# Initial COLLADA support.

Just does static geometry at the moment.

This was SVN commit r4680.
This commit is contained in:
Ykkrosh 2006-12-06 00:06:05 +00:00
parent 34d62318f5
commit 8fa6b12568
11 changed files with 1093 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
from ctypes import *
import sys
import os
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print "Incorrect command-line syntax. Use"
print " " + sys.argv[0] + " input.dae output.pmd"
input_filename, output_filename = sys.argv[1:]
if not os.path.exists(input_filename):
print "Cannot find input file '%s'" % input_filename
library = cdll.LoadLibrary('Collada.dll')
def log(severity, message):
print '[%s] %s' % (('INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR')[severity], message)
clog = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int, c_char_p)(log)
# (the CFUNCTYPE must not be GC'd, so try to keep a reference)
def convert_dae_to_pmd(filename):
output = ['']
def cb(str, len):
output[0] += string_at(str, len)
cbtype = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(c_char), c_uint)
status = library.convert_dae_to_pmd(filename, cbtype(cb))
assert(status == 0)
return output[0]
input = open(input_filename).read()
output = convert_dae_to_pmd(input)
open(output_filename, 'wb').write(output)

View File

@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ extern_lib_defs = {
win_names = { "ddraw", "dsound" },
dbg_suffix = "",
fcollada = {
win_names = { "FColladaS" },
dbg_suffix = "D",
no_delayload = 1,
ffmpeg = {
win_names = { "avcodec-51", "avformat-51", "avutil-49" },
dbg_suffix = "",

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
addoption("atlas", "Include Atlas scenario editor packages")
addoption("collada", "Include COLLADA packages (requires FCollada library)")
addoption("outpath", "Location for generated project files")
addoption("without-tests", "Disable generation of test projects")
addoption("without-pch", "Disable generation and usage of precompiled headers")
@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ static_lib_names = {}
-- set up one of the static libraries into which the main engine code is split.
-- extra_params: see package_add_contents().
-- note: rel_source_dirs and rel_include_dirs are relative to global source_root.
local function setup_static_lib_package (package_name, rel_source_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
function setup_static_lib_package (package_name, rel_source_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
package_create(package_name, "lib")
package_add_contents(source_root, rel_source_dirs, {}, extra_params)
@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ end
-- setup a typical Atlas component package
-- extra_params: as in package_add_contents; also zero or more of the following:
-- * pch: (any type) set stdafx.h and .cpp as PCH
local function setup_atlas_package(package_name, target_type, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
function setup_atlas_package(package_name, target_type, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
local source_root = "../../../source/tools/atlas/" .. package_name .. "/"
package_create(package_name, target_type)
@ -574,7 +575,7 @@ end
-- Atlas 'frontend' tool-launching packages
local function setup_atlas_frontend_package (package_name)
function setup_atlas_frontend_package (package_name)
package_create(package_name, "winexe")
@ -610,6 +611,57 @@ function setup_atlas_frontends()
-- collada
function setup_collada_package(package_name, target_type, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
package_create(package_name, target_type)
-- Don't add the default 'sourceroot/pch/projectname' for finding PCH files
extra_params["no_default_pch"] = 1
package_add_contents(source_root, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extra_params)
if extra_params["pch"] then
package_setup_pch(nil, "precompiled.h", "precompiled.cpp");
-- Platform Specifics
if OS == "windows" then
-- required to use WinMain() on Windows, otherwise will default to main()
tinsert(package.buildflags, "no-main")
if extra_params["extra_links"] then
listconcat(package.links, extra_params["extra_links"])
else -- Non-Windows, = Unix
tinsert(package.buildoptions, "-rdynamic")
tinsert(package.linkoptions, "-rdynamic")
-- build all Collada component packages
function setup_collada_packages()
setup_collada_package("Collada", "dll",
{ -- src
},{ -- include
},{ -- extern_libs
},{ -- extra_params
pch = 1,
-- tests
@ -736,6 +788,10 @@ if options["atlas"] then
if options["collada"] then
if not options["without-tests"] then

View File

@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "Converter.h"
#include "FCollada.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDocument.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDSceneNode.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometry.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometryMesh.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometryPolygons.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometrySource.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
/** Throws a ColladaException unless the value is true. */
#define REQUIRE(value, message) require_(__LINE__, value, "Failed assertion", message)
/** Throws a ColladaException unless the status is successful. */
#define REQUIRE_SUCCESS(status) require_(__LINE__, status)
void require_(int line, bool value, const char* type, const char* message)
if (value) return;
char linestr[16];
sprintf(linestr, "%d", line);
throw ColladaException(std::string(type) + " (line " + linestr + "): " + message);
void require_(int line, const FUStatus& status)
require_(line, status, "FCollada error", status.GetErrorString());
/** Outputs a structure, using sizeof to get the size. */
template<typename T> void write(OutputFn output, const T& data)
output((char*)&data, sizeof(T));
struct VertexBlend
uint8 bones[4];
float weights[4];
struct BoneTransform
float translation[3];
float orientation[4];
/** Error handler for libxml2 */
void errorHandler(void* ctx, const char* msg, ...)
