forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh 05422ad545 Avoid slightly-expensive QueryInterface() calls
Add CEntityHandle which wraps an entity_id_t and also has a pointer to a
per-entity array of IComponents. QueryInterface/CmpPtr on a handle just
involve a couple of pointer dereferences instead of a map lookup.

This requires sizeof(void*) per registered interface type per entity,
which is currently ~0.5KB per entity, which shouldn't be a problem.

This was SVN commit r13825.
2013-09-11 20:41:53 +00:00

614 lines
21 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2012 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "ICmpSelectable.h"
#include "graphics/Overlay.h"
#include "graphics/Terrain.h"
#include "graphics/TextureManager.h"
#include "maths/Ease.h"
#include "maths/MathUtil.h"
#include "maths/Matrix3D.h"
#include "maths/Vector3D.h"
#include "maths/Vector2D.h"
#include "renderer/Scene.h"
#include "renderer/Renderer.h"
#include "simulation2/MessageTypes.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpPosition.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpFootprint.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpVisual.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpTerrain.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpOwnership.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpPlayer.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpPlayerManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpWaterManager.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Render.h"
#include "simulation2/system/Component.h"
// Minimum alpha value for always visible overlays [0 fully transparent, 1 fully opaque]
static const float MIN_ALPHA_ALWAYS_VISIBLE = 0.65f;
// Minimum alpha value for other overlays
static const float MIN_ALPHA_UNSELECTED = 0.0f;
// Desaturation value for unselected, always visible overlays (0.33 = 33% desaturated or 66% of original saturation)
static const float RGB_DESATURATION = 0.333333f;
class CCmpSelectable : public ICmpSelectable
static void ClassInit(CComponentManager& componentManager)
// TODO: it'd be nice if we didn't get these messages except in the rare
// cases where we're actually drawing a selection highlight
: m_DebugBoundingBoxOverlay(NULL), m_DebugSelectionBoxOverlay(NULL),
m_BuildingOverlay(NULL), m_UnitOverlay(NULL),
m_FadeBaselineAlpha(0.f), m_FadeDeltaAlpha(0.f), m_FadeProgress(0.f),
m_Selected(false), m_Cached(false), m_Visible(false)
m_Color = CColor(0, 0, 0, m_FadeBaselineAlpha);
delete m_DebugBoundingBoxOverlay;
delete m_DebugSelectionBoxOverlay;
delete m_BuildingOverlay;
delete m_UnitOverlay;
static std::string GetSchema()
"<a:help>Allows this entity to be selected by the player.</a:help>"
"<element name='EditorOnly' a:help='If this element is present, the entity is only selectable in Atlas'>"
"<element name='Overlay' a:help='Specifies the type of overlay to be displayed when this entity is selected'>"
"<element name='AlwaysVisible' a:help='If this element is present, the selection overlay will always be visible (with transparency and desaturation)'>"
"<element name='Texture' a:help='Displays a texture underneath the entity.'>"
"<element name='MainTexture' a:help='Texture to display underneath the entity. Filepath relative to art/textures/selection/.'><text/></element>"
"<element name='MainTextureMask' a:help='Mask texture that controls where to apply player color. Filepath relative to art/textures/selection/.'><text/></element>"
"<element name='Outline' a:help='Traces the outline of the entity with a line texture.'>"
"<element name='LineTexture' a:help='Texture to apply to the line. Filepath relative to art/textures/selection/.'><text/></element>"
"<element name='LineTextureMask' a:help='Texture that controls where to apply player color. Filepath relative to art/textures/selection/.'><text/></element>"
"<element name='LineThickness' a:help='Thickness of the line, in world units.'><ref name='positiveDecimal'/></element>"
virtual void Init(const CParamNode& paramNode)
m_EditorOnly = paramNode.GetChild("EditorOnly").IsOk();
// Certain special units always have their selection overlay shown
m_AlwaysVisible = paramNode.GetChild("Overlay").GetChild("AlwaysVisible").IsOk();
if (m_AlwaysVisible)
m_Color.a = m_AlphaMin;
const CParamNode& textureNode = paramNode.GetChild("Overlay").GetChild("Texture");
const CParamNode& outlineNode = paramNode.GetChild("Overlay").GetChild("Outline");
const char* textureBasePath = "art/textures/selection/";
// Save some memory by using interned file paths in these descriptors (almost all actors and
// entities have this component, and many use the same textures).
