true);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "players", playersID);
CScriptVal m_fakeTech;
m_ScriptInterface.Eval("({})", m_fakeTech);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "techTemplates", m_fakeTech, false);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "templates", m_EntityTemplates, false);
m_SharedAIObj = CScriptValRooted(m_ScriptInterface.GetContext(),m_ScriptInterface.CallConstructor(ctor.get(), settings.get()));
if (m_SharedAIObj.undefined())
LOGERROR(L"Failed to create shared AI component: %ls: error calling constructor '%hs'", path.string().c_str(), "SharedScript");
return false;
return true;
bool AddPlayer(const std::wstring& aiName, player_id_t player, uint8_t difficulty, bool callConstructor)
shared_ptr<CAIPlayer> ai(new CAIPlayer(*this, aiName, player, difficulty, m_ScriptRuntime, m_RNG));
if (!ai->Initialise(callConstructor))
return false;
// this will be set to true if we need to load the shared Component.
if (!m_HasSharedComponent)
m_HasSharedComponent = ai->m_UseSharedComponent;
return true;
bool RunGamestateInit(const shared_ptr<ScriptInterface::StructuredClone>& gameState, const Grid<u16>& passabilityMap, const Grid<u8>& territoryMap)
// this will be run last by InitGame.Js, passing the full game representation.
// For now it will run for the shared Component.
// This is NOT run during deserialization.
CScriptVal state = m_ScriptInterface.ReadStructuredClone(gameState);
JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface.GetContext();
m_PassabilityMapVal = CScriptValRooted(cx, ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, passabilityMap));
m_TerritoryMapVal = CScriptValRooted(cx, ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, territoryMap));
if (m_HasSharedComponent)
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(state.get(), "passabilityMap", m_PassabilityMapVal, true);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(state.get(), "territoryMap", m_TerritoryMapVal, true);
m_ScriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(m_SharedAIObj.get(), "initWithState", state);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i)
if (m_HasSharedComponent && m_Players[i]->m_UseSharedComponent)
return true;
void StartComputation(const shared_ptr<ScriptInterface::StructuredClone>& gameState, const Grid<u16>& passabilityMap, const Grid<u8>& territoryMap, bool territoryMapDirty)
m_GameState = gameState;
if (passabilityMap.m_DirtyID != m_PassabilityMap.m_DirtyID)
m_PassabilityMap = passabilityMap;
JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface.GetContext();
m_PassabilityMapVal = CScriptValRooted(cx, ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, m_PassabilityMap));
if (territoryMapDirty)
m_TerritoryMap = territoryMap;
JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface.GetContext();
m_TerritoryMapVal = CScriptValRooted(cx, ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, m_TerritoryMap));
m_CommandsComputed = false;
void WaitToFinishComputation()
if (!m_CommandsComputed)
m_CommandsComputed = true;
void GetCommands(std::vector<SCommandSets>& commands)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i)
commands[i].player = m_Players[i]->m_Player;
commands[i].commands = m_Players[i]->m_Commands;
void RegisterTechTemplates(const shared_ptr<ScriptInterface::StructuredClone>& techTemplates) {
JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface.GetContext();
m_TechTemplates = CScriptValRooted(cx, m_ScriptInterface.ReadStructuredClone(techTemplates));
void LoadEntityTemplates(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const CParamNode*> >& templates)
m_HasLoadedEntityTemplates = true;
m_ScriptInterface.Eval("({})", m_EntityTemplates);
for (size_t i = 0; i < templates.size(); ++i)
jsval val = templates[i].second->ToJSVal(m_ScriptInterface.GetContext(), false);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(m_EntityTemplates.get(), templates[i].first.c_str(), CScriptVal(val), true);
// Since the template data is shared between AI players, freeze it
// to stop any of them changing it and confusing the other players
m_ScriptInterface.FreezeObject(m_EntityTemplates.get(), true);
void Serialize(std::ostream& stream, bool isDebug)
if (isDebug)
CDebugSerializer serializer(m_ScriptInterface, stream);
CStdSerializer serializer(m_ScriptInterface, stream);
// TODO: see comment in Deserialize()
void SerializeState(ISerializer& serializer)
std::stringstream rngStream;
rngStream << m_RNG;
serializer.StringASCII("rng", rngStream.str(), 0, 32);
serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("turn", m_TurnNum);
serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("num ais", (u32)m_Players.size());
