janwas 1d69845cee snd: better snd_disable dox
ia32: fix comments and fix EBP warning
wdbg: fix bug if exception locus is unavailable
wdetect: store full DS driver path (-> version reported correctly)

This was SVN commit r2491.
2005-07-20 00:54:39 +00:00

673 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

// IA-32 (x86) specific code
// Copyright (c) 2003 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "posix.h"
#include "ia32.h"
#include "detect.h"
#include "timer.h"
// HACK (see call to wtime_reset_impl)
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "win/wtime.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#ifndef __GNUC__
// replace pathetic MS libc implementation
#ifdef _WIN32
double _ceil(double f)
double r;
const float _49 = 0.499999f;
fld [f]
fadd [_49]
fstp [r]
return r;
// return convention for 64 bits with VC7.1, ICC8 is in edx:eax,
// so temp variable is unnecessary, but we play it safe.
inline u64 rdtsc()
u64 c;
mov dword ptr [c], eax
mov dword ptr [c+4], edx
return c;
// change FPU control word (used to set precision)
uint ia32_control87(uint new_cw, uint mask)
push eax
fnstcw [esp]
pop eax ; old_cw
mov ecx, [new_cw]
mov edx, [mask]
and ecx, edx ; new_cw & mask
not edx ; ~mask
and eax, edx ; old_cw & ~mask
or eax, ecx ; (old_cw & ~mask) | (new_cw & mask)
push eax
fldcw [esp]
pop eax
return 0;
void ia32_debug_break()
__asm int 3
// data returned by cpuid()
// each function using this data must call cpuid (no-op if already called)
static char vendor_str[13];
static int family, model, ext_family;
// used in manual cpu_type detect
static u32 max_ext_func;
// caps
// treated as 128 bit field; order: std ecx, std edx, ext ecx, ext edx
// keep in sync with enum CpuCap and cpuid() code!
u32 caps[4];
static int have_brand_string = 0;
// if false, need to detect cpu_type manually.
// int instead of bool for easier setting from asm
// order in which registers are stored in regs array
enum Regs
enum MiscCpuCapBits
// AMD PowerNow! flags (returned in edx by CPUID 0x80000007)
static bool cpuid(u32 func, u32* regs)
if(func > max_ext_func)
return false;
// (optimized for size)
mov eax, [func]
mov edi, [regs]
xchg eax, ebx
xchg eax, ecx
xchg eax, edx
return true;
// (optimized for size)
static void cpuid()
pushad ;// save ebx, esi, edi, ebp
;// ICC7: pusha is the 16-bit form!
;// make sure CPUID is supported
or byte ptr [esp+2], 32
pop eax
shr eax, 22 ;// bit 21 toggled?
jnc no_cpuid
;// get vendor string
xor eax, eax
mov edi, offset vendor_str
xchg eax, ebx
xchg eax, edx
xchg eax, ecx
;// (already 0 terminated)
;// get CPU signature and std feature bits
push 1
pop eax
mov [caps+0], ecx
mov [caps+4], edx
movzx edx, al
shr edx, 4
mov [model], edx ;// eax[7:4]
movzx edx, ah
and edx, 0x0f
mov [family], edx ;// eax[11:8]
shr eax, 20
and eax, 0x0f
mov [ext_family], eax ;// eax[23:20]
;// make sure CPUID ext functions are supported
mov esi, 0x80000000
mov eax, esi
mov [max_ext_func], eax
cmp eax, esi ;// max ext <= 0x80000000?
jbe no_ext_funcs ;// yes - no ext funcs at all
lea esi, [esi+4] ;// esi = 0x80000004
cmp eax, esi ;// max ext < 0x80000004?
jb no_brand_str ;// yes - brand string not available, skip
;// get CPU brand string (>= Athlon XP, P4)
mov edi, offset cpu_type
push -2
pop esi ;// loop counter: [-2, 0]
$1: lea eax, [0x80000004+esi] ;// 0x80000002 .. 4
xchg eax, ebx
xchg eax, ecx
xchg eax, edx
inc esi
jle $1
;// (already 0 terminated)
mov [have_brand_string], esi ;// esi = 1 = true
;// get extended feature flags
mov eax, [0x80000001]
mov [caps+8], ecx
mov [caps+12], edx
} // __asm
} // cpuid()
bool ia32_cap(CpuCap cap)
u32 idx = cap >> 5;
if(idx > 3)
debug_warn("cap invalid");
return false;
u32 bit = BIT(cap & 0x1f);
return (caps[idx] & bit) != 0;
enum Vendor { UNKNOWN, INTEL, AMD };
static Vendor vendor = UNKNOWN;
static void get_cpu_type()
// note: cpu_type is guaranteed to hold 48+1 chars, since that's the
// length of the CPU brand string. strcpy(cpu_type, literal) is safe.
