bb 157c6af18e Make the space in 0 A.D. non-breaking throughout the codebase.
Avoid cases of filenames
Update years in terms and other legal(ish) documents
Don't update years in license headers, since change is not meaningful

Will add linter rule in seperate commit

Happy recompiling everyone!

Original Patch By: Nescio
Comment By: Gallaecio
Differential Revision: D2620
This was SVN commit r27786.
2023-07-27 20:54:46 +00:00

275 lines
9.1 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "PreprocessorWrapper.h"
#include "graphics/ShaderDefines.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
struct MatchIncludeResult
bool found;
bool error;
size_t nextLineStart;
size_t pathFirst, pathLast;
static MatchIncludeResult MakeNotFound(const std::string_view& source, size_t pos)
while (pos < source.size() && source[pos] != '\n')
return MatchIncludeResult{
false, false, pos < source.size() ? pos + 1 : source.size(), 0, 0};
static MatchIncludeResult MakeError(
const char* message, const std::string_view& source, const size_t lineStart, const size_t currentPos)
ENSURE(currentPos >= lineStart);
size_t lineEnd = currentPos;
while (lineEnd < source.size() && source[lineEnd] != '\n' && source[lineEnd] != '\r')
const std::string_view line = source.substr(lineStart, lineEnd - lineStart);
while (lineEnd < source.size() && source[lineEnd] != '\n')
const size_t nextLineStart = lineEnd < source.size() ? lineEnd + 1 : source.size();
LOGERROR("Preprocessor error: %s: '%s'\n", message, std::string(line).c_str());
return MatchIncludeResult{false, true, nextLineStart, 0, 0};
MatchIncludeResult MatchIncludeUntilEOLorEOS(const std::string_view& source, const size_t lineStart)
// We need to match a line like this:
// ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*"[^"]+".*$
// ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^
// 1 23 4 5 67 8 <- steps
const CStr INCLUDE = "include";
size_t pos = lineStart;
// Matching step #1.
while (pos < source.size() && std::isblank(source[pos]))
// Matching step #2.
if (pos == source.size() || source[pos] != '#')
return MatchIncludeResult::MakeNotFound(source, pos);
// Matching step #3.
while (pos < source.size() && std::isblank(source[pos]))
// Matching step #4.
if (pos + INCLUDE.size() >= source.size() || source.substr(pos, INCLUDE.size()) != INCLUDE)
return MatchIncludeResult::MakeNotFound(source, pos);
pos += INCLUDE.size();
// Matching step #5.
while (pos < source.size() && std::isblank(source[pos]))
// Matching step #6.
if (pos == source.size() || source[pos] != '"')
return MatchIncludeResult::MakeError("#include should be followed by quote", source, lineStart, pos);
// Matching step #7.
const size_t pathFirst = pos;
while (pos < source.size() && source[pos] != '"' && source[pos] != '\n')
const size_t pathLast = pos;
// Matching step #8.
if (pos == source.size() || source[pos] != '"')
return MatchIncludeResult::MakeError("#include has invalid quote pair", source, lineStart, pos);
if (pathLast - pathFirst <= 1)
return MatchIncludeResult::MakeError("#include path shouldn't be empty", source, lineStart, pos);
while (pos < source.size() && source[pos] != '\n')
return MatchIncludeResult{true, false, pos < source.size() ? pos + 1 : source.size(), pathFirst, pathLast};
bool ResolveIncludesImpl(
std::string_view currentPart,
std::unordered_map<CStr, CStr>& includeCache, const CPreprocessorWrapper::IncludeRetrieverCallback& includeCallback,
std::deque<std::string>& chunks, std::vector<std::string_view>& processedParts)
static const CStr lineDirective = "#line ";
for (size_t lineStart = 0, line = 1; lineStart < currentPart.size(); ++line)
MatchIncludeResult match = MatchIncludeUntilEOLorEOS(currentPart, lineStart);
if (match.error)
return {};
else if (!match.found)
if (lineStart + lineDirective.size() < currentPart.size() &&
currentPart.substr(lineStart, lineDirective.size()) == lineDirective)
size_t newLineNumber = 0;
size_t pos = lineStart + lineDirective.size();
while (pos < match.nextLineStart && std::isdigit(currentPart[pos]))
newLineNumber = newLineNumber * 10 + (currentPart[pos] - '0');
if (newLineNumber > 0)
line = newLineNumber - 1;
