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Raw Normal View History

/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "EntityOrders.h"
#include "Entity.h"
# Added tool for viewing models and animations outside the game. Atlas: Added ActorViewer. Moved GL canvas into separate class for shared use. Disabled message-handling callback while blocked on the game, and stopped creating dialog boxes inside the game thread in order to avoid deadlocks (hopefully). Support multiple Views (for independent sets of camera/update/render code). Recalculate territory boundaries when necessary. Changed default list of animations to match those currently used by actors. # Tidied up more code. Moved some more #includes out of .h files, to minimise unnecessary compilation. MathUtil: Deleted unused/unuseful macros (M_PI (use PI instead), M_PI_2 (use PI/2), MAX3, ABS (use abs)). ObjectManager: Removed some ScEd-specific things. Unit: Moved creation out of UnitManager, so units can be created without adding to the manager. Changed CStr8 to the more conventional CStr. app_hooks: Removed warning for setting multiple times. win: Restored SEH catcher. GameSetup, GameView: Removed RenderNoCull, because it doesn't seem to do what it says it does ("force renderer to load everything") since we're loading-on-demand most stuff and it doesn't seem especially useful since we'd prefer to minimise loading times (but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). (And because it crashes when things need to be initialised in a different order, so it's easier to remove than to understand and fix it.) PatchRData, Renderer: Work sensibly when there's no game (hence no LOS manager, water, etc). LOSManager: Use entity position instead of actor position when possible. TerritoryManager: Allow delayed recalculations (so Atlas can issue lots of move+recalculate commands per frame). Cinematic: Non-pointer wxTimer, so it doesn't leak and doesn't have to be deleted manually. This was SVN commit r4261.
2006-08-28 19:36:42 +02:00
#include "EntityTemplate.h"
#include "PathfindEngine.h"
#include "graphics/Terrain.h"
#include "ps/World.h"
#include "ps/GameSetup/Config.h"
#include "lib/ogl.h"
#ifdef USE_DCDT
#define EPSILON 0.00001f
class TriangulationTerrainOverlay : public TerrainOverlay
SrArray<SrPnt2> constr;
SrArray<SrPnt2> unconstr;
//std::vector<CVector2D> path;
SrPolygon CurPath;
void RenderCurrentPath()
for(int i=0; i< CurPath.size()-1; i++)
std::vector<CEntity*> results;
CEntity* tempHandle = results[0];
float x1 = CurPath[i].x;
float y1 = CurPath[i].y;
float x2 = CurPath[i+1].x;
float y2 = CurPath[i+1].y;
glVertex3f(x1,tempHandle->GetAnchorLevel(x1,y1) + 0.2f,y1);
glVertex3f(x2,tempHandle->GetAnchorLevel(x2,y2) + 0.2f,y2);
//Kai: added function to draw out constrained line segments in triangulation
void RenderConstrainedEdges()
std::vector<CEntity*> results;
CEntity* tempHandle = results[0];
glColor3f( 1, 1, 1 );
for(int i=0; i<constr.size()-2; i=i+2)
glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
SrPnt2 p1 = constr[i];
SrPnt2 p2 = constr[i+1];
float x1 = p1.x;
float y1 = p1.y;
float x2 = p2.x;
float y2 = p2.y;
glVertex3f( x1, tempHandle->GetAnchorLevel( x1, y1 ) + 0.2f, y1 );
glVertex3f( x2, tempHandle->GetAnchorLevel( x2, y2 ) + 0.2f, y2 );
