2008-06-28 01:09:45 +00:00

985 lines
30 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : ogl_tex.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : wrapper for all OpenGL texturing calls.
* : provides caching, hotloading and lifetime management.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "ogl_tex.h"
#include "lib/app_hooks.h"
#include "lib/ogl.h"
#include "lib/bits.h"
#include "lib/sysdep/gfx.h"
#include "lib/tex/tex.h"
#include "../h_mgr.h"
#include "lib/file/vfs/vfs.h"
#include "lib/fnv_hash.h"
extern PIVFS g_VFS;
// OpenGL helper routines
static bool filter_valid(GLint filter)
return true;
return false;
static bool wrap_valid(GLint wrap)
case GL_CLAMP:
return true;
return false;
static bool filter_uses_mipmaps(GLint filter)
return true;
return false;
static bool fmt_is_s3tc(GLenum fmt)
return true;
return false;
// determine OpenGL texture format, given <bpp> and Tex <flags>.
static GLint choose_fmt(size_t bpp, int flags)
const bool alpha = (flags & TEX_ALPHA) != 0;
const bool bgr = (flags & TEX_BGR ) != 0;
const bool grey = (flags & TEX_GREY ) != 0;
const size_t dxt = flags & TEX_DXT;
// S3TC
if(dxt != 0)
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
debug_assert(0); // invalid DXT value
return 0;
// uncompressed
case 8:
case 16:
case 24:
return bgr? GL_BGR : GL_RGB;
case 32:
return bgr? GL_BGRA : GL_RGBA;
debug_assert(0); // invalid bpp
return 0;
// quality mechanism
static GLint default_filter = GL_LINEAR; // one of the GL *minify* filters
static int default_q_flags = OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY; // OglTexQualityFlags
static bool q_flags_valid(int q_flags)
// unrecognized bits are set - invalid
if((q_flags & ~bits) != 0)
return false;
// "full quality" but other reduction bits are set - invalid
if(q_flags & OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY && q_flags & ~OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY)
return false;
return true;
// change default settings - these affect performance vs. quality.
// may be overridden for individual textures via parameter to
// ogl_tex_upload or ogl_tex_set_filter, respectively.
// pass 0 to keep the current setting; defaults and legal values are:
// - q_flags: OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY; combination of OglTexQualityFlags
// - filter: GL_LINEAR; any valid OpenGL minification filter
void ogl_tex_set_defaults(int q_flags, GLint filter)
default_q_flags = q_flags;
default_filter = filter;
// choose an internal format for <fmt> based on the given q_flags.
static GLint choose_int_fmt(GLenum fmt, int q_flags)
// true => 4 bits per component; otherwise, 8
const bool half_bpp = (q_flags & OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP) != 0;
// early-out for S3TC textures: they don't need an internal format
// (because upload is via glCompressedTexImage2DARB), but we must avoid
// triggering the default case below. we might as well return a
// meaningful value (i.e. int_fmt = fmt).
return fmt;
// 8bpp
return half_bpp? GL_LUMINANCE4 : GL_LUMINANCE8;
return half_bpp? GL_INTENSITY4 : GL_INTENSITY8;
case GL_ALPHA:
return half_bpp? GL_ALPHA4 : GL_ALPHA8;
// 16bpp
// 24bpp
case GL_RGB:
case GL_BGR: // note: BGR can't be used as internal format
return half_bpp? GL_RGB4 : GL_RGB8;
// 32bpp
case GL_RGBA:
case GL_BGRA: // note: BGRA can't be used as internal format
return half_bpp? GL_RGBA4 : GL_RGBA8;
wchar_t buf[100];
swprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), L"choose_int_fmt: fmt 0x%x isn't covered! please add it", fmt);
debug_assert(0); // given fmt isn't covered! please add it.
// fall back to a reasonable default
return half_bpp? GL_RGB4 : GL_RGB8;
// texture state to allow seamless reload
// see "Texture Parameters" in docs.
// all GL state tied to the texture that must be reapplied after reload.
// (this mustn't get too big, as it's stored in the already sizeable OglTex)
struct OglTexState
// glTexParameter
// note: there are more options, but they do not look to
// be important and will not be applied after a reload!
// in particular, LOD_BIAS isn't needed because that is set for
// the entire texturing unit via glTexEnv.
// .. texture filter
// note: this is the minification filter value; magnification filter
// is GL_NEAREST if it's GL_NEAREST, otherwise GL_LINEAR.