// fall back to manual detect of CPU type if it didn't supply
// a brand string, or if the brand string is useless (i.e. "Unknown").
if(!have_brand_string || strncmp(cpu_type, "Unknow", 6) == 0)
// we use an extra flag to detect if we got the brand string:
// safer than comparing against the default name, which may change.
// some older boards reprogram the brand string with
// "Unknow[n] CPU Type" on CPUs the BIOS doesn't recognize.
// in that case, we ignore the brand string and detect manually.
if(vendor == AMD)
// everything else is either too old, or should have a brand string.
if(family == 6)
if(model == 3 || model == 7)
strcpy(cpu_type, "AMD Duron"); // safe
else if(model <= 5)
strcpy(cpu_type, "AMD Athlon"); // safe
strcpy(cpu_type, "AMD Athlon MP"); // safe
strcpy(cpu_type, "AMD Athlon XP"); // safe
else if(vendor == INTEL)
// everything else is either too old, or should have a brand string.
if(family == 6)
if(model == 1)
strcpy(cpu_type, "Intel Pentium Pro"); // safe
else if(model == 3 || model == 5)
strcpy(cpu_type, "Intel Pentium II"); // safe
else if(model == 6)
strcpy(cpu_type, "Intel Celeron"); // safe
strcpy(cpu_type, "Intel Pentium III"); // safe
// we have a valid brand string; try to pretty it up some
// strip (tm) from Athlon string
if(!strncmp(cpu_type, "AMD Athlon(tm)", 14))
memmove(cpu_type+10, cpu_type+14, 34);
// remove 2x (R) and CPU freq from P4 string
float freq;
// the indicated frequency isn't necessarily correct - the CPU may be
// overclocked. need to pass a variable though, since scanf returns
// the number of fields actually stored.
if(sscanf(cpu_type, " Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU %fGHz", &freq) == 1)
strcpy(cpu_type, "Intel Pentium 4"); // safe
static void measure_cpu_freq()
// set max priority, to reduce interference while measuring.
int old_policy; static sched_param old_param; // (static => 0-init)
pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &old_policy, &old_param);
static sched_param max_param;
max_param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_FIFO, &max_param);
// make sure the TSC is available, because we're going to
// measure actual CPU clocks per known time interval.
// counting loop iterations ("bogomips") is unreliable.
// note: no need to "warm up" cpuid - it will already have been
// called several times by the time this code is reached.
// (background: it's used in rdtsc() to serialize instruction flow;
// the first call is documented to be slower on Intel CPUs)
int num_samples = 16;
// if clock is low-res, do less samples so it doesn't take too long.
// balance measuring time (~ 10 ms) and accuracy (< 1 0/00 error -
// ok for using the TSC as a time reference)
if(timer_res() >= 1e-3)
num_samples = 8;
std::vector<double> samples(num_samples);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < num_samples; i++)
double dt;
i64 dc;
// i64 because VC6 can't convert u64 -> double,
// and we don't need all 64 bits.
// count # of clocks in max{1 tick, 1 ms}:
// .. wait for start of tick.
const double t0 = get_time();
u64 c1; double t1;
// note: get_time effectively has a long delay (up to 5 �s)
// before returning the time. we call it before rdtsc to
// minimize the delay between actually sampling time / TSC,
// thus decreasing the chance for interference.
// (if unavoidable background activity, e.g. interrupts,
// delays the second reading, inaccuracy is introduced).
t1 = get_time();
c1 = rdtsc();
while(t1 == t0);
// .. wait until start of next tick and at least 1 ms elapsed.
const double t2 = get_time();
const u64 c2 = rdtsc();
dc = (i64)(c2 - c1);
dt = t2 - t1;
while(dt < 1e-3);
// .. freq = (delta_clocks) / (delta_seconds);
// cpuid/rdtsc/timer overhead is negligible.
const double freq = dc / dt;
samples[i] = freq;
std::sort(samples.begin(), samples.end());
// median filter (remove upper and lower 25% and average the rest).
// note: don't just take the lowest value! it could conceivably be
// too low, if background processing delays reading c1 (see above).
double sum = 0.0;
const int lo = num_samples/4, hi = 3*num_samples/4;
for(i = lo; i < hi; i++)
sum += samples[i];
cpu_freq = sum / (hi-lo);
// else: TSC not available, can't measure; cpu_freq remains unchanged.
// restore previous policy and priority.
pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), old_policy, &old_param);
int get_cur_processor_id()
int apic_id;
__asm {
push 1
pop eax
shr ebx, 24
mov [apic_id], ebx ; ebx[31:24]
return apic_id;
// set cpu_smp if there's more than 1 physical CPU -
// need to know this for wtime's TSC safety check.
// called on each CPU by on_each_cpu.
static void check_smp()
debug_assert(cpus > 0 && "must know # CPUs (call OS-specific detect first)");
// we don't check if it's Intel and P4 or above - HT may be supported
// on other CPUs in future. haven't come across a processor that
// incorrectly sets the HT feature bit.