if (textureNode.IsOk())
// textured quad mode (dynamic, for units)
m_OverlayDescriptor.m_Type = ICmpSelectable::DYNAMIC_QUAD;
m_OverlayDescriptor.m_QuadTexture = CStrIntern(textureBasePath + textureNode.GetChild("MainTexture").ToUTF8());
m_OverlayDescriptor.m_QuadTextureMask = CStrIntern(textureBasePath + textureNode.GetChild("MainTextureMask").ToUTF8());
else if (outlineNode.IsOk())
// textured outline mode (static, for buildings)
m_OverlayDescriptor.m_Type = ICmpSelectable::STATIC_OUTLINE;
m_OverlayDescriptor.m_LineTexture = CStrIntern(textureBasePath + outlineNode.GetChild("LineTexture").ToUTF8());
m_OverlayDescriptor.m_LineTextureMask = CStrIntern(textureBasePath + outlineNode.GetChild("LineTextureMask").ToUTF8());
m_OverlayDescriptor.m_LineThickness = outlineNode.GetChild("LineThickness").ToFloat();
virtual void Deinit() { }
virtual void Serialize(ISerializer& UNUSED(serialize))
// Nothing to do here (the overlay object is not worth saving, it'll get
// reconstructed by the GUI soon enough, I think)
virtual void Deserialize(const CParamNode& paramNode, IDeserializer& UNUSED(deserialize))
// Need to call Init to reload the template properties
virtual void HandleMessage(const CMessage& msg, bool UNUSED(global));
virtual void SetSelectionHighlight(CColor color, bool selected)
m_Selected = selected;
m_Color.r = color.r;
m_Color.g = color.g;
m_Color.b = color.b;
// Always-visible overlays will be desaturated if their parent unit is deselected.
if (m_AlwaysVisible && !selected)
float max;
// Reduce saturation by one-third, the quick-and-dirty way.
if (m_Color.r > m_Color.b)
max = (m_Color.r > m_Color.g) ? m_Color.r : m_Color.g;
max = (m_Color.b > m_Color.g) ? m_Color.b : m_Color.g;
m_Color.r += (max - m_Color.r) * RGB_DESATURATION;
m_Color.g += (max - m_Color.g) * RGB_DESATURATION;
m_Color.b += (max - m_Color.b) * RGB_DESATURATION;
virtual void SetSelectionHighlightAlpha(float alpha)
alpha = std::max(m_AlphaMin, alpha);
// set up fading from the current value (as the baseline) to the target value
m_FadeBaselineAlpha = m_Color.a;
m_FadeDeltaAlpha = alpha - m_FadeBaselineAlpha;
m_FadeProgress = 0.f;
virtual void SetVisibility(bool visible)
m_Visible = visible;
virtual bool IsEditorOnly()
return m_EditorOnly;
void RenderSubmit(SceneCollector& collector);
* Called from RenderSubmit if using a static outline; responsible for ensuring that the static overlay
* is up-to-date before it is rendered. Has no effect unless the static overlay is explicitly marked as
* invalid first (see InvalidateStaticOverlay).
void UpdateStaticOverlay();
* Called from the interpolation handler; responsible for ensuring the dynamic overlay (provided we're
* using one) is up-to-date and ready to be submitted to the next rendering run.
void UpdateDynamicOverlay(float frameOffset);
/// Explicitly invalidates the static overlay.
void InvalidateStaticOverlay();
SOverlayDescriptor m_OverlayDescriptor;
SOverlayTexturedLine* m_BuildingOverlay;
SOverlayQuad* m_UnitOverlay;
SOverlayLine* m_DebugBoundingBoxOverlay;
SOverlayLine* m_DebugSelectionBoxOverlay;
// Whether the selectable will be rendered.
bool m_Visible;
// Whether the entity is only selectable in Atlas editor
bool m_EditorOnly;
// Whether the selection overlay is always visible
bool m_AlwaysVisible;
/// Whether the parent entity is selected (caches GUI's selection state).
bool m_Selected;
/// Current selection overlay color. Alpha component is subject to fading.