lineStart = match.nextLineStart;
const std::string path(currentPart.substr(match.pathFirst, match.pathLast - match.pathFirst));
auto it = includeCache.find(path);
if (it == includeCache.end())
CStr includeContent;
if (!includeCallback(path, includeContent))
LOGERROR("Preprocessor error: line %zu: Can't load #include file: '%s'", line, path.c_str());
return false;
it = includeCache.emplace(path, std::move(includeContent)).first;
// We need to insert #line directives to have correct line numbers in errors.
chunks.emplace_back(lineDirective + "1\n" + it->second + "\n" + lineDirective + CStr::FromUInt(line + 1) + "\n");
processedParts.emplace_back(currentPart.substr(0, lineStart));
if (!ResolveIncludesImpl(chunks.back(), includeCache, includeCallback, chunks, processedParts))
return false;
currentPart = currentPart.substr(match.nextLineStart);
lineStart = 0;
if (!currentPart.empty())
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
void CPreprocessorWrapper::PyrogenesisShaderError(int iLine, const char* iError, const Ogre::CPreprocessor::Token* iToken)
if (iToken)
LOGERROR("Preprocessor error: line %d: %s: '%s'\n", iLine, iError, std::string(iToken->String, iToken->Length).c_str());
LOGERROR("Preprocessor error: line %d: %s\n", iLine, iError);
: CPreprocessorWrapper(IncludeRetrieverCallback{})
CPreprocessorWrapper::CPreprocessorWrapper(const IncludeRetrieverCallback& includeCallback)
: m_IncludeCallback(includeCallback)
Ogre::CPreprocessor::ErrorHandler = CPreprocessorWrapper::PyrogenesisShaderError;
void CPreprocessorWrapper::AddDefine(const char* name, const char* value)
m_Preprocessor.Define(name, strlen(name), value, strlen(value));
void CPreprocessorWrapper::AddDefines(const CShaderDefines& defines)
std::map<CStrIntern, CStrIntern> map = defines.GetMap();
for (std::map<CStrIntern, CStrIntern>::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)
m_Preprocessor.Define(it->first.c_str(), it->first.length(), it->second.c_str(), it->second.length());
bool CPreprocessorWrapper::TestConditional(const CStr& expr)
// Construct a dummy program so we can trigger the preprocessor's expression
// code without modifying its public API.
// Be careful that the API buggily returns a statically allocated pointer
// (which we will try to free()) if the input just causes it to append a single
// sequence of newlines to the output; the "\n" after the "#endif" is enough
// to avoid this case.
CStr input = "#if ";
input += expr;
input += "\n1\n#endif\n";
size_t len = 0;
char* output = m_Preprocessor.Parse(input.c_str(), input.size(), len);
if (!output)
LOGERROR("Failed to parse conditional expression '%s'", expr.c_str());
return false;
bool ret = (memchr(output, '1', len) != NULL);
// Free output if it's not inside the source string
if (!(output >= input.c_str() && output < input.c_str() + input.size()))
return ret;
CStr CPreprocessorWrapper::ResolveIncludes(const CStr& source)
// Stores intermediate blocks of text to avoid additional copying. Should
// be constructed before views and destroyed after (currently guaranteed
// by stack).
// Short String Optimisation can make views point to container-managed data,
// so push_back must not invalidate pointers (std::deque guarantees that).
std::deque<std::string> chunks;
// After resolving the following vector should contain a complete list
// to concatenate.
std::vector<std::string_view> processedParts;
if (!ResolveIncludesImpl(source, m_IncludeCache, m_IncludeCallback, chunks, processedParts))
return {};
std::size_t totalSize = 0;
for (const std::string_view& part : processedParts)
totalSize += part.size();
std::string processedSource;
for (const std::string_view& part : processedParts)
return processedSource;
CStr CPreprocessorWrapper::Preprocess(const CStr& input)
PROFILE("Preprocess shader source");
CStr source = ResolveIncludes(input);
size_t len = 0;
char* output = m_Preprocessor.Parse(source.c_str(), source.size(), len);
if (!output)
LOGERROR("Shader preprocessing failed");
return "";
CStr ret(output, len);
// Free output if it's not inside the source string
if (!(output >= source.c_str() && output < source.c_str() + source.size()))
return ret;