// we don't store mag_filter explicitly because it
// doesn't appear useful - either apps can tolerate LINEAR, or
// mipmaps aren't called for and filter could be NEAREST anyway).
GLint filter;
// .. wrap mode
// note: to simplify things, we assume that apps will never want to
// set S/T modes independently. it that becomes necessary,
// it's easy to add.
GLint wrap;
// fill the given state object with default values.
static void state_set_to_defaults(OglTexState* ots)
ots->filter = default_filter;
ots->wrap = GL_REPEAT;
// send all state to OpenGL (actually the currently bound texture).
// called from ogl_tex_upload.
static void state_latch(OglTexState* ots)
// filter
const GLint filter = ots->filter;
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filter);
const GLint mag_filter = (filter == GL_NEAREST)? GL_NEAREST : GL_LINEAR;
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, mag_filter);
// wrap
const GLint wrap = ots->wrap;
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, wrap);
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, wrap);
// .. only CLAMP and REPEAT are guaranteed to be available.
// if we're using one of the others, we squelch the error that
// may have resulted if this GL implementation is old.
if(wrap != GL_CLAMP && wrap != GL_REPEAT)
// texture resource object
// ideally we would split OglTex into data and state objects as in
// SndData / VSrc. this gives us the benefits of caching while still
// leaving each "instance" (state object, which owns a data reference)
// free to change its state. however, unlike in OpenAL, there is no state
// independent of the data object - all parameters are directly tied to the
// GL texture object. therefore, splitting them up is impossible.
// (we shouldn't even keep the texel data in memory since that's already
// covered by the FS cache).
// given that multiple "instances" share the state stored here, we conclude:
// - a refcount is necessary to prevent ogl_tex_upload from freeing
// <t> as long as other instances are active.
// - concurrent use risks cross-talk (if the 2nd "instance" changes state and
// the first is reloaded, its state may change to that of the 2nd)
// as bad as it sounds, the latter issue isn't a problem: we do not expect
// multiple instances of the same texture where someone changes its filter.
// even if it is reloaded, the differing state is not critical.
// the alternative is even worse: disabling *all* caching/reuse would
// really hurt performance and h_mgr doesn't support only disallowing
// reuse of active objects (this would break the index lookup code, since
// multiple instances may then exist).
// note: make sure these values fit inside OglTex.flags (only 16 bits)
enum OglTexFlags
// "the texture is currently uploaded"; reset in dtor.
// "the enclosed Tex object is valid and holds a texture";
// reset in dtor and after ogl_tex_upload's tex_free.
//size_t tex_valid : 1;
// "reload() should automatically re-upload the texture" (because
// it had been uploaded before the reload); never reset.
// (used for validating flags)
struct OglTex
Tex t;
// allocated by OglTex_reload; indicates the texture is currently uploaded.
GLuint id;
// ogl_tex_upload calls choose_fmt to determine these from <t>.
// however, its caller may override those values via parameters.
// note: these are stored here to allow retrieving via ogl_tex_get_format;
// they are only used within ogl_tex_upload.
GLenum fmt;
GLint int_fmt;
OglTexState state;
// OglTexQualityFlags
int q_flags : 8;
// to which Texture Mapping Unit was this bound?
size_t tmu : 8;
int flags : 16;
static void OglTex_init(OglTex* ot, va_list args)
Tex* wrapped_tex = va_arg(args, Tex*);
ot->t = *wrapped_tex;
// indicate ot->t is now valid, thus skipping loading from file.
// note: ogl_tex_wrap prevents actual reloads from happening.
ot->flags |= OT_TEX_VALID;
ot->q_flags = default_q_flags;
static void OglTex_dtor(OglTex* ot)
if(ot->flags & OT_TEX_VALID)
ot->flags &= ~OT_TEX_VALID;
// note: do not check if OT_IS_UPLOADED is set, because we allocate
// OglTex.id without necessarily having done an upload.
glDeleteTextures(1, &ot->id);
ot->id = 0;
ot->flags &= ~OT_IS_UPLOADED;
static LibError OglTex_reload(OglTex* ot, const VfsPath& pathname, Handle h)
// we're reusing a freed but still in-memory OglTex object
if(ot->flags & OT_IS_UPLOADED)
return INFO::OK;
// if we don't already have the texture in memory (*), load from file.
