# Optimised conversion of COLLADA models

Duplicate vertices are only stored once (then indexed multiple times),
whereas the old version needlessly repeated data.

This was SVN commit r4723.
This commit is contained in:
Ykkrosh 2006-12-25 23:42:53 +00:00
parent ba666313f1
commit 24f06de815
3 changed files with 262 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "StdSkeletons.h"
#include "Decompose.h"
#include "Maths.h"
#include "GeomReindex.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
@ -112,25 +113,29 @@ public:
FCDGeometryPolygons* polys = GetPolysFromGeometry((FCDGeometry*)instance->GetEntity());
size_t vertices = polys->GetFaceVertexCount();
FloatList position, normal, texcoord;
// Convert the geometry into a suitable form for the game
DeindexInput(polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::POSITION, position, 3);
DeindexInput(polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::NORMAL, normal, 3);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputPosition = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::POSITION);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputNormal = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::NORMAL);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputTexcoord = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD);
if (polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD))
DeindexInput(polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD, texcoord, 2);
else // Accept untextured models
texcoord.resize(vertices*2, 0.f);
UInt32List* indicesCombined = polys->FindIndices(inputPosition); // guaranteed by ReindexGeometry
assert(position.size() == vertices*3);
assert(normal.size() == vertices*3);
assert(texcoord.size() == vertices*2);
FCDGeometrySource* sourcePosition = inputPosition->GetSource();
FCDGeometrySource* sourceNormal = inputNormal ->GetSource();
FCDGeometrySource* sourceTexcoord = inputTexcoord->GetSource();
TransformVertices(position, normal, transform);
// TODO: optimise at least enough to merge identical vertices
FloatList& dataPosition = sourcePosition->GetSourceData();
FloatList& dataNormal = sourceNormal ->GetSourceData();
FloatList& dataTexcoord = sourceTexcoord->GetSourceData();
WritePMD(output, vertices, 0, &position[0], &normal[0], &texcoord[0], NULL, NULL);
TransformVertices(dataPosition, dataNormal, transform);
std::vector<VertexBlend> boneWeights;
std::vector<BoneTransform> boneTransforms;
WritePMD(output, *indicesCombined, dataPosition, dataNormal, dataTexcoord, boneWeights, boneTransforms);
else if (instance->GetEntity()->GetType() == FCDEntity::CONTROLLER)
@ -147,37 +152,46 @@ public:
// Make sure it doesn't use more bones per vertex than the game can handle
SkinReduceInfluences(skin, maxInfluences, 0.001f);
// Convert the bone influences into VertexBlend structures for the PMD
// Convert the geometry into a suitable form for the game
ReindexGeometry(polys, skin);
std::vector<VertexBlend> vertexBlends; // one per vertex
// Convert the bone influences into VertexBlend structures for the PMD:
const FCDWeightedMatches& boneWeights = skin->GetVertexInfluences();
for (size_t i = 0; i < boneWeights.size(); ++i)
bool hasComplainedAboutNonexistentJoints = false;
std::vector<VertexBlend> boneWeights; // one per vertex
const FCDWeightedMatches& vertexInfluences = skin->GetVertexInfluences();
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertexInfluences.size(); ++i)
VertexBlend influences = defaultInfluences;
assert(boneWeights[i].size() <= maxInfluences); // guaranteed by ReduceInfluences
for (size_t j = 0; j < boneWeights[i].size(); ++j)
assert(vertexInfluences[i].size() <= maxInfluences); // guaranteed by ReduceInfluences
for (size_t j = 0; j < vertexInfluences[i].size(); ++j)
uint32 jointIdx = boneWeights[i][j].jointIndex;
uint32 jointIdx = vertexInfluences[i][j].jointIndex;
REQUIRE(jointIdx <= 0xFF, "sensible number of joints");
FCDSceneNode* joint = skin->GetJoint(jointIdx)->joint;
if (! joint)
Log(LOG_WARNING, "Vertexes influenced by nonexistent joint");
if (! hasComplainedAboutNonexistentJoints)
Log(LOG_WARNING, "Vertexes influenced by nonexistent joint");
hasComplainedAboutNonexistentJoints = true;
int boneId = StdSkeletons::FindStandardBoneID(joint->GetName());
REQUIRE(boneId >= 0, "recognised bone name");
influences.bones[j] = (uint8)boneId;
