janwas 5299dcad86 - config: all macros are defined as 1 / 0. testing with #if allows compiler warnings (testing undefined macro) to spot misspelled macros
- debug: add provision for naming threads. allows adding current thread
name to log messages and displays their names in the debugger.
- replaced various if(err < 0) complain() sequences with new variants of
CHECK_ERR (see lib.h)
- fixes to mmgr/VC debug alloc enable code
- improved h_mgr error reporting (now complains when h_free fails)
- US -> UK english (partial)
- fix tex_load double-free bug
- move win32 mouse cursor code into sysdep
- error dialog is now topmost to make sure it's visible (was a problem)
- handle WM_QUIT before displaying error dialog (makes sure it's shown)

also as in previous 3 revisions.

This was SVN commit r2588.
2005-08-09 16:23:19 +00:00

371 lines
9.8 KiB
Executable File

// Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
low-level aka "lib"
this codebase was grown from modules shared between several projects,
i.e. my personal library; hence the name "lib". it has been expanded to
fit the needs of 0ad - in particular, resource loading.
owing to the dual-use situation, the 0ad coding conventions are not met;
also, major changes are ill-advised because they may break other projects.
design goals
- fast and low-overhead, including startup time
- portable: must run on Win32, Mac OS X and Linux
- reusable across projects, i.e. no dependency on a
central 'manager' that ties modules together.
- POSIX definitions
- resource management
- debugging tools (including memory tracker)
- low-level helper functions, e.g. ADTs, endian conversion and timing
- platform-dependent system/feature detection
#ifndef LIB_H__
#define LIB_H__
#include <stddef.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "lib/types.h"
#include "sysdep/sysdep.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define EXTERN_C extern "C"
#define EXTERN_C extern
// package code into a single statement.
// notes:
// - for(;;) { break; } and {} don't work because invocations of macros
// implemented with STMT often end with ";", thus breaking if() expressions.
// - we'd really like to eliminate "conditional expression is constant"
// warnings. replacing 0 literals with extern volatile variables fools
// VC7 but isn't guaranteed to be free of overhead. we will just
// squelch the warning (unfortunately non-portable).
#define STMT(STMT_code__) do { STMT_code__; } while(false)
// may be called at any time (in particular before main), but is not
// thread-safe. if that's important, use pthread_once() instead.
#define ONCE(ONCE_code__)\
static bool ONCE_done__ = false;\
ONCE_done__ = true;\
// be careful here. the given expression (e.g. variable or
// function return value) may be a Handle (=i64), so it needs to be
// stored and compared as such. (very large but legitimate Handle values
// casted to int can end up negative)
// all functions using this return int (instead of i64) for efficiency and
// simplicity. if the input was negative, it is an error code and is
// therefore known to fit; we still mask with UINT_MAX to avoid
// VC cast-to-smaller-type warnings.
// if expression evaluates to a negative i64, warn user and return the number.
#if OS_WIN
#define CHECK_ERR(expression)\
i64 err__ = (i64)(expression);\
if(err__ < 0)\
debug_warn("FYI: CHECK_ERR reports that a function failed."\
"feel free to ignore or suppress this warning.");\
return (int)(err__ & UINT_MAX);\
#define CHECK_ERR(expression)\
i64 err__ = (i64)(expression);\
if(err__ < 0)\
debug_printf("%s:%d: FYI: CHECK_ERR reports that a function failed."\
"feel free to ignore or suppress this warning.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);\
return (int)(err__ & UINT_MAX);\
// just pass on errors without any kind of annoying warning
// (useful for functions that can legitimately fail, e.g. vfs_exists).
#define RETURN_ERR(expression)\
i64 err__ = (i64)(expression);\
if(err__ < 0)\
return (int)(err__ & UINT_MAX);\
// if expression evaluates to a negative i64, warn user and throw the number.
#define THROW_ERR(expression)\
i64 err__ = (i64)(expression);\
if(err__ < 0)\
debug_warn("FYI: THROW_ERR reports that a function failed."\
"feel free to ignore or suppress this warning.");\
throw (int)(err__ & UINT_MAX);\
// if expression evaluates to a negative i64, warn user and just return
// (useful for void functions that must bail and complain)
#define WARN_ERR_RETURN(expression)\
i64 err__ = (i64)(expression);\
if(err__ < 0)\
debug_warn("FYI: WARN_ERR_RETURN reports that a function failed."\
"feel free to ignore or suppress this warning.");\
