prefect 0346ba1b18 Refactor model rendering to perform vertex setup in ModelVertexRenderer.
Sort all transparent models by distance to camera (however, do not sort
polygons by default).

This was SVN commit r3096.
2005-11-05 23:15:23 +00:00

445 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

// Name: Renderer.h
// Author: Rich Cross
// Contact: rich@wildfiregames.com
// Description: OpenGL renderer class; a higher level interface
// on top of OpenGL to handle rendering the basic visual games
// types - terrain, models, sprites, particles etc
#ifndef RENDERER_H
#define RENDERER_H
#include <vector>
#include "ogl.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "Frustum.h"
#include "PatchRData.h"
#include "SHCoeffs.h"
#include "Terrain.h"
#include "Singleton.h"
#include "Overlay.h"
#include "scripting/ScriptableObject.h"
#include "renderer/ModelRenderer.h"
// necessary declarations
class CCamera;
class CPatch;
class CSprite;
class CParticleSys;
class COverlay;
class CMaterial;
class CModel;
class CLightEnv;
class CTexture;
class CTerrain;
class RenderPathVertexShader;
// rendering modes
// stream flags
#define STREAM_POS 0x01
#define STREAM_NORMAL 0x02
#define STREAM_COLOR 0x04
#define STREAM_UV0 0x08
#define STREAM_UV1 0x10
#define STREAM_UV2 0x20
#define STREAM_UV3 0x40
#define STREAM_POSTOUV0 0x80
// SVertex3D: simple 3D vertex declaration
struct SVertex3D
float m_Position[3];
float m_TexCoords[2];
unsigned int m_Color;
// SVertex2D: simple 2D vertex declaration
struct SVertex2D
float m_Position[2];
float m_TexCoords[2];
unsigned int m_Color;
// access to sole renderer object
#define g_Renderer CRenderer::GetSingleton()
// CRenderer: base renderer class - primary interface to the rendering engine
class CRenderer : public Singleton<CRenderer>, public CJSObject<CRenderer>
std::vector<CPatch*> m_VisiblePatches;
Handle m_WaterTexture[60];
int m_WaterCurrentTex;
CColor m_WaterColor;
bool m_RenderWater;
bool m_WaterScroll;
float m_WaterHeight;
float m_WaterMaxAlpha;
float m_WaterFullDepth;
float m_WaterAlphaOffset;
float m_SWaterSpeed;
float m_TWaterSpeed;
float m_SWaterTrans;
float m_TWaterTrans;
float m_SWaterScrollCounter;
float m_TWaterScrollCounter;
float m_WaterTexTimer;
// various enumerations and renderer related constants
enum { NumAlphaMaps=14 };
enum { MaxTextureUnits=16 };
enum Option {
enum RenderPath {
// If no rendering path is configured explicitly, the renderer
// will choose the path when Open() is called.
// Classic fixed function.
// Use (GL 2.0) vertex shaders for T&L when possible.
// stats class - per frame counts of number of draw calls, poly counts etc
struct Stats {
// set all stats to zero
void Reset() { memset(this,0,sizeof(*this)); }
// add given stats to this stats
Stats& operator+=(const Stats& rhs) {
return *this;
// count of the number of stats added together
size_t m_Counter;
// number of draw calls per frame - total DrawElements + Begin/End immediate mode loops
size_t m_DrawCalls;
// number of terrain triangles drawn
size_t m_TerrainTris;
// number of (non-transparent) model triangles drawn
size_t m_ModelTris;
// number of splat passes for alphamapping
size_t m_BlendSplats;
// renderer options
struct Options {
bool m_NoVBO;
bool m_Shadows;
RGBAColor m_ShadowColor;
float m_LodBias;
RenderPath m_RenderPath;
} m_Options;
// constructor, destructor
// open up the renderer: performs any necessary initialisation
bool Open(int width,int height,int depth);
// resize renderer view
void Resize(int width,int height);
// set/get boolean renderer option
void SetOptionBool(enum Option opt,bool value);
bool GetOptionBool(enum Option opt) const;
// set/get RGBA color renderer option
void SetOptionColor(enum Option opt,const RGBAColor& value);
void SetOptionFloat(enum Option opt, float val);
const RGBAColor& GetOptionColor(enum Option opt) const;
void SetRenderPath(RenderPath rp);
RenderPath GetRenderPath() const { return m_Options.m_RenderPath; }
static CStr GetRenderPathName(RenderPath rp);
static RenderPath GetRenderPathByName(CStr name);
// return view width
