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//DJD: definition of FunnelNode functions {
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "FunnelDeque.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
//default constructor - initializes all
//member variables to default values
m_CLeft = NULL;
m_CRight = NULL;
m_CPoint.set(FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN);
//constructor - initializes the point member
//variable to the coordinates passed
FunnelNode::FunnelNode(float x, float y)
m_CLeft = NULL;
m_CRight = NULL;
m_CPoint.set(x, y);
//constructor - initializes the point member
//variable to the one passed
FunnelNode::FunnelNode(const SrPnt2& point)
m_CLeft = NULL;
m_CRight = NULL;
m_CPoint.set(point.x, point.y);
//mutator for the left pointer
void FunnelNode::Left(FunnelNode *left)
m_CLeft = left;
//mutator for the right pointer
void FunnelNode::Right(FunnelNode *right)
m_CRight = right;
//accessor for the left pointer
FunnelNode *FunnelNode::Left()
return m_CLeft;
//accessor for the right pointer
FunnelNode *FunnelNode::Right()
return m_CRight;
//mutator for the point
void FunnelNode::Point(const SrPnt2& point)
m_CPoint.set(point.x, point.y);
//accessor for the point
SrPnt2 FunnelNode::Point()
SrPnt2 copy;
copy.set(m_CPoint.x, m_CPoint.y);
return copy;
//mutator for the point's coordinates
void FunnelNode::Point(float x, float y)
m_CPoint.set(x, y);
//accessor for the point's X coordinate
float FunnelNode::X()
return m_CPoint.x;
//accessor for the point's Y coordinate
float FunnelNode::Y()
return m_CPoint.y;
//definition of FunnelNode functions }
//DJD: definition of FunnelDeque functions {
//constructor - initializes the apex of the funnel
//to the point passed, and the unit radius
FunnelDeque::FunnelDeque(float x, float y, float r)
m_CApex = new FunnelNode(x, y);
m_CLeft = m_CApex;
m_CRight = m_CApex;
m_tApexType = Point;
m_dRadius = r;
//constructor - initializes the apex of the funnel
//to the coordinates passed, and the unit radius
FunnelDeque::FunnelDeque(const SrPnt2& point, float r)
m_CApex = new FunnelNode(point);
m_CLeft = m_CApex;
m_CRight = m_CApex;
m_tApexType = Point;
m_dRadius = r;
//destructor - deletes any funnel nodes in the deque
FunnelNode *current = m_CLeft;
while (current != NULL)
FunnelNode *temp = current;
current = current->Right();
delete temp;
//Adds a new point to the funnel, adds to the existing path if the apex moves
//type = RightTangent => point is being added on left side
//type = LeftTangent => point is being added on right side
//type = Point => point is the end of the channel
void FunnelDeque::Add(const SrPnt2& p, CornerType type, SrPolygon& path)
//the new funnel node containing the new point
FunnelNode *next = new FunnelNode(p);
//if it's being added on the left side
//(operations are just reversed for the other side)
if (type == RightTangent)
//loop until the point is added to the funnel
while (true)
//if the apex is the only point in the funnel,
//simply add the point to the appropriate side
if (m_CLeft == m_CRight)
m_CLeft = next;
float x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2;
CornerType type_1, type_2;
//if there are no points on the left side of the funnel,
//get the wedge going to the opposite side of the apex
if (m_CLeft == m_CApex)
x_1 = m_CLeft->X();
y_1 = m_CLeft->Y();
x_2 = m_CLeft->Right()->X();
y_2 = m_CLeft->Right()->Y();
type_1 = m_tApexType;
type_2 = LeftTangent;
//otherwise get the wedge on this side of the apex
x_2 = m_CLeft->X();
y_2 = m_CLeft->Y();
x_1 = m_CLeft->Right()->X();
y_1 = m_CLeft->Right()->Y();
type_2 = RightTangent;
if (m_CLeft->Right() == m_CApex)
type_1 = m_tApexType;
type_1 = RightTangent;
//calculate the angle associated with this wedge
float wedge = Angle(x_1, y_1, type_1, x_2, y_2, type_2);
//also calculate the distance between these two points
float length1 = Distance(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2);
//and that to the new point (special case for the modofied funnel algorithm)
float length2 = Distance(x_1, y_1, p.x, p.y);
//now get the wedge leading to the new point
x_1 = m_CLeft->X();
y_1 = m_CLeft->Y();
if (m_CApex == m_CLeft)
type_1 = m_tApexType;
type_1 = RightTangent;
x_2 = p.x;
y_2 = p.y;
type_2 = type;
//and the angle associated with it
float toPoint = Angle(x_1, y_1, type_1, x_2, y_2, type_2);
//compare the two angles
