forked from 0ad/0ad
Yves c02a7e1a7b SpiderMonkey 31 upgrade
This upgrade also introduces exact stack rooting (see to the wiki:
JSRootingGuide) and fixes problems with moving GC. This allows us to
enable generational garbage collection (GGC).
Measurements a few months ago have shown a performance improvement of a
non-visual replay of around 13.5%. This probably varies quite a bit, but
it should be somewhere between 5-20%. Memory usage has also been
improved. Check the forum thread for details.

Thanks to everyone from the team who helped with this directly or
indirectly (review, finding and fixing issues, the required C++11
upgrade, the new autobuilder etc.)! Also thanks to the SpiderMonkey
developers who helped on the #jsapi channel or elsewhere!

Fixes #2462, #2415, #2428, #2684, #1374
Refs #2973, #2669

This was SVN commit r16214.
2015-01-24 14:46:52 +00:00

143 lines
7.0 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2014 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/comma_if.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp>
* In our interface code (the CONVERT_ARG macro specifically) we require types to be default-constructible.
* This is a workaround to make the current design work with JS::HandleValue types, which have a private constructor.
* JS::HandleValue objects are meant to be implicitly created only from JS::RootedValue objects.
* Generally handles should not be used this way, but in this case we can be sure that the handle will not live longer than its root,
* so it should be OK.
* This solution involves some overhead, but it should be quite small and shouldn't affect performance in practice.
* HandleValue types are just structs with one pointer and fit into a single register.
class HandleWrapper
HandleWrapper() : m_Handle(JS::NullHandleValue) {};
void set(JS::HandleValue handle) { m_Handle.repoint(handle); }
operator JS::HandleValue()
return m_Handle;
JS::HandleValue m_Handle;
// WrapperIfHandle<T>::Type has the type HandleWrapper for T == JS::HandleValue and
// T for all other types.
// Allows to use default-constructible HandleWrapper types in templates instead of the
// HandleValue type that isn't default-constructible without code duplication.
template <typename T> struct WrapperIfHandle;
// Define lots of useful macros:
// Varieties of comma-separated list to fit on the head/tail/whole of another comma-separated list
#define NUMBERED_LIST_HEAD(z, i, data) data##i,
#define NUMBERED_LIST_TAIL(z, i, data) ,data##i
#define NUMBERED_LIST_BALANCED(z, i, data) BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i) data##i
// Some other things
#define TYPED_ARGS(z, i, data) , T##i a##i
#define TYPED_ARGS_CONST_REF(z, i, data) const T##i& a##i,
// TODO: We allow optional parameters when the C++ type can be converted from JS::UndefinedValue.
// FromJSVal is expected to either set a##i or return false (otherwise we could get undefined
// behaviour because some types have undefined values when not being initialized).
// This is not very clear and also a bit fragile. Another problem is that the error reporting lacks
// a bit. SpiderMonkey will throw a JS exception and abort the execution of the current function when
// we return false here (without printing a callstack or additional detail telling that an argument
// conversion failed). So we have two TODOs here:
// 1. On the conceptual side: How to consistently work with optional parameters (or drop them completely?)
// 2. On the technical side: Improve error handling, find a better way to ensure parameters are initialized
#define CONVERT_ARG(z, i, data) \
typename WrapperIfHandle<T##i>::Type a##i; \
if (! ScriptInterface::FromJSVal<typename WrapperIfHandle<T##i>::Type>(cx, i < args.length() ? args[i] : JS::UndefinedHandleValue, a##i)) return false;
// List-generating macros, named roughly after their first list item
#define TYPENAME_T0_HEAD(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_HEAD, typename T) // "typename T0, typename T1, "
#define TYPENAME_T0_TAIL(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_TAIL, typename T) // ", typename T0, typename T1"
#define T0(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_BALANCED, T) // "T0, T1"
#define T0_HEAD(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_HEAD, T) // "T0, T1, "
#define T0_TAIL(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_TAIL, T) // ", T0, T1"
#define T0_A0(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, TYPED_ARGS, ~) // ",T0 a0, T1 a1"
#define T0_A0_CONST_REF(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, TYPED_ARGS_CONST_REF, ~) // ", const T0 a0, const T1 a1, "
#define A0(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_BALANCED, a) // "a0, a1"
#define A0_TAIL(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_TAIL, a) // ", a0, a1"
// Define RegisterFunction<TR, T0..., f>
#define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \
template <typename R, TYPENAME_T0_HEAD(z,i) R (*fptr) ( ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* T0_TAIL(z,i) )> \
void RegisterFunction(const char* name) { \
Register(name, call<R, T0_HEAD(z,i) fptr>, nargs<0 T0_TAIL(z,i)>()); \
// JSFastNative-compatible function that wraps the function identified in the template argument list
// (Definition comes later, since it depends on some things we haven't defined yet)
#define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \
template <typename R, TYPENAME_T0_HEAD(z,i) R (*fptr) ( ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* T0_TAIL(z,i) )> \
static bool call(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp);
// Similar, for class methods
#define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \
template <typename R, TYPENAME_T0_HEAD(z,i) JSClass* CLS, typename TC, R (TC::*fptr) ( T0(z,i) )> \
static bool callMethod(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp);
// Argument-number counter
#define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \
template <int dummy TYPENAME_T0_TAIL(z,i)> /* add a dummy parameter so we still compile with 0 template args */ \
static size_t nargs() { return i; }
// Call the named property on the given object
#define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \
template <typename R TYPENAME_T0_TAIL(z, i)> \
bool CallFunction(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, T0_A0_CONST_REF(z,i) R& ret);
// Implicit conversion from JS::Rooted<R>* to JS::MutableHandle<R> does not work with template argument deduction
// (only exact type matches allowed). We need this overload to allow passing Rooted<R>* using the & operator
// (as people would expect it to work based on the SpiderMonkey rooting guide).
#define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \
template <typename R TYPENAME_T0_TAIL(z, i)> \
bool CallFunction(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, T0_A0_CONST_REF(z,i) JS::Rooted<R>* ret);
// This overload is for the case when a JS::MutableHandle<R> type gets passed into CallFunction directly and
// without requiring implicit conversion.
#define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \
template <typename R TYPENAME_T0_TAIL(z, i)> \
bool CallFunction(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, T0_A0_CONST_REF(z,i) JS::MutableHandle<R> ret);