
455 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "precompiled.h"
#include <string>
#include "Overlay.h"
#include "Parser.h"
bool CColor::ParseString(const CStr& Value, float DefaultAlpha)
// Use the parser to parse the values
CParser& parser (CParserCache::Get("_[-$arg(_minus)]$value_[-$arg(_minus)]$value_[-$arg(_minus)]$value_[[-$arg(_minus)]$value_]"));
std::string str = Value;
CParserLine line;
line.ParseString(parser, str);
if (!line.m_ParseOK)
// TODO Gee: Parsing failed
return false;
float values[4];
values[3] = DefaultAlpha;
for (int i=0; i<(int)line.GetArgCount(); ++i)
if (!line.GetArgFloat(i, values[i]))
// Parsing failed
return false;
r = values[0]/255.f;
g = values[1]/255.f;
b = values[2]/255.f;
a = values[3]/255.f;
return true;
bool CColor::operator == (const CColor &color) const
return r==color.r &&
g==color.g &&
b==color.b &&
CRect::CRect() :
2004-09-02 05:05:16 +02:00
left(0.f), top(0.f), right(0.f), bottom(0.f)
CRect::CRect(const CPos &pos) :
left(pos.x), top(pos.y), right(pos.x), bottom(pos.y)
CRect::CRect(const CSize &size) :
left(0.f), top(0.f), right(size.cx), bottom(size.cy)
CRect::CRect(const CPos &upperleft, const CPos &bottomright) :
left(upperleft.x), top(upperleft.y), right(bottomright.x), bottom(bottomright.y)
CRect::CRect(const CPos &pos, const CSize &size) :
left(pos.x), top(pos.y), right((pos.x+size.cx)), bottom((pos.y+size.cy))
2004-09-02 05:05:16 +02:00
CRect::CRect(const float &_l, const float &_t, const float &_r, const float &_b) :
left(_l), top(_t), right(_r), bottom(_b)
// =
void CRect::operator = (const CRect& a)
left = a.left;
top = a.top;
right = a.right;
bottom = a.bottom;
// ==
bool CRect::operator ==(const CRect &a) const
return (left==a.left &&
top==a.top &&
right==a.right &&
// !=
bool CRect::operator != (const CRect& a) const
return !(*this==a);
// - (the unary operator)
CRect CRect::operator - (void) const
return CRect(-left, -top, -right, -bottom);
// + (the unary operator)
CRect CRect::operator + (void) const
return *this;
// +
CRect CRect::operator + (const CRect& a) const
return CRect(left+a.left, top+a.top, right+a.right, bottom+a.bottom);
// +
CRect CRect::operator + (const CPos& a) const
return CRect(left+a.x, top+a.y, right+a.x, bottom+a.y);
// +
CRect CRect::operator + (const CSize& a) const
return CRect(left+a.cx, top+a.cy, right+a.cx, bottom+a.cy);
// -
CRect CRect::operator - (const CRect& a) const
return CRect(left-a.left, top-a.top, right-a.right, bottom-a.bottom);
// -
CRect CRect::operator - (const CPos& a) const
return CRect(left-a.x, top-a.y, right-a.x, bottom-a.y);
// -
CRect CRect::operator - (const CSize& a) const
return CRect(left-a.cx, top-a.cy, right-a.cx, bottom-a.cy);
// +=
void CRect::operator +=(const CRect& a)
left += a.left;
top += a.top;
right += a.right;
bottom += a.bottom;
// +=
void CRect::operator +=(const CPos& a)
left += a.x;
top += a.y;
right += a.x;
bottom += a.y;
// +=
void CRect::operator +=(const CSize& a)
left += a.cx;
top += a.cy;
right += a.cx;
bottom += a.cy;
// -=
void CRect::operator -=(const CRect& a)
left -= a.left;
top -= a.top;
right -= a.right;
bottom -= a.bottom;
