forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh d3f57744d9 Refactored actor variation system, and added support for entity-level selections (controlled by the current animation).
Avoided tooltip error message.
Avoided noisy warnings when textures fail to load.

This was SVN commit r3653.
2006-03-17 03:59:49 +00:00

407 lines
11 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "ObjectBase.h"
#include "ObjectManager.h"
#include "XML/Xeromyces.h"
#include "CLogger.h"
#define LOG_CATEGORY "graphics"
m_Properties.m_CastShadows = true;
m_Properties.m_AutoFlatten = false;
bool CObjectBase::Load(const char* filename)
CStr filePath ("art/actors/");
filePath += filename;
CXeromyces XeroFile;
if (XeroFile.Load(filePath) != PSRETURN_OK)
return false;
m_Name = filename;
// Use the filename for the model's name
m_ShortName = CStr(filename).AfterLast("/").BeforeLast(".xml");
// Define all the elements used in the XML file
#define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.getElementID(#x)
#define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.getAttributeID(#x)
#undef AT
#undef EL
XMBElement root = XeroFile.getRoot();
if (root.getNodeName() != el_actor)
LOG(ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "Invalid actor format (unrecognised root element '%s')", XeroFile.getElementString(root.getNodeName()).c_str());
return false;
// Set up the vector<vector<T>> m_Variants to contain the right number
// of elements, to avoid wasteful copying/reallocation later.
// Count the variants in each group
std::vector<int> variantSizes;
XERO_ITER_EL(root, child)
if (child.getNodeName() == el_group)
XERO_ITER_EL(child, variant)
// Set each vector to match the number of variants
for (size_t i = 0; i < variantSizes.size(); ++i)
// (This XML-reading code is rather worryingly verbose...)
std::vector<std::vector<Variant> >::iterator currentGroup = m_Variants.begin();
XERO_ITER_EL(root, child)
int child_name = child.getNodeName();
if (child_name == el_group)
std::vector<Variant>::iterator currentVariant = currentGroup->begin();
XERO_ITER_EL(child, variant)
debug_assert(variant.getNodeName() == el_variant);
XERO_ITER_ATTR(variant, attr)
if (attr.Name == at_name)
currentVariant->m_VariantName = attr.Value;
else if (attr.Name == at_frequency)
currentVariant->m_Frequency = CStr(attr.Value).ToInt();
XERO_ITER_EL(variant, option)
int option_name = option.getNodeName();
if (option_name == el_mesh)
currentVariant->m_ModelFilename = "art/meshes/" + CStr(option.getText());
else if (option_name == el_texture)
currentVariant->m_TextureFilename = "art/textures/skins/" + CStr(option.getText());
else if (option_name == el_colour)
currentVariant->m_Color = option.getText();
else if (option_name == el_animations)
XERO_ITER_EL(option, anim_element)
debug_assert(anim_element.getNodeName() == el_animation);
Anim anim;
XERO_ITER_ATTR(anim_element, ae)
if (ae.Name == at_name)
anim.m_AnimName = ae.Value;
else if (ae.Name == at_file)
anim.m_FileName = "art/animation/" + CStr(ae.Value);
else if (ae.Name == at_speed)
anim.m_Speed = CStr(ae.Value).ToInt() / 100.f;
if (anim.m_Speed <= 0.0) anim.m_Speed = 1.0f;
else if (ae.Name == at_event)
anim.m_ActionPos = CStr(ae.Value).ToDouble();
if (anim.m_ActionPos < 0.0) anim.m_ActionPos = 0.0;
else if (anim.m_ActionPos > 100.0) anim.m_ActionPos = 1.0;
else if (anim.m_ActionPos > 1.0) anim.m_ActionPos /= 100.0;
else if (ae.Name == at_load)
anim.m_ActionPos2 = CStr(ae.Value).ToDouble();
if (anim.m_ActionPos2 < 0.0) anim.m_ActionPos2 = 0.0;
else if (anim.m_ActionPos2 > 100.0) anim.m_ActionPos2 = 1.0;
else if (anim.m_ActionPos2 > 1.0) anim.m_ActionPos2 /= 100.0;
; // unrecognised element
else if (option_name == el_props)
XERO_ITER_EL(option, prop_element)
debug_assert(prop_element.getNodeName() == el_prop);
Prop prop;
XERO_ITER_ATTR(prop_element, pe)
if (pe.Name == at_attachpoint)
prop.m_PropPointName = pe.Value;
else if (pe.Name == at_actor)
prop.m_ModelName = pe.Value;
; // unrecognised element
; // unrecognised element
if (currentGroup->size() == 0)
LOG(ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "Actor group has zero variants ('%s')", filename);
else if (child_name == el_material)
m_Material = "art/materials/" + CStr(child.getText());
; // unrecognised element
// TODO: castshadow, etc
return true;
std::vector<u8> CObjectBase::CalculateVariationKey(const std::vector<std::set<CStrW> >& selections)
// Calculate a complete list of choices, one per group, based on the
// supposedly-complete selections (i.e. not making random choices at this
// stage).