// Kai: added function to draw out unconstrained line segments in triangulation
void RenderUnconstrainedEdges()
std::vector<CEntity*> results;
CEntity* tempHandle = results[0];
glColor3f( 0, 1, 0 );
for(int i=0; i<unconstr.size()-2; i=i+2)
glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
SrPnt2 p1 = unconstr[i];
SrPnt2 p2 = unconstr[i+1];
float x1 = p1.x;
float y1 = p1.y;
float x2 = p2.x;
float y2 = p2.y;
glVertex3f( x1, tempHandle->GetAnchorLevel( x1, y1 ) + 0.2f, y1 );
glVertex3f( x2, tempHandle->GetAnchorLevel( x2, y2 ) + 0.2f, y2 );
void setCurrentPath(const SrPolygon& _CurPath)
CurPath = _CurPath;
void setConstrainedEdges(const SrArray<SrPnt2>& _constr)
constr = _constr;
void setUnconstrainedEdges(const SrArray<SrPnt2>& _unconstr)
unconstr = _unconstr;
void Render()
virtual void GetTileExtents(
ssize_t& min_i_inclusive, ssize_t& min_j_inclusive,
ssize_t& max_i_inclusive, ssize_t& max_j_inclusive)
min_i_inclusive = 1;
min_j_inclusive = 1;
max_i_inclusive = 2;
max_j_inclusive = 2;
virtual void ProcessTile(ssize_t UNUSED(i), ssize_t UNUSED(j))
#endif // USE_DCDT
#ifdef USE_DCDT
CPathfindEngine::CPathfindEngine() : triangulationOverlay(0),
dcdtInitialized = false;
if (g_ShowPathfindingOverlay)
triangulationOverlay = new TriangulationTerrainOverlay();
if (triangulationOverlay)
delete triangulationOverlay;
triangulationOverlay = 0;
#else // USE_DCDT
CPathfindEngine::CPathfindEngine() { }
CPathfindEngine::~CPathfindEngine() { }
#endif // USE_DCDT
#ifdef USE_DCDT
// 1; the bouncing problem with the fortress
// 2; update obstacles when things vanishes. done
void CPathfindEngine::initBoundary()
SrPolygon boundary ;
CTerrain* m_Terrain = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain();
int width = m_Terrain->GetVerticesPerSide() * CELL_SIZE ;
boundary.push().set(0.0f, 0.0f);
boundary.push().set(width, 0.0f);
boundary.push().set(width, width);
boundary.push().set(0.0f, width);
dcdtPathfinder.init(boundary, EPSILON,1);
void CPathfindEngine::insertObstacles()
std::vector<CEntity*> results;
SrPolygon poly;
for(size_t i =0 ; i < results.size(); i++)
CEntity* tempHandle = results[i];
//debug_printf(L"Entity position: %f %f %f\n", tempHandle->m_position.X,tempHandle->m_position.Y,tempHandle->m_position.Z);
CVector2D p, q;
CVector2D u, v;
q.x = tempHandle->m_position.X;
q.y = tempHandle->m_position.Z;
float d = ((CBoundingBox*)tempHandle->m_bounds)->m_d;
float w = ((CBoundingBox*)tempHandle->m_bounds)->m_w;
u.x = sin( tempHandle->m_graphics_orientation.Y );
u.y = cos( tempHandle->m_graphics_orientation.Y );
v.x = u.y;
v.y = -u.x;
CBoundingObject* m_bounds = tempHandle->m_bounds;
switch( m_bounds->m_type )
case CBoundingObject::BOUND_CIRCLE:
if(tempHandle->m_speed == 0)
p = q + u * d + v * w;
poly.push().set((float)(p.x), (float)(p.y));
p = q - u * d + v * w ;
poly.push().set((float)(p.x), (float)(p.y));
p = q - u * d - v * w;
poly.push().set((float)(p.x), (float)(p.y));
p = q + u * d - v * w;
poly.push().set((float)(p.x), (float)(p.y));
int dcdtId = dcdtPathfinder.insert_polygon(poly);
tempHandle->m_dcdtId = dcdtId;
case CBoundingObject::BOUND_OABB:
// Tighten the bound so the units will not get stuck near the buildings
//Note: the triangulation pathfinding code will not find a path for the unit if it is pushed into the bound of a unit.