// -=
void CRect::operator -=(const CPos& a)
left -= a.x;
top -= a.y;
right -= a.x;
bottom -= a.y;
// -=
void CRect::operator -=(const CSize& a)
left -= a.cx;
top -= a.cy;
right -= a.cx;
bottom -= a.cy;
2004-09-02 05:05:16 +02:00
float CRect::GetWidth() const
return right-left;
2004-09-02 05:05:16 +02:00
float CRect::GetHeight() const
return bottom-top;
CSize CRect::GetSize() const
return CSize(right-left, bottom-top);
CPos CRect::TopLeft() const
return CPos(left, top);
CPos CRect::BottomRight() const
return CPos(right, right);
CPos CRect::CenterPoint() const
return CPos((left+right)/2.f, (top+bottom)/2.f);
bool CRect::PointInside(const CPos &point) const
return (point.x >= left &&
point.x <= right &&
point.y >= top &&
point.y <= bottom);
CRect CRect::Scale(float x, float y) const
return CRect(left*x, top*y, right*x, bottom*y);
CPos::CPos() : x(0.f), y(0.f)
CPos::CPos(const CSize& s) : x(s.cx), y(s.cy)
CPos::CPos(const float &_x, const float &_y) : x(_x), y(_y)
// =
void CPos::operator = (const CPos& a)
x = a.x;
y = a.y;
// ==
bool CPos::operator ==(const CPos &a) const
return (x==a.x && y==a.y);
// !=
bool CPos::operator != (const CPos& a) const
return !(*this==a);
// - (the unary operator)
CPos CPos::operator - (void) const
return CPos(-x, -y);
// + (the unary operator)
CPos CPos::operator + (void) const
return *this;
// +
CPos CPos::operator + (const CPos& a) const
return CPos(x+a.x, y+a.y);
// +
CPos CPos::operator + (const CSize& a) const
return CPos(x+a.cx, y+a.cy);
// -
CPos CPos::operator - (const CPos& a) const
return CPos(x-a.x, y-a.y);
// -
CPos CPos::operator - (const CSize& a) const
return CPos(x-a.cx, y-a.cy);
// +=
void CPos::operator +=(const CPos& a)
x += a.x;
y += a.y;
// +=
void CPos::operator +=(const CSize& a)
x += a.cx;
y += a.cy;
// -=
void CPos::operator -=(const CPos& a)
x -= a.x;
y -= a.y;
// -=
void CPos::operator -=(const CSize& a)
x -= a.cx;
y -= a.cy;
CSize::CSize() : cx(0.f), cy(0.f)
CSize::CSize(const CRect &rect) : cx(rect.GetWidth()), cy(rect.GetHeight())
CSize::CSize(const CPos &pos) : cx(pos.x), cy(pos.y)
CSize::CSize(const float &_cx, const float &_cy) : cx(_cx), cy(_cy)
// =
void CSize::operator = (const CSize& a)
cx = a.cx;
cy = a.cy;
// ==
bool CSize::operator ==(const CSize &a) const
return (cx==a.cx && cy==a.cy);
// !=
bool CSize::operator != (const CSize& a) const
return !(*this==a);
// - (the unary operator)
CSize CSize::operator - (void) const
return CSize(-cx, -cy);
// + (the unary operator)
CSize CSize::operator + (void) const
return *this;
// +
CSize CSize::operator + (const CSize& a) const
return CSize(cx+a.cx, cy+a.cy);
// -
CSize CSize::operator - (const CSize& a) const
return CSize(cx-a.cx, cy-a.cy);
// /
CSize CSize::operator / (const float& a) const
return CSize(cx/a, cy/a);
// *
CSize CSize::operator * (const float& a) const
return CSize(cx*a, cy*a);
// +=
void CSize::operator +=(const CSize& a)
cx += a.cx;
cy += a.cy;
// -=
void CSize::operator -=(const CSize& a)
cx -= a.cx;
cy -= a.cy;
// /=
void CSize::operator /=(const float& a)
cx /= a;
cy /= a;
// *=
void CSize::operator *=(const float& a)
cx *= a;
cy *= a;