janwas 6324deb7d0 fix to prevent further issues due to invalid XMB files (c.f. matt's "crash upon combat" bug report, http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11703). as per philip's excellent suggestion, they are now only tagged with a header iff the file contents are valid.
- add a new magic string "XMBu" to indicate an unfinished XMB file;
- header magic fields are now exclusively strings to avoid type punning;
- XMBFile::Initialize now has a return value which is checked by
- the XML loader re-creates the XMB if that fails.

This was SVN commit r6016.
2008-06-15 17:24:32 +00:00

257 lines
6.2 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "Xeromyces.h"
#include "lib/byte_order.h" // FOURCC_LE
#include "ps/utf16string.h"
// external linkage (also used by Xeromyces.cpp)
const char* HeaderMagicStr = "XMB0";
const char* UnfinishedHeaderMagicStr = "XMBu";
// Warning: May contain traces of pointer abuse
bool XMBFile::Initialise(const char* FileData)
m_Pointer = FileData;
char Header[5];
strncpy_s(Header, 5, m_Pointer, 4);
m_Pointer += 4;
// (c.f. @return documentation of this function)
if(!strcmp(Header, UnfinishedHeaderMagicStr))
return false;
debug_assert(!strcmp(Header, HeaderMagicStr) && "Invalid XMB header!");
int i;
// FIXME Check that m_Pointer doesn't end up past the end of the buffer
// (it shouldn't be all that dangerous since we're only doing read-only
// access, but it might crash on an invalid file, reading a couple of
// billion random element names from RAM)
// Build a std::map of all the names->ids
u32 ElementNameCount = *(u32*)m_Pointer; m_Pointer += 4;
for (i = 0; i < ElementNameCount; ++i)
m_ElementNames[ReadZStrA()] = i;
u32 AttributeNameCount = *(u32*)m_Pointer; m_Pointer += 4;
for (i = 0; i < AttributeNameCount; ++i)
m_AttributeNames[ReadZStrA()] = i;
// Ignore all the names for now, and skip over them
// (remembering the position of the first)
m_ElementNameCount = *(int*)m_Pointer; m_Pointer += 4;
m_ElementPointer = m_Pointer;
for (i = 0; i < m_ElementNameCount; ++i)
m_Pointer += 4 + *(int*)m_Pointer; // skip over the string
m_AttributeNameCount = *(int*)m_Pointer; m_Pointer += 4;
m_AttributePointer = m_Pointer;
for (i = 0; i < m_AttributeNameCount; ++i)
m_Pointer += 4 + *(int*)m_Pointer; // skip over the string
return true; // success
std::string XMBFile::ReadZStrA()
int Length = *(int*)m_Pointer;
m_Pointer += 4;
std::string String (m_Pointer); // reads up until the first NULL
m_Pointer += Length;
return String;
XMBElement XMBFile::GetRoot() const
return XMBElement(m_Pointer);
int XMBFile::GetElementID(const char* Name) const
return m_ElementNames[Name];
int XMBFile::GetAttributeID(const char* Name) const
return m_AttributeNames[Name];
#else // #ifdef XERO_USEMAP
int XMBFile::GetElementID(const char* Name) const
const char* Pos = m_ElementPointer;
int len = (int)strlen(Name)+1; // count bytes, including null terminator
// Loop through each string to find a match
for (int i = 0; i < m_ElementNameCount; ++i)
// See if this could be the right string, checking its
// length and then its contents
if (*(int*)Pos == len && strncasecmp(Pos+4, Name, len) == 0)
return i;
// If not, jump to the next string
Pos += 4 + *(int*)Pos;
// Failed
return -1;
int XMBFile::GetAttributeID(const char* Name) const
const char* Pos = m_AttributePointer;
int len = (int)strlen(Name)+1; // count bytes, including null terminator
// Loop through each string to find a match
for (int i = 0; i < m_AttributeNameCount; ++i)
// See if this could be the right string, checking its
// length and then its contents
if (*(int*)Pos == len && strncasecmp(Pos+4, Name, len) == 0)
return i;
// If not, jump to the next string
Pos += 4 + *(int*)Pos;
// Failed
return -1;
#endif // #ifdef XERO_USEMAP / #else
// Relatively inefficient, so only use when
// laziness overcomes the need for speed
std::string XMBFile::GetElementString(const int ID) const
const char* Pos = m_ElementPointer;
for (int i = 0; i < ID; ++i)
Pos += 4 + *(int*)Pos;
return std::string(Pos+4);
std::string XMBFile::GetAttributeString(const int ID) const
const char* Pos = m_AttributePointer;
for (int i = 0; i < ID; ++i)
Pos += 4 + *(int*)Pos;
return std::string(Pos+4);
int XMBElement::GetNodeName() const
return *(int*)(m_Pointer + 4); // == ElementName
XMBElementList XMBElement::GetChildNodes() const
return XMBElementList(
m_Pointer + 20 + *(int*)(m_Pointer + 16), // == Children[]
*(int*)(m_Pointer + 12) // == ChildCount
XMBAttributeList XMBElement::GetAttributes() const
return XMBAttributeList(
m_Pointer + 24 + *(int*)(m_Pointer + 20), // == Attributes[]
*(int*)(m_Pointer + 8) // == AttributeCount
utf16string XMBElement::GetText() const
// Return empty string if there's no text
if (*(int*)(m_Pointer + 20) == 0)
return utf16string();
return utf16string((utf16_t*)(m_Pointer + 28));
int XMBElement::GetLineNumber() const
// Make sure there actually was some text to record the line of
if (*(int*)(m_Pointer + 20) == 0)
return -1;
return *(int*)(m_Pointer + 24);
XMBElement XMBElementList::Item(const int id)
debug_assert(id >= 0 && id < Count && "Element ID out of range");
const char* Pos;
// If access is sequential, don't bother scanning
// through all the nodes to find the next one
if (id == m_LastItemID+1)
Pos = m_LastPointer;
Pos += *(int*)Pos; // skip over the last node
Pos = m_Pointer;
// Skip over each preceding node
for (int i=0; i<id; ++i)
Pos += *(int*)Pos;
// Cache information about this node
m_LastItemID = id;
m_LastPointer = Pos;
return XMBElement(Pos);
utf16string XMBAttributeList::GetNamedItem(const int AttributeName) const
const char* Pos = m_Pointer;
// Maybe not the cleverest algorithm, but it should be
// fast enough with half a dozen attributes:
for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
if (*(int*)Pos == AttributeName)
return utf16string((utf16_t*)(Pos+8));
Pos += 8 + *(int*)(Pos+4); // Skip over the string
// Can't find attribute
return utf16string();
XMBAttribute XMBAttributeList::Item(const int id)
debug_assert(id >= 0 && id < Count && "Attribute ID out of range");
const char* Pos;
// If access is sequential, don't bother scanning through
// all the nodes to find the right one
if (id == m_LastItemID+1)
Pos = m_LastPointer;
// Skip over the last attribute
Pos += 8 + *(int*)(Pos+4);
Pos = m_Pointer;
// Skip over each preceding attribute
for (int i=0; i<id; ++i)
Pos += 8 + *(int*)(Pos+4); // skip ID, length, and string data
// Cache information about this attribute
m_LastItemID = id;
m_LastPointer = Pos;
return XMBAttribute(*(int*)Pos, utf16string( (const utf16_t*)(Pos+8) ));