char buffer[1024];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, msg);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), msg, ap);
buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
*((std::string*)ctx) += buffer;
class Converter
* Converts a COLLADA XML document into the PMD format.
* @param input XML document to parse
* @param output callback for writing the PMD data; called lots of times
* with small strings
* @param xmlErrors output - errors reported by the XML parser
* @throws ColladaException on failure
static void ColladaToPMD(const char* input, OutputFn output, std::string& xmlErrors)
FUStatus ret;
// Grab all the error output from libxml2. Be careful to never use
// libxml2 outside this function without having first set/reset the
// errorfunc (since xmlErrors won't be valid any more).
xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(&xmlErrors, &errorHandler);
std::auto_ptr<FCDocument> doc (FCollada::NewTopDocument());
REQUIRE_SUCCESS(doc->LoadFromText("", input));
FCDSceneNode* root = doc->GetVisualSceneRoot();
// Find the instance to convert
FCDEntityInstance* instance;
FMMatrix44 transform;
if (! FindSingleInstance(root, instance, transform))
throw ColladaException("Couldn't find object to convert");
Log(LOG_INFO, "Converting '%s'", instance->GetEntity()->GetName().c_str());
if (instance->GetEntity()->GetType() == FCDEntity::GEOMETRY)
Log(LOG_INFO, "Found static geometry");
FCDGeometry* geom = (FCDGeometry*)instance->GetEntity();
REQUIRE(geom->IsMesh(), "geometry is mesh");
FCDGeometryMesh* mesh = geom->GetMesh();
REQUIRE(mesh->IsTriangles(), "mesh is made of triangles");
REQUIRE(mesh->GetPolygonsCount() == 1, "mesh has single set of polygons");
FCDGeometryPolygons* polys = mesh->GetPolygons(0);
size_t vertices = polys->GetFaceVertexCount();
FloatList position, normal, texcoord;
DeindexInput(polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::POSITION, position, 3);
DeindexInput(polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::NORMAL, normal, 3);
if (polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD))
DeindexInput(polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD, texcoord, 2);
// Accept untextured models
texcoord.resize(vertices*2, 0.f);
assert(position.size() == vertices*3);
assert(normal.size() == vertices*3);
assert(texcoord.size() == vertices*2);
TransformVertices(position, normal, transform);
// TODO: optimise at least enough to merge identical vertices
WritePMD(output, vertices, 0, &position[0], &normal[0], &texcoord[0], NULL, NULL);
throw ColladaException("Unrecognised object type");
* Writes the model data in the PMD format.
static void WritePMD(OutputFn output, size_t vertexCount, size_t boneCount,
float* position, float* normal, float* texcoord,
VertexBlend* boneWeights, BoneTransform* boneTransforms)
static const VertexBlend noBlend = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
if (boneCount) assert(boneWeights && boneTransforms);
output("PSMD", 4); // magic number
write<uint32>(output, 2); // version number
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)(
4 + 13*4*vertexCount + // vertices
4 + 6*vertexCount/3 + // faces
4 + 7*4*boneCount + // bones
4 + 0 // props
)); // data size
// Vertex data
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)vertexCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
output((char*)&position[i*3], 12);
output((char*)&normal [i*3], 12);
output((char*)&texcoord[i*2], 8);
if (boneWeights)
write(output, boneWeights[i]);
write(output, noBlend);
// Face data
// (TODO: this is really very rubbish and inefficient)
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)vertexCount/3);
for (uint16 i = 0; i < vertexCount/3; ++i)
uint16 vertexCount[3] = { i*3, i*3+1, i*3+2 };
write(output, vertexCount);
// Bones data
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)boneCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < boneCount; ++i)
write(output, boneTransforms[i]);
// Prop points data
write<uint32>(output, 0);
* Converts from value-array plus indexes-into-array-per-vertex, into
* values-per-vertex (because that's what PMD wants).