p = q + u * d + v * w;
poly.push().set((float)(p.x), (float)(p.y));
p = q - u * d + v * w ;
poly.push().set((float)(p.x), (float)(p.y));
p = q - u * d - v * w;
poly.push().set((float)(p.x), (float)(p.y));
p = q + u * d - v * w;
poly.push().set((float)(p.x), (float)(p.y));
int dcdtId = dcdtPathfinder.insert_polygon(poly);
tempHandle->m_dcdtId = dcdtId;
}//end switch
}//end for loop
void CPathfindEngine::drawTriangulation()
int polyNum = dcdtPathfinder.num_polygons();
//debug_printf(L"Number of polygons: %d",polyNum);
SrArray<SrPnt2> constrainedEdges;
SrArray<SrPnt2> unconstrainedEdges;
dcdtPathfinder.get_mesh_edges(&constrainedEdges, &unconstrainedEdges);
if (triangulationOverlay)
#endif // USE_DCDT
void CPathfindEngine::RequestPath( HEntity entity, const CVector2D& destination,
CEntityOrder::EOrderSource orderSource )
/* TODO: Add code to generate high level path
For now, just the one high level waypoint to the final
destination is added
CEntityOrder waypoint;
waypoint.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_WAYPOINT;
waypoint.m_source = orderSource;
waypoint.m_target_location = destination;
waypoint.m_pathfinder_radius = 0.0f;
#ifdef USE_DCDT
//Kai: adding radius for pathfinding
CBoundingObject* m_bounds = entity->m_bounds;
waypoint.m_pathfinder_radius = m_bounds->m_radius + RADIUSINCREMENT;
#endif // USE_DCDT
entity->m_orderQueue.push_front( waypoint );
#ifdef USE_DCDT
void CPathfindEngine::RequestTriangulationPath( HEntity entity, const CVector2D& destination, bool contact,
float radius, CEntityOrder::EOrderSource orderSource )
CEntityOrder::EOrderType stepType = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING;
if (contact) stepType = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING_CONTACT;
/* TODO:1. add code to verify the triangulation. done.
2. add code to convert a path from dcdtpathfinder to world waypoints done
dcdtInitialized =true;
//switch on/off triangulation drawing by command line arg "-showOverlay"
//it's guarded here to stop setting constrainedEdges and unconstrainedEdges in triangulationOverlay->
//(efficiency issue)
//the drawing is disable in the render() function in TerraiOverlay.cpp
//Kai: added test for terrain information in entityManager
CVector2D source( entity->m_position.X, entity->m_position.Z );
bool found = mTriangulationPathfinder.FindPath(source, destination, entity,dcdtPathfinder, radius);
//push the path onto the order process queue.
SrPolygon CurPath;
SrPolygon CurChannel;
if ( !found )
// If no path was found, then unsolvable
// TODO: Figure out what to do in this case
CurChannel = dcdtPathfinder.GetChannelBoundary();
CurPath = dcdtPathfinder.GetPath();
//set and draw the path on the terrain
if (triangulationOverlay)
// Make the path take as few steps as possible by collapsing steps in the same direction together.
std::vector<CVector2D> path;
debug_printf(L"waypoints: %d channel size %d \n ",CurPath.size(),CurChannel.size());
for (int i = 0; i < CurPath.size(); i++)
CVector2D waypoint ;
waypoint.x = CurPath[i].x;
waypoint.y = CurPath[i].y;
debug_printf(L"waypoints: %f %f \n",waypoint.x, waypoint.y);
if( path.size() > 0 )
// Push the path onto the front of our order queue in reverse order,
// so that we run through it before continuing other orders.
CEntityOrder node;
node.m_source = orderSource;
// Hack to make pathfinding slightly more precise:
// If the radius was 0, make the final node be exactly at the destination
// (otherwise, go to wherever the pathfinder tells us since we just want to be in range)
CVector2D finalDest = (radius==0 ? destination : path[path.size()-1]);
node.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATH_END_MARKER; // push end marker (used as a sentinel when repathing)
node.m_target_location = finalDest;
node.m_type = stepType; // push final goto step
node.m_target_location = finalDest;
for( int i = ((int) path.size()) - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
node.m_type = stepType; // TODO: For non-contact paths, do we want some other order type?
