Updates OS X bundle build script. Adds --release flag which can be used to build a proper release bundle, including SVN export, at the expense of time and disk space. Moves SVN-specific logic to this mode, otherwise the script works with git or no source control at all.

Removes obsolete instructions for building a 32-bit 10.5 bundle.

This was SVN commit r15801.
This commit is contained in:
historic_bruno 2014-09-25 02:18:19 +00:00
parent d1a31b3f54
commit b155d4f7e3
3 changed files with 69 additions and 94 deletions

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@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
Steps to cross-compile a 32-bit Leopard compatible binary on 64-bit Snow Leopard:
* install Xcode 3.x with 10.5 SDK (may work on later OS X and Xcode versions as well, but no longer supported by Apple)
* force arch to "x86", may need to override detection in premake4.lua
* may need to unset HOSTTYPE before running update-workspaces.sh, since that variable is used in hacky arch detection
In libraries/osx/build-osx-lbs.sh:
* set ARCH="i386"
* for Spidermonkey build, add "--target=i386-apple-darwin9.0.0" configure option, it seems to use this value to determine the correct target arch (otherwise defaults to x86_64 which breaks the cross-compile)
In build/workspaces/build-osx-bundle.sh:
* set ARCH="i386"
* set SYSROOT="/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk"
* set MIN_OSX_VERSION="10.5"
One of the files in the 10.5 SDK's OpenAL library needs to be patched to build with GCC 4.2. Specifically, open "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework/Headers/alc.h" and replace every instance of "ALCvoid" with "void" except the first typedef. Xcode might refuse to modify this protected file.
For 32-bit GCC 4.2 build, there will be an error about not finding a register in class BREG, in the cpuid() function of source/lib/sysdep/arch/x86_64/x86_64.cpp. This is due to PIC. Apply the following patch to fix it:
Index: source/lib/sysdep/arch/x86_x64/x86_x64.cpp
--- source/lib/sysdep/arch/x86_x64/x86_x64.cpp (revision 11863)
+++ source/lib/sysdep/arch/x86_x64/x86_x64.cpp (working copy)
@@ -50,8 +50,12 @@
// VC10+ and VC9 SP1: __cpuidex is already available
# define __cpuidex(regsArray, level, index)\
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("cpuid"\
- : "=a" ((regsArray)[0]), "=b" ((regsArray)[1]), "=c" ((regsArray)[2]), "=d" ((regsArray)[3])\
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (\
+ "pushl %%ebx\n"\
+ "cpuid\n"\
+ "movl %%ebx, %1\n"\
+ "popl %%ebx\n"\
+ : "=a" ((regsArray)[0]), "=r" ((regsArray)[1]), "=c" ((regsArray)[2]), "=d" ((regsArray)[3])\
: "0" (level), "2" (index));
# error "compiler not supported"
Finally run build-osx-bundle.sh, if it works a bundle will be produced.
You can use the "file" command to verify binaries and dylibs were built for i386 arch. If there were missing symbols in the linking stage, then probably one of the dependencies was built as the wrong arch (likely x86_64), which could be a config problem.