static void DeindexInput(FCDGeometryPolygons* polys, FUDaeGeometryInput::Semantic semantic, FloatList& out, size_t outStride)
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* input = polys->FindInput(semantic);
UInt32List* indices = polys->FindIndices(input);
REQUIRE(input && indices, "has expected polygon input");
FCDGeometrySource* source = input->GetSource();
FloatList& data = source->GetSourceData();
size_t stride = source->GetSourceStride();
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices->size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < outStride; ++j)
out.push_back(data[(*indices)[i]*stride + j]);
* Applies world-space transform to vertex data, and flips into other-handed
* coordinate space.
static void TransformVertices(FloatList& position, FloatList& normal, const FMMatrix44& transform)
for (size_t i = 0; i < position.size(); i += 3)
FMVector3 pos (position[i], position[i+1], position[i+2]);
FMVector3 norm (normal[i], normal[i+1], normal[i+2]);
// Apply the scene-node transforms
pos = transform.TransformCoordinate(pos);
norm = transform.TransformVector(norm).Normalize();
// Copy back to array, while switching the coordinate system around
position[i+0] = pos.x;
position[i+1] = pos.z;
position[i+2] = pos.y;
normal[i+0] = norm.x;
normal[i+1] = norm.z;
normal[i+2] = norm.y;
struct FoundInstance
FCDEntityInstance* instance;
FMMatrix44 transform;
* Tries to find a single suitable entity instance in the scene. Fails if there
* are none, or if there are too many and it's not clear which one should
* be converted.
* @param node root scene node to search under
* @param instance output - the found entity instance (if any)
* @param transform - the world-space transform of the found entity
* @return true if one was found
static bool FindSingleInstance(FCDSceneNode* node, FCDEntityInstance*& instance, FMMatrix44& transform)
std::vector<FoundInstance> instances;
FindInstances(node, instances, FMMatrix44::Identity, true);
if (instances.size() > 1)
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Found too many export-marked objects");
return false;
if (instances.empty())
FindInstances(node, instances, FMMatrix44::Identity, false);
if (instances.size() > 1)
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Found too many possible objects to convert - try adding the 'export' property to disambiguate one");
return false;
if (instances.empty())
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Didn't find any objects in the scene");
return false;
assert(instances.size() == 1); // if we got this far
instance = instances[0].instance;
transform = instances[0].transform;
return true;
* Recursively finds all entities under the current node. If onlyMarked is
* set, only matches entities where the user-defined property was set to
* "export" in the modelling program.
* @param node root of subtree to search
* @param instances output - appends matching entities
* @param transform transform matrix of current subtree
* @param onlyMarked only match entities with "export" property
static void FindInstances(FCDSceneNode* node, std::vector<FoundInstance>& instances, const FMMatrix44& transform, bool onlyMarked)
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetChildrenCount(); ++i)
FCDSceneNode* child = node->GetChild(i);
FindInstances(child, instances, transform * node->ToMatrix(), onlyMarked);
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetInstanceCount(); ++i)
if (onlyMarked)
if (node->GetNote() != "export")
FoundInstance f;
f.transform = transform * node->ToMatrix();
f.instance = node->GetInstance(i);
// The above stuff is just in a class since I don't like having to bother
// with forward declarations of functions - but provide the plain function
// interface here:
void ColladaToPMD(const char* input, OutputFn output, std::string& xmlErrors)
Converter::ColladaToPMD(input, output, xmlErrors);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef CONVERTER_H__
#define CONVERTER_H__
#include <exception>
#include <string>
class ColladaException : public std::exception
ColladaException(const std::string& msg)
: std::exception(msg.c_str())
void ColladaToPMD(const char* input, OutputFn output, std::string& xmlErrors);
#endif // CONVERTER_H__

source/collada/DLL.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "Converter.h"
#include <cstdarg>
void default_logger(int severity, const char* message)
fprintf(stderr, "[%d] %s\n", severity, message);
static LogFn g_Logger = &default_logger;
void set_logger(LogFn logger)
g_Logger = logger;
void Log(int severity, const char* msg, ...)