CColor m_Color;
/// Whether the selectable's player colour has been cached for rendering.
bool m_Cached;
/// Minimum value for current selection overlay alpha.
float m_AlphaMin;
/// Baseline alpha value to start fading from. Constant during a single fade.
float m_FadeBaselineAlpha;
/// Delta between target and baseline alpha. Constant during a single fade. Can be positive or negative.
float m_FadeDeltaAlpha;
/// Linear time progress of the fade, between 0 and m_FadeDuration.
float m_FadeProgress;
/// Total duration of a single fade, in seconds. Assumed constant for now; feel free to change this into
/// a member variable if you need to adjust it per component.
static const double FADE_DURATION;
const double CCmpSelectable::FADE_DURATION = 0.3;
void CCmpSelectable::HandleMessage(const CMessage& msg, bool UNUSED(global))
switch (msg.GetType())
case MT_Interpolate:
const CMessageInterpolate& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageInterpolate&> (msg);
if (m_FadeDeltaAlpha != 0.f)
m_FadeProgress += msgData.deltaRealTime;
if (m_FadeProgress >= FADE_DURATION)
const float targetAlpha = m_FadeBaselineAlpha + m_FadeDeltaAlpha;
// stop the fade
m_Color.a = targetAlpha;
m_FadeBaselineAlpha = targetAlpha;
m_FadeDeltaAlpha = 0.f;
m_FadeProgress = FADE_DURATION; // will need to be reset to start the next fade again
m_Color.a = Ease::QuartOut(m_FadeProgress, m_FadeBaselineAlpha, m_FadeDeltaAlpha, FADE_DURATION);
// update dynamic overlay only when visible
if (m_Color.a > 0)
case MT_OwnershipChanged:
const CMessageOwnershipChanged& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageOwnershipChanged&> (msg);
// don't update color if there's no new owner (e.g. the unit died)
if (msgData.to == INVALID_PLAYER)
// update the selection highlight color
CmpPtr<ICmpPlayerManager> cmpPlayerManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpPlayerManager)
CmpPtr<ICmpPlayer> cmpPlayer(GetSimContext(), cmpPlayerManager->GetPlayerByID(msgData.to));
if (!cmpPlayer)
// Update the highlight color, while keeping the current alpha target value intact
// (i.e. baseline + delta), so that any ongoing fades simply continue with the new color.
CColor color = cmpPlayer->GetColour();
SetSelectionHighlight(CColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, m_FadeBaselineAlpha + m_FadeDeltaAlpha), m_Selected);
// fall-through
case MT_PositionChanged:
case MT_RenderSubmit:
const CMessageRenderSubmit& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageRenderSubmit&> (msg);
void CCmpSelectable::InvalidateStaticOverlay()
void CCmpSelectable::UpdateStaticOverlay()
// Static overlays are allocated once and not updated until they are explicitly deleted again
// (see InvalidateStaticOverlay). Since they are expected to change rarely (if ever) during
// normal gameplay, this saves us doing all the work below on each frame.
