2021-01-15 11:21:24 +00:00

242 lines
7.6 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "PreprocessorWrapper.h"
#include "graphics/ShaderDefines.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include <cctype>
struct MatchIncludeResult
bool found;
bool error;
size_t nextLineStart;
size_t pathFirst, pathLast;
static MatchIncludeResult MakeNotFound(const CStr& source, size_t pos)
while (pos < source.size() && source[pos] != '\n')
return MatchIncludeResult{
false, false, pos < source.size() ? pos + 1 : source.size(), 0, 0};
static MatchIncludeResult MakeError(
const char* message, const CStr& source, const size_t lineStart, const size_t currentPos)
ENSURE(currentPos >= lineStart);
size_t lineEnd = currentPos;
while (lineEnd < source.size() && source[lineEnd] != '\n' && source[lineEnd] != '\r')
const CStr line = source.substr(lineStart, lineEnd - lineStart);
while (lineEnd < source.size() && source[lineEnd] != '\n')
const size_t nextLineStart = lineEnd < source.size() ? lineEnd + 1 : source.size();
LOGERROR("Preprocessor error: %s: '%s'\n", message, line.c_str());
return MatchIncludeResult{false, true, nextLineStart, 0, 0};
MatchIncludeResult MatchIncludeUntilEOLorEOS(const CStr& source, const size_t lineStart)
// We need to match a line like this:
// ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*"[^"]+".*$
// ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^
// 1 23 4 5 67 8 <- steps
const CStr INCLUDE = "include";
size_t pos = lineStart;
// Matching step #1.
while (pos < source.size() && std::isblank(source[pos]))
// Matching step #2.
if (pos == source.size() || source[pos] != '#')
return MatchIncludeResult::MakeNotFound(source, pos);
// Matching step #3.
while (pos < source.size() && std::isblank(source[pos]))
// Matching step #4.
if (pos + INCLUDE.size() >= source.size() || source.substr(pos, INCLUDE.size()) != INCLUDE)
return MatchIncludeResult::MakeNotFound(source, pos);
pos += INCLUDE.size();
// Matching step #5.
while (pos < source.size() && std::isblank(source[pos]))
// Matching step #6.
if (pos == source.size() || source[pos] != '"')
return MatchIncludeResult::MakeError("#include should be followed by quote", source, lineStart, pos);
// Matching step #7.
const size_t pathFirst = pos;
while (pos < source.size() && source[pos] != '"' && source[pos] != '\n')
const size_t pathLast = pos;
// Matching step #8.
if (pos == source.size() || source[pos] != '"')
return MatchIncludeResult::MakeError("#include has invalid quote pair", source, lineStart, pos);
if (pathLast - pathFirst <= 1)
return MatchIncludeResult::MakeError("#include path shouldn't be empty", source, lineStart, pos);
while (pos < source.size() && source[pos] != '\n')
return MatchIncludeResult{true, false, pos < source.size() ? pos + 1 : source.size(), pathFirst, pathLast};
} // anonymous namespace
void CPreprocessorWrapper::PyrogenesisShaderError(int iLine, const char* iError, const Ogre::CPreprocessor::Token* iToken)
if (iToken)
LOGERROR("Preprocessor error: line %d: %s: '%s'\n", iLine, iError, std::string(iToken->String, iToken->Length).c_str());
LOGERROR("Preprocessor error: line %d: %s\n", iLine, iError);
: CPreprocessorWrapper(IncludeRetrieverCallback{})
CPreprocessorWrapper::CPreprocessorWrapper(const IncludeRetrieverCallback& includeCallback)
: m_IncludeCallback(includeCallback)
Ogre::CPreprocessor::ErrorHandler = CPreprocessorWrapper::PyrogenesisShaderError;
void CPreprocessorWrapper::AddDefine(const char* name, const char* value)
m_Preprocessor.Define(name, strlen(name), value, strlen(value));
void CPreprocessorWrapper::AddDefines(const CShaderDefines& defines)
std::map<CStrIntern, CStrIntern> map = defines.GetMap();
for (std::map<CStrIntern, CStrIntern>::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)
m_Preprocessor.Define(it->first.c_str(), it->first.length(), it->second.c_str(), it->second.length());
bool CPreprocessorWrapper::TestConditional(const CStr& expr)
// Construct a dummy program so we can trigger the preprocessor's expression
// code without modifying its public API.
// Be careful that the API buggily returns a statically allocated pointer
// (which we will try to free()) if the input just causes it to append a single
// sequence of newlines to the output; the "\n" after the "#endif" is enough
// to avoid this case.
CStr input = "#if ";
input += expr;
input += "\n1\n#endif\n";
size_t len = 0;
char* output = m_Preprocessor.Parse(input.c_str(), input.size(), len);
if (!output)
LOGERROR("Failed to parse conditional expression '%s'", expr.c_str());
return false;
bool ret = (memchr(output, '1', len) != NULL);
// Free output if it's not inside the source string
if (!(output >= input.c_str() && output < input.c_str() + input.size()))
return ret;
CStr CPreprocessorWrapper::ResolveIncludes(CStr source)
const CStr lineDirective = "#line ";
for (size_t lineStart = 0, line = 1; lineStart < source.size(); ++line)
MatchIncludeResult match = MatchIncludeUntilEOLorEOS(source, lineStart);
if (match.error)
return {};
else if (!match.found)
if (lineStart + lineDirective.size() < source.size() &&
source.substr(lineStart, lineDirective.size()) == lineDirective)
size_t newLineNumber = 0;
size_t pos = lineStart + lineDirective.size();
while (pos < match.nextLineStart && std::isdigit(source[pos]))
newLineNumber = newLineNumber * 10 + (source[pos] - '0');
if (newLineNumber > 0)
line = newLineNumber - 1;
lineStart = match.nextLineStart;
const CStr path = source.substr(match.pathFirst, match.pathLast - match.pathFirst);
auto it = m_IncludeCache.find(path);
if (it == m_IncludeCache.end())
CStr includeContent;
if (!m_IncludeCallback(path, includeContent))
LOGERROR("Preprocessor error: line %zu: Can't load #include file: '%s'", line, path.c_str());
return {};
it = m_IncludeCache.emplace(path, std::move(includeContent)).first;
// We need to insert #line directives to have correct line numbers in errors.
source =
source.substr(0, lineStart) +
lineDirective + "1\n" + it->second + "\n" + lineDirective + CStr::FromUInt(line + 1) + "\n" +
return source;
CStr CPreprocessorWrapper::Preprocess(const CStr& input)
PROFILE("Preprocess shader source");
CStr source = ResolveIncludes(input);
size_t len = 0;
char* output = m_Preprocessor.Parse(source.c_str(), source.size(), len);
if (!output)
LOGERROR("Shader preprocessing failed");
return "";
CStr ret(output, len);
// Free output if it's not inside the source string
if (!(output >= source.c_str() && output < source.c_str() + source.size()))
return ret;