serializer.Bool("useSharedScript", m_HasSharedComponent);
if (m_HasSharedComponent)
CScriptVal sharedData;
if (!m_ScriptInterface.CallFunction(m_SharedAIObj.get(), "Serialize", sharedData))
LOGERROR(L"AI shared script Serialize call failed");
serializer.ScriptVal("sharedData", sharedData);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i)
serializer.String("name", m_Players[i]->m_AIName, 1, 256);
serializer.NumberI32_Unbounded("player", m_Players[i]->m_Player);
serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("difficulty", m_Players[i]->m_Difficulty);
serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("num commands", (u32)m_Players[i]->m_Commands.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_Players[i]->m_Commands.size(); ++j)
CScriptVal val = m_ScriptInterface.ReadStructuredClone(m_Players[i]->m_Commands[j]);
serializer.ScriptVal("command", val);
bool hasCustomSerialize = m_ScriptInterface.HasProperty(m_Players[i]->m_Obj.get(), "Serialize");
if (hasCustomSerialize)
CScriptVal scriptData;
if (!m_ScriptInterface.CallFunction(m_Players[i]->m_Obj.get(), "Serialize", scriptData))
LOGERROR(L"AI script Serialize call failed");
serializer.ScriptVal("data", scriptData);
serializer.ScriptVal("data", m_Players[i]->m_Obj.get());
void Deserialize(std::istream& stream)
ENSURE(m_CommandsComputed); // deserializing while we're still actively computing would be bad
CStdDeserializer deserializer(m_ScriptInterface, stream);
std::string rngString;
std::stringstream rngStream;
deserializer.StringASCII("rng", rngString, 0, 32);
rngStream << rngString;
rngStream >> m_RNG;
deserializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("turn", m_TurnNum);
uint32_t numAis;
deserializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("num ais", numAis);
deserializer.Bool("useSharedScript", m_HasSharedComponent);
if (m_HasSharedComponent)
CScriptVal sharedData;
deserializer.ScriptVal("sharedData", sharedData);
if (!m_ScriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(m_SharedAIObj.get(), "Deserialize", sharedData))
LOGERROR(L"AI shared script Deserialize call failed");
for (size_t i = 0; i < numAis; ++i)
std::wstring name;
player_id_t player;
uint8_t difficulty;
deserializer.String("name", name, 1, 256);
deserializer.NumberI32_Unbounded("player", player);
if (!AddPlayer(name, player, difficulty, true))
throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError();
uint32_t numCommands;
deserializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("num commands", numCommands);
for (size_t j = 0; j < numCommands; ++j)
CScriptVal val;
deserializer.ScriptVal("command", val);
// TODO: this is yucky but necessary while the AIs are sharing data between contexts;
// ideally a new (de)serializer instance would be created for each player
// so they would have a single, consistent script context to use and serializable
// prototypes could be stored in their ScriptInterface
bool hasCustomDeserialize = m_ScriptInterface.HasProperty(m_Players.back()->m_Obj.get(), "Deserialize");
if (hasCustomDeserialize)
CScriptVal scriptData;
deserializer.ScriptVal("data", scriptData);
if (m_Players[i]->m_UseSharedComponent)
if (!m_ScriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(m_Players.back()->m_Obj.get(), "Deserialize", scriptData, m_SharedAIObj))
LOGERROR(L"AI script Deserialize call failed");
else if (!m_ScriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(m_Players.back()->m_Obj.get(), "Deserialize", scriptData))
LOGERROR(L"AI script deserialize() call failed");
deserializer.ScriptVal("data", m_Players.back()->m_Obj);
int getPlayerSize()
return m_Players.size();
void RegisterSerializablePrototype(std::wstring name, CScriptVal proto)
// Require unique prototype and name (for reverse lookup)
// TODO: this is yucky - see comment in Deserialize()
JSObject* obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(proto.get());
std::pair<std::map<JSObject*, std::wstring>::iterator, bool> ret1 = m_SerializablePrototypes.insert(std::make_pair(obj, name));
std::pair<std::map<std::wstring, JSObject*>::iterator, bool> ret2 = m_DeserializablePrototypes.insert(std::make_pair(name, obj));
if (!ret1.second || !ret2.second)
LOGERROR(L"RegisterSerializablePrototype called with same prototype multiple times: p=%p n='%ls'", obj, name.c_str());
CScriptValRooted LoadMetadata(const VfsPath& path)
if (m_PlayerMetadata.find(path) == m_PlayerMetadata.end())
// Load and cache the AI player metadata
m_PlayerMetadata[path] = m_ScriptInterface.ReadJSONFile(path);
return m_PlayerMetadata[path];
void PerformComputation()
if (m_Players.size() == 0)
// Run the GC every so often.