if (m_BuildingOverlay || m_OverlayDescriptor.m_Type != STATIC_OUTLINE)
if (!CRenderer::IsInitialised())
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
CmpPtr<ICmpFootprint> cmpFootprint(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpFootprint || !cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
CmpPtr<ICmpTerrain> cmpTerrain(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpTerrain)
return; // should never happen
// grab position/footprint data
CFixedVector2D position = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
CFixedVector3D rotation = cmpPosition->GetRotation();
ICmpFootprint::EShape fpShape;
entity_pos_t fpSize0_fixed, fpSize1_fixed, fpHeight_fixed;
cmpFootprint->GetShape(fpShape, fpSize0_fixed, fpSize1_fixed, fpHeight_fixed);
CTextureProperties texturePropsBase(m_OverlayDescriptor.m_LineTexture.c_str());
CTextureProperties texturePropsMask(m_OverlayDescriptor.m_LineTextureMask.c_str());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
m_BuildingOverlay = new SOverlayTexturedLine;
m_BuildingOverlay->m_AlwaysVisible = false;
m_BuildingOverlay->m_Closed = true;
m_BuildingOverlay->m_SimContext = &GetSimContext();
m_BuildingOverlay->m_Thickness = m_OverlayDescriptor.m_LineThickness;
m_BuildingOverlay->m_TextureBase = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().CreateTexture(texturePropsBase);
m_BuildingOverlay->m_TextureMask = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().CreateTexture(texturePropsMask);
CVector2D origin(position.X.ToFloat(), position.Y.ToFloat());
switch (fpShape)
case ICmpFootprint::SQUARE:
float s = sinf(-rotation.Y.ToFloat());
float c = cosf(-rotation.Y.ToFloat());
CVector2D unitX(c, s);
CVector2D unitZ(-s, c);
// add half the line thickness to the radius so that we get an 'outside' stroke of the footprint shape
const float halfSizeX = fpSize0_fixed.ToFloat()/2.f + m_BuildingOverlay->m_Thickness/2.f;
const float halfSizeZ = fpSize1_fixed.ToFloat()/2.f + m_BuildingOverlay->m_Thickness/2.f;
std::vector<CVector2D> points;
points.push_back(CVector2D(origin + unitX * halfSizeX + unitZ *(-halfSizeZ)));
points.push_back(CVector2D(origin + unitX *(-halfSizeX) + unitZ *(-halfSizeZ)));
points.push_back(CVector2D(origin + unitX *(-halfSizeX) + unitZ * halfSizeZ));
points.push_back(CVector2D(origin + unitX * halfSizeX + unitZ * halfSizeZ));
SimRender::SubdividePoints(points, TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE/3.f, m_BuildingOverlay->m_Closed);
case ICmpFootprint::CIRCLE:
const float radius = fpSize0_fixed.ToFloat() + m_BuildingOverlay->m_Thickness/3.f;
if (radius > 0) // prevent catastrophic failure
float stepAngle;
unsigned numSteps;
SimRender::AngularStepFromChordLen(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE/3.f, radius, stepAngle, numSteps);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) // '<' is sufficient because the line is closed automatically
float angle = i * stepAngle;
float px = origin.X + radius * sinf(angle);
float pz = origin.Y + radius * cosf(angle);
m_BuildingOverlay->PushCoords(px, pz);
void CCmpSelectable::UpdateDynamicOverlay(float frameOffset)
// Dynamic overlay lines are allocated once and never deleted. Since they are expected to change frequently,
// they are assumed dirty on every call to this function, and we should therefore use this function more
// thoughtfully than calling it right before every frame render.
if (m_OverlayDescriptor.m_Type != DYNAMIC_QUAD)
if (!CRenderer::IsInitialised())
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
CmpPtr<ICmpFootprint> cmpFootprint(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpFootprint || !cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
float rotY;
CVector2D position;
cmpPosition->GetInterpolatedPosition2D(frameOffset, position.X, position.Y, rotY);
CmpPtr<ICmpWaterManager> cmpWaterManager(GetSystemEntity());
CmpPtr<ICmpTerrain> cmpTerrain(GetSystemEntity());
ENSURE(cmpWaterManager && cmpTerrain);
CTerrain* terrain = cmpTerrain->GetCTerrain();
ICmpFootprint::EShape fpShape;
entity_pos_t fpSize0_fixed, fpSize1_fixed, fpHeight_fixed;
cmpFootprint->GetShape(fpShape, fpSize0_fixed, fpSize1_fixed, fpHeight_fixed);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!m_UnitOverlay)
m_UnitOverlay = new SOverlayQuad;
// Assuming we don't need the capability of swapping textures on-demand.