float diff = wedge - toPoint;
diff += (diff <= -PI) ? 2.0f * PI : (diff > PI) ? -2.0f * PI : 0.0f;
//if the existing wedge is counterclockwise of that to the point
if (diff < 0.0f)
//add the new point on this end of the funnel
m_CLeft = next;
//if it is clockwise,
//check if we are popping the apex
if (m_CLeft == m_CApex)
//if the point being added is closer than the one being popped,
if (length2 < length1)
//make the new point the apex instead of the one on the opposite side
//(special case for the modified funnel algorithm)
float angle = Angle(m_CApex->X(), m_CApex->Y(), m_tApexType, p.x, p.y, type);
AddPoint(m_CApex->X(), m_CApex->Y(), m_tApexType, angle, path);
AddPoint(p.x, p.y, type, angle, path);
delete m_CApex;
m_CApex = next;
m_CLeft = next;
m_tApexType = type;
//move the apex to the right and add the segment between
//the old and new apexes to the path so far
float angle = Angle(m_CApex->X(), m_CApex->Y(), m_tApexType,
m_CApex->Right()->X(), m_CApex->Right()->Y(), LeftTangent);
AddPoint(m_CApex->X(), m_CApex->Y(), m_tApexType, angle, path);
AddPoint(m_CApex->Right()->X(), m_CApex->Right()->Y(), LeftTangent, angle, path);
m_CApex = m_CApex->Right();
m_tApexType = LeftTangent;
//pop the leftmost point off of the funnel
FunnelNode *temp = m_CLeft;
m_CLeft = m_CLeft->Right();
delete temp;
//otherwise, if adding a point on the right side,
//continue as before, with sides reversed
//adding a point also ends up here -
//we do this to pop off all the necessary points off of
//the right side of the funnel, so at the end we can just
//add to the path the points between the apex and the
//right side of the funnel (done at the end)
while (true)
if (m_CLeft == m_CRight)
m_CRight = next;
float x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2;
CornerType type_1, type_2;
if (m_CRight == m_CApex)
x_1 = m_CRight->X();
y_1 = m_CRight->Y();
x_2 = m_CRight->Left()->X();
y_2 = m_CRight->Left()->Y();
type_1 = m_tApexType;
type_2 = RightTangent;
x_2 = m_CRight->X();
y_2 = m_CRight->Y();
x_1 = m_CRight->Left()->X();
y_1 = m_CRight->Left()->Y();
type_2 = LeftTangent;
if (m_CRight->Left() == m_CApex)
type_1 = m_tApexType;
type_1 = LeftTangent;
float wedge = Angle(x_1, y_1, type_1, x_2, y_2, type_2);
float length1 = Distance(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2);
float length2 = Distance(x_1, y_1, p.x, p.y);
x_1 = m_CRight->X();
y_1 = m_CRight->Y();
if (m_CApex == m_CRight)
type_1 = m_tApexType;
type_1 = LeftTangent;
x_2 = p.x;
y_2 = p.y;
type_2 = type;
float toPoint = Angle(x_1, y_1, type_1, x_2, y_2, type_2);
float diff = wedge - toPoint;
diff += (diff <= -PI) ? 2.0f * PI : (diff > PI) ? -2.0f * PI : 0.0f;
if (diff < 0.0f)
if (m_CRight == m_CApex)
if (length2 < length1)
float angle = Angle(m_CApex->X(), m_CApex->Y(), m_tApexType, p.x, p.y, type);
AddPoint(m_CApex->X(), m_CApex->Y(), m_tApexType, angle, path);
AddPoint(p.x, p.y, type, angle, path);
delete m_CApex;
m_CApex = next;
m_CRight = next;
m_tApexType = type;
float angle = Angle(m_CApex->X(), m_CApex->Y(), m_tApexType,
m_CApex->Left()->X(), m_CApex->Left()->Y(), RightTangent);
AddPoint(m_CApex->X(), m_CApex->Y(), m_tApexType, angle, path);
AddPoint(m_CApex->Left()->X(), m_CApex->Left()->Y(), RightTangent, angle, path);
m_CApex = m_CApex->Left();
m_tApexType = RightTangent;
FunnelNode *temp = m_CRight;
m_CRight = m_CRight->Left();
delete temp;
m_CRight = next;
//this is where the points between the apex
//and the right side o fthe funnel are added to the path
//when adding the final point to the channel
if (type == Point)
FunnelNode *Current = m_CApex;
while (Current != m_CRight)
float x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, toPoint;
CornerType type_1, type_2;
type_1 = (Current == m_CApex) ? m_tApexType : LeftTangent;
type_2 = (Current->Right() == m_CRight) ? Point : LeftTangent;
x_1 = Current->X();
y_1 = Current->Y();
Current = Current->Right();
x_2 = Current->X();
y_2 = Current->Y();
toPoint = Angle(x_1, y_1, type_1, x_2, y_2, type_2);
AddPoint(x_1, y_1, type_1, toPoint, path);
AddPoint(x_2, y_2, type_2, toPoint, path);
//returns the length of a path found by this funnel algorithm with the current radius
float FunnelDeque::Length(SrPolygon path)
//only paths with an even number of points are valid
if ((path.size() % 2) != 0)
return 0.0f;
float length = 0.0f;