// * this happens if the texture is "wrapped".
if(!(ot->flags & OT_TEX_VALID))
shared_ptr<u8> file; size_t fileSize;
RETURN_ERR(g_VFS->LoadFile(pathname, file, fileSize));
if(tex_decode(file, fileSize, &ot->t) < 0)
return 0;
ot->flags |= OT_TEX_VALID;
glGenTextures(1, &ot->id);
// if it had already been uploaded before this reload,
// re-upload it (this also does state_latch).
if(ot->flags & OT_NEED_AUTO_UPLOAD)
return INFO::OK;
static LibError OglTex_validate(const OglTex* ot)
// width, height
// (note: this is done here because tex.cpp doesn't impose any
// restrictions on dimensions, while OpenGL does).
GLsizei w = (GLsizei)ot->t.w;
GLsizei h = (GLsizei)ot->t.h;
// .. == 0; texture file probably not loaded successfully.
if(w == 0 || h == 0)
// .. greater than max supported tex dimension.
// no-op if ogl_Init not yet called
if(w > (GLsizei)ogl_max_tex_size || h > (GLsizei)ogl_max_tex_size)
// .. not power-of-2.
// note: we can't work around this because both NV_texture_rectangle
// and subtexture require work for the client (changing tex coords).
// TODO: ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
if(!is_pow2(w) || !is_pow2(h))
// texture state
// misc
if(ot->tmu >= 128) // unexpected that there will ever be this many
if(ot->flags > OT_ALL_FLAGS)
// .. note: don't check ot->fmt and ot->int_fmt - they aren't set
// until during ogl_tex_upload.
return INFO::OK;
static LibError OglTex_to_string(const OglTex* ot, char* buf)
snprintf(buf, H_STRING_LEN, "id=%d", ot->id);
return INFO::OK;
// load and return a handle to the texture given in <pathname>.
// for a list of supported formats, see tex.h's tex_load.
Handle ogl_tex_load(const VfsPath& pathname, int flags)
Tex* wrapped_tex = 0; // we're loading from file
return h_alloc(H_OglTex, pathname, flags, wrapped_tex);
// return Handle to an existing object, if it has been loaded and
// is still in memory; otherwise, a negative error code.
Handle ogl_tex_find(const VfsPath& pathname)
const uintptr_t key = fnv_hash(pathname.string().c_str(), pathname.string().length());
return h_find(H_OglTex, key);
// make the given Tex object ready for use as an OpenGL texture
// and return a handle to it. this will be as if its contents
// had been loaded by ogl_tex_load.
// we need only add bookkeeping information and "wrap" it in
// a resource object (accessed via Handle), hence the name.
// <fn> isn't strictly needed but should describe the texture so that
// h_filename will return a meaningful comment for debug purposes.
// note: because we cannot guarantee that callers will pass distinct
// "filenames", caching is disabled for the created object. this avoids
// mistakenly reusing previous objects that share the same comment.
Handle ogl_tex_wrap(Tex* t, const char* fn, int flags)
// this object may not be backed by a file ("may", because
// someone could do tex_load and then ogl_tex_wrap).
// if h_mgr asks for a reload, the dtor will be called but
// we won't be able to reconstruct it. therefore, disallow reloads.
// (they are improbable anyway since caller is supposed to pass a
// 'descriptive comment' instead of filename, but don't rely on that)
// also disable caching as explained above.
return h_alloc(H_OglTex, fn, flags, t);
// free all resources associated with the texture and make further
// use of it impossible. (subject to refcount)
LibError ogl_tex_free(Handle& ht)
return h_free(ht, H_OglTex);
// state setters (see "Texture Parameters" in docs)
// we require the below functions be called before uploading; this avoids
// potentially redundant glTexParameter calls (we'd otherwise need to always
// set defaults because we don't know if an override is forthcoming).
// raise a debug warning if the texture has already been uploaded
// (except in the few cases where this is allowed; see below).
// this is so that you will notice incorrect usage - only one instance of a
// texture should be active at a time, because otherwise they vie for
// control of one shared OglTexState.
static void warn_if_uploaded(Handle ht, const OglTex* ot)
#ifndef NDEBUG
// we do not require users of this module to remember if they've
// already uploaded a texture (inconvenient). since they also can't
// tell if the texture was newly loaded (due to h_alloc interface),
// we have to squelch this warning in 2 cases:
// - it's ogl_tex_loaded several times (i.e. refcount > 1) and the
// caller (typically a higher-level LoadTexture) is setting filter etc.
// - caller is using our Handle as a caching mechanism, and calls
// ogl_tex_set_* before every use of the texture. note: this
// need not fall under the above check, e.g. if freed but cached.