influences.weights[j] = boneWeights[i][j].weight;
influences.weights[j] = vertexInfluences[i][j].weight;
BoneTransform boneDefault = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
std::vector<BoneTransform> bones (StdSkeletons::GetBoneCount(), boneDefault);
std::vector<BoneTransform> boneTransforms (StdSkeletons::GetBoneCount(), boneDefault);
transform = skin->GetBindShapeTransform();
@ -207,27 +221,26 @@ public:
int boneId = StdSkeletons::FindStandardBoneID(joint->joint->GetName());
REQUIRE(boneId >= 0, "recognised bone name");
bones[boneId] = b;
boneTransforms[boneId] = b;
size_t vertices = polys->GetFaceVertexCount();
FloatList position, normal, texcoord;
std::vector<VertexBlend> blends;
DeindexInput(polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::POSITION, position, 3);
DeindexInput(polys, vertexBlends, blends);
DeindexInput(polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::NORMAL, normal, 3);
if (polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD))
DeindexInput(polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD, texcoord, 2);
else // Accept untextured models
texcoord.resize(vertices*2, 0.f);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputPosition = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::POSITION);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputNormal = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::NORMAL);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputTexcoord = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD);
assert(position.size() == vertices*3);
assert(normal.size() == vertices*3);
assert(texcoord.size() == vertices*2);
UInt32List* indicesCombined = polys->FindIndices(inputPosition); // guaranteed by ReindexGeometry
TransformVertices(position, normal, bones, transform);
FCDGeometrySource* sourcePosition = inputPosition->GetSource();
FCDGeometrySource* sourceNormal = inputNormal ->GetSource();
FCDGeometrySource* sourceTexcoord = inputTexcoord->GetSource();
WritePMD(output, vertices, bones.size(), &position[0], &normal[0], &texcoord[0], &blends[0], &bones[0]);
FloatList& dataPosition = sourcePosition->GetSourceData();
FloatList& dataNormal = sourceNormal ->GetSourceData();
FloatList& dataTexcoord = sourceTexcoord->GetSourceData();
TransformVertices(dataPosition, dataNormal, boneTransforms, transform);
WritePMD(output, *indicesCombined, dataPosition, dataNormal, dataTexcoord, boneWeights, boneTransforms);
@ -240,22 +253,23 @@ public:
* Writes the model data in the PMD format.
static void WritePMD(OutputCB& output,
size_t vertexCount, size_t boneCount,
float* position, float* normal, float* texcoord,
VertexBlend* boneWeights, BoneTransform* boneTransforms)
const UInt32List& indices,
const FloatList& position, const FloatList& normal, const FloatList& texcoord,
const std::vector<VertexBlend>& boneWeights, const std::vector<BoneTransform>& boneTransforms)
static const VertexBlend noBlend = { { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
if (boneCount) assert(boneWeights && boneTransforms);
size_t vertexCount = position.size()/3;
size_t faceCount = indices.size()/3;
size_t boneCount = boneTransforms.size();
if (boneCount)
assert(boneWeights.size() == vertexCount);
output("PSMD", 4); // magic number
write<uint32>(output, 3); // version number
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)(
4 + 13*4*vertexCount + // vertices
4 + 6*vertexCount/3 + // faces
4 + 6*faceCount + // faces
4 + 7*4*boneCount + // bones
4 + 0 // props
)); // data size
@ -267,19 +281,17 @@ public:
output((char*)&position[i*3], 12);
output((char*)&normal [i*3], 12);
output((char*)&texcoord[i*2], 8);
if (boneWeights)
if (boneCount)
write(output, boneWeights[i]);
write(output, noBlend);
// Face data
// (TODO: this is really very rubbish and inefficient)
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)vertexCount/3);
for (uint16 i = 0; i < vertexCount/3; ++i)
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)faceCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
uint16 vertexCount[3] = { i*3, i*3+1, i*3+2 };
write(output, vertexCount);
write(output, (uint16)indices[i]);
// Bones data
@ -302,36 +314,6 @@ public:
return mesh->GetPolygons(0);
* Converts from value-array plus indexes-into-array-per-vertex, into
* values-per-vertex (because that's what PMD wants).