CTextureProperties texturePropsBase(m_OverlayDescriptor.m_QuadTexture.c_str());
CTextureProperties texturePropsMask(m_OverlayDescriptor.m_QuadTextureMask.c_str());
m_UnitOverlay->m_Texture = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().CreateTexture(texturePropsBase);
m_UnitOverlay->m_TextureMask = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().CreateTexture(texturePropsMask);
m_UnitOverlay->m_Color = m_Color;
// TODO: some code duplication here :< would be nice to factor out getting the corner points of an
// entity based on its footprint sizes (and regardless of whether it's a circle or a square)
float s = sinf(-rotY);
float c = cosf(-rotY);
CVector2D unitX(c, s);
CVector2D unitZ(-s, c);
float halfSizeX = fpSize0_fixed.ToFloat();
float halfSizeZ = fpSize1_fixed.ToFloat();
if (fpShape == ICmpFootprint::SQUARE)
halfSizeX /= 2.0f;
halfSizeZ /= 2.0f;
std::vector<CVector2D> points;
points.push_back(CVector2D(position + unitX *(-halfSizeX) + unitZ * halfSizeZ)); // top left
points.push_back(CVector2D(position + unitX *(-halfSizeX) + unitZ *(-halfSizeZ))); // bottom left
points.push_back(CVector2D(position + unitX * halfSizeX + unitZ *(-halfSizeZ))); // bottom right
points.push_back(CVector2D(position + unitX * halfSizeX + unitZ * halfSizeZ)); // top right
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++)
float quadY = std::max(
terrain->GetExactGroundLevel(points[i].X, points[i].Y),
cmpWaterManager->GetExactWaterLevel(points[i].X, points[i].Y)
m_UnitOverlay->m_Corners[i] = CVector3D(points[i].X, quadY, points[i].Y);
void CCmpSelectable::RenderSubmit(SceneCollector& collector)
// don't render selection overlay if it's not gonna be visible
if (m_Visible && m_Color.a > 0)
if (!m_Cached)
// Default to white if there's no owner (e.g. decorative, editor-only actors)
CColor color = CColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
CmpPtr<ICmpOwnership> cmpOwnership(GetEntityHandle());
if (cmpOwnership)
player_id_t owner = cmpOwnership->GetOwner();
if (owner == INVALID_PLAYER)
// Try to initialize m_Color to the owning player's colour.
CmpPtr<ICmpPlayerManager> cmpPlayerManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpPlayerManager)
CmpPtr<ICmpPlayer> cmpPlayer(GetSimContext(), cmpPlayerManager->GetPlayerByID(owner));
if (!cmpPlayer)
color = cmpPlayer->GetColour();
color.a = m_FadeBaselineAlpha + m_FadeDeltaAlpha;
SetSelectionHighlight(color, m_Selected);
m_Cached = true;
switch (m_OverlayDescriptor.m_Type)
m_BuildingOverlay->m_Color = m_Color; // done separately so alpha changes don't require a full update call
if (m_UnitOverlay)
// Render bounding box debug overlays if we have a positive target alpha value. This ensures
// that the debug overlays respond immediately to deselection without delay from fading out.
if (m_FadeBaselineAlpha + m_FadeDeltaAlpha > 0)
if (ICmpSelectable::ms_EnableDebugOverlays)
// allocate debug overlays on-demand
if (!m_DebugBoundingBoxOverlay) m_DebugBoundingBoxOverlay = new SOverlayLine;
if (!m_DebugSelectionBoxOverlay) m_DebugSelectionBoxOverlay = new SOverlayLine;
CmpPtr<ICmpVisual> cmpVisual(GetEntityHandle());
if (cmpVisual)
SimRender::ConstructBoxOutline(cmpVisual->GetBounds(), *m_DebugBoundingBoxOverlay);
m_DebugBoundingBoxOverlay->m_Thickness = 2;
m_DebugBoundingBoxOverlay->m_Color = CColor(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
SimRender::ConstructBoxOutline(cmpVisual->GetSelectionBox(), *m_DebugSelectionBoxOverlay);
m_DebugSelectionBoxOverlay->m_Thickness = 2;
m_DebugSelectionBoxOverlay->m_Color = CColor(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
// reclaim debug overlay line memory when no longer debugging (and make sure to set to zero after deletion)
if (m_DebugBoundingBoxOverlay) SAFE_DELETE(m_DebugBoundingBoxOverlay);
if (m_DebugSelectionBoxOverlay) SAFE_DELETE(m_DebugSelectionBoxOverlay);