forked from 0ad/0ad

555 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "Converter.h"
#include "FCollada.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDocument.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDController.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometry.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometryMesh.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometryPolygons.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDGeometrySource.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDSceneNode.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDSkinController.h"
#include "StdSkeletons.h"
#include "Decompose.h"
#include "Maths.h"
#include "GeomReindex.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
/** Throws a ColladaException unless the value is true. */
#define REQUIRE(value, message) require_(__LINE__, value, "Assertion not satisfied", message)
/** Throws a ColladaException unless the status is successful. */
#define REQUIRE_SUCCESS(status) require_(__LINE__, status)
void require_(int line, bool value, const char* type, const char* message)
if (value) return;
char linestr[16];
sprintf(linestr, "%d", line);
throw ColladaException(std::string(type) + " (line " + linestr + "): " + message);
void require_(int line, const FUStatus& status)
require_(line, status, "FCollada error", status.GetErrorString());
/** Outputs a structure, using sizeof to get the size. */
template<typename T> void write(OutputCB& output, const T& data)
output((char*)&data, sizeof(T));
const int maxInfluences = 4;
struct VertexBlend
uint8 bones[maxInfluences];
float weights[maxInfluences];
VertexBlend defaultInfluences = { { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
struct BoneTransform
float translation[3];
float orientation[4];
/** Error handler for libxml2 */
void errorHandler(void* ctx, const char* msg, ...)
char buffer[1024];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, msg);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), msg, ap);
buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
*((std::string*)ctx) += buffer;
class Converter
* Converts a COLLADA XML document into the PMD format.
* @param input XML document to parse
* @param output callback for writing the PMD data; called lots of times
* with small strings
* @param xmlErrors output - errors reported by the XML parser
* @throws ColladaException on failure
static void ColladaToPMD(const char* input, OutputCB& output, std::string& xmlErrors)
FUStatus ret;
// Grab all the error output from libxml2. Be careful to never use
// libxml2 outside this function without having first set/reset the
// errorfunc (since xmlErrors won't be valid any more).
xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(&xmlErrors, &errorHandler);
std::auto_ptr<FCDocument> doc (FCollada::NewTopDocument());
REQUIRE_SUCCESS(doc->LoadFromText("", input));
FCDSceneNode* root = doc->GetVisualSceneRoot();
// Find the instance to convert
FCDEntityInstance* instance;
FMMatrix44 transform;
if (! FindSingleInstance(root, instance, transform))
throw ColladaException("Couldn't find object to convert");
Log(LOG_INFO, "Converting '%s'", instance->GetEntity()->GetName().c_str());
if (instance->GetEntity()->GetType() == FCDEntity::GEOMETRY)
Log(LOG_INFO, "Found static geometry");
FCDGeometryPolygons* polys = GetPolysFromGeometry((FCDGeometry*)instance->GetEntity());
// Convert the geometry into a suitable form for the game
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputPosition = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::POSITION);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputNormal = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::NORMAL);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputTexcoord = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD);
UInt32List* indicesCombined = polys->FindIndices(inputPosition); // guaranteed by ReindexGeometry
FCDGeometrySource* sourcePosition = inputPosition->GetSource();
FCDGeometrySource* sourceNormal = inputNormal ->GetSource();
FCDGeometrySource* sourceTexcoord = inputTexcoord->GetSource();
