forked from 0ad/0ad

138 lines
3.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const SIZE = 160;
const sand = "beach_medit_dry";
const grass1 = "grass_temperate_a";
const grass2 = "grass_mediterranean_green_flowers";
const forestFloor = "forrestfloor";
const dirt1 = "grass_sand_75";
const dirt2 = "grass_sand_50";
const dirt3 = "dirt_brown_e";
const cliffBase = "cliff base a";
const cliffBeach = "beech_cliff_a_75";
const cliff = "cliff_face3";
const oTree = "flora_tree_oak";
const oGrass = "props/flora/grass_soft_small.xml"
const oMine = "geology_stone_light";
// Initialize
init(SIZE, grass1, 0);
// Create classes
clImpassable = createTileClass();
clRock = createTileClass();
// Paint elevation
noise0 = new Noise2D(4 * SIZE/128.0);
noise1 = new Noise2D(8 * SIZE/128.0);
noise2 = new Noise2D(11 * SIZE/128.0);
noise3 = new Noise2D(30 * SIZE/128.0);
noise4 = new Noise2D(60 * SIZE/128.0);
for(ix=0; ix<SIZE+1; ix++) {
for(iy=0; iy<SIZE+1; iy++) {
x = ix / (SIZE + 1.0);
y = iy / (SIZE + 1.0);
// Calculate base noise
n = (noise0.eval(x, y) + 0.4 * noise1.eval(x, y)) / 1.4;
T = .4; // Water cutoff
if(n < T) {
// Tile is underwater - just scale the height down a bit
h = Math.max(-50 * (T-n)/T, -8);
else {
// Tile is above water - add some land noise depending on how far we are from the shoreline
u = 27*noise1.eval(x, y) + 14*noise2.eval(x,y) + 9 * noise3.eval(x,y) - 14;
h = 8*(n-T) + Math.max(0, lerp(0, u, Math.min(.1, n-T)*10));
h += 0.4*noise4.eval(x, y);
setHeight(ix, iy, h);
// Paint terrains
for(ix=0; ix<SIZE; ix++) {
for(iy=0; iy<SIZE; iy++) {
h00 = getHeight(ix, iy);
h01 = getHeight(ix, iy+1);
h10 = getHeight(ix+1, iy);
h11 = getHeight(ix+1, iy+1);
maxH = Math.max(h00, h01, h10, h11);
minH = Math.min(h00, h01, h10, h11);
if(maxH <= 0) {
setTexture(ix, iy, sand);
addToClass(ix, iy, clImpassable);
else if(maxH - minH > 3.2) {
setTexture(ix, iy, cliff);
addToClass(ix, iy, clImpassable);
else if(maxH - minH > 2.7) {
setTexture(ix, iy, cliffBase);
addToClass(ix, iy, clImpassable);
else if(minH <= 0) {
setTexture(ix, iy, sand);
addToClass(ix, iy, clImpassable);
else {
setTexture(ix, iy, grass1);
// Paint forest and dirt
forestNoise1 = new Noise2D(20 * SIZE/128.0);
forestNoise2 = new Noise2D(40 * SIZE/128.0);
dirtNoise = new Noise2D(80 * SIZE/128.0);
for(ix=0; ix<SIZE; ix++) {
for(iy=0; iy<SIZE; iy++) {
x = ix / (SIZE + 1.0);
y = iy / (SIZE + 1.0);
h00 = getHeight(ix, iy);
h01 = getHeight(ix, iy+1);
h10 = getHeight(ix+1, iy);
h11 = getHeight(ix+1, iy+1);
maxH = Math.max(h00, h01, h10, h11);
minH = Math.min(h00, h01, h10, h11);
if(maxH - minH < 1.7 && minH > 0) {
fn = (forestNoise1.eval(x,y) + .5*forestNoise1.eval(x,y)) / 1.5;
if(minH > .5 && fn < .38 && dirtNoise.eval(x,y) > .55) {
if(dirtNoise.eval(x,y) > .72) {
setTexture(ix, iy, dirt2);
else {
setTexture(ix, iy, dirt1);
if(fn > .6 && randFloat() < (.3 + .7 * Math.min(fn-.6, .1) / .1) ) {
placeObject(oTree, 0, ix+.4+.2*randFloat(), iy+.4+.2*randFloat(), randFloat()*2*Math.PI);
addToClass(ix, iy, clImpassable);
if(randFloat() < .7) {
setTexture(ix, iy, forestFloor);
println("Creating mines...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oMine, 3,4, 0,2)], true, clRock);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
new AvoidTileClassConstraint(clImpassable, 2, clRock, 13),
12, 100