char buffer[1024];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, msg);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), msg, ap);
buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
g_Logger(severity, buffer);
int convert_dae_to_pmd(const char* dae, OutputFn pmd_writer)
Log(LOG_INFO, "Starting conversion");
std::string xmlErrors;
ColladaToPMD(dae, pmd_writer, xmlErrors);
catch (ColladaException e)
if (! xmlErrors.empty())
Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s", xmlErrors.c_str());
Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s", e.what());
return -2;
if (! xmlErrors.empty())
Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s", xmlErrors.c_str());
return -1;
return 0;

source/collada/DLL.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#ifndef COLLADA_DLL_H__
#define COLLADA_DLL_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#ifdef _WIN32
# define EXPORT extern __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define EXPORT extern __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# define EXPORT extern
#define LOG_INFO 0
#define LOG_WARNING 1
#define LOG_ERROR 2
typedef void (*LogFn) (int severity, const char* text);
typedef void (*OutputFn) (const char* data, unsigned int length);
EXPORT void set_logger(LogFn logger);
EXPORT int convert_dae_to_pmd(const char* dae, OutputFn pmd_writer);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* COLLADA_DLL_H__ */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
#include "precompiled.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning(disable: 4244 4305 4127 4701)
/**** Decompose.c ****/
/* Ken Shoemake, 1993 */
#include <math.h>
#include "Decompose.h"
/******* Matrix Preliminaries *******/
/** Fill out 3x3 matrix to 4x4 **/
#define mat_pad(A) (A[W][X]=A[X][W]=A[W][Y]=A[Y][W]=A[W][Z]=A[Z][W]=0,A[W][W]=1)
/** Copy nxn matrix A to C using "gets" for assignment **/
#define mat_copy(C,gets,A,n) {int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++)\
C[i][j] gets (A[i][j]);}
/** Copy transpose of nxn matrix A to C using "gets" for assignment **/
#define mat_tpose(AT,gets,A,n) {int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++)\
AT[i][j] gets (A[j][i]);}
/** Assign nxn matrix C the element-wise combination of A and B using "op" **/
#define mat_binop(C,gets,A,op,B,n) {int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++)\
C[i][j] gets (A[i][j]) op (B[i][j]);}
/** Multiply the upper left 3x3 parts of A and B to get AB **/
void mat_mult(HMatrix A, HMatrix B, HMatrix AB)
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<3; i++) for (j=0; j<3; j++)
AB[i][j] = A[i][0]*B[0][j] + A[i][1]*B[1][j] + A[i][2]*B[2][j];
/** Return dot product of length 3 vectors va and vb **/
float vdot(float *va, float *vb)
return (va[0]*vb[0] + va[1]*vb[1] + va[2]*vb[2]);
/** Set v to cross product of length 3 vectors va and vb **/
void vcross(float *va, float *vb, float *v)
v[0] = va[1]*vb[2] - va[2]*vb[1];
v[1] = va[2]*vb[0] - va[0]*vb[2];
v[2] = va[0]*vb[1] - va[1]*vb[0];
/** Set MadjT to transpose of inverse of M times determinant of M **/
void adjoint_transpose(HMatrix M, HMatrix MadjT)
vcross(M[1], M[2], MadjT[0]);
vcross(M[2], M[0], MadjT[1]);
vcross(M[0], M[1], MadjT[2]);
/******* Quaternion Preliminaries *******/
/* Construct a (possibly non-unit) quaternion from real components. */
Quat Qt_(float x, float y, float z, float w)
Quat qq;
qq.x = x; qq.y = y; qq.z = z; qq.w = w;
return (qq);
/* Return conjugate of quaternion. */
Quat Qt_Conj(Quat q)
Quat qq;
qq.x = -q.x; qq.y = -q.y; qq.z = -q.z; qq.w = q.w;
return (qq);
/* Return quaternion product qL * qR. Note: order is important!
* To combine rotations, use the product Mul(qSecond, qFirst),
* which gives the effect of rotating by qFirst then qSecond. */
Quat Qt_Mul(Quat qL, Quat qR)
Quat qq;
qq.w = qL.w*qR.w - qL.x*qR.x - qL.y*qR.y - qL.z*qR.z;
qq.x = qL.w*qR.x + qL.x*qR.w + qL.y*qR.z - qL.z*qR.y;
qq.y = qL.w*qR.y + qL.y*qR.w + qL.z*qR.x - qL.x*qR.z;
qq.z = qL.w*qR.z + qL.z*qR.w + qL.x*qR.y - qL.y*qR.x;
return (qq);
/* Return product of quaternion q by scalar w. */
Quat Qt_Scale(Quat q, float w)
Quat qq;
qq.w = q.w*w; qq.x = q.x*w; qq.y = q.y*w; qq.z = q.z*w;
return (qq);
/* Construct a unit quaternion from rotation matrix. Assumes matrix is
* used to multiply column vector on the left: vnew = mat vold. Works
* correctly for right-handed coordinate system and right-handed rotations.