// if expression evaluates to a negative i64, warn user
// (this is similar to debug_assert but also works in release mode)
#define WARN_ERR(expression)\
i64 err__ = (i64)(expression);\
if(err__ < 0)\
debug_warn("FYI: WARN_ERR reports that a function failed."\
"feel free to ignore or suppress this warning.");\
// useful because VC6 may return 0 on failure, instead of throwing.
// this wraps the exception handling, and creates a NULL pointer on failure.
#define SAFE_NEW(type, ptr)\
type* ptr;\
ptr = new type();\
ptr = 0;\
enum LibError
// function arguments
ERR_BUF_SIZE = -1002,
// system limitations
// .. out of memory
ERR_NO_MEM = -1020,
// .. try again later
ERR_AGAIN = -1021,
// .. fixed limit exceeded
ERR_LIMIT = -1022,
// .. the OS doesn't provide an API we need
ERR_NO_SYS = -1023,
// .. feature not currently implemented (will probably change)
// .. feature won't be supported
// data (e.g. in file) is obviously incorrect
ERR_TIMED_OUT = -1060,
// file + vfs
ERR_DIR_END = -1210,
ERR_NOT_FILE = -1220,
ERR_IO = -1231,
ERR_EOF = -1232,
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b))? (a) : (b))
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b))? (a) : (b))
// 2 ways of avoiding "unreferenced formal parameter" warnings:
// .. inside the function body, e.g. void f(int x) { UNUSED2(x); }
#define UNUSED2(param) (void)param;
// .. wrapped around the parameter name, e.g. void f(int UNUSED(x))
#define UNUSED(param)
#define UNREACHABLE __assume(0)
#define ARRAY_SIZE(name) (sizeof(name) / sizeof(name[0]))
// compile-time debug_assert, especially useful for testing sizeof().
// no runtime overhead; may be used anywhere, including file scope.
// generate a symbol containing the line number of the macro invocation.
// used to give a unique name (per file) to types made by cassert.
// we can't prepend __FILE__ to make it globally unique - the filename
// may be enclosed in quotes. need the 2 macro expansions to make sure
// __LINE__ is expanded correctly.
#define MAKE_UID2__(l) LINE_ ## l
#define MAKE_UID1__(l) MAKE_UID2__(l)
#define UID__ MAKE_UID1__(__LINE__)
// more descriptive error message, but may cause a struct redefinition
// warning if used from the same line in different files.
#define cassert(expr) struct UID__ { int CASSERT_FAILURE: (expr); }
// less helpful error message, but redefinition doesn't trigger warnings.
#define cassert2(expr) extern char CASSERT_FAILURE[1][(expr)]
// note: alternative method in C++: specialize a struct only for true;
// using it will raise 'incomplete type' errors if instantiated with false.
const size_t KiB = 1ul << 10;
const size_t MiB = 1ul << 20;
const size_t GiB = 1ul << 30;
#if OS_WIN
#define DIR_SEP '\\'
#define DIR_SEP '/'
#define BIT(n) (1ul << (n))
// FNV1-A hash - good for strings.
// if len = 0 (default), treat buf as a C-string;
// otherwise, hash <len> bytes of buf.
extern u32 fnv_hash(const void* buf, const size_t len = 0);
extern u64 fnv_hash64(const void* buf, const size_t len = 0);
// special version for strings: first converts to lowercase
// (useful for comparing mixed-case filenames)
extern u32 fnv_lc_hash(const char* str, const size_t len = 0);
// hash (currently FNV) of a filename
typedef u32 FnHash;
extern u16 addusw(u16 x, u16 y);
extern u16 subusw(u16 x, u16 y);
// zero-extend <size> (truncated to 8) bytes of little-endian data to u64,
// starting at address <p> (need not be aligned).
extern u64 movzx_64le(const u8* p, size_t size);
// sign-extend <size> (truncated to 8) bytes of little-endian data to i64,
// starting at address <p> (need not be aligned).
extern i64 movsx_64le(const u8* p, size_t size);
extern bool is_pow2(long n);
// return -1 if not an integral power of 2,
// otherwise the base2 logarithm
extern int ilog2(const int n);
// return log base 2, rounded up.
extern uint log2(uint x);
// multiple must be a power of two.
extern uintptr_t round_up(uintptr_t val, uintptr_t multiple);
// these avoid a common mistake in using >> (ANSI requires shift count be
// less than the bit width of the type).
extern u32 u64_hi(u64 x);
extern u32 u64_lo(u64 x);
extern u16 fp_to_u16(double in);
// return random integer in [0, limit).
// does not use poorly distributed lower bits of rand().
extern int rand_up_to(int limit);
// big endian!
extern void base32(const int len, const u8* in, u8* out);
// case-insensitive check if string <s> matches the pattern <w>,
// which may contain '?' or '*' wildcards. if so, return 1, otherwise 0.
// note: NULL wildcard pattern matches everything!
extern int match_wildcard(const char* s, const char* w);
extern int match_wildcardw(const wchar_t* s, const wchar_t* w);
#endif // #ifndef LIB_H__