FloatList& dataPosition = sourcePosition->GetSourceData();
FloatList& dataNormal = sourceNormal ->GetSourceData();
FloatList& dataTexcoord = sourceTexcoord->GetSourceData();
TransformVertices(dataPosition, dataNormal, transform);
std::vector<VertexBlend> boneWeights;
std::vector<BoneTransform> boneTransforms;
WritePMD(output, *indicesCombined, dataPosition, dataNormal, dataTexcoord, boneWeights, boneTransforms);
else if (instance->GetEntity()->GetType() == FCDEntity::CONTROLLER)
FCDController* controller = (FCDController*)instance->GetEntity();
REQUIRE(controller->HasSkinController(), "has skin controller");
FCDSkinController* skin = controller->GetSkinController();
// Get the skinned mesh for this entity
FCDEntity* baseTarget = controller->GetBaseTarget();
REQUIRE(baseTarget->GetType() == FCDEntity::GEOMETRY, "base target is geometry");
FCDGeometryPolygons* polys = GetPolysFromGeometry((FCDGeometry*)baseTarget);
// Make sure it doesn't use more bones per vertex than the game can handle
SkinReduceInfluences(skin, maxInfluences, 0.001f);
// Convert the geometry into a suitable form for the game
ReindexGeometry(polys, skin);
// Convert the bone influences into VertexBlend structures for the PMD:
bool hasComplainedAboutNonexistentJoints = false;
std::vector<VertexBlend> boneWeights; // one per vertex
const FCDWeightedMatches& vertexInfluences = skin->GetVertexInfluences();
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertexInfluences.size(); ++i)
VertexBlend influences = defaultInfluences;
assert(vertexInfluences[i].size() <= maxInfluences); // guaranteed by ReduceInfluences
for (size_t j = 0; j < vertexInfluences[i].size(); ++j)
uint32 jointIdx = vertexInfluences[i][j].jointIndex;
REQUIRE(jointIdx <= 0xFF, "sensible number of joints");
FCDSceneNode* joint = skin->GetJoint(jointIdx)->joint;
if (! joint)
if (! hasComplainedAboutNonexistentJoints)
Log(LOG_WARNING, "Vertexes influenced by nonexistent joint");
hasComplainedAboutNonexistentJoints = true;
int boneId = StdSkeletons::FindStandardBoneID(joint->GetName());
REQUIRE(boneId >= 0, "recognised bone name");
influences.bones[j] = (uint8)boneId;
influences.weights[j] = vertexInfluences[i][j].weight;
BoneTransform boneDefault = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
std::vector<BoneTransform> boneTransforms (StdSkeletons::GetBoneCount(), boneDefault);
transform = skin->GetBindShapeTransform();
for (size_t i = 0; i < skin->GetJointCount(); ++i)
FCDJointMatrixPair* joint = skin->GetJoint(i);
if (! joint->joint)
Log(LOG_WARNING, "Skin has nonexistent joint");
FMMatrix44 bindPose = joint->invertedBindPose.Inverted();
HMatrix matrix;
memcpy(matrix, bindPose.Transposed().m, sizeof(matrix));
// matrix = bindPose^T, to match what decomp_affine wants
AffineParts parts;
decomp_affine(matrix, &parts);
BoneTransform b = {
{ parts.t.x, parts.t.y, parts.t.z },
{ parts.q.x, parts.q.y, parts.q.z, parts.q.w }
int boneId = StdSkeletons::FindStandardBoneID(joint->joint->GetName());
REQUIRE(boneId >= 0, "recognised bone name");
boneTransforms[boneId] = b;
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputPosition = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::POSITION);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputNormal = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::NORMAL);
FCDGeometryPolygonsInput* inputTexcoord = polys->FindInput(FUDaeGeometryInput::TEXCOORD);
UInt32List* indicesCombined = polys->FindIndices(inputPosition); // guaranteed by ReindexGeometry
FCDGeometrySource* sourcePosition = inputPosition->GetSource();
FCDGeometrySource* sourceNormal = inputNormal ->GetSource();
FCDGeometrySource* sourceTexcoord = inputTexcoord->GetSource();
FloatList& dataPosition = sourcePosition->GetSourceData();
FloatList& dataNormal = sourceNormal ->GetSourceData();
FloatList& dataTexcoord = sourceTexcoord->GetSourceData();
TransformVertices(dataPosition, dataNormal, boneTransforms, transform);
WritePMD(output, *indicesCombined, dataPosition, dataNormal, dataTexcoord, boneWeights, boneTransforms);
throw ColladaException("Unrecognised object type");
* Writes the model data in the PMD format.