* Translation and perspective components ignored. */
Quat Qt_FromMatrix(HMatrix mat)
/* This algorithm avoids near-zero divides by looking for a large component
* - first w, then x, y, or z. When the trace is greater than zero,
* |w| is greater than 1/2, which is as small as a largest component can be.
* Otherwise, the largest diagonal entry corresponds to the largest of |x|,
* |y|, or |z|, one of which must be larger than |w|, and at least 1/2. */
Quat qu;
register double tr, s;
tr = mat[X][X] + mat[Y][Y]+ mat[Z][Z];
if (tr >= 0.0) {
s = sqrt(tr + mat[W][W]);
qu.w = s*0.5;
s = 0.5 / s;
qu.x = (mat[Z][Y] - mat[Y][Z]) * s;
qu.y = (mat[X][Z] - mat[Z][X]) * s;
qu.z = (mat[Y][X] - mat[X][Y]) * s;
} else {
int h = X;
if (mat[Y][Y] > mat[X][X]) h = Y;
if (mat[Z][Z] > mat[h][h]) h = Z;
switch (h) {
#define caseMacro(i,j,k,I,J,K) \
case I:\
s = sqrt( (mat[I][I] - (mat[J][J]+mat[K][K])) + mat[W][W] );\
qu.i = s*0.5;\
s = 0.5 / s;\
qu.j = (mat[I][J] + mat[J][I]) * s;\
qu.k = (mat[K][I] + mat[I][K]) * s;\
qu.w = (mat[K][J] - mat[J][K]) * s;\
if (mat[W][W] != 1.0) qu = Qt_Scale(qu, 1/sqrt(mat[W][W]));
return (qu);
/******* Decomp Auxiliaries *******/
static HMatrix mat_id = {{1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,0,1}};
/** Compute either the 1 or infinity norm of M, depending on tpose **/
float mat_norm(HMatrix M, int tpose)
int i;
float sum, max;
max = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
if (tpose) sum = fabs(M[0][i])+fabs(M[1][i])+fabs(M[2][i]);
else sum = fabs(M[i][0])+fabs(M[i][1])+fabs(M[i][2]);
if (max<sum) max = sum;
return max;
float norm_inf(HMatrix M) {return mat_norm(M, 0);}
float norm_one(HMatrix M) {return mat_norm(M, 1);}
/** Return index of column of M containing maximum abs entry, or -1 if M=0 **/
int find_max_col(HMatrix M)
float abs, max;
int i, j, col;
max = 0.0; col = -1;
for (i=0; i<3; i++) for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
abs = M[i][j]; if (abs<0.0) abs = -abs;
if (abs>max) {max = abs; col = j;}
return col;
/** Setup u for Household reflection to zero all v components but first **/
void make_reflector(float *v, float *u)
float s = sqrt(vdot(v, v));
u[0] = v[0]; u[1] = v[1];
u[2] = v[2] + ((v[2]<0.0) ? -s : s);
s = sqrt(2.0/vdot(u, u));
u[0] = u[0]*s; u[1] = u[1]*s; u[2] = u[2]*s;
/** Apply Householder reflection represented by u to column vectors of M **/
void reflect_cols(HMatrix M, float *u)
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
float s = u[0]*M[0][i] + u[1]*M[1][i] + u[2]*M[2][i];
for (j=0; j<3; j++) M[j][i] -= u[j]*s;
/** Apply Householder reflection represented by u to row vectors of M **/
void reflect_rows(HMatrix M, float *u)
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
float s = vdot(u, M[i]);
for (j=0; j<3; j++) M[i][j] -= u[j]*s;
/** Find orthogonal factor Q of rank 1 (or less) M **/
void do_rank1(HMatrix M, HMatrix Q)
float v1[3], v2[3], s;
int col;
/* If rank(M) is 1, we should find a non-zero column in M */
col = find_max_col(M);
if (col<0) return; /* Rank is 0 */
v1[0] = M[0][col]; v1[1] = M[1][col]; v1[2] = M[2][col];
make_reflector(v1, v1); reflect_cols(M, v1);
v2[0] = M[2][0]; v2[1] = M[2][1]; v2[2] = M[2][2];
make_reflector(v2, v2); reflect_rows(M, v2);
s = M[2][2];
if (s<0.0) Q[2][2] = -1.0;
reflect_cols(Q, v1); reflect_rows(Q, v2);
/** Find orthogonal factor Q of rank 2 (or less) M using adjoint transpose **/
void do_rank2(HMatrix M, HMatrix MadjT, HMatrix Q)
float v1[3], v2[3];
float w, x, y, z, c, s, d;
int col;
/* If rank(M) is 2, we should find a non-zero column in MadjT */