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@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
# 2. confirm SYSROOT points to the correct target SDK
# 3. confirm MIN_OSX_VERSION matches the target OS X version
# 4. update BUNDLE_VERSION to match current 0 A.D. version
# 5. if building 32-bit 10.5 bundle, read the accompanying documentation
# 6. run this script
# 5. run this script
# Force build architecture, as sometimes environment is broken.
@ -26,19 +25,24 @@ export ARCH=${ARCH:="x86_64"}
# Set SDK and mimimum required OSX version
# (As of Xcode 4.3, the SDKs are located directly in Xcode.app,
# but previously they were in /Developer/SDKs)
# TODO: we could get this from xcode-select but the user must set that up
#export SYSROOT=${SYSROOT="/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk"}
export SYSROOT=${SYSROOT="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk"}
# 0 A.D. release version, e.g. Alpha 12 is 0.0.12
# 0 A.D. release version, e.g. Alpha 17 is 0.0.17
# Define compiler as "gcc" (in case anything expects e.g. gcc-4.2)
# On newer OS X versions, this will be a symbolic link to LLVM GCC
# TODO: don't rely on that
# Define compiler as "clang", this is all Mavericks supports.
# gcc symlinks may still exist, but they are simply clang with
# slightly different config, which confuses build scripts.
# llvm-gcc and gcc 4.2 are no longer supported by SpiderMonkey.
export CC=${CC:="clang"} CXX=${CXX:="clang++"}
# Unique identifier string for this bundle (reverse-DNS style)
# Minimum version of OSX on which the bundle will run
echo ERROR: $*
@ -58,6 +62,33 @@ fi
cd "$(dirname $0)"
# Now in build/workspaces/ (where we assume this script resides)
# Parse command-line options:
for i in "$@"
case $i in
-j* ) JOBS=$i ;;
--release ) build_release=true ;;
# For release, export an SVN copy
if [ "$build_release" = "true" ]; then
SVN_REV=`svnversion -n ../..`
rm -rf $build_path
svn export ../.. $build_path || die "Error exporting SVN working directory"
cd $build_path
rm binaries/data/config/dev.cfg
# Only include translations for a subset of languages
find binaries/data -name "*.po" | grep -v '.*/\(ca\|cs\|de\|en_GB\|es\|fr\|gd\|gl\|it\|nl\|pt_PT\|pt_BR\)\.[A-Za-z0-9_.]\+\.po' | xargs rm
echo L\"${SVNREV}-release\" > build/svn_revision/svn_revision.txt
cd build/workspaces
@ -66,21 +97,6 @@ BUNDLE_FRAMEWORKS=$BUNDLE_CONTENTS/Frameworks
# Unique identifier string for this bundle (reverse-DNS style)
# Minimum version of OSX on which the bundle will run
# Parse command-line options:
for i in "$@"
case $i in
-j* ) JOBS=$i ;;
# TODO: Do we really want to regenerate everything? (consider if one task fails)
# Build libraries against SDK
@ -95,17 +111,16 @@ echo "\nGenerating workspaces\n"
# Pass OSX options through to Premake
(./clean-workspaces.sh && SYSROOT="$SYSROOT" MIN_OSX_VERSION="$MIN_OSX_VERSION" ./update-workspaces.sh --macosx-bundle="$BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" --sysroot="$SYSROOT" --macosx-version-min="$MIN_OSX_VERSION") || die "update-workspaces.sh failed!"
# Get SVN revision and update svn_revision.txt
SVNREV=`svnversion -n .`
echo L\"${SVNREV}-release\" > ../svn_revision/svn_revision.txt
pushd gcc
echo "\nBuilding game\n"
(make clean && CC="$CC -arch $ARCH" CXX="$CXX -arch $ARCH" make ${JOBS}) || die "Game build failed!"
# TODO: This is yucky - should we first export our working copy, like source\tools\dist\build.sh?
svn revert ../svn_revision/svn_revision.txt
# Run test to confirm all is OK
pushd ../../binaries/system
echo "\nRunning tests\n"
./test || die "Post-build testing failed!"
# Create bundle structure
echo "\nCreating bundle directories\n"
@ -116,13 +131,8 @@ mkdir -p ${BUNDLE_PLUGINS}
pushd ../../binaries/system
# Run test to confirm all is OK
echo "\nRunning tests\n"
./test || die "Test(s) failed!"
# Build archive(s) - don't archive the _test.* mods
pushd ../data/mods
pushd ../../binaries/data/mods
for modname in [a-zA-Z0-9]*
@ -130,6 +140,8 @@ do
pushd ../../binaries/system
for modname in $archives
echo "\nBuilding archive for '${modname}'\n"
@ -141,30 +153,35 @@ do
(./pyrogenesis -archivebuild=${ARCHIVEBUILD_INPUT} -archivebuild-output=${ARCHIVEBUILD_OUTPUT}/${modname}.zip) || die "Archive build for '${modname}' failed!"
# Copy binaries
echo "\nCopying binaries\n"
# Only pyrogenesis for now, until we find a way to load
# multiple binaries from one app bundle
# TODO: Would be nicer if we could set this path in premake
cp ../../binaries/system/pyrogenesis ${BUNDLE_BIN}
cp pyrogenesis ${BUNDLE_BIN}
# Copy libs
echo "\nCopying libs\n"
# TODO: Should probably make it so these libs get built in place
cp -v ../../binaries/system/libAtlasUI.dylib ${BUNDLE_FRAMEWORKS}
cp -v ../../binaries/system/libCollada.dylib ${BUNDLE_FRAMEWORKS}
# TODO: Would be nicer if we could set this path in premake
cp -v libAtlasUI.dylib ${BUNDLE_FRAMEWORKS}
cp -v libCollada.dylib ${BUNDLE_FRAMEWORKS}
# Copy data
echo "\nCopying non-archived game data\n"
# Removing it now and restoring it later, cp has no exclusion switch
# and using find is a bit over-the-top
rm ../../binaries/data/config/dev.cfg
pushd ../../binaries/data
if [ "$build_release" = "false"]; then
mv config/dev.cfg config/dev.bak
cp -R -v config ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES}/data/
cp -R -v tools ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES}/data/
if [ "$build_release" = "false"]; then
mv config/dev.bak config/dev.cfg
cp -v ../resources/0ad.icns ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES}
cp -R -v ../../binaries/data/config ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES}/data/
cp -R -v ../../binaries/data/tools ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES}/data/
svn revert ../../binaries/data/config/dev.cfg
# Copy license/readmes
# TODO: Also want copies in the DMG - decide on layout
@ -187,9 +204,9 @@ PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleDevelopmentRegion string English" ${INFO_PLIST}
PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion string 6.0" ${INFO_PLIST}
PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleIconFile string 0ad" ${INFO_PLIST}
PlistBuddy -c "Add :LSMinimumSystemVersion string ${BUNDLE_MIN_OSX_VERSION}" ${INFO_PLIST}
PlistBuddy -c "Add :NSHumanReadableCopyright string Copyright © 2013 Wildfire Games" ${INFO_PLIST}
PlistBuddy -c "Add :NSHumanReadableCopyright string Copyright © 2014 Wildfire Games" ${INFO_PLIST}
# TODO: Automatically create compressed DMG with hditutil?
# TODO: Automatically create compressed DMG with hdiutil?
# (this is a bit complicated so I do it manually for now)
# (also we need to have good icon placement, background image, etc)

View File

@ -63,9 +63,10 @@ ENET_VERSION="enet-1.3.12"
# Choices are "x86_64" or "i386" (ppc and ppc64 not supported)
# Define compiler as "gcc" (in case anything expects e.g. gcc-4.2)
# On newer OS X versions, this will be a symbolic link to LLVM GCC
# TODO: don't rely on that
# Define compiler as "clang", this is all Mavericks supports.
# gcc symlinks may still exist, but they are simply clang with
# slightly different config, which confuses build scripts.
# llvm-gcc and gcc 4.2 are no longer supported by SpiderMonkey.
export CC=${CC:="clang"} CXX=${CXX:="clang++"}