int GetWidth() const { return m_Width; }
// return view height
int GetHeight() const { return m_Height; }
// return view aspect ratio
float GetAspect() const { return float(m_Width)/float(m_Height); }
// signal frame start
void BeginFrame();
// force rendering of any batched objects
void FlushFrame();
// signal frame end : implicitly flushes batched objects
void EndFrame();
// set color used to clear screen in BeginFrame()
void SetClearColor(u32 color);
// return current frame counter
int GetFrameCounter() const { return m_FrameCounter; }
// set camera used for subsequent rendering operations; includes viewport, projection and modelview matrices
void SetCamera(CCamera& camera);
// set the viewport
void SetViewport(const SViewPort &);
// submission of objects for rendering; the passed matrix indicating the transform must be scoped such that it is valid beyond
// the call to frame end, as must the object itself
void Submit(CPatch* patch);
void Submit(CModel* model);
void Submit(CSprite* sprite);
void Submit(CParticleSys* psys);
void Submit(COverlay* overlay);
// basic primitive rendering operations in 2 and 3D; handy for debugging stuff, but also useful in
// editor tools (eg for highlighting specific terrain patches)
// note:
// * all 3D vertices specified in world space
// * primitive operations rendered immediatedly, never batched
// * primitives rendered in current material (set via SetMaterial)
void RenderLine(const SVertex2D* vertices);
void RenderLineLoop(int len,const SVertex2D* vertices);
void RenderTri(const SVertex2D* vertices);
void RenderQuad(const SVertex2D* vertices);
void RenderLine(const SVertex3D* vertices);
void RenderLineLoop(int len,const SVertex3D* vertices);
void RenderTri(const SVertex3D* vertices);
void RenderQuad(const SVertex3D* vertices);
// set the current lighting environment; (note: the passed pointer is just copied to a variable within the renderer,
// so the lightenv passed must be scoped such that it is not destructed until after the renderer is no longer rendering)
void SetLightEnv(CLightEnv* lightenv) {
// set the mode to render subsequent terrain patches
void SetTerrainRenderMode(ERenderMode mode) { m_TerrainRenderMode=mode; }
// get the mode to render subsequent terrain patches
ERenderMode GetTerrainRenderMode() const { return m_TerrainRenderMode; }
// set the mode to render subsequent models
void SetModelRenderMode(ERenderMode mode) { m_ModelRenderMode=mode; }
// get the mode to render subsequent models
ERenderMode GetModelRenderMode() const { return m_ModelRenderMode; }
// try and load the given texture
bool LoadTexture(CTexture* texture,u32 wrapflags);
// set the given unit to reference the given texture; pass a null texture to disable texturing on any unit;
// active texture unit always set to given unit on exit
void SetTexture(int unit,CTexture* texture);
// bind a GL texture object to active unit
void BindTexture(int unit,GLuint tex);
// query transparency of given texture
bool IsTextureTransparent(CTexture* texture);
// load the default set of alphamaps.
// return a negative error code if anything along the way fails.
// called via delay-load mechanism.
int LoadAlphaMaps();
void UnloadAlphaMaps();
// load textures for the active water type.
// return a negative error code if anything along the way fails.
// called via delay-load mechanism.
int LoadWaterTextures();
void UnloadWaterTextures();
// return stats accumulated for current frame
const Stats& GetStats() { return m_Stats; }
// return the current light environment
const CLightEnv &GetLightEnv() { return *m_LightEnv; }
// return the current camera
const CCamera& GetCamera() const { return m_Camera; }
* SetFastPlayerColor: Tell the renderer which path to take for
* player colored models. Both paths should provide the same visual
* quality, however the slow path runs on older hardware using multi-pass.
* @param fast true if the fast path should be used from now on. If fast
* is true but the OpenGL implementation does not support it, a warning
* is printed and the slow path is used instead.
