Went through all building and unit entities and added their unique names and histories. Also removed structure and unit entities that aren't used (eg Special Buildings, some defensive structures), and refined build and train lists to match civ profiles.

This was SVN commit r1647.
This commit is contained in:
Acumen 2005-01-05 20:14:46 +00:00
parent c7de44ac74
commit 45b82330fd
18 changed files with 93 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
ranked="Basic Hyppikon"
history="Cavalry were made up of the upper class since they were the only ones who could afford horses. Initially they were missile troops who avoided close combat, throwing javelins and spears at enemy troops. Later on thanks to developments by the Macedonians they began to close with enemy troops to use their swords. As with all ancient horsemen the Hyppikon did not have stirrups or a saddle."

View File

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
ranked="Basic (Name)"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="Cretan archers were the best archers in Greece. They used a different bow with longer range."
<Actor>Hellene Basic Archer Infantry</Actor>

View File

@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
ranked="Basic (Name)"
specific="Thracian Peltast"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="Peltasts are special units trained to overcome Archers. They carry a special shield called a pelta (from which they derived their name). The shield is deliberately curved to allow the Peltast to throw javelins faster and over a greater range."
<Actor>Hellene Basic Javelinist Infantry</Actor>

View File

@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
ranked="Basic (Name)"
specific="Rhodian Sfendonistis"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="Because they used lead instead of stone, the Rhodian slingers were famous in Greek armies. This increased their range and ability to deal damage."
<Actor>Hellene Basic Slinger Infantry</Actor>

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
ranked="Basic Hoplite"
history="Hoplites were the very symbol of Hellenistic prestige and citizenship, armed with a spear and a large round, bronze-coated shield known as a hoplon. Armor was heavy, with bronze helmets and a cuirass of either bronze or linen, in addition to greaves. Hoplites fought in a tight formation called a phalanx, guarding each other with their shields while they attacked the enemy with their spear or a short iron sword."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Tag="hele_su1" Parent="siu">
specific="Athenian Gastraphetes"
history="Gastraphetes means Belly-bow. The predecessor of the catapult. Invented c. 399 BC in Syrakuse. There are no archaeological finds known so far, but there is a detailed description preserved in Heron, Belopoica together with an accompanying text figure. The ancient gastraphetes was powered by a composite bow."
<Actor>Hellene Super Unit 1</Actor>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Tag="hele_su2" Parent="ssu">
specific="Athenian Oxybeles"
history="The Oxybeles was designed in 375 BC, because the composite bow developed so fast that it grew too large and too powerful to be operated by a single human archer. The bow was placed on a tripod and a winch was fitted to draw it back. It was still made out of horn, wood and sinew, but it was bigger and more powerful then the gastrophetes bow. Because of that, the range was greater, and by placing the bow on a stable tripod, the accuracy of the shot was also greatly improved. However, the limits of the materials were nearly reached, and the engineers still wanted more power."
<Actor>Hellene Super Unit 2</Actor>

View File

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="The Greeks were born traders. While not as widely spread as sea trade, land trade nevertheless was practised on a reasonable scale."
<Actor>Hellene Trader</Actor>

View File

@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Tag="iber_cjv_b" Parent="csp">
<Entity Tag="iber_cjv_b" Parent="cjv">
ranked="Basic (Name)"
specific="Caballero Turdetano"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="Mounted troops comprised variously 20-25% of warriors and their horses were well cared for by their owners. Horses were raised in abundant numbers in the Iberian Peninsula from the earliest of times; it was said by the Romans that either Iberia or Numidia (in North Africa) could provide on the order of 100,000 mounts per year!"
<Actor>Iberian Basic Javelinist Cavalry</Actor>

View File

@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
ranked="Basic (Name)"
specific="Caballero Ilergete"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="Mounted troops comprised variously 20-25% of warriors and their horses were well cared for by their owners. Horses were raised in abundant numbers in the Iberian Peninsula from the earliest of times; it was said by the Romans that either Iberia or Numidia (in North Africa) could provide on the order of 100,000 mounts per year!"
<Actor>Iberian Basic Swordsman Cavalry</Actor>

View File

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
specific="Ciudadana Iberica"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="Until the coming of and imposition of Roman Law, females were treated as being equal to men in virtually all social aspects of Iberian society."
<Actor>Iberian Female Citizen</Actor>

View File

@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
ranked="Basic (Name)"
specific="Infante Lusitano"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="Lusitani occupied the lands in the west central Atlantic coastal region of Iberia (central modern day Portugal) and were descended from the earliest migration of Celts, Urn field culture, whom mixed with the indigenous peoples of the region. They were probably the most warlike of the peoples of the peninsula, often fielding roving bands of young warriors whom would raid other tribes even at some distance from their homeland. They conducted at least one fully fledged war of numerous campaigns over a period of years against the Romans, under the command of their chief at the time, Viriato."
<Actor>Iberian Basic Javelinist Infantry</Actor>

View File

@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
ranked="Basic (Name)"
specific="Infante Hondero"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="The Iberian Peninsula is literally littered with stone, ceramic, and leaden sling bolts at archeological sites, so evidence suggests that slingers were a common enough unit that they are tribal generic. While it is a popular notion that Balearic Slingers, possibly the best in the ancient world, were 'Hispanic' because the islands now belong to modern day Spain, they are a Carthaginian unit relative to the times. Iberian slingers carry 3 slings like those of the Balearic."
<Actor>Iberian Basic Slinger Infantry</Actor>

View File

@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
ranked="Basic (Name)"
specific="Infante Carpetano"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="Carpetani were a major tribe occupying lands just south of the Celtiberi on Iberia's central upland plain, much like their neighbours to the north, and long resisted incursion by both Romans and Carthaginians in their homeland."
<Actor>Iberian Basic Spearman Infantry</Actor>

View File

@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
ranked="Basic (Name)"
specific="Infante Numantino"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="Numantinos were citizens of the city of Numantia and members of the Celtiberi tribe living in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula; particularly famous for their resistance to Roman subjugation culminating in the Siege of Numantia which lasted 8 months. Rather than submit to the Roman victors, almost the entire nobility committed suicide instead of surrendering to be paraded in a Triumph and/or sold into slavery as the rest of the population subsequently was."
<Actor>Iberian Basic Swordsman Infantry</Actor>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Tag="iber_su1" Parent="siu">
specific="Infante Devotio"
history="'Devotios' (the devoted) were experienced veterans of 'foreign wars'. They served as mercenaries for other nations and having lived to return to their own where they assumed a position close to the chief or king. Their relationship was similar to that of feudal knights during the later Middle Ages."
<Actor>Iberian Super Unit 1</Actor>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Tag="iber_su2" Parent="scu">
specific="Caballero Devotio"
history="'Devotios' (the devoted) were experienced veterans of 'foreign wars'. They served as mercenaries for other nations and having lived to return to their own where they assumed a position close to the chief or king. Their relationship was similar to that of feudal knights during the later Middle Ages."
<Actor>Iberian Super Unit 2</Actor>

View File

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
specific="Comerciante Iberico"
history="(Insert History Here)"
history="It is not known exactly what 'vehicles' might have been used for trading, except that the Iberians did a lot of overland trading by land amongst themselves and some with people to the north of the Pyrenees, and that wagons and carts were known and used for something; it stands to reason they would have been used in commerce."
<Actor>Iberian Trader</Actor>