static void DeindexInput(const FCDGeometryPolygons* polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::Semantic semantic, FloatList& out, size_t outStride)
const FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* input = polys->FindInput(semantic);
const UInt32List* indices = polys->FindIndices(input);
REQUIRE(input && indices, "has expected polygon input");
const FCDGeometrySource* source = input->GetSource();
const FloatList& data = source->GetSourceData();
size_t stride = source->GetSourceStride();
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices->size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < outStride; ++j)
out.push_back(data[(*indices)[i]*stride + j]);
static void DeindexInput(const FCDGeometryPolygons* polys, const std::vector<VertexBlend>& inBlends, std::vector<VertexBlend>& outBlends)
const FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* input = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::POSITION);
const UInt32List* indices = polys->FindIndices(input);
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices->size(); ++i)
* Applies world-space transform to vertex data, and flips into other-handed
* coordinate space.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "GeomReindex.h"
#include <cassert>
struct VertexData
VertexData(const float* pos, const float* norm, const float* tex, const FCDJointWeightPairList& weights)
: x(pos[0]), y(pos[1]), z(pos[2]),
nx(norm[0]), ny(norm[1]), nz(norm[2]),
u(tex[0]), v(tex[1]),
float x, y, z;
float nx, ny, nz;
float u, v;
FCDJointWeightPairList weights;
bool similar(float a, float b)
return (fabsf(a - b) < 0.000001f);
bool operator==(const FCDJointWeightPair& a, const FCDJointWeightPair& b)
return (a.jointIndex == b.jointIndex && similar(a.weight, b.weight));
bool operator<(const FCDJointWeightPair& a, const FCDJointWeightPair& b)
// Sort by decreasing weight, then by increasing joint ID
if (a.weight > b.weight)
return true;
else if (a.weight < b.weight)
return false;
else if (a.jointIndex < b.jointIndex)
return true;
return false;
bool operator==(const VertexData& a, const VertexData& b)
return (similar(a.x, b.x) && similar(a.y, b.y) && similar(a.z, b.z)
&& similar(a.nx, b.nx) && similar(a.ny, b.ny) && similar(a.nz, b.nz)
&& similar(a.u, b.u) && similar(a.v, b.v)
&& (a.weights == b.weights));
bool operator<(const VertexData& a, const VertexData& b)
#define CMP(f) if (a.f < b.f) return true; if (a.f > b.f) return false
CMP(x); CMP(y); CMP(z);
CMP(nx); CMP(ny); CMP(nz);
CMP(u); CMP(v);
#undef CMP
return false;
template <typename T>
struct InserterWithoutDuplicates
InserterWithoutDuplicates(std::vector<T>& vec) : vec(vec)
size_t add(const T& val)
std::map<T, size_t>::iterator it = btree.find(val);
if (it != btree.end())
return it->second;
size_t idx = vec.size();
btree.insert(std::make_pair(val, idx));
return idx;
std::vector<T>& vec;
std::map<T, size_t> btree; // for faster lookups (so we can build a duplicate-free list in O(n log n) instead of O(n^2))
InserterWithoutDuplicates& operator=(const InserterWithoutDuplicates&);
void CanonicaliseWeights(FCDJointWeightPairList& weights)
// Convert weight-lists into a standard format, so simple vector equality
// can be used to determine equivalence
std::sort(weights.begin(), weights.end());
void ReindexGeometry(FCDGeometryPolygons* polys, FCDSkinController* skin)
// Given geometry with:
// positions, normals, texcoords, bone blends
// each with their own data array and index array, change it to
// have a single optimised index array shared by all vertexes.
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputPosition = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::POSITION);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputNormal = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::NORMAL);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputTexcoord = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD);
UInt32List* indicesPosition = polys->FindIndices(inputPosition);
UInt32List* indicesNormal = polys->FindIndices(inputNormal);
UInt32List* indicesTexcoord = polys->FindIndices(inputTexcoord);
assert(indicesTexcoord); // TODO - should be optional, because textureless meshes aren't unreasonable
size_t numVertices = polys->GetFaceVertexCount();
assert(indicesPosition->size() == numVertices);
assert(indicesNormal ->size() == numVertices);
assert(indicesTexcoord->size() == numVertices);
FCDGeometrySource* sourcePosition = inputPosition->GetSource();
FCDGeometrySource* sourceNormal = inputNormal ->GetSource();
FCDGeometrySource* sourceTexcoord = inputTexcoord->GetSource();
const FloatList& dataPosition = sourcePosition->GetSourceData();
const FloatList& dataNormal = sourceNormal ->GetSourceData();
const FloatList& dataTexcoord = sourceTexcoord->GetSourceData();
if (skin)
size_t numVertexPositions = dataPosition.size() / sourcePosition->GetSourceStride();
assert(skin->GetVertexInfluenceCount() == numVertexPositions);
uint32 stridePosition = sourcePosition->GetSourceStride();
uint32 strideNormal = sourceNormal ->GetSourceStride();
uint32 strideTexcoord = sourceTexcoord->GetSourceStride();
UInt32List indicesCombined;
std::vector<VertexData> vertexes;
InserterWithoutDuplicates<VertexData> inserter(vertexes);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
FCDJointWeightPairList weights;
if (skin)
weights = *skin->GetInfluences((*indicesPosition)[i]);
VertexData vtx (
&dataNormal [(*indicesNormal )[i]*strideNormal],
size_t idx = inserter.add(vtx);//InsertWithoutDuplicates(vertexes, vtx);
FloatList newDataPosition;
FloatList newDataNormal;
FloatList newDataTexcoord;
FCDWeightedMatches newWeightedMatches;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertexes.size(); ++i)
newDataNormal .push_back(vertexes[i].nx);
newDataNormal .push_back(vertexes[i].ny);
newDataNormal .push_back(vertexes[i].nz);
// (Slightly wasteful to duplicate this array so many times, but FCollada
// doesn't seem to support multiple inputs with the same source data)
*indicesPosition = indicesCombined;
*indicesNormal = indicesCombined;
*indicesTexcoord = indicesCombined;
sourcePosition->SetSourceData(newDataPosition, 3);
sourceNormal ->SetSourceData(newDataNormal, 3);
sourceTexcoord->SetSourceData(newDataTexcoord, 3);
if (skin)
skin->GetWeightedMatches() = newWeightedMatches;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
void ReindexGeometry(FCDGeometryPolygons* polys, FCDSkinController* skin = NULL);