// (This isn't particularly necessary, but it makes profiling clearer
// since it avoids random GC delays while running other scripts)
if (m_TurnNum++ % 50 == 0)
PROFILE3("AI compute GC");
// Deserialize the game state, to pass to the AI's HandleMessage
CScriptVal state;
PROFILE3("AI compute read state");
state = m_ScriptInterface.ReadStructuredClone(m_GameState);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(state.get(), "passabilityMap", m_PassabilityMapVal, true);
m_ScriptInterface.SetProperty(state.get(), "territoryMap", m_TerritoryMapVal, true);
// It would be nice to do
// m_ScriptInterface.FreezeObject(state.get(), true);
// to prevent AI scripts accidentally modifying the state and
// affecting other AI scripts they share it with. But the performance
// cost is far too high, so we won't do that.
// If there is a shared component, run it
if (m_HasSharedComponent)
PROFILE3("AI run shared component");
m_ScriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(m_SharedAIObj.get(), "onUpdate", state);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i)
PROFILE3("AI script");
PROFILE2_ATTR("player: %d", m_Players[i]->m_Player);
PROFILE2_ATTR("script: %ls", m_Players[i]->m_AIName.c_str());
if (m_HasSharedComponent && m_Players[i]->m_UseSharedComponent)
// Run GC if we are about to overflow
if (JS_GetGCParameter(m_ScriptInterface.GetRuntime(), JSGC_BYTES) > 33000000)
PROFILE3("AI compute GC");
// Run the GC every so often.
// (This isn't particularly necessary, but it makes profiling clearer
// since it avoids random GC delays while running other scripts)
/*if (m_TurnNum++ % 20 == 0)
PROFILE3("AI compute GC");
shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime> m_ScriptRuntime;
ScriptInterface m_ScriptInterface;
boost::rand48 m_RNG;
u32 m_TurnNum;
CScriptValRooted m_EntityTemplates;
bool m_HasLoadedEntityTemplates;
CScriptValRooted m_TechTemplates;
std::map<VfsPath, CScriptValRooted> m_PlayerMetadata;
std::vector<shared_ptr<CAIPlayer> > m_Players; // use shared_ptr just to avoid copying
bool m_HasSharedComponent;
CScriptValRooted m_SharedAIObj;
std::vector<SCommandSets> m_Commands;
shared_ptr<ScriptInterface::StructuredClone> m_GameState;
Grid<u16> m_PassabilityMap;
CScriptValRooted m_PassabilityMapVal;
Grid<u8> m_TerritoryMap;
CScriptValRooted m_TerritoryMapVal;
bool m_CommandsComputed;
std::map<JSObject*, std::wstring> m_SerializablePrototypes;
std::map<std::wstring, JSObject*> m_DeserializablePrototypes;
* Implementation of ICmpAIManager.
class CCmpAIManager : public ICmpAIManager
static void ClassInit(CComponentManager& componentManager)
static std::string GetSchema()
return "<a:component type='system'/><empty/>";
virtual void Init(const CParamNode& UNUSED(paramNode))
m_TerritoriesDirtyID = 0;
virtual void Deinit()
virtual void Serialize(ISerializer& serialize)
// Because the AI worker uses its own ScriptInterface, we can't use the
// ISerializer (which was initialised with the simulation ScriptInterface)
// directly. So we'll just grab the ISerializer's stream and write to it
// with an independent serializer.
m_Worker.Serialize(serialize.GetStream(), serialize.IsDebug());
virtual void Deserialize(const CParamNode& paramNode, IDeserializer& deserialize)
virtual void HandleMessage(const CMessage& msg, bool UNUSED(global))
switch (msg.GetType())
case MT_ProgressiveLoad:
const CMessageProgressiveLoad& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageProgressiveLoad&> (msg);
*msgData.total += (int)m_TemplateNames.size();
if (*msgData.progressed)
if (ContinueLoadEntityTemplates())
*msgData.progressed = true;
*msgData.progress += (int)m_TemplateLoadedIdx;
virtual void AddPlayer(std::wstring id, player_id_t player, uint8_t difficulty)
m_Worker.AddPlayer(id, player, difficulty, true);
// AI players can cheat and see through FoW/SoD, since that greatly simplifies
// their implementation.