node.m_target_location = path[i];
else {
// Hack to make pathfinding slightly more precise:
// If radius = 0, we have an empty path but the user still wants us to move
// within the same tile, so add a GOTO order anyway
if(radius == 0)
CEntityOrder node;
node.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATH_END_MARKER;
node.m_target_location = destination;
node.m_type = stepType;
node.m_target_location = destination;
#endif // USE_DCDT
void CPathfindEngine::RequestLowLevelPath( HEntity entity, const CVector2D& destination, bool contact,
float radius, CEntityOrder::EOrderSource orderSource )
CEntityOrder::EOrderType stepType = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING;
if (contact) stepType = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING_CONTACT;
//Kai: added test for terrain information in entityManager
CVector2D source( entity->m_position.X, entity->m_position.Z );
if ( mLowPathfinder.FindPath(source, destination, entity, radius) )
std::vector<CVector2D> stepwisePath = mLowPathfinder.GetLastPath();
// Make the path take as few steps as possible by collapsing steps in the same direction together.
std::vector<CVector2D> path;
CVector2D lastDir(0, 0);
for(size_t i=0; i < stepwisePath.size(); i++)
if(i >= 2 && stepwisePath[i]-stepwisePath[i-1] == lastDir)
// We're in a colinear range; just update last point
path[path.size()-1] = stepwisePath[i];
if(i >= 1)
lastDir = stepwisePath[i] - stepwisePath[i-1];
if( path.size() > 0 )
// Push the path onto the front of our order queue in reverse order,
// so that we run through it before continuing other orders.
CEntityOrder node;
node.m_source = orderSource;
// Hack to make pathfinding slightly more precise:
// If the radius was 0, make the final node be exactly at the destination
// (otherwise, go to wherever the pathfinder tells us since we just want to be in range)
CVector2D finalDest = (radius==0 ? destination : path[path.size()-1]);
node.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATH_END_MARKER; // push end marker (used as a sentinel when repathing)
node.m_target_location = finalDest;
node.m_type = stepType; // push final goto step
node.m_target_location = finalDest;
for( int i = ((int) path.size()) - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
node.m_type = stepType;
node.m_target_location = path[i];
else {
// Hack to make pathfinding slightly more precise:
// If radius = 0, we have an empty path but the user still wants us to move
// within the same tile, so add a GOTO order anyway
if(radius == 0)
CEntityOrder node;
node.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATH_END_MARKER;
node.m_target_location = destination;
node.m_type = stepType;
node.m_target_location = destination;
// If no path was found, then unsolvable
// TODO: Figure out what to do in this case
void CPathfindEngine::RequestContactPath( HEntity entity, CEntityOrder* current, float range )
/* TODO: Same as non-contact: need high-level planner */
CEntityOrder waypoint;
waypoint.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_WAYPOINT_CONTACT;
waypoint.m_source = current->m_source;
HEntity target = current->m_target_entity;
waypoint.m_target_location = target->m_position;
waypoint.m_pathfinder_radius = std::max( target->m_bounds->m_radius, range );
entity->m_orderQueue.push_front( waypoint );
//PathSparse( entity, current->m_target_entity->m_position );
//// For attack orders, do some additional postprocessing (replace goto/nopathing
//// with attack/nopathing, up until the attack order marker)
//std::deque<CEntityOrder>::iterator it;
//for( it = entity->m_orderQueue.begin(); it != entity->m_orderQueue.end(); it++ )
// if( it->m_type == CEntityOrder::ORDER_PATH_END_MARKER )
// break;
// if( it->m_type == CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_NOPATHING )
// {
// *it = *current;
// }
bool CPathfindEngine::RequestAvoidPath( HEntity entity, CEntityOrder* current, float avoidRange )
/* TODO: Same as non-contact: need high-level planner */
// TODO: Replace this with a new type of goal which is to avoid some point or line segment
// (requires changes to pathfinder to support this type of goal)
CEntityOrder waypoint;
waypoint.m_type = CEntityOrder::ORDER_GOTO_WAYPOINT_CONTACT;
waypoint.m_source = current->m_source;
// Figure out a direction to move
HEntity target = current->m_target_entity;
CVector3D dir = entity->m_position - target->m_position;
if(dir.LengthSquared() == 0) // shouldn't happen, but just in case
dir = CVector3D(1, 0, 0);
float dist = dir.Length();
waypoint.m_target_location = entity->m_position + dir * (avoidRange - dist);
if( !g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->IsOnMap( waypoint.m_target_location ) )
return false;
waypoint.m_pathfinder_radius = 0.0f;
entity->m_orderQueue.push_front( waypoint );
return true;