// workaround is that ogl_tex_set_* won't call us if the
// same state values are being set (harmless anyway).
int refs = h_get_refcnt(ht);
if(refs > 1)
return; // don't complain
if(ot->flags & OT_IS_UPLOADED)
debug_assert(0); // ogl_tex_set_*: texture already uploaded and shouldn't be changed
// (prevent warnings; the alternative of wrapping all call sites in
// #ifndef is worse)
// override default filter (as set above) for this texture.
// must be called before uploading (raises a warning if called afterwards).
// filter is as defined by OpenGL; it is applied for both minification and
// magnification (for rationale and details, see OglTexState)
LibError ogl_tex_set_filter(Handle ht, GLint filter)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
if(ot->state.filter != filter)
warn_if_uploaded(ht, ot);
ot->state.filter = filter;
return INFO::OK;
// override default wrap mode (GL_REPEAT) for this texture.
// must be called before uploading (raises a warning if called afterwards).
// wrap is as defined by OpenGL and applies to both S and T coordinates
// (rationale: see OglTexState).
LibError ogl_tex_set_wrap(Handle ht, GLint wrap)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
if(ot->state.wrap != wrap)
warn_if_uploaded(ht, ot);
ot->state.wrap = wrap;
return INFO::OK;
// upload
// OpenGL has several features that are helpful for uploading but not
// available in all implementations. we check for their presence but
// provide for user override (in case they don't work on a card/driver
// combo we didn't test).
// tristate; -1 is undecided
static int have_auto_mipmap_gen = -1;
static int have_s3tc = -1;
// override the default decision and force/disallow use of the
// given feature. should be called from ah_override_gl_upload_caps.
void ogl_tex_override(OglTexOverrides what, OglTexAllow allow)
debug_assert(allow == OGL_TEX_ENABLE || allow == OGL_TEX_DISABLE);
const bool enable = (allow == OGL_TEX_ENABLE);
case OGL_TEX_S3TC:
have_s3tc = enable;
have_auto_mipmap_gen = enable;
debug_assert(0); // invalid <what>
// detect caps (via OpenGL extension list) and give an app_hook the chance to
// override this (e.g. via list of card/driver combos on which S3TC breaks).
// called once from the first ogl_tex_upload.
static void detect_gl_upload_caps()
// note: gfx_card will be empty if running in quickstart mode;
// in that case, we won't be able to check for known faulty cards.
// detect features, but only change the variables if they were at
// "undecided" (if overrides were set before this, they must remain).
if(have_auto_mipmap_gen == -1)
have_auto_mipmap_gen = ogl_HaveExtension("GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap");
if(have_s3tc == -1)
// note: we don't bother checking for GL_S3_s3tc - it is incompatible
// and irrelevant (was never widespread).
have_s3tc = ogl_HaveExtensions(0, "GL_ARB_texture_compression", "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc", 0) == 0;
// allow app hook to make ogl_tex_override calls
// no app hook defined - have our own crack at blacklisting some hardware.
// rationale: janwas's laptop's S3 card blows up if S3TC is used
// (oh, the irony). it'd be annoying to have to share this between all
// projects, hence this default implementation here.
if(!strcmp(gfx_card, "S3 SuperSavage/IXC 1014"))
if(strstr(gfx_drv_ver, "ssicdnt.dll (2.60.115)"))
ogl_tex_override(OGL_TEX_S3TC, OGL_TEX_DISABLE);
// warn if more-or-less essential features are missing
DEBUG_DISPLAY_ERROR(L"Performance warning: your graphics card does not support compressed textures. The game will try to continue anyway, but may be slower than expected. Please try updating your graphics drivers; if that doesn't help, please try upgrading your hardware.");
// take care of mipmaps. if they are called for by <filter>, either
// arrange for OpenGL to create them, or see to it that the Tex object
// contains them (if need be, creating them in software).
// sets *plevels_to_skip to influence upload behavior (depending on
// whether mipmaps are needed and the quality settings).
// returns 0 to indicate success; otherwise, caller must disable
// mipmapping by switching filter to e.g. GL_LINEAR.
static LibError get_mipmaps(Tex* t, GLint filter, int q_flags, int* plevels_to_skip)
// decisions:
// .. does filter call for uploading mipmaps?
const bool need_mipmaps = filter_uses_mipmaps(filter);
// .. does the image data include mipmaps? (stored as separate
// images after the regular texels)
const bool includes_mipmaps = (t->flags & TEX_MIPMAPS) != 0;
// .. is this texture in S3TC format? (more generally, "compressed")
const bool is_s3tc = (t->flags & TEX_DXT) != 0;
*plevels_to_skip = TEX_BASE_LEVEL_ONLY;
return INFO::OK;
// image already contains pregenerated mipmaps; we need do nothing.
