forked from 0ad/0ad

264 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2017 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "CinemaPath.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "graphics/Camera.h"
#include "maths/MathUtil.h"
#include "maths/Quaternion.h"
#include "maths/Vector3D.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/CStr.h"
CCinemaPath::CCinemaPath(const CCinemaData& data, const TNSpline& spline, const TNSpline& targetSpline)
: CCinemaData(data), TNSpline(spline), m_TargetSpline(targetSpline), m_TimeElapsed(0.f)
// Calculate curves by nodes
if (m_Orientation == L"target")
m_LookAtTarget = true;
// Set distortion mode and style
if (data.m_Mode == L"ease_in")
DistModePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseIn;
else if (data.m_Mode == L"ease_out")
DistModePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseOut;
else if (data.m_Mode == L"ease_inout")
DistModePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseInOut;
else if (data.m_Mode == L"ease_outin")
DistModePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseOutIn;
LOGWARNING("Cinematic mode not found for '%s'", data.m_Mode.ToUTF8().c_str());
DistModePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseInOut;
if (data.m_Style == L"default")
DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseDefault;
else if (data.m_Style == L"growth")
DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseGrowth;
else if (data.m_Style == L"expo")
DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseExpo;
else if (data.m_Style == L"circle")
DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseCircle;
else if (data.m_Style == L"sine")
DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseSine;
LOGWARNING("Cinematic style not found for '%s'", data.m_Style.ToUTF8().c_str());
DistStylePtr = &CCinemaPath::EaseDefault;
CVector3D CCinemaPath::GetNodePosition(const int index) const
return Node[index].Position;
fixed CCinemaPath::GetNodeDuration(const int index) const
return Node[index].Distance;
fixed CCinemaPath::GetDuration() const
return MaxDistance;
float CCinemaPath::GetNodeFraction() const
return (m_TimeElapsed - m_PreviousNodeTime) / Node[m_CurrentNode].Distance.ToFloat();
float CCinemaPath::GetElapsedTime() const
return m_TimeElapsed;
const CStrW& CCinemaPath::GetName() const
return m_Name;
void CCinemaPath::SetTimescale(fixed scale)
m_Timescale = scale;
void CCinemaPath::MoveToPointAt(float t, float nodet, const CVector3D& startRotation, CCamera* camera) const
t = (this->*DistModePtr)(t);
CVector3D pos = GetPosition(t);
if (m_LookAtTarget)
if (m_TimeElapsed <= m_TargetSpline.MaxDistance.ToFloat())
camera->LookAt(pos, m_TargetSpline.GetPosition(m_TimeElapsed / m_TargetSpline.MaxDistance.ToFloat()), CVector3D(0, 1, 0));
camera->LookAt(pos, m_TargetSpline.GetAllNodes().back().Position, CVector3D(0, 1, 0));
CVector3D nodeRotation = Node[m_CurrentNode + 1].Rotation;
CQuaternion start, end;
start.FromEulerAngles(DEGTORAD(startRotation.X), DEGTORAD(startRotation.Y), DEGTORAD(startRotation.Z));
end.FromEulerAngles(DEGTORAD(nodeRotation.X), DEGTORAD(nodeRotation.Y), DEGTORAD(nodeRotation.Z));
start.Slerp(start, end, nodet);
// Distortion mode functions
float CCinemaPath::EaseIn(float t) const
return (this->*DistStylePtr)(t);
float CCinemaPath::EaseOut(float t) const
return 1.0f - EaseIn(1.0f-t);
float CCinemaPath::EaseInOut(float t) const
if (t < m_Switch)
return EaseIn(1.0f/m_Switch * t) * m_Switch;
return EaseOut(1.0f/m_Switch * (t-m_Switch)) * m_Switch + m_Switch;
float CCinemaPath::EaseOutIn(float t) const
if (t < m_Switch)
return EaseOut(1.0f/m_Switch * t) * m_Switch;
return EaseIn(1.0f/m_Switch * (t-m_Switch)) * m_Switch + m_Switch;
// Distortion style functions
float CCinemaPath::EaseDefault(float t) const
return t;
float CCinemaPath::EaseGrowth(float t) const
return pow(t, m_Growth);
float CCinemaPath::EaseExpo(float t) const
if (t == 0)
return t;
return powf(m_Growth, 10*(t-1.0f));
float CCinemaPath::EaseCircle(float t) const
t = -(sqrt(1.0f - t*t) - 1.0f);
if (m_GrowthCount > 1.0f)
return (this->*DistStylePtr)(t);
return t;
float CCinemaPath::EaseSine(float t) const
t = 1.0f - cos(t * (float)M_PI/2);
if (m_GrowthCount > 1.0f)
return (this->*DistStylePtr)(t);
return t;
const CCinemaData* CCinemaPath::GetData() const
return CCinemaData::GetData();
bool CCinemaPath::Validate()
if (m_TimeElapsed > GetDuration().ToFloat() || m_TimeElapsed < 0.0f)
return false;
// Find current node and past "node time"
float previousTime = 0.0f, cumulation = 0.0f;
// Ignore the last node, since it is a blank (node time values are shifted down one from interface)
for (size_t i = 0; i < Node.size() - 1; ++i)
cumulation += Node[i].Distance.ToFloat();
if (m_TimeElapsed <= cumulation)
m_PreviousNodeTime = previousTime;
m_PreviousRotation = Node[i].Rotation;
m_CurrentNode = i; // We're moving toward this next node, so use its rotation
return true;
previousTime += Node[i].Distance.ToFloat();
debug_warn("validation of cinema path is wrong\n");
return false;
bool CCinemaPath::Play(const float deltaRealTime, CCamera* camera)
m_TimeElapsed += m_Timescale.ToFloat() * deltaRealTime;
if (!Validate())
return false;
MoveToPointAt(m_TimeElapsed / GetDuration().ToFloat(), GetNodeFraction(), m_PreviousRotation, camera);
return true;
bool CCinemaPath::Empty() const
return Node.empty();
void CCinemaPath::Reset()
m_TimeElapsed = 0.0f;
fixed CCinemaPath::GetTimescale() const
return m_Timescale;
const TNSpline& CCinemaPath::GetTargetSpline() const
return m_TargetSpline;