col = find_max_col(MadjT);
if (col<0) {do_rank1(M, Q); return;} /* Rank<2 */
v1[0] = MadjT[0][col]; v1[1] = MadjT[1][col]; v1[2] = MadjT[2][col];
make_reflector(v1, v1); reflect_cols(M, v1);
vcross(M[0], M[1], v2);
make_reflector(v2, v2); reflect_rows(M, v2);
w = M[0][0]; x = M[0][1]; y = M[1][0]; z = M[1][1];
if (w*z>x*y) {
c = z+w; s = y-x; d = sqrt(c*c+s*s); c = c/d; s = s/d;
Q[0][0] = Q[1][1] = c; Q[0][1] = -(Q[1][0] = s);
} else {
c = z-w; s = y+x; d = sqrt(c*c+s*s); c = c/d; s = s/d;
Q[0][0] = -(Q[1][1] = c); Q[0][1] = Q[1][0] = s;
Q[0][2] = Q[2][0] = Q[1][2] = Q[2][1] = 0.0; Q[2][2] = 1.0;
reflect_cols(Q, v1); reflect_rows(Q, v2);
/******* Polar Decomposition *******/
/* Polar Decomposition of 3x3 matrix in 4x4,
* M = QS. See Nicholas Higham and Robert S. Schreiber,
* Fast Polar Decomposition of An Arbitrary Matrix,
* Technical Report 88-942, October 1988,
* Department of Computer Science, Cornell University.
float polar_decomp(HMatrix M, HMatrix Q, HMatrix S)
#define TOL 1.0e-6
HMatrix Mk, MadjTk, Ek;
float det, M_one, M_inf, MadjT_one, MadjT_inf, E_one, gamma, g1, g2;
int i, j;
M_one = norm_one(Mk); M_inf = norm_inf(Mk);
do {
adjoint_transpose(Mk, MadjTk);
det = vdot(Mk[0], MadjTk[0]);
if (det==0.0) {do_rank2(Mk, MadjTk, Mk); break;}
MadjT_one = norm_one(MadjTk); MadjT_inf = norm_inf(MadjTk);
gamma = sqrt(sqrt((MadjT_one*MadjT_inf)/(M_one*M_inf))/fabs(det));
g1 = gamma*0.5;
g2 = 0.5/(gamma*det);
E_one = norm_one(Ek);
M_one = norm_one(Mk); M_inf = norm_inf(Mk);
} while (E_one>(M_one*TOL));
mat_tpose(Q,=,Mk,3); mat_pad(Q);
mat_mult(Mk, M, S); mat_pad(S);
for (i=0; i<3; i++) for (j=i; j<3; j++)
S[i][j] = S[j][i] = 0.5*(S[i][j]+S[j][i]);
return (det);
/******* Spectral Decomposition *******/
/* Compute the spectral decomposition of symmetric positive semi-definite S.
* Returns rotation in U and scale factors in result, so that if K is a diagonal
* matrix of the scale factors, then S = U K (U transpose). Uses Jacobi method.
* See Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan. Matrix Computations. Hopkins 1983.
HVect spect_decomp(HMatrix S, HMatrix U)
HVect kv;
double Diag[3],OffD[3]; /* OffD is off-diag (by omitted index) */
double g,h,fabsh,fabsOffDi,t,theta,c,s,tau,ta,OffDq,a,b;
static char nxt[] = {Y,Z,X};
int sweep, i, j;
Diag[X] = S[X][X]; Diag[Y] = S[Y][Y]; Diag[Z] = S[Z][Z];
OffD[X] = S[Y][Z]; OffD[Y] = S[Z][X]; OffD[Z] = S[X][Y];
for (sweep=20; sweep>0; sweep--) {
float sm = fabs(OffD[X])+fabs(OffD[Y])+fabs(OffD[Z]);
if (sm==0.0) break;
for (i=Z; i>=X; i--) {
int p = nxt[i]; int q = nxt[p];
fabsOffDi = fabs(OffD[i]);
g = 100.0*fabsOffDi;
if (fabsOffDi>0.0) {
h = Diag[q] - Diag[p];
fabsh = fabs(h);
if (fabsh+g==fabsh) {
t = OffD[i]/h;
} else {
theta = 0.5*h/OffD[i];
t = 1.0/(fabs(theta)+sqrt(theta*theta+1.0));
if (theta<0.0) t = -t;
c = 1.0/sqrt(t*t+1.0); s = t*c;
tau = s/(c+1.0);
ta = t*OffD[i]; OffD[i] = 0.0;
Diag[p] -= ta; Diag[q] += ta;
OffDq = OffD[q];
OffD[q] -= s*(OffD[p] + tau*OffD[q]);
OffD[p] += s*(OffDq - tau*OffD[p]);
for (j=Z; j>=X; j--) {
a = U[j][p]; b = U[j][q];
U[j][p] -= s*(b + tau*a);
U[j][q] += s*(a - tau*b);
kv.x = Diag[X]; kv.y = Diag[Y]; kv.z = Diag[Z]; kv.w = 1.0;
return (kv);
/******* Spectral Axis Adjustment *******/
/* Given a unit quaternion, q, and a scale vector, k, find a unit quaternion, p,
* which permutes the axes and turns freely in the plane of duplicate scale
* factors, such that q p has the largest possible w component, i.e. the
* smallest possible angle. Permutes k's components to go with q p instead of q.