static void WritePMD(OutputCB& output,
const UInt32List& indices,
const FloatList& position, const FloatList& normal, const FloatList& texcoord,
const std::vector<VertexBlend>& boneWeights, const std::vector<BoneTransform>& boneTransforms)
static const VertexBlend noBlend = { { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
size_t vertexCount = position.size()/3;
size_t faceCount = indices.size()/3;
size_t boneCount = boneTransforms.size();
if (boneCount)
assert(boneWeights.size() == vertexCount);
output("PSMD", 4); // magic number
write<uint32>(output, 3); // version number
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)(
4 + 13*4*vertexCount + // vertices
4 + 6*faceCount + // faces
4 + 7*4*boneCount + // bones
4 + 0 // props
)); // data size
// Vertex data
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)vertexCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
output((char*)&position[i*3], 12);
output((char*)&normal [i*3], 12);
output((char*)&texcoord[i*2], 8);
if (boneCount)
write(output, boneWeights[i]);
write(output, noBlend);
// Face data
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)faceCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
write(output, (uint16)indices[i]);
// Bones data
write<uint32>(output, (uint32)boneCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < boneCount; ++i)
output((char*)&boneTransforms[i], 7*4);
// Prop points data
write<uint32>(output, 0);
static FCDGeometryPolygons* GetPolysFromGeometry(FCDGeometry* geom)
REQUIRE(geom->IsMesh(), "geometry is mesh");
FCDGeometryMesh* mesh = geom->GetMesh();
REQUIRE(mesh->IsTriangles(), "mesh is made of triangles");
REQUIRE(mesh->GetPolygonsCount() == 1, "mesh has single set of polygons");
return mesh->GetPolygons(0);
* Applies world-space transform to vertex data, and flips into other-handed
* coordinate space.
static void TransformVertices(FloatList& position, FloatList& normal, const FMMatrix44& transform)
for (size_t i = 0; i < position.size(); i += 3)
FMVector3 pos (position[i], position[i+1], position[i+2]);
FMVector3 norm (normal[i], normal[i+1], normal[i+2]);
// Apply the scene-node transforms
pos = transform.TransformCoordinate(pos);
norm = transform.TransformVector(norm).Normalize();
// Copy back to array, while switching the coordinate system around
position[i+0] = pos.x;
position[i+1] = pos.z;
position[i+2] = pos.y;
normal[i+0] = norm.x;
normal[i+1] = norm.z;
normal[i+2] = norm.y;
static void TransformVertices(FloatList& position, FloatList& normal, std::vector<BoneTransform>& bones, const FMMatrix44& transform)
for (size_t vtxId = 0; vtxId < position.size()/3; ++vtxId)
FMVector3 pos (&position[vtxId*3], 0);
FMVector3 norm (&normal[vtxId*3], 0);
// Apply the scene-node transforms
pos = transform.TransformCoordinate(pos);
norm = transform.TransformVector(norm).Normalize();
// Switch from Max's coordinate system into the game's:
std::swap(pos.y, pos.z);
std::swap(norm.y, norm.z);
// and copy back into the original array
position[vtxId*3+0] = pos.x;
position[vtxId*3+1] = pos.y;
position[vtxId*3+2] = pos.z;
normal[vtxId*3+0] = norm.x;
normal[vtxId*3+1] = norm.y;
normal[vtxId*3+2] = norm.z;
// We also need to change the bone rest states into the new coordinate
// system, so it'll look correct when displayed without any animation
// applied to the skeleton.
for (size_t i = 0; i < bones.size(); ++i)
// Convert bone translations from xyz into xzy axes:
std::swap(bones[i].translation[1], bones[i].translation[2]);
// To convert the quaternions: imagine you're using the axis/angle
// representation, then swap the y,z basis vectors and change the
// direction of rotation by negating the angle ( => negating sin(angle)
// => negating x,y,z => changing (x,y,z,w) to (-x,-z,-y,w)
// but then (-x,-z,-y,w) == (x,z,y,-w) so do that instead)
std::swap(bones[i].orientation[1], bones[i].orientation[2]);
bones[i].orientation[3] = -bones[i].orientation[3];
struct FoundInstance
FCDEntityInstance* instance;
FMMatrix44 transform;
* Tries to find a single suitable entity instance in the scene. Fails if there
* are none, or if there are too many and it's not clear which one should
* be converted.