void SetFastPlayerColor(bool fast);
friend class CVertexBuffer;
friend class CPatchRData;
friend class FixedFunctionModelRenderer;
friend class ModelRenderer;
friend class PolygonSortModelRenderer;
friend class SortModelRenderer;
friend class RenderPathVertexShader;
friend class HWLightingModelRenderer;
friend class InstancingModelRenderer;
// scripting
jsval JSI_GetFastPlayerColor(JSContext*);
void JSI_SetFastPlayerColor(JSContext* ctx, jsval newval);
jsval JSI_GetRenderPath(JSContext*);
void JSI_SetRenderPath(JSContext* ctx, jsval newval);
static void ScriptingInit();
// patch rendering stuff
void RenderPatchSubmissions();
void RenderPatches();
void RenderWater();
// model rendering stuff
void RenderModels();
void RenderTransparentModels();
// shadow rendering stuff
void CreateShadowMap();
void RenderShadowMap();
void ApplyShadowMap();
void BuildTransformation(const CVector3D& pos,const CVector3D& right,const CVector3D& up,
const CVector3D& dir,CMatrix3D& result);
void ConstructLightTransform(const CVector3D& pos,const CVector3D& lightdir,CMatrix3D& result);
void CalcShadowMatrices();
void CalcShadowBounds(CBound& bounds);
// view width
int m_Width;
// view height
int m_Height;
// view depth (bpp)
int m_Depth;
// frame counter
int m_FrameCounter;
// current terrain rendering mode
ERenderMode m_TerrainRenderMode;
// current model rendering mode
ERenderMode m_ModelRenderMode;
// current view camera
CCamera m_Camera;
// color used to clear screen in BeginFrame
float m_ClearColor[4];
// submitted object lists for batching
std::vector<CSprite*> m_Sprites;
std::vector<CParticleSys*> m_ParticleSyses;
std::vector<COverlay*> m_Overlays;
// current lighting setup
CLightEnv* m_LightEnv;
// current spherical harmonic coefficients (for unit lighting), derived from lightenv
CSHCoeffs m_SHCoeffsUnits;
// current spherical harmonic coefficients (for terrain lighting), derived from lightenv
CSHCoeffs m_SHCoeffsTerrain;
// ogl_tex handle of composite alpha map (all the alpha maps packed into one texture)
Handle m_hCompositeAlphaMap;
// handle of shadow map
u32 m_ShadowMap;
// width, height of shadow map
u32 m_ShadowMapWidth,m_ShadowMapHeight;
// object space bound of shadow casting objects
CBound m_ShadowBound;
// per-frame flag: has the shadow map been rendered this frame?
bool m_ShadowRendered;
// projection matrix of shadow casting light
CMatrix3D m_LightProjection;
// transformation matrix of shadow casting light
CMatrix3D m_LightTransform;
// coordinates of each (untransformed) alpha map within the packed texture
struct {
float u0,u1,v0,v1;
} m_AlphaMapCoords[NumAlphaMaps];
// card capabilities
struct Caps {
bool m_VBO;
bool m_TextureBorderClamp;
bool m_GenerateMipmaps;
bool m_VertexShader;
} m_Caps;
// build card cap bits
void EnumCaps();
// per-frame renderer stats
Stats m_Stats;
// active textures on each unit
GLuint m_ActiveTextures[MaxTextureUnits];
// Additional state that is only available when the vertex shader
// render path is used (according to m_Options.m_RenderPath)
RenderPathVertexShader* m_VertexShader;
/// If false, use a multipass fallback for player colors.
bool m_FastPlayerColor;
* m_SortAllTransparent: If true, all transparent models are
* rendered using the TransparencyRenderer which performs sorting.
* Otherwise, transparent models are rendered using the faster
* batching renderer when possible.
bool m_SortAllTransparent;
* m_FastNormals: Use faster normal transformation in the
* software transform by multiplying with the bone matrix itself
* instead of the transpose of the inverse.
bool m_FastNormals;
// State used by LoadWaterTextures with progressive loading
uint cur_loading_water_tex;
// Various model renderers
struct Models {
ModelRenderer* NormalFF;
ModelRenderer* PlayerFF;
ModelRenderer* NormalHWLit;
ModelRenderer* PlayerHWLit;
ModelRenderer* NormalInstancing;
ModelRenderer* PlayerInstancing;
ModelRenderer* TranspFF;
ModelRenderer* TranspHWLit;
ModelRenderer* TranspSortAll;
ModelVertexRendererPtr VertexFF;
ModelVertexRendererPtr VertexHWLit;
ModelVertexRendererPtr VertexInstancing;
ModelVertexRendererPtr VertexPolygonSort;
RenderModifierPtr ModWireframe;
RenderModifierPtr ModPlain;
RenderModifierPtr ModPlayer;
RenderModifierPtr ModSolidColor;
RenderModifierPtr ModTransparent;
RenderModifierPtr ModTransparentShadow;
} m_Models;