//go through the straight segments and total their lengths
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i += 2)
float xDiff = path[i + 1].x - path[i].x;
float yDiff = path[i + 1].y - path[i].y;
length += sqrt(xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff);
//go through the curved segments and add their length
//(the difference of the angles of the
// surrounding segments, times the unit radius)
for (int i = 1; i < path.size() - 3; i += 2)
float angle1 = atan2(path[i + 1].y - path[i].y, path[i + 1].x - path[i].x);
float angle2 = atan2(path[i + 3].y - path[i + 2].y, path[i + 3].x - path[i + 2].x);
float diff = angle1 - angle2;
diff += (diff <= -PI) ? 2.0f * PI : (diff > PI) ? -2.0f * PI : 0.0f;
length += m_dRadius * abs(diff);
return length;
//returns the angle from x_1, y_1 to x_2, y_2, given the types
float FunnelDeque::Angle(float x_1, float y_1, CornerType type_1, float x_2, float y_2, CornerType type_2)
//simply calls the appropriate function based
//on the types of the two points
if (type_1 == Point)
return PointToTangent(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, (type_2 == RightTangent));
else if (type_2 == Point)
float angle = PointToTangent(x_2, y_2, x_1, y_1, (type_1 == LeftTangent));
return AngleRange(angle + PI);
else if (type_1 != type_2)
return ToTangentAlt(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, (type_1 == LeftTangent));
return ToTangent(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2);
//adds a point to the path given a coordinate, its type,
//and the angle of the segment attached
void FunnelDeque::AddPoint(float x, float y, CornerType type, float angle, SrPolygon &path)
//if it's a point type, just add it unchanged
if (type == Point)
path.push().set(x, y);
//move the unit radius from the point to one side or the other
float theta = AngleRange(angle + PI / ((type == LeftTangent) ? 2.0f : -2.0f));
path.push().set(x + cos(theta) * m_dRadius, y + sin(theta) * m_dRadius);
//takes an angle value and restricts it to the range (-PI, PI]
float FunnelDeque::AngleRange(float theta)
return ((theta > PI) ? (theta - 2.0f * PI) :
(theta <= -PI) ? (theta + 2.0f * PI) : theta);
//gets the distance between the points (x_1, y_1) and (x_2, y_2)
float FunnelDeque::Distance(float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2)
float x = x_2 - x_1;
float y = y_2 - y_1;
return sqrt(x * x + y * y);
//gets the angle of the line tangent to two points of the same type
float FunnelDeque::ToTangent(float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2)
return atan2(y_2 - y_1, x_2 - x_1);
//gets the angle of the line tangent to a point
//of type LeftTangent and one of type RightTangent
float FunnelDeque::ToTangentAlt(float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2, bool LeftRight)
float h = Distance(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2) / 2.0f;
float l = sqrt(h * h - m_dRadius * m_dRadius);
float interior = atan(m_dRadius / l);
float absolute = atan2(y_2 - y_1, x_2 - x_1);
if (LeftRight)
interior = -interior;
return AngleRange(absolute + interior);
//gets the angle of the line going through one point
//and running tangent to another
float FunnelDeque::PointToTangent(float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2, bool Right)
float h = Distance(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2);
float l = sqrt(h * h - m_dRadius * m_dRadius);
float interior = atan(m_dRadius / l);
float absolute = atan2(y_2 - y_1, x_2 - x_1);
if (Right)
interior = -interior;
return AngleRange(absolute + interior);
//prints the funnel (used for debugging)
void FunnelDeque::Print()
FunnelNode *Current = m_CLeft;
while (Current != NULL)
sr_out << "\t(" << Current->X() << ", " << Current->Y() << ")";
if (Current == m_CLeft)
sr_out << " <-- Left";
if (Current == m_CApex)
sr_out << " <-- Apex";
if (Current == m_CRight)
sr_out << " <-- Right";
sr_out << srnl;
Current = Current->Right();
//prints the path and then the funnel (used for debugging)
void FunnelDeque::Print(SrPolygon path)
sr_out << "Path = {";
for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++)
SrPnt2 p = path[i];
sr_out << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << "), ";
if (path.size() > 0)
SrPnt2 p = path[path.size() - 1];
sr_out << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")";
sr_out << "}\n";
//definition of FunnelDeque functions }