* See Ken Shoemake and Tom Duff. Matrix Animation and Polar Decomposition.
* Proceedings of Graphics Interface 1992. Details on p. 262-263.
Quat snuggle(Quat q, HVect *k)
#define SQRTHALF (0.7071067811865475244)
#define sgn(n,v) ((n)?-(v):(v))
#define swap(a,i,j) {a[3]=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=a[3];}
#define cycle(a,p) if (p) {a[3]=a[0]; a[0]=a[1]; a[1]=a[2]; a[2]=a[3];}\
else {a[3]=a[2]; a[2]=a[1]; a[1]=a[0]; a[0]=a[3];}
Quat p;
float ka[4];
int i, turn = -1;
ka[X] = k->x; ka[Y] = k->y; ka[Z] = k->z;
if (ka[X]==ka[Y]) {if (ka[X]==ka[Z]) turn = W; else turn = Z;}
else {if (ka[X]==ka[Z]) turn = Y; else if (ka[Y]==ka[Z]) turn = X;}
if (turn>=0) {
Quat qtoz, qp;
unsigned neg[3], win;
double mag[3], t;
static Quat qxtoz = {0,SQRTHALF,0,SQRTHALF};
static Quat qytoz = {SQRTHALF,0,0,SQRTHALF};
static Quat qppmm = { 0.5, 0.5,-0.5,-0.5};
static Quat qpppp = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5};
static Quat qmpmm = {-0.5, 0.5,-0.5,-0.5};
static Quat qpppm = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,-0.5};
static Quat q0001 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
static Quat q1000 = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
switch (turn) {
default: return (Qt_Conj(q));
case X: q = Qt_Mul(q, qtoz = qxtoz); swap(ka,X,Z) break;
case Y: q = Qt_Mul(q, qtoz = qytoz); swap(ka,Y,Z) break;
case Z: qtoz = q0001; break;
q = Qt_Conj(q);
mag[0] = (double)q.z*q.z+(double)q.w*q.w-0.5;
mag[1] = (double)q.x*q.z-(double)q.y*q.w;
mag[2] = (double)q.y*q.z+(double)q.x*q.w;
for (i=0; i<3; i++) if (neg[i] = (mag[i]<0.0)) mag[i] = -mag[i];
if (mag[0]>mag[1]) {if (mag[0]>mag[2]) win = 0; else win = 2;}
else {if (mag[1]>mag[2]) win = 1; else win = 2;}
switch (win) {
case 0: if (neg[0]) p = q1000; else p = q0001; break;
case 1: if (neg[1]) p = qppmm; else p = qpppp; cycle(ka,0) break;
case 2: if (neg[2]) p = qmpmm; else p = qpppm; cycle(ka,1) break;
qp = Qt_Mul(q, p);
t = sqrt(mag[win]+0.5);
p = Qt_Mul(p, Qt_(0.0,0.0,-qp.z/t,qp.w/t));
p = Qt_Mul(qtoz, Qt_Conj(p));
} else {
float qa[4], pa[4];
unsigned lo, hi, neg[4], par = 0;
double all, big, two;
qa[0] = q.x; qa[1] = q.y; qa[2] = q.z; qa[3] = q.w;
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
pa[i] = 0.0;
if (neg[i] = (qa[i]<0.0)) qa[i] = -qa[i];
par ^= neg[i];
/* Find two largest components, indices in hi and lo */
if (qa[0]>qa[1]) lo = 0; else lo = 1;
if (qa[2]>qa[3]) hi = 2; else hi = 3;
if (qa[lo]>qa[hi]) {
if (qa[lo^1]>qa[hi]) {hi = lo; lo ^= 1;}
else {hi ^= lo; lo ^= hi; hi ^= lo;}
} else {if (qa[hi^1]>qa[lo]) lo = hi^1;}
all = (qa[0]+qa[1]+qa[2]+qa[3])*0.5;
two = (qa[hi]+qa[lo])*SQRTHALF;
big = qa[hi];
if (all>two) {
if (all>big) {/*all*/
{int i; for (i=0; i<4; i++) pa[i] = sgn(neg[i], 0.5);}
} else {/*big*/ pa[hi] = sgn(neg[hi],1.0);}
} else {
if (two>big) {/*two*/
pa[hi] = sgn(neg[hi],SQRTHALF); pa[lo] = sgn(neg[lo], SQRTHALF);
if (lo>hi) {hi ^= lo; lo ^= hi; hi ^= lo;}
if (hi==W) {hi = "\001\002\000"[lo]; lo = 3-hi-lo;}
} else {/*big*/ pa[hi] = sgn(neg[hi],1.0);}
p.x = -pa[0]; p.y = -pa[1]; p.z = -pa[2]; p.w = pa[3];
k->x = ka[X]; k->y = ka[Y]; k->z = ka[Z];
return (p);
/******* Decompose Affine Matrix *******/