* @param node root scene node to search under
* @param instance output - the found entity instance (if any)
* @param transform - the world-space transform of the found entity
* @return true if one was found
static bool FindSingleInstance(FCDSceneNode* node, FCDEntityInstance*& instance, FMMatrix44& transform)
std::vector<FoundInstance> instances;
FindInstances(node, instances, FMMatrix44::Identity, true);
if (instances.size() > 1)
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Found too many export-marked objects");
return false;
if (instances.empty())
FindInstances(node, instances, FMMatrix44::Identity, false);
if (instances.size() > 1)
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Found too many possible objects to convert - try adding the 'export' property to disambiguate one");
return false;
if (instances.empty())
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Didn't find any objects in the scene");
return false;
assert(instances.size() == 1); // if we got this far
instance = instances[0].instance;
transform = instances[0].transform;
return true;
* Recursively finds all entities under the current node. If onlyMarked is
* set, only matches entities where the user-defined property was set to
* "export" in the modelling program.
* @param node root of subtree to search
* @param instances output - appends matching entities
* @param transform transform matrix of current subtree
* @param onlyMarked only match entities with "export" property
static void FindInstances(FCDSceneNode* node, std::vector<FoundInstance>& instances, const FMMatrix44& transform, bool onlyMarked)
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetChildrenCount(); ++i)
FCDSceneNode* child = node->GetChild(i);
FindInstances(child, instances, transform * node->ToMatrix(), onlyMarked);
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetInstanceCount(); ++i)
if (onlyMarked)
if (node->GetNote() != "export")
// Only accept instances of appropriate types, and not e.g. lights
FCDEntity::Type type = node->GetInstance(i)->GetEntityType();
if (! (type == FCDEntity::GEOMETRY || type == FCDEntity::CONTROLLER))
FoundInstance f;
f.transform = transform * node->ToMatrix();
f.instance = node->GetInstance(i);
static bool ReverseSortWeight(const FCDJointWeightPair& a, const FCDJointWeightPair& b)
return (a.weight > b.weight);
* Like FCDSkinController::ReduceInfluences but works correctly.
* Additionally, multiple influences for the same joint-vertex pair are
* collapsed into a single influence.
static void SkinReduceInfluences(FCDSkinController* skin, uint32 maxInfluenceCount, float minimumWeight)
FCDWeightedMatches& weightedMatches = skin->GetWeightedMatches();
for (FCDWeightedMatches::iterator itM = weightedMatches.begin(); itM != weightedMatches.end(); ++itM)
FCDJointWeightPairList& weights = (*itM);
FCDJointWeightPairList newWeights;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itW = weights.begin(); itW != weights.end(); ++itW)
// If this joint already has an influence, just add the weight
// instead of adding a new influence
bool done = false;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itNW = newWeights.begin(); itNW != newWeights.end(); ++itNW)
if (itW->jointIndex == itNW->jointIndex)
itNW->weight += itW->weight;
done = true;
if (done)
// Not had this joint before, so add it
// Put highest-weighted influences at the front of the list
sort(newWeights.begin(), newWeights.end(), ReverseSortWeight);
// Limit the maximum number of influences
if (newWeights.size() > maxInfluenceCount)
// Enforce the minimum weight per influence
while (!newWeights.empty() && newWeights.back().weight < minimumWeight)
// Renormalise, so sum(weights)=1
float totalWeight = 0;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itNW = newWeights.begin(); itNW != newWeights.end(); ++itNW)
totalWeight += itNW->weight;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itNW = newWeights.begin(); itNW != newWeights.end(); ++itNW)
itNW->weight /= totalWeight;
// Copy new weights into the skin
weights = newWeights;
// The above stuff is just in a class since I don't like having to bother
// with forward declarations of functions - but provide the plain function
// interface here:
void ColladaToPMD(const char* input, OutputCB& output, std::string& xmlErrors)
Converter::ColladaToPMD(input, output, xmlErrors);