// no HT supported, just check number of CPUs as reported by OS.
cpu_smp = (cpus > 1);
// first call. we set cpu_smp below if more than 1 physical CPU is found,
// so clear it until then.
if(cpu_smp == -1)
cpu_smp = 0;
// still need to check if HT is actually enabled (BIOS and OS);
// there might be 2 CPUs with HT supported but disabled.
// get number of logical CPUs per package
// (the same for all packages on this system)
int log_cpus_per_package;
__asm {
push 1
pop eax
shr ebx, 16
and ebx, 0xff
mov log_cpus_per_package, ebx ; ebx[23:16]
// logical CPUs are initialized after one another =>
// they have the same physical ID.
const int id = get_cur_processor_id();
const int phys_shift = log2(log_cpus_per_package);
const int phys_id = id >> phys_shift;
// more than 1 physical CPU found
static int last_phys_id = -1;
if(last_phys_id != -1 && last_phys_id != phys_id)
cpu_smp = 1;
last_phys_id = phys_id;
static void check_speedstep()
if(vendor == INTEL)
cpu_speedstep = 1;
else if(vendor == AMD)
u32 regs[4];
if(cpuid(0x80000007, regs))
cpu_speedstep = 1;
void ia32_get_cpu_info()
if(family == 0) // cpuid not supported - can't do the rest
// (for easier comparison)
if(!strcmp(vendor_str, "AuthenticAMD"))
vendor = AMD;
else if(!strcmp(vendor_str, "GenuineIntel"))
vendor = INTEL;
// HACK: if _WIN32, the HRT makes its final implementation choice
// in the first calibrate call where cpu info is available.
// call wtime_reset_impl here to have that happen now,
// so app code isn't surprised by a timer change, although the HRT
// does try to keep the timer continuous.
#ifdef _WIN32
// CAS does a sanity check on the location parameter to see if the caller
// actually is passing an address (instead of a value, e.g. 1). this is
// important because the call is via a macro that coerces parameters.
// reporting is done with the regular CRT assert instead of debug_assert
// because the wdbg code relies on CAS internally (e.g. to avoid
// nested stack traces). a bug such as VC's incorrect handling of params
// in __declspec(naked) functions would then cause infinite recursion,
// which is difficult to debug (since wdbg is hosed) and quite fatal.
#define ASSERT(x) assert(x)
// note: a 486 or later processor is required since we use CMPXCHG.
// there's no feature flag we can check, and the ia32 code doesn't
// bother detecting anything < Pentium, so this'll crash and burn if
// run on 386. we could replace cmpxchg with a simple mov (since 386
// CPUs aren't MP-capable), but it's not worth the trouble.
// note: don't use __declspec(naked) because we need to access one parameter
// from C code and VC can't handle that correctly.
bool __cdecl CAS_(uintptr_t* location, uintptr_t expected, uintptr_t new_value)
// try to see if caller isn't passing in an address
// (CAS's arguments are silently casted)
ASSERT(location >= (uintptr_t*)0x10000);
bool was_updated;
cmp byte ptr [cpus], 1
mov eax, [expected]
mov edx, [location]
mov ecx, [new_value]
je $no_lock
_emit 0xf0 // LOCK prefix
cmpxchg [edx], ecx
sete al
mov [was_updated], al
return was_updated;
void atomic_add(intptr_t* location, intptr_t increment)
cmp byte ptr [cpus], 1
mov edx, [location]
mov eax, [increment]
je $no_lock
_emit 0xf0 // LOCK prefix
add [edx], eax
// enforce strong memory ordering.
void mfence()
// Pentium IV
__asm mfence
void serialize()
__asm cpuid
#else // #ifndef __GNUC__
bool CAS_(uintptr_t* location, uintptr_t expected, uintptr_t new_value)
uintptr_t prev;
ASSERT(location >= (uintptr_t*)0x10000);
__asm__ __volatile__("lock; cmpxchgl %1,%2"
: "=a"(prev) // %0: Result in eax should be stored in prev
: "q"(new_value), // %1: new_value -> e[abcd]x
"m"(*location), // %2: Memory operand
"0"(expected) // Stored in same place as %0
: "memory"); // We make changes in memory
return prev == expected;
void atomic_add(intptr_t* location, intptr_t increment)
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"cmpb $1, %1;"
"je 1f;"
"1: addl %3, %0"
: "=m" (*location) /* %0: Output into *location */
: "m" (cpus), /* %1: Input for cpu check */
"m" (*location), /* %2: *location is also an input */
"r" (increment) /* %3: Increment (store in register) */
: "memory"); /* clobbers memory (*location) */
void mfence()
// no cpu caps stored in gcc compiles, so we can't check for SSE2 support
if (ia32_cap(SSE2))
__asm__ __volatile__ ("mfence");
void serialize()
__asm__ __volatile__ ("cpuid");
#endif // #ifdef __GNUC__