/* Decompose 4x4 affine matrix A as TFRUK(U transpose), where t contains the
* translation components, q contains the rotation R, u contains U, k contains
* scale factors, and f contains the sign of the determinant.
* Assumes A transforms column vectors in right-handed coordinates.
* See Ken Shoemake and Tom Duff. Matrix Animation and Polar Decomposition.
* Proceedings of Graphics Interface 1992.
void decomp_affine(HMatrix A, AffineParts *parts)
HMatrix Q, S, U;
Quat p;
float det;
parts->t = Qt_(A[X][W], A[Y][W], A[Z][W], 0);
det = polar_decomp(A, Q, S);
if (det<0.0) {
parts->f = -1;
} else parts->f = 1;
parts->q = Qt_FromMatrix(Q);
parts->k = spect_decomp(S, U);
parts->u = Qt_FromMatrix(U);
p = snuggle(parts->u, &parts->k);
parts->u = Qt_Mul(parts->u, p);
/******* Invert Affine Decomposition *******/
/* Compute inverse of affine decomposition.
void invert_affine(AffineParts *parts, AffineParts *inverse)
Quat t, p;
inverse->f = parts->f;
inverse->q = Qt_Conj(parts->q);
inverse->u = Qt_Mul(parts->q, parts->u);
inverse->k.x = (parts->k.x==0.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0/parts->k.x;
inverse->k.y = (parts->k.y==0.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0/parts->k.y;
inverse->k.z = (parts->k.z==0.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0/parts->k.z;
inverse->k.w = parts->k.w;
t = Qt_(-parts->t.x, -parts->t.y, -parts->t.z, 0);
t = Qt_Mul(Qt_Conj(inverse->u), Qt_Mul(t, inverse->u));
t = Qt_(inverse->k.x*t.x, inverse->k.y*t.y, inverse->k.z*t.z, 0);
p = Qt_Mul(inverse->q, inverse->u);
t = Qt_Mul(p, Qt_Mul(t, Qt_Conj(p)));
inverse->t = (inverse->f>0.0) ? t : Qt_(-t.x, -t.y, -t.z, 0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/**** Decompose.h - Basic declarations ****/
#ifndef _H_Decompose
#define _H_Decompose
typedef struct {float x, y, z, w;} Quat; /* Quaternion */
enum QuatPart {X, Y, Z, W};
typedef Quat HVect; /* Homogeneous 3D vector */
typedef float HMatrix[4][4]; /* Right-handed, for column vectors */
typedef struct {
HVect t; /* Translation components */
Quat q; /* Essential rotation */
Quat u; /* Stretch rotation */
HVect k; /* Stretch factors */
float f; /* Sign of determinant */
} AffineParts;
float polar_decomp(HMatrix M, HMatrix Q, HMatrix S);
HVect spect_decomp(HMatrix S, HMatrix U);
Quat snuggle(Quat q, HVect *k);
void decomp_affine(HMatrix A, AffineParts *parts);
void invert_affine(AffineParts *parts, AffineParts *inverse);

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
#include "precompiled.h"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#include "DLL.h"
extern void Log(int severity, const char* fmt, ...);
#ifdef _WIN32
# define WIN32
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# pragma warning(disable: 4996)
#include "FCollada.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDocument.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDSceneNode.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometry.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometryMesh.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometryPolygons.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometrySource.h"