// (TODO: maybe cleverer AIs should be able to optionally retain FoW/SoD)
CmpPtr<ICmpRangeManager> cmpRangeManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
if (cmpRangeManager)
cmpRangeManager->SetLosRevealAll(player, true);
virtual void TryLoadSharedComponent()
ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = GetSimContext().GetScriptInterface();
// load the technology templates
CmpPtr<ICmpTechnologyTemplateManager> cmpTechTemplateManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
// Get the game state from AIInterface
CScriptVal techTemplates = cmpTechTemplateManager->GetAllTechs();
virtual void RunGamestateInit()
ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = GetSimContext().GetScriptInterface();
CmpPtr<ICmpAIInterface> cmpAIInterface(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
// Get the game state from AIInterface
CScriptVal state = cmpAIInterface->GetFullRepresentation();
// Get the passability data
Grid<u16> dummyGrid;
const Grid<u16>* passabilityMap = &dummyGrid;
CmpPtr<ICmpPathfinder> cmpPathfinder(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
if (cmpPathfinder)
passabilityMap = &cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityGrid();
// Get the territory data
// Since getting the territory grid can trigger a recalculation, we check NeedUpdate first
Grid<u8> dummyGrid2;
const Grid<u8>* territoryMap = &dummyGrid2;
CmpPtr<ICmpTerritoryManager> cmpTerritoryManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
if (cmpTerritoryManager && cmpTerritoryManager->NeedUpdate(&m_TerritoriesDirtyID))
territoryMap = &cmpTerritoryManager->GetTerritoryGrid();
m_Worker.RunGamestateInit(scriptInterface.WriteStructuredClone(state.get()), *passabilityMap, *territoryMap);
virtual void StartComputation()
PROFILE("AI setup");
ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = GetSimContext().GetScriptInterface();
if (m_Worker.getPlayerSize() == 0)
CmpPtr<ICmpAIInterface> cmpAIInterface(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
// Get the game state from AIInterface
CScriptVal state = cmpAIInterface->GetRepresentation();
// Get the passability data
Grid<u16> dummyGrid;
const Grid<u16>* passabilityMap = &dummyGrid;
CmpPtr<ICmpPathfinder> cmpPathfinder(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
if (cmpPathfinder)
passabilityMap = &cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityGrid();
// Get the territory data
// Since getting the territory grid can trigger a recalculation, we check NeedUpdate first
bool territoryMapDirty = false;
Grid<u8> dummyGrid2;
const Grid<u8>* territoryMap = &dummyGrid2;
CmpPtr<ICmpTerritoryManager> cmpTerritoryManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
if (cmpTerritoryManager && cmpTerritoryManager->NeedUpdate(&m_TerritoriesDirtyID))
territoryMap = &cmpTerritoryManager->GetTerritoryGrid();
territoryMapDirty = true;
m_Worker.StartComputation(scriptInterface.WriteStructuredClone(state.get()), *passabilityMap, *territoryMap, territoryMapDirty);
virtual void PushCommands()
ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = GetSimContext().GetScriptInterface();
std::vector<CAIWorker::SCommandSets> commands;
CmpPtr<ICmpCommandQueue> cmpCommandQueue(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
if (!cmpCommandQueue)
for (size_t i = 0; i < commands.size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < commands[i].commands.size(); ++j)
std::vector<std::string> m_TemplateNames;
size_t m_TemplateLoadedIdx;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const CParamNode*> > m_Templates;
size_t m_TerritoriesDirtyID;
void StartLoadEntityTemplates()
CmpPtr<ICmpTemplateManager> cmpTemplateManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
m_TemplateNames = cmpTemplateManager->FindAllTemplates(false);
m_TemplateLoadedIdx = 0;
// Tries to load the next entity template. Returns true if we did some work.
bool ContinueLoadEntityTemplates()
if (m_TemplateLoadedIdx >= m_TemplateNames.size())
return false;
CmpPtr<ICmpTemplateManager> cmpTemplateManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
const CParamNode* node = cmpTemplateManager->GetTemplateWithoutValidation(m_TemplateNames[m_TemplateLoadedIdx]);
if (node)
m_Templates.push_back(std::make_pair(m_TemplateNames[m_TemplateLoadedIdx], node));
// If this was the last template, send the data to the worker
if (m_TemplateLoadedIdx == m_TemplateNames.size())
return true;
void ForceLoadEntityTemplates()
while (ContinueLoadEntityTemplates())
void LoadPathfinderClasses(CScriptVal state)
CmpPtr<ICmpPathfinder> cmpPathfinder(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
if (!cmpPathfinder)
ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = GetSimContext().GetScriptInterface();
CScriptVal classesVal;
scriptInterface.Eval("({ pathfinderObstruction: 1, foundationObstruction: 2 })", classesVal);
std::map<std::string, ICmpPathfinder::pass_class_t> classes = cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityClasses();
for (std::map<std::string, ICmpPathfinder::pass_class_t>::iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); ++it)
scriptInterface.SetProperty(classesVal.get(), it->first.c_str(), it->second, true);
scriptInterface.SetProperty(state.get(), "passabilityClasses", classesVal, true);
CAIWorker m_Worker;