// this is the nicest case, because they are fastest to load
// (no extra processing needed) and typically filtered better than
// if automatically generated.
*plevels_to_skip = 0; // t contains mipmaps
// OpenGL supports automatic generation; we need only
// activate that and upload the base image.
else if(have_auto_mipmap_gen)
// have the same values - it's heavily implied by the spec
// governing 'promoted' ARB extensions and just plain makes sense.
// image is S3TC-compressed and the previous 2 alternatives weren't
// available; we're going to cheat and just disable mipmapping.
// rationale: having tex_transform add mipmaps would be slow (since
// all<->all transforms aren't implemented, it'd have to decompress
// from S3TC first), and DDS images ought to include mipmaps!
else if(is_s3tc)
return ERR::FAIL; // NOWARN
// image is uncompressed and we're on an old OpenGL implementation;
// we will generate mipmaps in software.
RETURN_ERR(tex_transform_to(t, t->flags|TEX_MIPMAPS));
*plevels_to_skip = 0; // t contains mipmaps
// t contains mipmaps; we can apply our resolution reduction trick:
if(*plevels_to_skip == 0)
// this saves texture memory by skipping some of the lower
// (high-resolution) mip levels.
// note: we don't just use GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL because it would
// require uploading unused levels, which is wasteful.
// .. can be expanded to reduce to 1/4, 1/8 by encoding factor in q_flags.
const size_t reduce = (q_flags & OGL_TEX_HALF_RES)? 2 : 1;
*plevels_to_skip = (int)ceil_log2(reduce);
return INFO::OK;
// tex_util_foreach_mipmap callbacks: upload the given level to OpenGL.
struct UploadParams
GLenum fmt;
GLint int_fmt;
static void upload_level(size_t level, size_t level_w, size_t level_h, const u8* RESTRICT level_data, size_t UNUSED(level_data_size), void* RESTRICT cbData)
const UploadParams* up = (const UploadParams*)cbData;
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (GLint)level, up->int_fmt, (GLsizei)level_w, (GLsizei)level_h, 0, up->fmt, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, level_data);
static void upload_compressed_level(size_t level, size_t level_w, size_t level_h, const u8* RESTRICT level_data, size_t level_data_size, void* RESTRICT cbData)
const UploadParams* up = (const UploadParams*)cbData;
pglCompressedTexImage2DARB(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (GLint)level, up->fmt, (GLsizei)level_w, (GLsizei)level_h, 0, (GLsizei)level_data_size, level_data);
// upload the texture in the specified (internal) format.
// split out of ogl_tex_upload because it was too big.
// pre: <t> is valid for OpenGL use; texture is bound.
static void upload_impl(Tex* t, GLenum fmt, GLint int_fmt, int levels_to_skip)
const GLsizei w = (GLsizei)t->w;
const GLsizei h = (GLsizei)t->h;
const size_t bpp = t->bpp;
const u8* data = (const u8*)tex_get_data(t);
const UploadParams up = { fmt, int_fmt };
if(t->flags & TEX_DXT)
tex_util_foreach_mipmap(w, h, bpp, data, levels_to_skip, 4, upload_compressed_level, (void*)&up);
tex_util_foreach_mipmap(w, h, bpp, data, levels_to_skip, 1, upload_level, (void*)&up);
// upload the texture to OpenGL.
// if not 0, parameters override the following:
// fmt_ovr : OpenGL format (e.g. GL_RGB) decided from bpp / Tex flags;
// q_flags_ovr : global default "quality vs. performance" flags;
// int_fmt_ovr : internal format (e.g. GL_RGB8) decided from fmt / q_flags.
// side effects:
// - enables texturing on TMU 0 and binds the texture to it;
// - frees the texel data! see ogl_tex_get_data.
LibError ogl_tex_upload(const Handle ht, GLenum fmt_ovr, int q_flags_ovr, GLint int_fmt_ovr)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
Tex* t = &ot->t;
// we don't bother verifying *fmt_ovr - there are too many values
// upload already happened; no work to do.
