forked from 0ad/0ad

200 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2016 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class CModel;
class CSkeletonAnim;
class CObjectManager;
class CXeromyces;
class XMBElement;
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include "lib/file/vfs/vfs_path.h"
#include "ps/CStr.h"
#include "ps/CStrIntern.h"
#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
class CObjectBase
struct Anim
// constructor
Anim() : m_Frequency(0), m_Speed(1.f), m_ActionPos(-1.f), m_ActionPos2(-1.f), m_SoundPos(-1.f) {}
// name of the animation - "Idle", "Run", etc
CStr m_AnimName;
// ID of the animation: if not empty, something specific to sync with props.
CStr m_ID = "";
int m_Frequency;
// filename of the animation - manidle.psa, manrun.psa, etc
VfsPath m_FileName;
// animation speed, as specified in XML actor file
float m_Speed;
// fraction [0.0, 1.0] of the way through the animation that the interesting bit(s)
// happens, or -1.0 if unspecified
float m_ActionPos;
float m_ActionPos2;
float m_SoundPos;
struct Prop
// constructor
Prop() : m_minHeight(0.f), m_maxHeight(0.f), m_selectable(true) {}
// name of the prop point to attach to - "Prop01", "Prop02", "Head", "LeftHand", etc ..
CStr m_PropPointName;
// name of the model file - art/actors/props/sword.xml or whatever
CStrW m_ModelName;
// allow the prop to ajust the height from minHeight to maxHeight relative to the main model
float m_minHeight;
float m_maxHeight;
bool m_selectable;
struct Samp
// identifier name of sampler in GLSL shaders
CStrIntern m_SamplerName;
// path to load from
VfsPath m_SamplerFile;
struct Decal
Decal() : m_SizeX(0.f), m_SizeZ(0.f), m_Angle(0.f), m_OffsetX(0.f), m_OffsetZ(0.f) {}
float m_SizeX;
float m_SizeZ;
float m_Angle;
float m_OffsetX;
float m_OffsetZ;
struct Variant
Variant() : m_Frequency(0) {}
CStr m_VariantName; // lowercase name
int m_Frequency;
VfsPath m_ModelFilename;
Decal m_Decal;
VfsPath m_Particles;
CStr m_Color;
std::vector<Anim> m_Anims;
std::vector<Prop> m_Props;
std::vector<Samp> m_Samplers;
struct Variation
VfsPath model;
Decal decal;
VfsPath particles;
CStr color;
std::multimap<CStr, Prop> props;
std::multimap<CStr, Anim> anims;
std::multimap<CStr, Samp> samplers;
CObjectBase(CObjectManager& objectManager);
// Get the variation key (indices of chosen variants from each group)
// based on the selection strings
std::vector<u8> CalculateVariationKey(const std::vector<std::set<CStr> >& selections);
// Get the final actor data, combining all selected variants
const Variation BuildVariation(const std::vector<u8>& variationKey);
// Get a set of selection strings that are complete enough to specify an
// exact variation of the actor, using the initial selections wherever possible
// and choosing randomly where a choice is necessary.
std::set<CStr> CalculateRandomVariation(uint32_t seed, const std::set<CStr>& initialSelections);
// Given a prioritized vector of selection string sets that partially specify
// a variation, calculates a remaining set of selection strings such that the resulting
// set merged with the initial selections fully specifies an exact variation of
// the actor. The resulting selections are selected randomly, but only where a choice
// is necessary (i.e. where there are multiple variants but the initial selections,
// applied in priority order, fail to select one).
std::set<CStr> CalculateRandomRemainingSelections(uint32_t seed, const std::vector<std::set<CStr> >& initialSelections);
// Get a list of variant groups for this object, plus for all possible
// props. Duplicated groups are removed, if several props share the same
// variant names.
std::vector<std::vector<CStr> > GetVariantGroups() const;
* Initialise this object by loading from the given file.
* Returns false on error.
bool Load(const VfsPath& pathname);
* Reload this object from the file that it was previously loaded from.
* Returns false on error.
bool Reload();
* Returns whether this object (including any possible props)
* uses the given file. (This is used for hotloading.)
bool UsesFile(const VfsPath& pathname);
// filename that this was loaded from
VfsPath m_Pathname;
// short human-readable name
CStrW m_ShortName;
struct {
// cast shadows from this object
bool m_CastShadows;
// float on top of water
bool m_FloatOnWater;
} m_Properties;
// the material file
VfsPath m_Material;
// A low-quality RNG like rand48 causes visible non-random patterns (particularly
// in large grids of the same actor with consecutive seeds, e.g. forests),
// so use a better one that appears to avoid those patterns
typedef boost::mt19937 rng_t;
std::set<CStr> CalculateRandomRemainingSelections(rng_t& rng, const std::vector<std::set<CStr> >& initialSelections);
std::vector< std::vector<Variant> > m_VariantGroups;
CObjectManager& m_ObjectManager;
boost::unordered_set<VfsPath> m_UsedFiles;
void LoadVariant(const CXeromyces& XeroFile, const XMBElement& variant, Variant& currentVariant);