// In each group, if one of the variants has a name matching a string in the
// first 'selections', set use that one.
// Otherwise, try with the next (lower priority) selections set, and repeat.
// Otherwise, choose the first variant (arbitrarily).
std::vector<u8> choices;
std::map<CStr, CStr> chosenProps;
for (std::vector<std::vector<CObjectBase::Variant> >::iterator grp = m_Variants.begin();
grp != m_Variants.end();
// Ignore groups with nothing inside. (A warning will have been
// emitted by the loading code.)
if (grp->size() == 0)
int match = -1; // -1 => none found yet
// If there's only a single variant, choose that one
if (grp->size() == 1)
match = 0;
// Determine the first variant that matches the provided strings,
// starting with the highest priority selections set:
for (std::vector<std::set<CStrW> >::const_iterator selset = selections.begin(); selset < selections.end(); ++selset)
debug_assert(grp->size() < 256); // else they won't fit in 'choices'
for (size_t i = 0; i < grp->size(); ++i)
if (selset->count((*grp)[i].m_VariantName))
match = (u8)i;
// Stop after finding the first match
if (match != -1)
// If no match, just choose the first
if (match == -1)
match = 0;
// Remember which props were chosen. (Later-defined props override
// earlier props at the same prop point.)
CObjectBase::Variant& var ((*grp)[match]);
for (std::vector<CObjectBase::Prop>::iterator it = var.m_Props.begin(); it != var.m_Props.end(); ++it)
chosenProps[it->m_PropPointName] = it->m_ModelName;
// Load each prop, and add their CalculateVariationKey to our key:
for (std::map<CStr, CStr>::iterator it = chosenProps.begin(); it != chosenProps.end(); ++it)
CObjectBase* prop = g_ObjMan.FindObjectBase(it->second);
if (prop)
std::vector<u8> propChoices = prop->CalculateVariationKey(selections);
choices.insert(choices.end(), propChoices.begin(), propChoices.end());
return choices;
std::set<CStrW> CObjectBase::CalculateRandomVariation(const std::set<CStrW>& initialSelections)
std::set<CStrW> selections = initialSelections;
std::map<CStr, CStr> chosenProps;
// Calculate a complete list of selections, so there is at least one
// (and in most cases only one) per group.
// In each group, if one of the variants has a name matching a string in
// 'selections', use that one.
// If more than one matches, choose randomly from those matching ones.
// If none match, choose randomly from all variants.
// When choosing randomly, make use of each variant's frequency. If all
// variants have frequency 0, treat them as if they were 1.
for (std::vector<std::vector<CObjectBase::Variant> >::iterator grp = m_Variants.begin();
grp != m_Variants.end();
// Ignore groups with nothing inside. (A warning will have been
// emitted by the loading code.)
if (grp->size() == 0)
int match = -1; // -1 => none found yet
// If there's only a single variant, choose that one
if (grp->size() == 1)
match = 0;
// See if a variant (or several, but we only care about the first)
// is already matched by the selections we've made
for (size_t i = 0; i < grp->size(); ++i)
if (selections.count((*grp)[i].m_VariantName))
match = (int)i;
// If there was one, we don't need to do anything now because there's
// already something to choose. Otherwise, choose randomly from the others.
if (match == -1)
// Sum the frequencies
int totalFreq = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < grp->size(); ++i)
totalFreq += (*grp)[i].m_Frequency;
// Someone might be silly and set all variants to have freq==0, in
// which case we just pretend they're all 1
bool allZero = (totalFreq == 0);
if (allZero) totalFreq = (int)grp->size();
// Choose a random number in the interval [0..totalFreq).
// (It shouldn't be necessary to use a network-synchronised RNG,
// since actors are meant to have purely visual manifestations.)
int randNum = rand(0, totalFreq);
// and use that to choose one of the variants
for (size_t i = 0; i < grp->size(); ++i)
randNum -= (allZero ? 1 : (*grp)[i].m_Frequency);
if (randNum < 0)
// (If this change to 'selections' interferes with earlier
// choices, then we'll get some non-fatal inconsistencies
// that just break the randomness. But that shouldn't
// happen, much.)
match = (int)i;
debug_assert(randNum < 0);
// This should always succeed; otherwise it
// wouldn't have chosen any of the variants.
// Remember which props were chosen. (Later-defined props override
// earlier props at the same prop point.)
CObjectBase::Variant& var ((*grp)[match]);
for (std::vector<CObjectBase::Prop>::iterator it = var.m_Props.begin(); it != var.m_Props.end(); ++it)
chosenProps[it->m_PropPointName] = it->m_ModelName;
// Load each prop, and add their required selections to ours:
for (std::map<CStr, CStr>::iterator it = chosenProps.begin(); it != chosenProps.end(); ++it)
CObjectBase* prop = g_ObjMan.FindObjectBase(it->second);
if (prop)
std::set<CStrW> propSelections = prop->CalculateRandomVariation(selections);
std::set<CStrW> newSelections;
std::set_union(propSelections.begin(), propSelections.end(),
selections.begin(), selections.end(),
std::inserter(newSelections, newSelections.begin()));
return selections;