// (this also happens if a cached texture is "loaded")
if(ot->flags & OT_IS_UPLOADED)
return INFO::OK;
debug_assert(ot->flags & OT_TEX_VALID);
// decompress S3TC if that's not supported by OpenGL.
if((t->flags & TEX_DXT) && !have_s3tc)
(void)tex_transform_to(t, t->flags & ~TEX_DXT);
// determine fmt and int_fmt, allowing for user override.
ot->fmt = choose_fmt(t->bpp, t->flags);
if(fmt_ovr) ot->fmt = fmt_ovr;
if(q_flags_ovr) ot->q_flags = q_flags_ovr;
ot->int_fmt = choose_int_fmt(ot->fmt, ot->q_flags);
if(int_fmt_ovr) ot->int_fmt = int_fmt_ovr;
// now actually send to OpenGL:
// (note: we know ht is valid due to H_DEREF, but ogl_tex_bind can
// fail in debug builds if OglTex.id isn't a valid texture name)
RETURN_ERR(ogl_tex_bind(ht, ot->tmu));
int levels_to_skip;
if(get_mipmaps(t, ot->state.filter, ot->q_flags, &levels_to_skip) < 0)
// error => disable mipmapping
ot->state.filter = GL_LINEAR;
// (note: if first time, applies our defaults/previous overrides;
// otherwise, replays all state changes)
upload_impl(t, ot->fmt, ot->int_fmt, levels_to_skip);
// see rationale for <refs> at declaration of OglTex.
// note: tex_free is safe even if this OglTex was wrapped -
// the Tex contains a mem handle.
int refs = h_get_refcnt(ht);
if(refs == 1)
// note: we verify above that OT_TEX_VALID is set
ot->flags &= ~OT_TEX_VALID;
return INFO::OK;
// getters
// retrieve texture dimensions and bits per pixel.
// all params are optional and filled if non-NULL.
LibError ogl_tex_get_size(Handle ht, size_t* w, size_t* h, size_t* bpp)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
*w = ot->t.w;
*h = ot->t.h;
*bpp = ot->t.bpp;
return INFO::OK;
// retrieve TexFlags and the corresponding OpenGL format.
// the latter is determined during ogl_tex_upload and is 0 before that.
// all params are optional and filled if non-NULL.
LibError ogl_tex_get_format(Handle ht, int* flags, GLenum* fmt)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
*flags = ot->t.flags;
debug_assert(ot->flags & OT_IS_UPLOADED);
*fmt = ot->fmt;
return INFO::OK;
// retrieve pointer to texel data.
// note: this memory is freed after a successful ogl_tex_upload for
// this texture. after that, the pointer we retrieve is NULL but
// the function doesn't fail (negative return value) by design.
// if you still need to get at the data, add a reference before
// uploading it or read directly from OpenGL (discouraged).
LibError ogl_tex_get_data(Handle ht, void** p)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
*p = tex_get_data(&ot->t);
return INFO::OK;
// misc API
// bind the texture to the specified unit [number] in preparation for
// using it in rendering. if <ht> is 0, texturing is disabled instead.
// side effects:
// - changes the active texture unit;
// - (if return value is 0:) texturing was enabled/disabled on that unit.
// notes:
// - assumes multitexturing is available.
// - not necessary before calling ogl_tex_upload!
// - on error, the unit's texture state is unchanged; see implementation.
LibError ogl_tex_bind(Handle ht, size_t unit)
// note: there are many call sites of glActiveTextureARB, so caching
// those and ignoring redundant sets isn't feasible.
// special case: disable texturing
if(ht == 0)
return INFO::OK;
// if this fails, the texture unit's state remains unchanged.
// we don't bother catching that and disabling texturing because a
// debug warning is raised anyway, and it's quite unlikely.
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
ot->tmu = unit;
// if 0, there's a problem in the OglTex reload/dtor logic.
// binding it results in whiteness, which can have many causes;
// we therefore complain so this one can be ruled out.
debug_assert(ot->id != 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ot->id);
return INFO::OK;
// apply the specified transforms (as in tex_transform) to the image.
// must be called before uploading (raises a warning if called afterwards).
LibError ogl_tex_transform(Handle ht, size_t transforms)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
LibError ret = tex_transform(&ot->t, transforms);
return ret;
// change the pixel format to that specified by <new_flags>.
// (note: this is equivalent to ogl_tex_transform(ht, ht_flags^new_flags).
LibError ogl_tex_transform_to(Handle ht, size_t new_flags)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
LibError ret = tex_transform_to(&ot->t, new_flags);
return ret;